vertical scroll two tables at the same time - javascript

I have two tables that must scroll together:
$('.vscroll').on('scroll', function (e) {
divTable1.scrollTop = e.scrollTop;
divTable2.scrollTop = e.scrollTop;
There's a little lag issue though. Table1 scrolls milliseconds before Table2.
I know scrollTop fires the scroll event, but is there a way to delay the scrolling of Table1 until Table2's scrollTop is also set?

Try using a setTimeout to trigger the scrolls, and then return false to cancel the original scrollevent:
var ignoreEvent = false;
$(".vscroll").on('scroll', function (e) {
if (!ignoreEvent) {
setTimeout(function() {
ignoreEvent = true;
table1.scrollTop = e.scrollTop;
table2.scrolLTop = e.scrollTop;
}, 100);
ignoreEvent = false;
return false; // cancels the original scroll event.

I'm using divs instead of tables but you get the idea


Function is getting called numerous times on scroll

I'm hoping to get a GSAP animation to play ONCE when scrolling, but it seems if the user scrolls, let's say 20px on a long swipe on the touchpad or mouse wheel, it's playing 20 times. How can I limit this in the wheel event in Javascript.
I've added some code below as an example:
let isAnimating = false;
window.addEventListener('wheel', (event) => {
if (!isAnimating) {
isAnimating = true;
slideTimelines[0].play(0).then(() => {
isAnimating = false;
Actually you want to detect when scrolling is over. That way you fire it once for every scrolling dynamic. So the question is when a scroll is considered done, as there is no event for that. So let's say 250ms. Credit to this answer
function onwheelend() {
did_once = false;
var timeout_id;
var did_once = false;
window.addEventListener('wheel', (event) => {
timeout_id = setTimeout(onwheelend, 250);
if (!did_once) {
did_once = true;
function my_action() {
console.log("once per wheel event")
<div style="height:30000px">keep scrolling</div>

jQuery "Snap To" Effect

I have a specific effect I want for a website I'm building. As you can see in this website, I want the screen to "snap to" the next section after the user scrolls, but only after (not the instant) the scroll event has fired. The reason I don't want to use a plugin like panelSnap is because I
1: Want smaller code and
2. Want the website, when viewed on mobile, to have more of the "instant snap" effect (try reducing the browser size in the website mentioned above). I know I theoretically could try combining two plugins, like panelsnap and scrollify, and activate them appropriately when the browser is a certain width, but I don't know if I want to do that... :(
So all of that said, here's the code:
var scrollTimeout = null;
var currentElem = 0;
var options = {
scrollSpeed: 1100,
selector: 'div.panels',
scrollDelay: 500,
$(document).ready(function() {
var $snapElems = $(options.selector);
function snap() {
if ($('html, body').scrollTop() >= $($snapElems[currentElem]).offset().top) {
if (currentElem < $snapElems.length-1) {
if (currentElem > 0) {
currentElem = currentElem - 1;
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $($snapElems[currentElem]).offset().top
}, options.scrollSpeed);
$(window).scroll(function() {
if ($(window).innerWidth() > 766) {
if (scrollTimeout) {clearTimeout(scrollTimeout);}
scrollTimeout = setTimeout(function(){snap()}, options.scrollDelay);
//I'll deal with this later
My problem is that every time the snap function is called, it triggers the scroll event, which throws it into a loop where the window won't stop scrolling between the first and second elements. Here's the poor, dysfunctional site: Thank for the help.
You can use a boolean to record when the scroll animation in snap is in progress and prevent your $(window).scroll() event handler from taking any action.
Here's a working example:
var scrollTimeout = null;
var currentElem = 0;
var options = {
scrollSpeed: 1100,
selector: 'div.panels',
scrollDelay: 500,
$(document).ready(function() {
var scrollInProgress = false;
var $snapElems = $(options.selector);
function snap() {
if ($('html, body').scrollTop() >= $($snapElems[currentElem]).offset().top) {
if (currentElem < $snapElems.length-1) {
if (currentElem > 0) {
currentElem = currentElem - 1;
scrollInProgress = true;
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $($snapElems[currentElem]).offset().top
}, options.scrollSpeed, 'swing', function() {
// this function is invoked when the scroll animate is complete
scrollInProgress = false;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if (scrollInProgress == false) {
if ($(window).innerWidth() > 766) {
if (scrollTimeout) {clearTimeout(scrollTimeout);}
scrollTimeout = setTimeout(function(){snap()}, options.scrollDelay);
//I'll deal with this later
The variable scrollInProgress is set to false by default. It is then set to true when the scroll animate starts. When the animate finishes, scrollInProgress is set back to false. A simple if statement at the top of your $(window).scroll() event handler prevents the handler from taking any action while the animate scroll is in progress.
Have you considered using the well known fullPage.js library for that? Check out this normal scroll example. The snap timeout is configurable through the option fitToSectionDelay.
And nothing to worry about the size... it is 7Kb Gzipped!
I know I theoretically could try combining two plugins, like panelsnap and scrollify, and activate them appropriately when the browser is a certain width, but I don't know if I want to do that
fullPage.js also provides responsiveWidth and responsiveHeight options to turn it off under certain dimensions.

Too many scroll events for smooth scrolling

Hello there I've been trying to find a fix for the many scroll events firing on one scroll. This is the only thing close to working for me so far. I want to smoothscroll between two divs (#boxes and #header) I want to use the scroll bar to trigger this smooth scroll and not a button. Any suggestions on how to only take one scroll event? I also used solutions based from prev stackoverflow questions. I used my own locator instead of offsets because thats also unreliable
$(window).scroll(function () {
if (timer) {
timer = window.setTimeout(function () {
if (locator == 0) {
id = $("#boxes");
locator = 1;
} else if (locator = 1) {
id = $("#header");
locator = 0;
// target element
var $id = $(id);
if ($id.length === 0) {
// top position relative to the document
var pos = $id.offset().top;
// animated top scrolling
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: pos}, 1500, function () {
$('html, body').clearQueue();
$('html, body').stop();
}, 2);
So, to be clear, you want any minor scroll event to scroll between one item and the other? Note that when a user scrolls, there is a "momentum" that the browser implements, and you'll be battling with that.
Regardless: You don't need to wrap this in a setTimeout. Right now, your javascript is creating a new setTimeout function that is being fired every 2ms. Scroll events occur with every pixel of movement in the scroll, so if you scroll 100px, you're going to be firing 100 times every 2ms. (That's 50,000 times).
Instead, have a a variable (isScrolling) track the state, so, if you're in the middle of scrolling, the function won't fire.
var isScrolling = false;
var locator = 0;
$(window).scroll(function () {
if (isScrolling) return false;
if (locator == 0) {
id = $("#boxes");
locator = 1;
} else if (locator = 1) {
id = $("#header");
locator = 0;
// target element
var $id = $(id);
if ($id.length === 0) {
// top position relative to the document
var pos = $id.offset().top;
// animated top scrolling
isScrolling = true;
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: pos}, 1500, function () {
$('html, body').clearQueue();
$('html, body').stop();
isScrolling = false;
Here's a JSbin:,css,js,output

jQuery Scroll Timeout

I'm trying to put a delay on page scroll so if I put some animation, it will not ruin. Here is my code:
var lastScrollY = 0,
delayFlag = true,
delayTime = 1000;
$(window).on('scroll', function(e) {
if(delayFlag == true) {
delayFlag = false;
var posY = $(this).scrollTop(),
sectionH = $('.page').height(),
multiplier = (Math.round(lastScrollY / sectionH));
if(lastScrollY > posY) {
$(window).scrollTop((multiplier - 1) * sectionH);
else {
$(window).scrollTop((multiplier + 1) * sectionH);
lastScrollY = posY;
setTimeout(function() { delayFlag = true }, delayTime);
else {
jQuery preventDefault() is not working. Is there any way I can put some delay on scroll event?
e.preventDefault(); is for preventing the default action of an event. For example, clicking on an anchor will cause the page to navigate to the address stored on the anchor's href, and calling e.preventDefault(); in an anchor's click event will cause this navigation to not happen.
e.preventDefault(); does not, however, cancel the event that just occurred. Calling it in the onchange event of a form input will not revert its value back to what it just was, and calling it in the scroll event will not cancel the scroll.
While I wouldn't recommend this, from a UX perspective (personally, I hate pages that stop me from going someplace in the site, just so I have to watch their ad or whathaveyou, and I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one...), what you might be able to do, rather than capture the scroll event, is turn off scrolling for the area to start with.
So, have something along these lines (example jsFiddle:
.noscroll {
And in your JS:
var lastScrollY = 0,
delayFlag = true,
delayTime = 1000;
}, delayTime );

Event when user stops scrolling

I'd like to do some fancy jQuery stuff when the user scrolls the page. But I have no idea how to tackle this problem, since there is only the scroll() method.
Any ideas?
You can make the scroll() have a time-out that gets overwritten each times the user scrolls. That way, when he stops after a certain amount of milliseconds your script is run, but if he scrolls in the meantime the counter will start over again and the script will wait until he is done scrolling again.
Because this question got some action again I figured I might as well update it with a jQuery extension that adds a scrollEnd event
// extension:
$.fn.scrollEnd = function(callback, timeout) {
$(this).on('scroll', function(){
var $this = $(this);
if ($'scrollTimeout')) {
$'scrollTimeout', setTimeout(callback,timeout));
// how to call it (with a 1000ms timeout):
alert('stopped scrolling');
}, 1000);
<script src="" integrity="sha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div style="height: 200vh">
Long div
Here is a simple example using setTimeout to fire a function when the user stops scrolling:
(function() {
var timer;
$(window).bind('scroll',function () {
timer = setTimeout( refresh , 150 );
var refresh = function () {
// do stuff
console.log('Stopped Scrolling');
The timer is cleared while the scroll event is firing. Once scrolling stops, the refresh function is fired.
Or as a plugin:
$.fn.afterwards = function (event, callback, timeout) {
var self = $(this), delay = timeout || 16;
self.each(function () {
var $t = $(this);
$t.on(event, function(){
if ($'-timeout')) {
$ + '-timeout', setTimeout(function () { callback.apply($t); },delay));
return this;
To fire callback after 100ms of the last scroll event on a div (with namespace):
$('div.mydiv').afterwards('scroll.mynamespace', function(e) {
// do stuff when stops scrolling
}, 100
I use this for scroll and resize.
Here is another more generic solution based on the same ideas mentioned:
var delayedExec = function(after, fn) {
var timer;
return function() {
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(fn, after);
var scrollStopper = delayedExec(500, function() {
console.log('stopped it');
document.getElementById('box').addEventListener('scroll', scrollStopper);
I had the need to implement onScrollEnd event discussed hear as well.
The idea of using timer works for me.
I implement this using JavaScript Module Pattern:
var WindowCustomEventsModule = (function(){
var _scrollEndTimeout = 30;
var _delayedExec = function(callback){
var timer;
return function(){
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(callback, _scrollEndTimeout);
var onScrollEnd = function(callback) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', _delayedExec(callback), false);
return {
onScrollEnd: onScrollEnd
// usage example
// do stuff
Hope this will help / inspire someone
Why so complicated? As the documentation points out, this works!
$('.frame').scroll(function() {
Note: The scroll event on Windows Chrome is differently to all others. You need to scroll fast to get the same as result as in e.g. FF. Look at the "X" function.
Some findings from my how many ms a scroll event test:
Safari, Mac FF, Mac Chrome: ~16ms an event.
Windows FF: ~19ms an event.
Windows Chrome: up to ~130ms an event, when scrolling slow.
Internet Explorer: up to ~110ms an event.
There is no such event as 'scrollEnd'. I recommend that you check the value returned by scroll() every once in a while (say, 200ms) using setInterval, and record the delta between the current and the previous value. If the delta becomes zero, you can use it as your event.
There are scrollstart and scrollstop functions that are part of jquery mobile.
Example using scrollstop:
alert("Stopped scrolling!");
Hope this helps someone.
The scrollEnd event is coming. It's currently experimental and is only supported by Firefox. See the Mozilla documentation here -
Once it's supported by more browsers, you can use it like this...
document.onscrollend = (event) => {
console.log('Document scrollend event fired!');
I pulled some code out of a quick piece I cobbled together that does this as an example (note that scroll.chain is an object containing two arrays start and end that are containers for the callback functions). Also note that I am using jQuery and underscore here.
$('body').on('scroll', scrollCall);
scrollBind('end', callbackFunction);
scrollBind('start', callbackFunction);
var scrollCall = function(e) {
if (scroll.last === false || ( - scroll.last) <= 500) {
scroll.last =;
if (scroll.timeout !== false) {
} else {
_(scroll.chain.start).each(function(f){, {type: 'start'}, e.event);
scroll.timeout = window.setTimeout(self.scrollCall, 550, {callback: true, event: e});
if (e.callback !== undefined) {
_(scroll.chain.end).each(function(f){, {type: 'end'}, e.event);
scroll.last = false;
scroll.timeout = false;
var scrollBind = function(type, func) {
type = type.toLowerCase();
if (_(scroll.chain).has(type)) {
if (_(scroll.chain[type]).indexOf(func) === -1) {
return true;
return false;
return false;

