How to select(fetch) all the <select> elements in jQuery - javascript

I want to fill in all the options for things like
<select id=such_a_field>
to get the inputs in my form I can just go
$inputs = $('#myFormName :input');
and iterate through them and set the value based on the id.
For my select field, which I am now upgrading from a simple input to restrict what the user can put in, I first want to go read the set of available options (from the DB, via ajax of course), and then set the right one based on what's in the DB. Unfortunately
$selects = $('#myFormName :select');
Syntax error, unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: select
as of course :select isnt a pseudo selector. It would be enough just to extend my above :input selector and then enhance my field setting code to handle selects.

You are looking for
$('#myFormName select')
select is a tag, so you must query for it as it is. :selected will give you the selected options.

You need to use element selector
$selects = $('#myFormName select');

You want a collection of all select tag input within your form, do this:--
$selects = $('#myFormName select');


Angular multi-select dropdown and lodash countby

I am kinda drawing a blank on this one facet, and I can't seem to quite figure it out.
So I have a simple HTML select => option element which is populated from the back-end (not really relevant tho)
My question is this:
Let's say I have a pre-made object such as this:
keyName1: 450,
keyName2: 800,
keyName3: 300
What I want to do is to check if the key name matches a name of an option value in my multi-select dropdown (the values come from an array, using 'ng-repeat' on the option), and if the option value matches the key, add the number value to some sort of increment variable, so I can display the total number of 'keyNames' found.
For example - if a user selects 'keyName1' the incrementer value will total 450. If a user selects 'keyName1' and 'keyName2' the incrementer value will total 1,250.
I am lost on how to accomplish this - right now it is reading only the very first item in the dropdown.
Here is the code doing that:
_.forEach($scope.widget.instance.settings.serviceContractTypes, function (type) {
// if item in array matches what is selected in multi-select option
if(type === $('#contractType:selected').text().trim()) {
// do stuff
Hope this all made sense, and thanks very much for any direction you might offer...
(does not have to utilize lodash, I'm just used to using it)
jQuery's :selected selector only works for HTML options:
"The :selected selector works for elements. It does not work for checkboxes or radio inputs; use :checked for them."
You say "I have a simple HTML select => option element which is populated from the back-end (not really relevant tho)"
This could be relevant. By default, an HTML option tag does not support multiple selections; it has to explicitly be created as a select multiple in order to support that. Can you share the HTML code for the option to make it clear whether that's a problem or this is a red herring?
Also, can you echo $scope.widget.instance.settings.serviceContractTypes and share to make sure it's actually matching what's available in the text of the options?
ADDENDUM - Wait, I think I figured it out!
The $('#contractType:selected') selects all the selected options in #contractType and concatenates them. Then $('#contractType:selected').text().trim() trims this down to the first word, which is just the first selected option. You should do something like $('#contractType:selected').text().split(" ") and then check if each type is in the resulting list.

Selection from dropdownlist javascript event

I have this html part code :
<p><label>Taxe </label>
<select id="id_taxe" name="id_taxe" style="width: 100px;" onchange="taxselection(this);"></select>
<input id="taxe" name="taxe" class="fiche" width="150px" readonly="readonly" />%
Javascript method :
function taxselection(cat)
var tax = cat.value;
I'd like to set the value of taxe input to the selected value from the dropdownlist.It works fine only where the dropdownlist contains more than one element.
I try onselect instead of onchange but I get the same problem.
So How can I fix this issue when the list contains only one element?
This works:
var thisVal = $(this).val();
var curVal = $('#taxe').val();
if(thisVal != curVal)
$('#select option:selected').removeAttr('selected');
Use the change method which is very efficient for select boxes. Simply check the item selected isn't currently selected then if not, set the value of the input to the selected value. Lastly you want to remove any option's attr's that are "selected=selected" and set the current one to selected.
Just include this inside a $(document).ready() wrapper at the end of your HTML and the change event will be anchored to the select field.
Hope this helps.
Either always give an empty option, or in your code that outputs the select, check the amount of options, and set the input value straight away if there's only 1 option.
A select with just 1 option has no events, since the option will be selected by default, so there's no changes, and no events.
As DrunkWolf mentioned add an empty option always or you can try onblur or onclick event instead, depending on what you are actually trying to do.
Ok, just to stay close to your code, do it like this:
function taxselection(cat) {
var tax = cat.value;
This will call the function onload and get value of the element. You can additionally add an onchange eventhandler to the element. I highly recommend not doing that in the HTML! Good luck.

Jquery how to select option with value

I have a variable defined in my code as follows:
var select = $('.selMake');
and I want to select the option that has the value "placeholder". How do I select the option using the variable? I need to change the html of the option that has the value "placeholder"
Using the variable:
var $select = $('.selMake');
It's usually good practice to use the $ prefix when indicating a jquery object.
Edit based on comment:
What do you mean by "select" and "options"? is it dropdown select HTML?
If so, you can try using code below to select the option that have value of placeholder:
var select = $('.selMake');
//select the option that have value of placeholder
var optionWithPlaceholder = select.find("option[value='placeholder']");
//you can do anyting here
optionWithPlaceholder.html("after edit");
I tried that code here:

How to insert selected element from multiple selection into an input?

hi everyone i have a problem.
i have a multiple selection and i want to select something and put it into an input through a button i hope i have been clear :
i manage to get the select item with this jquery code :
var chosen= $('#droite option:selected').val();
droite is an id for the multiple selection
and i want to put it into the input wich has an id : chosen item here is my jquery code:
and it won't work do you have any idea why .?
You need to call val() on the select itself, not the options it contains:
var chosen = $('#droite').val();
Similarly, to set the value of the #chosenitem input, use val() with a parameter:
Note that if multiple options are selected in the #droite element, the value returned will be a comma delimited string, eg. foo,bar,baz.
You should call val() to set the value of #chosenitem

unexpected behaviour in option tag in HTML

I have the following code
<select id="part">
In the above code, I don't have any value attribute each option tag.
there is only text node.
when I access the option tag
$("#part").val(); I get what is selected in dropdown box. ie, "noun"
but when I access $("#part").text(), there is empty string.
but when I create, option tags dynamically in jquery for
<select id="part"></select>
var names=["noun","adjective","verb"];
for (var i =0;i<names.length;i++) {
var option=$("<option>",{
Here the value is attribute is needed to get the option selected.
without value attribute, $("#part") is undefined.
can somebody explain the discrepancy here? of if my understanding is not correct. Thanks
Check here DEMO
You need to get only the selected option text coz there are three options,
when you get $("#part").val(); you directly get the selected value (only one selected value). But when you get $("#part").text().. you are getting the text of the whole select text where you have three options and three types of text.
var names=["noun","adjective","verb"];
for (var i =0;i<names.length;i++) {
var option=$("<option>",{
$("#part").on('change', function() {
alert('Value is '+$(this).val());
var text = $("#part option:selected").text();
alert('Text is '+text);
$("#part").text() doesn't return nothing but it won't return what you expect (see this fiddle).
Explanation: text returns the text of the object strips out the html (see jQuery docs examples), so what you will be getting is the inner contents of the select after the html was stripped out.
If you want the text of the selected value, include the selected option in your jquery selector: i.e. $('#part option:selected').text() which uses the jQuery psuedo-selector (also in my fiddle).

