Javascript Function not working in firefox or safari - javascript

I am trying to display the sum of transaction at the bottom of the page.
function doTotal() {
var Stuff = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
var theTotal = new Number(0);
for (var i = 0; i < Stuff.length; i++) {
if (Stuff[i].getAttribute('type') == 'text') {
if ((Stuff[i].value != '') && (IsNumeric(Stuff[i].value) == true) && (Stuff[i].name.substr(0, 8) == 'txtValue')) {
theTotal = theTotal + parseFloat(Stuff[i].value);
document.getElementById("tdTotal").innerHTML = "R " + theTotal.toFixed(2);
frm.txtTotal.value = theTotal.toFixed(2);

Ofc Im stupid, it cant work since value from input is always string. So I change the condition. Now it should work:
function doTotal() {
var stuff = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
var theTotal = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < stuff.length; i++) {
if (stuff[i].getAttribute('type') == 'text') {
if ((stuff[i].value != '') && !isNaN(stuff[i].value) && (typeof stuff[i].name.substr(0, 8) === "string")) {
theTotal += parseFloat(stuff[i].value);
// document.getElementById("tdTotal").innerHTML = "R " + theTotal.toFixed(2);
// frm.txtTotal.value = theTotal.toFixed(2);
Try it there:
Debug it, so you can see what condition didnt pass wrong:
function doTotal() {
var stuff = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
var theTotal = 0;
var i = 0;
alert(stuff[i].getAttribute('type') == 'text');
alert(stuff[i].value != '');
alert(typeof stuff[i].name.substr(0, 8) === "string");


Error in validating my password with Javascript

I am trying to check my user inputted password with a series of if statements and boolean variables within a function. It seems like my if statements are not modifying my boolean variables. Could someone tell me why?
I was trying to use (/[a-zA-z]/).test(pValue.charAt(0))) as a boolean to see if the first character entry was a lower or upper case letter, but that didn't work either.
document.querySelector("#enter").addEventListener("click", validate);
function validate(e) {
var count = false;
var firstChar = false;
var hasNum = false;
var special = false;
var pValue = document.querySelector("#passwrd").value;
var pLength = pValue.length;
if(pLength > 4 && pLength <= 8) {
count = true;
if( === [65 - 90]) === 0) {
firstChar = true;
for(var j = 0; j < pLength; j++) {
if(pValue.charAt(j) == "$" || pValue.charAt(j) == "%" || pValue.charAt(j) == "#") {
special = true;
for(var i = 0; i < pLength; i++) {
if(!isNaN(pValue.charAt(i))) {
hasNum = true;
if(count && firstChar && hasNum && special) {
document.querySelector("#show_word").textContent = pValue;

Javascript condition not working as expected

I have a JS code which works fine when
checkQueryString != "M"
but When the value becomes checkQueryString == "M" it doesn't goes inside the loop
Here is my code.
function GridExpInfo_ClientAdd(record) {
var checkQueryString = '<%= Request.QueryString["Mode"] %>';
if (checkQueryString != "M") {
if ($('input:checked').length > 0) {
document.getElementById("GridExpInfo_tplRowEdit3_ctl00_txtExpRefNo").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("GridExpInfo_tplRowEdit3_ctl00_txtExpRefDt").disabled = true;
document.getElementById('GridExpInfo_tplRowEdit3_ctl00_ddlStageType').value = "";
var last_value = 0;
var last_text;
var checkboxlist = document.getElementById('ddlStatus');
var checkOptions = checkboxlist.getElementsByTagName('input');
var listSelected = checkboxlist.getElementsByTagName('label');
for (i = 0; i < checkOptions.length; i++) {
if (checkOptions[i].checked == true) {
last_text = listSelected[i].innerText;
last_value = checkOptions[i].value;
document.getElementById('GridExpInfo_tplRowEdit3_ctl00_ddlStageType').innerHTML = "";
var ObjPriOptionExp = document.createElement("OPTION");
ObjPriOptionExp.text = last_text;
ObjPriOptionExp.value = last_value;
if(checkQueryString == "M")
alert('Value is M now');
else {
alert('Kindly select the stage');
So my question is, why it doesn't goes inside if when it matches to M
if (checkQueryString == "M") {
alert('Value is M now');
} else {
alert('Kindly select the stage');
Has inside if (checkQueryString == "M")
So try this
function GridExpInfo_ClientAdd(record) {
var checkQueryString = '<%= Request.QueryString["Mode"] %>';
if (checkQueryString != "M") {
if ($('input:checked').length > 0) {
document.getElementById("GridExpInfo_tplRowEdit3_ctl00_txtExpRefNo").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("GridExpInfo_tplRowEdit3_ctl00_txtExpRefDt").disabled = true;
document.getElementById('GridExpInfo_tplRowEdit3_ctl00_ddlStageType').value = "";
var last_value = 0;
var last_text;
var checkboxlist = document.getElementById('ddlStatus');
var checkOptions = checkboxlist.getElementsByTagName('input');
var listSelected = checkboxlist.getElementsByTagName('label');
for (i = 0; i < checkOptions.length; i++) {
if (checkOptions[i].checked == true) {
last_text = listSelected[i].innerText;
last_value = checkOptions[i].value;
document.getElementById('GridExpInfo_tplRowEdit3_ctl00_ddlStageType').innerHTML = "";
var ObjPriOptionExp = document.createElement("OPTION");
ObjPriOptionExp.text = last_text;
ObjPriOptionExp.value = last_value;
} else if (checkQueryString == "M") {
alert('Value is M now');
} else {
alert('Kindly select the stage');

Check and alert for the null value

I need to check for the null values and alert them if there are any before getting saved. I have used this code but I am not able to alert the null values instead it is getting saved . .
function fn_publish() {
var SessionNames = getParameterByName('SessionName');
var MenuType = getParameterByName('MenuType');
var Date = getParameterByName('ForDate');
var publish = "Y";
Dates = Date.split("-");
Date = Dates[1] + "/" + Dates[2] + "/" + Dates[0];
var rows = [];
cols = document.getElementById('product_table').rows[1].cells.length - 1;
table = document.getElementById('product_table');
for (var i = 1; i <= cols; i++) {
for (var j = 0, row; row = table.rows[j]; j++) {
if (j == 0) {
cust = row.cells[i].innerText;
} else if (j == 1) {
catlg = row.cells[i].innerText;
} else {
if (typeof (row.cells[i]) != "undefined") {
if (row.cells[i].innerText != "") {
fn_insert(SessionNames, MenuType, Date, catlg, row.cells[0].innerText, row.cells[i].innerText, cust, publish);
} else {
jAlert("Please select a product", "ok");
return false;
jAlert("Menu Published", "ok");
if (row.cells[i].innerText != "") {
May be the cells are containing empty space in that. Better trim ad then compare.
if (row.cells[i].innerText.trim() !== "") {
Also instead of innerText use textContent which is common in most modern browsers.
if (row.cells[i].textContent.trim() !== "") {

Remove Required Field from QuickCreate in Sugarcrm

I wrote a function to remove accounts name relate field from Contacts QuickCreate but my function works in Firefox perfectly but in chrome its not working... Here is my function
function manageRequired(reqArr, disabledVal)
var requiredLabel = '<span class="required">*</span>'; // for firefox
var search_requiredLabel = '<span class="required"'; // searching string for firefox
var form = "";
for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++)
form = 'EditView';
form = 'form_SubpanelQuickCreate_Contacts';
form = 'form_QuickCreate_Contacts';
form = 'form_QuickCreate_Accounts';
for(var j = 0; j < reqArr.length; j++)
var flag = true;
if (validate[form] != 'undefined')
for(var i = 0; i < validate[form].length; i++)
if(validate[form][i][0] == reqArr[j].id && validate[form][i][2])
flag = false;
validate[form][i][2] = false;
var labelNode = document.getElementById(reqArr[j].id + '_label');
if(flag & disabledVal)
// we require the field now
addToValidate(form, reqArr[j].id, reqArr[j].type, true,reqArr[j].label );
if(labelNode != null && labelNode.innerHTML.indexOf(search_requiredLabel) == -1) // for IE replace search string
search_requiredLabel = '<SPAN class=required>';
if (labelNode != null && labelNode.innerHTML.indexOf(search_requiredLabel) == -1)
labelNode.innerHTML = labelNode.innerHTML.replace(requiredLabel, '');
labelNode.innerHTML = labelNode.innerHTML + requiredLabel;
if(labelNode != null)
if(labelNode != null && labelNode.innerHTML.indexOf("<SPAN class=required>*</SPAN>") == -1 && labelNode.innerHTML.indexOf('<span class="required">*</span>') == -1 )// for that field which is unrequired
else if(labelNode != null && labelNode.innerHTML.indexOf(requiredLabel) == -1) // for IE replace span string
requiredLabel = "<SPAN class=required>*</SPAN>";
labelNode.innerHTML = labelNode.innerHTML.replace(requiredLabel, '');
Can anyone please help me out to solve this issue...
To remove a required field from QuickCreate in Sugarcrm you can use this fuction:
or remove remove the validtion applied to the field:
$('#eventlist_c_label').html('{$mod_strings['LBL_EVENTLIST']}: ');

How to display the names of all controls(textboxes & dropdowns) which are empty in my page

I get the message Validation Failed if any of my controls are empty, but I would want to display the names of the controls which are empty. These controls are dynamically created on the page.
Below is the code that I am using now
function validateinput() {
var arrTextBox = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
var ddlTextBox = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
var retVal = 1;
for (i = 0; i < arrTextBox.length; i++) {
if (arrTextBox[i].type == "text" && arrTextBox[i].getAttribute("IsMandatory") == "Y" && arrTextBox[i].value == ""){
retVal = 0;
for (j = 0; j < ddlTextBox.length; j++) {
if (ddlTextBox[j].getAttribute("IsMandatory") == "Y" && ddlTextBox[j].value == "") {
retVal = 0;
if (retVal == 0) {
alert("Validation Failed");
return false;
else {
alert("Validation Success");
return true;
Okay, I see from the comments that you need some more specific assistance. Try this:
function validateinput() {
var emptySelects = '';
var emptyTextboxes = '';
var arrTextBox = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
var ddlTextBox = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
var retVal = 1;
for (i = 0; i < arrTextBox.length; i++) {
if (arrTextBox[i].type == "text" && arrTextBox[i].getAttribute("IsMandatory") == "Y" && arrTextBox[i].value == ""){
retVal = 0;
emptyTextboxes+= ' ' + arrTextBox[i].name;
for (j = 0; j < ddlTextBox.length; j++) {
if (ddlTextBox[j].getAttribute("IsMandatory") == "Y" && ddlTextBox[j].value == "") {
retVal = 0;
emptySelects += ' ' + ddlTextBox[j].name;
if (retVal == 0) {
alert("Validation Failed");
if (emptyTextboxes != '') alert('The following textboxes are empty:' + emptyTextboxes);
if (emptySelects != '') alert('The following selections are empty:' + emptySelects);
return false;
else {
alert("Validation Success");
return true;

