Modify a script in realtime using Chrome Developer tool? - javascript

I try to modify <canvas> in realtime so I can learn fast, but because the code is used in the <script> so when I try to modify the code it dident get updated as i did with HTML or with the CSS.
How to make it update in real time?

Code doesn't work like CSS or HTML (which is markup, not code, and it has a constant effect on the page). Your code is executed on page load, and if you change the code in the dev tools after it's run it's not going to un-execute your code so it can run the changed version.
At least not from the dev tools. Instead I recommend something like LiveReload which can watch for when you save files and then make your browser refresh itself.


Run isolated JavaScript commands in VS Code (not current file)

I am looking for a way to run individual commands in VS Code but not the whole file. I do work on client websites where a lot of my code will not run in a standard debugger or in the Quokka extension because it relies on the page that I am working on (and running in the debugger does not perfectly emulate how my code will run. But sometimes I like to run a few lines of code or a single function separately to make sure I have it set right without having to copy my code over to the online platform used to execute it and load up a preview link. Normally what I like to do is open a new chrome tab at about:blank and use the dev console there to paste in my code and this is my "playground" of sorts. Is there any form of active JS engine that I can do this in without having to save these lines to a new file and run the debugger?
If you looking all these things in VS code I think it will be a bit hard because of this.
to run JS code snippet VS code must have JS engine like same for PHP its compiler or same for any other language and adding these compilers in IED will again make these IEDs fat and CPU costly.
BUT Still, you can do one thing if you have a node js installed open Terminal outside or inside the VS code.
and type
This will open a JS playground. Where you can execute js code snippets
but here you will not be able to access DOM, WINDOW object, etc.
In case you found any plugin which executes js code in VS CODE with DOM, window please let me know.

Is it possible to run selected javascript code in vscode?

Let say I want to see what is the value of this code, I want to run it. Can I select it and run that, and it would automatically import and execute all dependencies etc.
VS Code is an editor, not a full IDE.
By itself, it run any code.
If you are writing for node.js, you may be able to call out to node and run things within a terminal window or, with the right plugin, turn on the debugger.
If you are writing code for the browser, then no, you cannot fully run that code inside VS code. You might want to use a tool that will watch for changes and reload the browser window.

Debugging Javascript inside php file possible?

I am trying to find the way to debug javascript code inside the php file. I have a lot of javascript code embedded inside the php file.
I can debug php code using netbeans with the help of XDebug. I can also debug javascript separately inside html or js file with browser like chrome or firefox.
What I want is to debug javascript code inside the php file if it is possible. I am sure a lot of people will be using javascript embedded with php file. I don't like it personally, but I have to work it on. I know I can write the code separately in js file and then can debug with browsers, but it's lot of code, take time for the separation.
Can anybody here suggest me a way if it's possible what I am asking.
Debug Javascript in netbeans 7.4 inside PHP project
IMHO, without even looking it up, i don't think that it is (nor should) be feasible.
Here's why:
Your PHP gets processed on the server side, that's when XDebug kicks in and enables you to breakpoint all your PHP code. Then the server output gets to the client, that's when the actual JS is processed inline in the parsed HTML. Which means you would have to intercept the HTML in some way, parse it, detect eventual inlined JS scripts... and set your breakpoint(s) at that time (yes on each run), then output to client, which parses the HTML yet again to render it and process eventual breakpoints. It would be a tedious process and even more tedious to get to work i guess and that is why nobody even tried making an extension for that.
To my knowledge, inlined JS is also a lot harder to debug and i never saw an actual setup that would allow breakpointing embedded tags in a static HTML document directly from the IDE, which would've been somewhat a little easier to achieve than breakpointing JS in PHP...
Your best shot i guess would be to externalise your JS in separate files and only hard code <script src="path/to/your/app.js"></script> in your PHP templates, which indeed would be much more comfortable to work with on the long run anyways.
Then you would be able to breakpoint all the stuff in app.js, plus have an actual front-end architecture, syntax-highlighting, impress your boss, make your life a lot easier, the world a better place, etc.
Also, for reference: How to debug JavaScript code with Netbeans? (answer #45515159)
And read on:
Edit: seems like setting JS breakpoints in static HTML tags is feasible in Visual Code for example ->
I don't know if I am late, but, I came across the following website and was able to setup the debugger for Javascript and PHP which supports to debug embedded JavaScript in PHP scripts.
The website uses PHP.exe as a web service.
It is also possible to use IIS, Apache or others.
IDE: Visual studio code
Extension: PHP debug
Extension: Debugger for (Chrome, Firefox or Edge)
Xdebug set in php.ini
Extension in browser (optional): PHP xdebug if you want to debug on trigger.
You need to have two debuggers running at the same time one for PHP and one for JavaScrpit.
PHP sample
JavaScript sample
I worked with a lot of wordpress templates where I had to deal with some js inside my php files. Assuming that you can run your code on a server, you can easily debug your output in dev tools in chrome (if using chrome). Chrome also allows for setting of breakpoints so you can go line by line, and since your browser ultimately runs the js, you can monitor your code behavior without dealing with the php. That was my main way of dealing with this issue.
I also recommend separating as much js as possible into separate files in your assets folder. Depending on your project, you rarely have to inline your code, In my opinion it's messy to include a lot of JS right in your php, unless you use onclick="" or onchange="" attributes (which can also be handled with event listeners.
Aside from that, console.log() the crap out of everything.
I helped my self with the following steps if it could help any body else
Note:- If your rendered code is inline specific to java-script then it would hard to debug like this.
Run the required page of your application using browser like chrome, edge etc
Open the inspection page by pressing f12 or (Ctrl+Shift+I), Or you can right click on the page see the option for the inspection and click on it.
Goto sources and double click on the source file(this will be probably your php file).
If code not loaded then reload the page by pressing f5 or Ctrl+R, you will see your java-script code there embedded with the html after rendering, then you can put the break point wherever you want and debug through the browser tools(you can see some buttons there to guide you about debugging like step-over,step-into etc).
You will also see errors there regarding java-script,

Use JavaScript Node command line tool in Chrome

Hey I have an app written in js being accessed by $ node script.js
I want to visualize the output of it and thought it'd be a good idea to just "wrap" a HTML page around it. For example in the output in the terminal there are 2 values gradually increasing and I'd like to process both of them in a way that they could represent 2 bars that, according to the 2 values, rise accordingly.
However, I've never done anything in JS and I don't really know the best way to do it.
I found to host a local server to run my .js on this but not even the console.log or any errors in the code in the index.js (which is basically opening the server and contains the content you want to see when navigating to it in Chrome) show up in the Chrome console so I am wondering if there is something else I can do here.
To run your script in the browser I recommended you to look this package it compile your js script into browser compatible js

Prevent javascript from being cached in browser

I'm currently working on a webapp and the Javascript is revised fairly often. However, the changes don't occur until the browser cache is refreshed manually. Is there a way to implement cache-refreshing automatically through code for Chrome? Thanks.
You can put something like ?2352352 at the end of your JS file. So something like
<script src='myfile.js?20457207'></script>
Where the number randomizes, forcing the browser to think it's a different file.

