Simple page authentication - javascript

I'm trying to hide access to a certain page on a rails app without using something like devise or sorcery. I want to create a password inside the actual app code, so when you access the page it just shows an input, and if the password is entered is correct, it will show the page. Could I get this done with Javascript?

Just to be clear, I'm not in favor of doing authentication on the front-end since it is very very insecure. But if you don't need that level of security you can use this tool:
That would generate an encrypted password checker which would work to protect your page.

You could do an AJAX request to check if the password is right, then when the AJAX response finishes, call a callback that shows the div where the page is.


Preventing passwords showing in source code

I am doing a password manager web app (like LastPass etc), one of the things that has occurred to me is that after using PHP to retrieve the passwords from a db and decrypting them and then using JS to display them in the UI, the variables containing their passwords are visible if someone looks at the source code. Even if I did not use JS and used echo instead it would still be in the source code. Does anyone know of a, hopefully not too complex, way that can prevent the passwords from being in the source code?
If you're talking about the HTML source code, this is normal. But there is a few way to avoid it:
If you just want not to have it in your HTML when it is received by the user, then you can implement it via an Ajax request in javascript, to update the DOM with the text.
If you want that when the user do inspect on the page he doesn't see the password you can use an input and set in javascript the value of it. then you set the input as disabled so the user cannot modify it. You can even change the type as password when needed so it's displayed as ****** when you want to hide it.
Another way could be to add in javascript a css :after and tu put the value inside it. But it will still be visible somewhere I think.
You can use JavaScript to send an HTTP request (using xhr or fetch) to your backend, then you can manipulate the DOM to show the password.

Is it safe to redirect page using jQuery and AJAX in authentication

I am creating a user authentication system using PHP, JQuery, and AJAX. On submit, a request will be sent to 'authenticate.php' with data: username & password using AJAX. The PHP code checks a database for the record and returns 0 on success, 1 on failure. Then if the returned value is 0, the page will be redirected to the 'user private page' using 'window.location="user.php"'.
Now, the question is, is it safe and proper way to authenticate like this? Are there any security problems to use jQuery/JavaScript to redirect page?
Now, the question is, is it safe and proper way to authenticate like this?
Only if inside your user.php you check again if the user has successfully authenticated already. (This is usually where sessions come into play.)
Otherwise, of course everyone who knows the URL of user.php can access it directly.
Are there any security problems to use jquery/js to redirect page?
The only difference between window.location="user.php" (which is wrong, btw. – correct would be window.location.href="user.php") and, say, a normal link to that page, foo, is that the first one happens automatically, and the second one would require the user to click the link first.
So, it is as “secure” as if you had used a simple link. What that actually means here in this case, depends what I said above.
Depends on how secure and compliant you want you application to be. According to RFCs its not recommended to login like that, but keep the form on server side and integrate the login form on frontend (via iframe), then just redirect with redirect url and token, scopes etc to a local html which then eg. sends a window postmessage to your frontend application.
If you just want to be quick and dirty you can go for window.location.href or document.location.href.
Or a bit more secure, send the user to the server and let this be redirected back, but can end up in redirection hell, as its not easy to get back to the state where the user was (including settings and stuff).
Anyways, you will always have to check for the current users's session state whatever you do afterwards with serverside (Sessions).
Since you are working with PHP already i don't recommend using JS to redirect the user. You can use PHP for that:
if($user == $db['user'] && $password == $db['password']){
$_SESSION['logged_in'] = true;
echo 'username of password is wrong';
Then on your user.php file:
if(isset($_SESSION['logged_in'] && $_SESSION['logged_in'] == true){
echo 'welcome to the user page';
header('location:index.php');//Go back to login page
If people go directly to the user.php page, they will be redirected to the index.php page.

Stop Console javascript commands in browser like chrome

I have my website which has this issue. It could be hacked easily through javascript.If the hacker types this in his console he can easily add a user in my database and can signup without going through the stuff like checking password length , checking username length and so on ...
$.post("extra/includes/signup/register.inc2.php",{username:"user1234",email:"",p:"here goes password"})
I want a code that could stop him from using console in my website. And if there is no way to do that then how to fix it by some other means ?
Disabling the console won't do. A hacker can always do the same request to your server as you do.
If it is something that isn't public you can protect it using a username and password, looking at the url it is a public script.
If you require a public register script the best way to protect against this kind of thing is to us a captcha (for example recaptcha. It makes it a lot harder to do a scripted attack on your register script.
Always validate the data server side, you can not trust the data you receive from your request because it can be easely manipulated.
You should not rely on client side form validations and it is total bad practice.Try to adapt framework like CI or Laravel . They have particular set of easy ways to validate the form inputs .

How can I go to an html page while passing a hidden parameter using Javascript or jQuery?

Upon completion of an ajax call I would like to direct the user to an html page, but at the same time passing a hidden variable (this variable contains sensitive information and should not show up in the URL).
How can I accomplish this?
window.location.href = 'userpage.html?id=14253';
But with the id remaining invisible? Can I POST the id somehow while sending the user to userpage.html?
You should not be checking user credentials on the client side of your website. Regardless of how the ID is being passed to your script, it can be replicated without you being able to check if the request is valid.
To start being even remotely secure with what information is granted to a user, you need to be checking it via the server side. With every request, ensure the user is authenticated to view such data.
If I were you, I would look into using PHP sessions as the first line of defense for checking if a user is authenticated. Doing so will at least keep the information about a user out of a replicable space that can be viewed by the user.
Look up 'php session login tutorial' on Google and you will find plenty of simple tutorials which should get you on the right track.
Example Tutorial
No matter what, the information you pass along is insecure. You can submit a post request using XMLHttpRequest objects if you'd like (or use a framework/library to make AJAX calls) -- but the user could still spoof the data and get different results.
ID enforcement should be done in the backend. Does the requested ID match the ID of the user signed in? No? Don't show it. etc etc.

Can I Send an Email using ONLY Javascript Without Having to Click The Send Button on the Email Client?

I created a form in HTML and when the submit button is clicked the onclick event calls the following function:
function ProcessSubmition(){
var stringEmailBody=BuildEmailBody();
var stringTo=document.getElementById("SubmittersEmail").value;
var stringSubject = "My Subject Text";
window.location.href = "mailto:"+stringTo+"?subject="+stringSubject+"&body="+stringEmailBody;
There are two requirements to my project:
No PHP is allowed on our server.
The person filling out the form must not be able to edit the data which contains a calculate price.
The Problem:
When the function launches, the mail client window appears and displays the message constructed by the function and the user must click the "Send" button in the mail client window.
Unfortunately before the user clicks send, they can simply change the calculated price to a lower dollar amount which obviously is unacceptable.
Is there any way to hide the mail client window and auto-sent? Alternately is there any other method I could use to solve the problem?
Thank you for any help you can give me.
Short answer: No
The JavaScript code that runs in the context of a browser is client-side code that can be manipulated by the end-users. For that reason, you should never rely on client-side code to perform any sensitive operations.
Basically, you will need some server-side support to do what you are tyring to achieve or it will never be secure. Now, if it's dangerous for you that the users can tamper with your code, it would also be dangerous for them if your code could perform tasks such as sending e-mails on their behalf without any form of approval.
Even if you could talk directly to the mail client like you asked and make the email being sent automatically, there's nothing that would prevent users from editing the JavaScript source that generates the message and change the message content.
Alternative? If you will never be able to use any server-side technology, Maybe you could simply send the form details by e-mail and do the pricing calculations in another process afterwards.

