make a character jump inside canvas - javascript

this is my jsfiddle :
as you can see if you hit the up button Mario will jump far to the up and go back down once but if u hit it again he will not jump how can i fix this problem ? when I hit the up button Mario will jump to a specific location let's say y=32 and than go back down (always not just for one time ) ?
var Jump = function () {
if (character.y > limit && !goingDown) {
character.y -= limit;
} else {
goingDown = true;
character.y += limit;
if (character.y >= 184) {
goingDown = false;
limit = 0;
character.y = 184;

Set the limit inside this if statement
if (keydown.up) {
limit = 10;
jumping = setInterval(Jump, 150);
To specify a specific height you can delcare a new variable called limitHeight and switch it with limit in this if statement
if (character.y > limitHeight && !goingDown) {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
in this new demo i also put clearInterval in the keydown.up statement to fix some bugs

You set your limit to 0 when the jump is done. So there is 0 substracted from the y position on the second jump. In your initialization you set limit to 10. If I set limit to 10 after jump it works again.
Relevant code:
var Jump = function () {
if (character.y > limit && !goingDown) {
character.y -= limit;
} else {
goingDown = true;
character.y += limit;
if (character.y >= 184) {
goingDown = false;
limit = 10;
character.y = 184;


Touch end event- getting the touch that actually ended if there's more than one touch

I am writing a mobile movement script for a three JS app, in which if you click the upper part of the screen you rotate the camera, and the lower part you move the character. This works perfectly if you are using only one touch, but as soon as I use the second touch a problem appears:
I can't seem to find a way to use the "end touch" event ONLY for the second touch- I tried using ev.touches[1] or ev.touches[0] but seems like nothing happens. I really need the device to discriminate the touch that actually ended, if it was the first one pressed, or the second one.
This is the code...
var originTouch;
var secondTouch;
var newTouch;
var previousTouch;
document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', (ev) => {
originTouch = ev.touches[0];
secondTouch = ev.touches[1];
document.body.addEventListener('touchmove', (ev) => {
if (ev.touches[0])
if (ev.touches[0].clientY > window.innerHeight / 2)
var deltaY = originTouch.clientY - ev.touches[0].clientY;
var deltaX = originTouch.clientX - ev.touches[0].clientX;
if (deltaY > 0) { isGoingForward = true; isGoingBackward = false;}
if (deltaY < 0) { isGoingBackward = true; isGoingForward = false;}
if (deltaX < 0) { isGoingRight = true; isGoingLeft = false;}
if (deltaX > 0) { isGoingLeft = true; isGoingRight = false;}
if (previousTouch)
var movementX = ev.touches[0].pageX - previousTouch.pageX;
var movementY = ev.touches[0].pageY - previousTouch.pageY;
camerina.rotation.y += movementX / 400;
camerina.rotation.x += movementY / 400;
previousTouch = ev.touches[0];
if (ev.touches[1])
if (ev.touches[1].clientY < window.innerHeight / 2)
if (newTouch)
var movementX = ev.touches[1].pageX - newTouch.pageX;
var movementY = ev.touches[1].pageY - newTouch.pageY;
camerina.rotation.y += movementX / 400;
camerina.rotation.x += movementY / 400;
newTouch = ev.touches[1];
document.body.addEventListener('touchend', (ev) => {
//this is, of course, ending every touch when the second touch is released.
//but if I use --if (ev.touches[0] or [1])-- nothing happens.
//It feels like I'm not getting a way to find which is the touch that actually ended.
//this has to end only if the first touch ended,
isGoingForward = false;
isGoingBackward = false;
isGoingLeft = false;
isGoingRight = false;
previousTouch = null;
originTouch = null;
//this has to end only if the second touch ended.
newTouch = null;

"Uncaught TypeError:<function name> is not a function" after it got used once

I have a function, to make a div-Box "jump". The function works the first time, but after that I get the error "Uncaught TypeError: jump is not a function" after it gets used once. Can someone please explain why it doesn't work?
already = false;
function jump() {
if (already == false) { //So he can't jump 2 times in a row
try {
clearInterval(t); //<--this is my gravity function, where the div-Box falls down until it hits solid ground
} catch (err) {
console.log("not activated");
jump = setInterval("jump2();", 200);
already = true;
anz = 0;
function jump2() {
//Getting coordinates of div-Boy(they work)
var step = 10;
var bottom = getBottom("itBoy");
var right = getRight("itBoy");
var top = getTop("itBoy");
var left = getLeft("itBoy");
//lets see if he hits an object
if (anz <= 100) { //<-- anz = so he cant jump higher than 100 px
if (top - step >= 0) {
var a = hittest("itBoy", "up", 10); //if div wont hit a solid object --> return -1 | else return coordinates of bordes which collide (this function works too)
if (a == -1) {
anz += step;
document.getElementById("itBoy") = (top -= step) + "px";
} else {
document.getElementById(itBoy) = a + "px";
clearInterval(jump); // div stops moving upwards
t = setInterval("move('down');", 50); //gravity gets Activated again
} else {
t = setInterval("move('down');", 50);
It's because, you're overriding the jump:
function jump(){
// ...
jump = setInterval("jump2();",200);
// ^^ give it a different name
Also, a good approach to use function inside setInterval like:
setInterval(jump2, 200); // faster

horizontal timeline fixed distance and centered on mobile devices

I am trying to reach a horizontal timeline like this:
My problem is, that I've got no real dates (DD/MM/YYYY) but only years like 1998-2002 or just 2009. So there is a problem, I am struggling to fix, which ends up like this:
So my aims are:
Set a fixed distance between elements
Make it work just with years
When on a device less than 768px wide ensure a single element is displayed and it appears in the center
This is my solution for 3., but the other things, I couldnt solute:
if ($(window).width() < 768 {
eventsMinDistance = $('.cd-horizontal-timeline .events-wrapper').width(/2;)
(timelines.length > 0) && initTimeline(timelines);
if ($(window).width() < 768 {
eventsMinDistance = $('.cd-horizontal-timeline .events-wrapper').width(/2;)
} else{
eventsMinDistance = 155;
Do you guys know how do adjust it, as I am struggling since hours without any success. Thank you very much for your help!
the first part of your code works fine, but it was faulty on the syntax, I fixed it and use it and also add a couple of changes to acomplished the desired fixed width amount between each date.
Actually it was pretty easy, when you debug and you know exactly what the developer wants to do.
This is the code I wrote:
var timelines = $('.cd-horizontal-timeline'),
eventsRelativeDistance = false;
if ($(window).width() < 768) {
eventsMinDistance = Number($('.cd-horizontal-timeline .events-wrapper').width())/2;
var eventsMinDistance = 100;
(timelines.length > 0) && initTimeline(timelines);
$(window).resize( function(){
if ($(window).width() < 768) {
eventsMinDistance = Number($('.cd-horizontal-timeline .events-wrapper').width())/2;
} else{
eventsMinDistance = 100;
function initTimeline(timelines) {
var timeline = $(this),
timelineComponents = {};
//cache timeline components
timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'] = timeline.find('.events-wrapper');
timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'] = timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'].children('.events');
timelineComponents['fillingLine'] = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].children('.filling-line');
timelineComponents['timelineEvents'] = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].find('a');
timelineComponents['timelineDates'] = parseDate(timelineComponents['timelineEvents']);
timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse'] = minLapse(timelineComponents['timelineDates']);
timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'] = timeline.find('.cd-timeline-navigation');
timelineComponents['eventsContent'] = timeline.children('.events-content');
// Set up space to store the distance in pixels.
timelineComponents['distanceInPx'] = [];
//assign a left postion to the single events along the timeline
setDatePosition(timelineComponents, eventsMinDistance, eventsRelativeDistance);
//assign a width to the timeline
var timelineTotWidth = setTimelineWidth(timelineComponents, eventsMinDistance, eventsRelativeDistance);
//the timeline has been initialize - show it
//detect click on the next arrow
timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].on('click', '.next', function(event){
updateSlide(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'next');
//detect click on the prev arrow
timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].on('click', '.prev', function(event){
updateSlide(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'prev');
//detect click on the a single gallery - show new gallery content
timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].on('click', 'a', function(event){
updateFilling($(this), timelineComponents['fillingLine'], timelineTotWidth);
updateVisibleContent($(this), timelineComponents['eventsContent']);
//on swipe, show next/prev gallery content
timelineComponents['eventsContent'].on('swipeleft', function(){
var mq = checkMQ();
( mq == 'mobile' ) && showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'next');
timelineComponents['eventsContent'].on('swiperight', function(){
var mq = checkMQ();
( mq == 'mobile' ) && showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'prev');
//keyboard navigation
if(event.which=='37' && elementInViewport(timeline.get(0)) ) {
showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'prev');
} else if( event.which=='39' && elementInViewport(timeline.get(0))) {
showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'next');
function updateSlide(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, string) {
//retrieve translateX value of timelineComponents['eventsWrapper']
var translateValue = getTranslateValue(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper']),
wrapperWidth = Number(timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'].css('width').replace('px', ''));
//translate the timeline to the left('next')/right('prev')
(string == 'next')
? translateTimeline(timelineComponents, translateValue - wrapperWidth + eventsMinDistance, wrapperWidth - timelineTotWidth)
: translateTimeline(timelineComponents, translateValue + wrapperWidth - eventsMinDistance);
function showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, string) {
//go from one gallery to the next/previous one
var visibleContent = timelineComponents['eventsContent'].find('.selected'),
newContent = ( string == 'next' ) ? : visibleContent.prev();
if ( newContent.length > 0 ) { //if there's a next/prev gallery - show it
var selectedDate = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].find('.selected'),
newEvent = ( string == 'next' ) ? selectedDate.parent('li').next('li').children('a') : selectedDate.parent('li').prev('li').children('a');
updateFilling(newEvent, timelineComponents['fillingLine'], timelineTotWidth);
updateVisibleContent(newEvent, timelineComponents['eventsContent']);
updateTimelinePosition(string, newEvent, timelineComponents);
function updateTimelinePosition(string, event, timelineComponents) {
//translate timeline to the left/right according to the position of the selected gallery
var eventStyle = window.getComputedStyle(event.get(0), null),
eventLeft = Number(eventStyle.getPropertyValue("left").replace('px', '')),
timelineWidth = Number(timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'].css('width').replace('px', '')),
timelineTotWidth = Number(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].css('width').replace('px', ''));
var timelineTranslate = getTranslateValue(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper']);
if( (string == 'next' && eventLeft > timelineWidth - timelineTranslate) || (string == 'prev' && eventLeft < - timelineTranslate) ) {
translateTimeline(timelineComponents, - eventLeft + timelineWidth/2, timelineWidth - timelineTotWidth);
function translateTimeline(timelineComponents, value, totWidth) {
var eventsWrapper = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].get(0);
value = (value > 0) ? 0 : value; //only negative translate value
value = ( !(typeof totWidth === 'undefined') && value < totWidth ) ? totWidth : value; //do not translate more than timeline width
setTransformValue(eventsWrapper, 'translateX', value+'px');
//update navigation arrows visibility
(value == 0 ) ? timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.prev').addClass('inactive') : timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.prev').removeClass('inactive');
(value == totWidth ) ? timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.next').addClass('inactive') : timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.next').removeClass('inactive');
function updateFilling(selectedEvent, filling, totWidth) {
//change .filling-line length according to the selected gallery
var eventStyle = window.getComputedStyle(selectedEvent.get(0), null),
eventLeft = eventStyle.getPropertyValue("left"),
eventWidth = eventStyle.getPropertyValue("width");
eventLeft = Number(eventLeft.replace('px', '')) + Number(eventWidth.replace('px', ''))/2;
var scaleValue = eventLeft/totWidth;
setTransformValue(filling.get(0), 'scaleX', scaleValue);
function setDatePosition(timelineComponents, min, relativeDistance) {
var distance,
distanceNorm = 0,
distancesInPx =[];
for (i = 0; i < timelineComponents['timelineDates'].length; i++) {
if (relativeDistance){
distance = daydiff(timelineComponents['timelineDates'][0], timelineComponents['timelineDates'][i]);
distanceNorm = Math.round(distance/timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse']) + 2;
distance = 5;
distanceNorm = Math.round(distance/timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse']) + 2 + distanceNorm;
// Save am array of sizes to track the distance in pixels from the left.
timelineComponents['timelineEvents'].eq(i).css('left', distanceNorm*min+'px');
function setTimelineWidth(timelineComponents, width, relativeDistance) {
var timeSpan = 0, timeSpanNorm, totalWidth;
// If relative Time Distance daydiff caclulates the first date and the last one.
timeSpan = daydiff(timelineComponents['timelineDates'][0], timelineComponents['timelineDates'][timelineComponents['timelineDates'].length-1]);
timeSpanNorm = timeSpan/timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse'];
timeSpanNorm = Math.round(timeSpanNorm) + 4;
totalWidth = timeSpanNorm*width;
// However if no relative Distance we obtain the amount of distance in pixels from the last position of the array which is the farthest element on the array.
totalWidth = timelineComponents['distanceInPx'][timelineComponents['distanceInPx'].length-1];
timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].css('width', totalWidth+'px');
updateFilling(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].find('a.selected'), timelineComponents['fillingLine'], totalWidth);
updateTimelinePosition('next', timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].find('a.selected'), timelineComponents);
return totalWidth;
function updateVisibleContent(event, eventsContent) {
var eventDate ='date'),
visibleContent = eventsContent.find('.selected'),
selectedContent = eventsContent.find('[data-date="'+ eventDate +'"]'),
selectedContentHeight = selectedContent.height();
if (selectedContent.index() > visibleContent.index()) {
var classEnetering = 'selected enter-right',
classLeaving = 'leave-left';
} else {
var classEnetering = 'selected enter-left',
classLeaving = 'leave-right';
selectedContent.attr('class', classEnetering);
visibleContent.attr('class', classLeaving).one('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function(){
visibleContent.removeClass('leave-right leave-left');
selectedContent.removeClass('enter-left enter-right');
eventsContent.css('height', selectedContentHeight+'px');
function updateOlderEvents(event) {
function getTranslateValue(timeline) {
var timelineStyle = window.getComputedStyle(timeline.get(0), null),
timelineTranslate = timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform") ||
timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform") ||
timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-ms-transform") ||
timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-o-transform") ||
if( timelineTranslate.indexOf('(') >=0 ) {
var timelineTranslate = timelineTranslate.split('(')[1];
timelineTranslate = timelineTranslate.split(')')[0];
timelineTranslate = timelineTranslate.split(',');
var translateValue = timelineTranslate[4];
} else {
var translateValue = 0;
return Number(translateValue);
function setTransformValue(element, property, value) {["-webkit-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["-moz-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["-ms-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["-o-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["transform"] = property+"("+value+")";
//based on
function parseDate(events) {
var dateArrays = [];
var singleDate = $(this),
dateComp ='date').split('T');
if( dateComp.length > 1 ) { //both DD/MM/YEAR and time are provided
var dayComp = dateComp[0].split('/'),
timeComp = dateComp[1].split(':');
} else if( dateComp[0].indexOf(':') >=0 ) { //only time is provide
var dayComp = ["2000", "0", "0"],
timeComp = dateComp[0].split(':');
} else { //only DD/MM/YEAR
var dayComp = dateComp[0].split('/'),
timeComp = ["0", "0"];
var newDate = new Date(dayComp[2], dayComp[1]-1, dayComp[0], timeComp[0], timeComp[1]);
return dateArrays;
function daydiff(first, second) {
return Math.round((second-first));
function minLapse(dates) {
//determine the minimum distance among events
var dateDistances = [];
for (i = 1; i < dates.length; i++) {
var distance = daydiff(dates[i-1], dates[i]);
return Math.min.apply(null, dateDistances);
How to tell if a DOM element is visible in the current viewport?
function elementInViewport(el) {
var top = el.offsetTop;
var left = el.offsetLeft;
var width = el.offsetWidth;
var height = el.offsetHeight;
while(el.offsetParent) {
el = el.offsetParent;
top += el.offsetTop;
left += el.offsetLeft;
return (
top < (window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) &&
left < (window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth) &&
(top + height) > window.pageYOffset &&
(left + width) > window.pageXOffset
function checkMQ() {
//check if mobile or desktop device
return window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.cd-horizontal-timeline'), '::before').getPropertyValue('content').replace(/'/g, "").replace(/"/g, "");
Did you ever get this to work?? Have come across the same problem. If i change the default distance from 60 to 1 the gap between is not enough and the whole timeline breaks. The calculations for the distance as described in the article is as follows
First of all, in the main.js file, we set a minimum distance between two consecutive dates, using the eventsMinDistance variable; in our case, we set eventsMinDistance = 60 (so the minimum distance will be 60px). Then we evaluate all the differences between a date and the following one; to do that we use the data-date attribute added to each date. The minimum difference is then used as a reference to evaluate the distances between two consecutive dates.
For example, let's suppose the minimum found difference is 5 days; that means that the distance, along the timeline, between two dates separated by a lapse of 5days will be 60px, while the one between two events separated by a lapse of 10 days will be 120px.
From what i read the min distance is here:~
var timelines = $('.cd-horizontal-timeline'),
eventsMinDistance = 60;
(timelines.length > 0) && initTimeline(timelines);
This creates a variable called timelines and sets it to the class .cd-hor... and sets the min distance to 60px. changing this to 1 breaks the application as the distance between the times are too small.
function setDatePosition(timelineComponents, min) {
for (i = 0; i < timelineComponents['timelineDates'].length; i++) {
var distance = daydiff(timelineComponents['timelineDates'][0], timelineComponents['timelineDates'][i]),
distanceNorm = Math.round(distance/timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse']) + 2;
timelineComponents['timelineEvents'].eq(i).css('left', distanceNorm*min+'px');
I might be wrong but here is the section calculating the distance and the last distanceNorm*min+'px'. min i believe is 60 and distance norm is the calculation of the 5 days etc. if you remove distance norm the app breaks so you cant just add min+'px' this is because you remove the original distance.
All distances are calculated from the first timeline. Thats why the app breaks. Need to find the code that tells which to calc from which is the
var distance = daydiff(timelineComponents['timelineDates'][0], timelineComponents['timelineDates'][i]),
distanceNorm = Math.round(distance/timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse']) + 2;
this sets distance as the first element of the index and then for each timelineDates within the loop [i].
I've been at it for days but have come to the conclusion the tutorial is good as is but it is not a library and should be used as reference to write your own from scratch which is what i am now doing.
If you did ever manage it though please update as so far i managed to manipulate the dates to get equal spacing but if you insert too many it breaks which is no good hence the rewrite!

setTimeout sequence is bypassing a previous setInterval basically nullifying the setInterval event

I am creating a slot machine which has a re-spin feature (which is identified as stampede in the code) on random wins like the machine Haywire in the casinos.
The initial spin/win works fine... after a random re-spin(s) is generated script then randomly selects the number of re-spins awarded and calls stampede() which loops through the number of spins awarded.
stampede() itself is in a 'setTimeout()' which will delay its start if a big win is hit on the initial win for a congrats screen to run... this works fine.
The reel annimation on the spin is handled by setInterval() for each reel. The problem is that this code is being bypassed by the stop reel code which is in a set of setTimeOut()functions used to stop the reels. It goes directly to the stop reel.
The loop itself works fine in regards to sliding the stampede announcement screen in and out and adjusting the "show win and bank add on screen" with the exception of the .animateNumber() not working inside of the stampede().
Both the code to animate the reels and stop them work fine outside of the stampede() but as stated the reel animation does not work in stampede()...
Here is my Code:
// check for respin
var respinCount = 0;
var respinCheck = randItem(1, 1000);
if((+respinCheck) <= 899){respinCount = 0}
else if((+respinCheck) >= 900 && (+respinCheck) <= 950){respinCount = 1;}
else if((+respinCheck) >= 951 && (+respinCheck) <= 970){respinCount = 2;}
else if((+respinCheck) >= 971 && (+respinCheck) <= 980){respinCount = 3;}
else if((+respinCheck) >= 981 && (+respinCheck) <= 990){respinCount = 4;}
else if((+respinCheck) >= 991 && (+respinCheck) <= 999){respinCount = 5;}
else if((+respinCheck) == 1000){respinCount = 10;}
// adjust stampede delay if win is >= 100
if(win >= 100){var stampede_delay = 7000;}else if (win <= 99){var stampede_delay = 10;}
setTimeout(function() {// stampede delay
if(respinCount == 0){respinCount = 3;} // for testing stampede
if(respinCount >= 1){
// turn off auto spin if active
if(auto_set == 1){ auto_set = 0; $("#autoData").val(auto_set);
// stampede()
(function stampede(i) {
setTimeout(function () {
// announce stampede
// make reel stop transparent
$("#reel_1").html('<img src="images/stop-images/transparent.png">');
$("#reel_2").html('<img src="images/stop-images/transparent.png">');
$("#reel_3").html('<img src="images/stop-images/transparent.png">');
// add reel sprite class to reels
if (!$('#reel_1').hasClass("reel-1-sprite")){$('#reel_1').addClass('reel-1-sprite')};
if (!$('#reel_2').hasClass("reel-2-sprite")){$('#reel_2').addClass('reel-2-sprite')};
if (!$('#reel_3').hasClass("reel-3-sprite")){$('#reel_3').addClass('reel-3-sprite')};
// annimate reels
var x = 0; var xx = 0; var xxx = 0; // reel increment variables
var r1a = setInterval(function(){ // annimate/stop reel_1
if(ar.length == x){x = 0;}
else {$('.reel-1-sprite').css("background-position", aru[x]); x++;}
var r2a = setInterval(function(){ // annimate/stop reel_2
if(ar.length == xx){xx = 0;}
else {$('.reel-2-sprite').css("background-position", ar[xx]); xx++;}
var r3a = setInterval(function(){ // annimate/stop reel_3
if(ar.length == xxx){xxx = 0;}
else {$('.reel-3-sprite').css("background-position", aru[xxx]); xxx++;}
// stop reels
setTimeout(function() { // stop reel_1
$("#reel_1").html('<img src="images/stop-images/'+rn1sc+'.png">');
}, 800);
setTimeout(function() { // stop reel_2
$("#reel_2").html('<img src="images/stop-images/'+rn2sc+'.png">');
}, 1000);
setTimeout(function() { // stop reel_3
$("#reel_3").html('<img src="images/stop-images/'+rn3sc+'.png">');
}, 1200);
// adjust bank for this stampede spin
pBank = ((+bank) + (+win_value)); updateBank(uid,pBank); bank = (+pBank);
$("#creditData,#bankData").val((+bank)); $("#winData").val((+win_value));
// show win and bank add on screen
var comma_separator = $.animateNumber.numberStepFactories.separator(',');
$('#thisWin').animateNumber({ number: win_value, numberStep: comma_separator },500);
$('#credit_count_text').prop('number', (+now)).animateNumber({ number:(+bank), numberStep:comma_separator},500);
if (--i) stampede(i);
}, 2000)
})(respinCount); // end stampede
}; // end if(respinCount >= 1)
}, stampede_delay); // end stampede delay
I am at a loss... any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance Pete

Make a character move upwards on click

I am making a game similar to Flappy Bird. The character is supposed to move upwards when the browser window is clicked, but my code for this does not work. Here are the relevant lines of code:
var dudeYSpeed = 0;
var dudeXSpeed = 0;
var dudeJumping = false;
var jumpSpeed = -3;
if (mouseDown && dudeJumping === false){
dudeJumping = true;
dudeYSpeed = jumpSpeed;
else {
translateY += dudeYSpeed;
dudeYSpeed += gravity;
dudeJumping = false;
translateX += dudeXSpeed;
You only update translateY and dudeYSpeed if dudeJumping is true. You should update these variables in every frame, no matter what the input was.

