Show div element only on clicking the button - javascript

I have tried the below code to hide / show div element. Now i wanna hide the element on page load. The div element should be displayed only on clicking the button.
<style type="text/css">
#sectiontohide {
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_div(id) {
var divelement = document.getElementById(id);
if( == 'none') = 'block';
else = 'none';
<h3>JavaScript to show/hide a Div</h3>
<button onClick="toggle_div('sectiontohide');">Click here</button> to toggle visibility of div element #sectiontohide
<br /><br />
<div id="sectiontohide">This is the div to hide with id = sectiontohide</div>

You can try this code on script block
window.onload = function () {

Just set the css to hide it
<style type="text/css">
#sectiontohide {

Seeings your using inline styling, why not just set it to begin with?
<div id="sectiontohide" style="display: none;">This is the div to hide with id = sectiontohide</div>

make the div's visible hidden option.
<div id="sectiontohide" style='display:none'>This is the div to hide with id = sectiontohide</div>


Can you make one element appear and other elements hide on click with JavaScript?

I want to make website with navigation and I want it to have only one section visible at the time.
Visible section would be displayed when you click on certain button in nav bar.
I have tried doing this
$(document).ready(function show(){
document.getElementById(#showElement).style.display= "block";
Problem I'm having with this code is I can't check which button was clicked and determine which sections should get display:none;
I'm not even sure if this can be done and I can't imagine how would I do this.
I'm new to JavaScript and I need help, thanks in advance.
Yes, you can achieve this by hiding all the sections and displaying only one that matches your navigation link. Check this example.
let links = document.querySelectorAll("nav a");
for (let link of links) {
link.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
let sections = document.getElementsByTagName("section");
for (let section of sections) {
if ("#" + === link.getAttribute("href")) { = "block";
} else { = "none";
body {margin: 0}
section {
height: 500px;
width: 100%;
nav {
position: fixed;
left: 20px
one |
two |
three |
<section id="one" style="background-color: coral"></section>
<section id="two" style="background-color: cyan; display: none"></section>
<section id="three" style="background-color: mediumspringgreen; display: none"></section>
<section id="four" style="background-color: moccasin; display: none"></section>
Here's an example of how to show and hide elements on button click. In my example I am toggling between hiding and showing 2 elements:
document.getElementById('toggleBtn').addEventListener('click', toggleDivs);
function toggleDivs() {
var div1 = document.getElementById('div1');
var div2 = document.getElementById('div2');
if ( != 'none') { = 'none'; = 'inline';
} else { = 'inline'; = 'none';
<div id="div1">
<p>Here is some content in div 1</p>
<div id="div2">
<p>Here is some content in div 2</p>
<input id="toggleBtn" type="button" value="Toggle Divs" />
example of bootstrap
Have you heard of bootstrap?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-rwoIResjU2yc3z8GV/NPeZWAv56rSmLldC3R/AZzGRnGxQQKnKkoFVhFQhNUwEyJ" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="" integrity="sha384-A7FZj7v+d/sdmMqp/nOQwliLvUsJfDHW+k9Omg/a/EheAdgtzNs3hpfag6Ed950n" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-DztdAPBWPRXSA/3eYEEUWrWCy7G5KFbe8fFjk5JAIxUYHKkDx6Qin1DkWx51bBrb" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-vBWWzlZJ8ea9aCX4pEW3rVHjgjt7zpkNpZk+02D9phzyeVkE+jo0ieGizqPLForn" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
it can take care of a lot of what you want.
I think you want tabs with dropdowns

Javascript hide DIV HTML

Hey I can hide my divs but my problem is if I reload my page I always see the hidden div for one second.
Do someone know how to fix that?
To tackle this kind of issue, you need to have the <div> with an attribute hidden or something in the inline. Then you need to hide it with JS and the remove the inline thing.
$(function () {
.hide {display: none;}
<script src=""></script>
<div class="hide">I am not shown</div>
Method 2: Using hidden attribute.
$(function () {
.hide {display: none;}
<script src=""></script>
<div hidden>I am not shown</div>
Method 3: Using hidden attribute and .prop().
$(function () {
$(".hide").hide().prop("hidden", false);
.hide {display: none;}
<script src=""></script>
<div hidden>I am not shown</div>
In the CSS that you apply to your div, add:
So the div will be loaded but invisible. When you need to you it, you can do as you are doing now
Just add hidden attribute to your div and it should fix your problem then remove it by javascript when you want to show it
$(document).ready(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="myDiv"><p>hello</p></div>
Yes you can create the div by javascript.
var div = document.createElement("Div");
var text = document.createTextNode("this is my Div")

Detecting a click within an iFrame which triggers the execution of a function (using only Javascript)

This topic has been covered a few times but there is no clear solution using Javascript. All responses were quite nebulous. Please help me out as there hasn't been a straightforward answer anywhere that I could find on any site.
I am trying to execute a function when any click occurs within an iframe window. Specifically, a click on a hyperlink on page displayed within the iframe. However just being able to have any click within an iframe trigger a function is enough for me.
I have a function Show() that I would like to run when an iframe is clicked. So basically a link is automatically hidden and when the first link is clicked it is shown. When the "click to hide" link that shows up is clicked, the "click to hide" link is hidden. I want the "click to hide" link to show up when someone clicks within the iframe. I need it to run the function every time a click occurs within the iframe. Thanks.
<title>StackOverflow Example</title>
.visible {visibility: visible}
.hidden {visibility: hidden}
<script type="text/javascript">
var visible_link = true;
function Hide() {
document.getElementById("my_div").className = "hidden";
document.getElementById("my_button").value = "SHOW";
function Show() {
document.getElementById("my_div").className = "visible";
document.getElementById("my_button").value = "HIDE";
<iframe src="" height=549 width=100% frameborder=0 name = "hello"></iframe>
click to show below link
<div id="my_div" class="hidden">
<a href="" target="hello" onclick = "Hide();" >click me to hide</a>
If there is some kind of domain issue please explain and please, if you have time and are able, explain what the issue is and how to fix such a problem. Edits to this code are welcome for the sake of coming up with a solution that achieves the goal that I outlined.
You guys are great.
I have implemented apaul34208's response which technically works, but I am having three problems.
1) How can this take up the full width of the window (I tried adding 100% to the width value under #cover)
2) When the div covers all of the iframe, the webpage within the iframe is not clickable
3) The div is not transparent.
If someone can edit the below code and have the div take up all of the width while being transparent with the iframe's webpage being entirely clickable - I would be very appreciative and happy.
<title>Show / Hide Link</title>
.visible {visibility: visible}
.hidden {visibility: hidden}
#cover {
position: absolute;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); /* added for example */
height: 150px;
width: 150px;
<script type="text/javascript">
var visible_link = true;
function Hide() {
document.getElementById("my_div").className = "hidden";
document.getElementById("my_button").value = "SHOW";
function Show() {
document.getElementById("my_div").className = "visible";
document.getElementById("my_button").value = "HIDE";
<div id="cover" onclick="Show();"></div>
<iframe src="" height=549 width=100% frameborder=0 name = "hello"></iframe>
<div id="my_div" class="hidden">
<a href="" target="hello" onclick = "Hide();" ><-</a>
I would strongly advise against doing this for any reason, this is usually referred to as "Clickjacking", and it is an extremely bad practice.
So... Please don't ever do this.
But for educational purposes... You can cover an iframe with another positioned element and capture the click on that element:
var visible_link = true;
function Hide() {
document.getElementById("my_div").className = "hidden";
document.getElementById("my_button").value = "SHOW";
function Show() {
document.getElementById("my_div").className = "visible";
document.getElementById("my_button").value = "HIDE";
.visible {
visibility: visible
.hidden {
visibility: hidden
#cover {
position: absolute;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); /* added for example */
height: 150px;
width: 300px;
<div id="cover" onclick="Show();"></div>
<iframe id="iframe" src=""></iframe>
<div id="my_div" class="hidden">
click me to hide
Once again. Don't ever do this.
I found a solution. It's not perfect but I figured out that I don't really need to it to detect every iframe click and this is good enough. I originally wanted to make a back button appear if a link within the page that is within the iframe was clicked (which would return the user to the main page within the iframe where they started). Obviously they may click randomly and not hit a hyperlink and the back link would pop up for no reason (while they are still on the main page). That's fine I guess but if someone knows of a better solution let me know. Most people would just hit a link to begin with as the page only has hyperlink interaction I presume.
I hope my working code below helps people who are exploring this topic in the future.
<title>StackOverflow Example</title>
.visible {visibility: visible}
.hidden {visibility: hidden}
<script type="text/javascript">
var visible_link = true;
var inIframe = false;
function Hide() {
document.getElementById("my_div").className = "hidden";
document.getElementById("my_button").value = "SHOW";
function Show() {
document.getElementById("my_div").className = "visible";
document.getElementById("my_button").value = "HIDE";
function checkClick() {
if (document.activeElement
&& document.activeElement === document.getElementById("hello")) {
if (inIframe == false) {
inIframe = true;
} else
inIframe = false;
setInterval(checkClick, 200);
<div id="cover" onclick="Show();"></div>
<iframe src="" height=549 width=100% frameborder=0 name = "hello" id = "hello" style =""></iframe>
click to show link
<div id="my_div" class="hidden">
<a href="" target="hello" onclick = "Hide();" >click to hide</a>

Displaying text when link is clicked

This is inside my CSS:
div.hide {
} {
color: #66CCFF;
This is in my HTML:
<script language="JavaScript">
function showText(show,hide)
document.getElementById(show).className = "show";
document.getElementById(hide).className = "hide";
<a name="16:10" onclick="showText('text1')" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
<div id="text1" class="hide">This is your monitors aspect ratio.</div>
I'm trying to make the first link display the "This is your monitors aspect ratio." text lower on the page.
Any help is much appreciated.
Pure CSS Answer
Ok, if you just want to append text after you have moved to a position in a page using an anchor tag, you could do it with nothing but CSS similar to the following:
content: " Test";
background-color: #ccffcc;
What this does is appends the text "Test" after the active anchor and colors. Here is an example page with implementation:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Link Printer 2</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
content: " Test";
background-color: #ccffcc;
height: 200px;
<div class="bigSection">
<div><a name="first">First</a></div>
<div>To First</div>
<div>To Second</div>
<div>To Third</div>
<div class="bigSection">
<div><a name="second">Second</a></div>
<div>To First</div>
<div>To Second</div>
<div>To Third</div>
<div class="bigSection">
<div><a name="third">Third</a></div>
<div>To First</div>
<div>To Second</div>
<div>To Third</div>
Answer using JavaScript
You need to bind an eventListener and prevent it from moving to the next page. Here is a way to do it with JavaScript or CSS. The JavaScript way will actually set the text to whatever you want. The CSS way will hide actually hide the element.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Link Printer</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
display: none;
function jsShowText(event) {
var divToManip = document.getElementById("text");
if (divToManip.innerHTML === "") {
divToManip.innerHTML = "Hello";
else {
divToManip.innerHTML = "";
function cssShowText(event) {
var divToManip = document.getElementById("text");
if (divToManip.className === "") {
divToManip.className = "hide";
else {
divToManip.className = "";
function setListeners() {
document.getElementById("jsPrinter").addEventListener("click", jsShowText, false);
document.getElementById("cssPrinter").addEventListener("click", cssShowText, false);
window.onload = setListeners;
<div><a id="jsPrinter" href="" onclick="showText();">Click With JavaScript</a></div>
<div><a id="cssPrinter" href="" onclick="showText();">Click With CSS</a></div>
<div id="text">I'm text</div>
"showText" must receive an id parameter to be used with the call to "document.getElementById"
Try this, just 1 link that will display the text below after click:
<a name="16:10" onclick="showText('text1')" href="javascript:void(0);">16:10</a>
<script language="JavaScript">
function showText(id)
document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block";
<div id="text1" style="display:none;">This is your monitors aspect ratio.</div>
I'm just using style display to hide/show the element. Hope it helps.
just change your css like this: {
color: #66CCFF;
Here I am going to provide an example with something that I was working, thank you Alberto Montellano for the example, that gave me an idea, however what was required at the end was something a little different, with the option not to show the data and display it only when I click and make it disappear when click again. In this example I am going to give you two options; you can have a button or a link to trigger the JS function to display and hide the body text, you can choose if you want the button or link that is way I put a comment (optional), both behave as the same, it is up to you which one you want to use.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- CSS -->
#myDIV {
width: 100%;
padding: 50px 0;
text-align: center;
background-color: lightblue;
<!-- text before the button or link -->
<p>Click the "PIN" button (or link) to display PIN options:</p>
<!-- The Pin button (optional) -->
<button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">PIN button:</button>
<!-- The Pin link (optional) -->
<a onclick="myFunction()" href="javascript:void(0);">PIN link:</a>
<!--Data will display or hide (toggle)-->
<div id="myDIV"style="display:none;">
These are the steps to get your PIN number: Bla bla bla.
<p><b>Note:</b> The text display when you click the button or link will take space, if you click again will be toggle.</p>
<!-- JS -->
function myFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById('myDIV');
if ( === 'none') { = 'block';
} else { = 'none';

How does jQuery's toggle function work, how to write it in javascript without jquery?

How would you write a toggle which toggles the display property of an element onmouseover/onmouseout from display:none to display:block;, or regardless, any css property which jquery's toggle can operate on- how exactly would you write a toggle function without jquery?
And why can't you take a javascript css property as a boolean in the following code?
<style type="text/css">
a {
<script type="text/javascript">
function ab(a)
else if(document.getElementById(a).style.display=="block")
<div class="fg">
<div style="width:100px;height:100px;border:2px solid blue;" onmouseover="ab('g');"
<a id="g" href="">lajflke</a></div></div>
The solution you mentioned seems fine, but can make it more concise.
function toggle(id){
var div1 = document.getElementById(id);
if ( == 'none') { = 'block'
} else { = 'none'

