Google Maps in IE11 gives "Unspecified error" - javascript

I'm getting a very strange error when using custom Google Maps in a website of one of our clients. The map has some markers on it, and when you open the marker you can see a dialog with the address of that location. When I close this dialog (obviously by clicking the cross) in IE11, I get an "Unspecified error". For some reason, this error is being thrown from the method "getBoundingClientRect()". No other browser has this issue (not even IE8).
I am using Google Maps API version 3.14.
Does anyone know what this could be? I'm not sure if it's necessary to place any code, but I'm willing to do that if that makes everything more clear.

You can use this fix for IE (place this code on top):
HTMLElement.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function() {
try {
return this._getBoundingClientRect();
} catch(e) {
return { top : this.offsetTop, left : this.offsetLeft };


Download PDF error in third party web panel

I am browsing my website using IE or chrome, pdf is download without any issue. But if I try from the web panel the error issue will come out,
Error in function Anonymous function(http://localhost/payment/js/jspdf.min.js:1:8985): Object expected.
My IE version is 11. Below is a screenshot of the error message.
In the jspdf.min.js:1:8985 code is:
What I've tried. I use the to debug the error. The error message is Error in function Anonymous function(http://localhost/payment/js/ Object expected.
Start in the line 1178 in the is
saveAs(getBlob(), options);
if (typeof saveAs.unload === 'function') {
if (global.setTimeout) {
setTimeout(saveAs.unload, 911);
This is the IE version:
Hope someone can guide me on how to solve it. Thanks.

Edge throws "SCRIPT5007: Object expected"

This code is from background script and throws error in MS Edge (works fine in Chrome) when function is called:
const zoom = () => {
console.log('zoom function');
browser.tabs.getZoom(z => {
zoom function is written on console and then error is shown
SCRIPT5007: Object expected
I have tabs permission in manifest
Tabs API class itself is supported on Edge. However, tabs.getZoom method is not yet supported. You can view compatibility details on this webpage ::
You can however workaround this using JS in Content Script of your Extension. MS Edge provides this to measure zoom percentage.
screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI
You can view more details in this answer ::: How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers?

Can't get the gyroscope to work in an IOS browser by using JavaScript

So basically I'm trying to alter the perspective of an image by using the gyroscope in a smartphone/tablet. So far I've got most working, on anything but IOS (classic developer issue).
NOTE: This can only be viewed from a device with a gyroscope. If it works, you'll see a status (ex: DeviceOrientationEvent activated).
So for some reason this block doesn't work on IOS browsers:
if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', doDeviceOrientation);
var doDeviceOrientation = function(event){
debug("Inside the doDeviceOrientation function after eventListener");
status("DeviceOrientationEvent activated");
sendCoords(event.alpha, event.beta, event.gamma);
distortImage(event.alpha, event.beta, event.gamma);
I don't seem to understand what I'm missing here. If my question caused confusion, let me know in the comments below and I'll try to clarify.

Geolocation problems when switch GPS on and off

Thanks in advance first.I build a website with an option to lead you to a specific place when you click button "Navigate". Everything works fine on desktop and everything works fine on mobile when GPS of the phone is enabled.
I use the google maps reference and it works just fine:,myLng&daddr=targetLat,targetLng
I do this on $('.button').click(). Not on $(window).load or $(document).ready. When you click the button, it calls the geolocation functions:
function getGeolocation(){
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geoSuccess, geoError);
} else {
$('.error-message').html('<p>Your browser does not support this function</p>');
function geoSuccess(position) {
myLat = position.coords.latitude;
myLng = position.coords.longitude;
window.location.href = '' + myLat + ',' + myLng + '&daddr=targetLat,targetLng';
function geoError(){
switch(error.code) {
alert('example alert - enable GPS');
$('.error-message').html('<p>User denied the request for Geolocation.</p>');
$('.error-message').html('<p>Location information is unavailable.</p>');
case error.TIMEOUT:
$('.error-message').html('<p>The request to get user location timed out.</p>');
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
$('.error-message').html('<p>An unknown error occurred.</p>');
But the problem comes when the GPS is disabled.
First of all, sometimes, it doesn't enter in geoError(). I tried so many times, but the only thing I "found" is that it caches sometimes. Is that possible ?
But the main problem is that, when the GPS is disabled, the "example alert" pops up, then I turn my GPS on and click the button again, it doesn't work again. I have to refresh the page to apply the GPS turn on. I want to avoid that. Does anyone know why is that happening and is there a way to do what I want?
The other problem is when I load my page with GPS turned on. Then I turn it off and click the button. Nothing happens at all. It enter getGeolocation(), gets true and then it stops. It doesn't enter getCurrentPosition(). Any ideas?
I had ever faced the same problem, and final I found the solution. You can change getCurrentPosition to watchPosition, it seems getCurrentPosition cannot recognize when location changes, watch help us do that. Try my solution, hope it helps you :)
P/S you should settime out: 10000 for watchpostion or getcurrentpostion
I've got the same problem on Android 6.0 and Chrome 59.0.3071.125.
In short: When I start a webapp with location Off, I receive a PositionError as expected.
However when I switch location back to On, every subsequent call to navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition or navigator.geolocation.watchPosition returns same error.
I've tried the same with and result is exactly the same (they show a snackbar Google Maps could not determine your precise location) so I believe that there is no workaround.
There is a similar post on ionic framework forum - They didn't find a solution either.
To sum up:
Looks like Chrome is checking for location services **on page load and doesn't update the state any more.
So only thing that helps is reloading the webapp which forces chrome to check again if location services are available.
this is a known bug in Chromium: 672301, 721977.
Workaround is available in Chrome Mobile v59 behind lsd-permission-prompts flag.
In your error function, the argument is missing.
function geoError(error){
//code goes here

Getting the contents of the toolbar search box using the Mozilla Firefox Add-on SDK

I am developing a Firefox addon and I was wondering how to get the contents of the search box in the toolbar using the Mozila Addon SDK? I finally found the chrome URL where it resides (at least I think: chrome://browser/content/search/...), but I’m still a little unsure as to how to reference this to get the contents of the search box into my addon. I tried: document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "searchbar-textbox"); but this gives a “document is not defined” error, probably because Firefox has no idea what ‘searchbar-textbox’ is and this is outside the scope of the addon (in a different ‘document’). I’m relatively new to addon development, so there’s probably a fairly straight forward way to do this, it is just that this solution is unknown to me. Thanks.
Your "main" module (and other lib/ modules) do not have any document attached. You need to first use some low-level API such as the window/utils .getMostRecentBrowserWindow() function to obtain the DOMWindow for the active browser window. After that it's just getting the #searchbar element and checking the .value property (exposed through XBL).
Complete example:
const {getMostRecentBrowserWindow} = require("window/utils");
id: "log-search-field",
label: "Log Search Field",
contentURL: "",
onClick: function() {
let win = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
console.error("Search text: " + win.document.getElementById("searchbar").value);

