css background-image changing with animation - javascript

I tried to change my background image with the following code
$('#mask').css({'background-image' : 'url('changingVar')',
'background-repeat' : 'no-repeat',
'background-position': 'center',
'background-size': 'cover',
and having a setTimeout for the waiting time.
However I want a changing animation kinda like : http://www.luckywok.at
The problem is when I use fadeout and fadeIn it's fading out and in my complete screen, since I have a wrapper DIV (#Mask) around everything.
Does anyone have an idea what methods were used on that particular site?

Simple solution.
Fullscreen : http://jsfiddle.net/9GwNG/3/show/
jsfiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/9GwNG/3/
// code was written in a hurry
var step = 1;
function bg(){
var opacity = 0.0;
if (step == 3){
n = 3;
step = 1;
opacity = 1.0;
$("#item_"+n).animate({'opacity': 0.0},2000);
n = step+1;
step = n;
function loop(){

Just use CSS- Transitions and a setInterval function.
Transitions are support for > ie9 see caniuse.


Can't transition between scale 0 and 1 with css transitions

I want to make an image begin scaled all the way down in x in, and then animate all the way up in x when classes are added (via javascript). The pattern that I am using works well for things like rotate, but I am thinking this is only because rotate goes a full 360 degrees. I am not sure why this does not work:
.scaleXStart {
visibility: hidden;
z-index: 0;
.scaleXEnd {
z-index: 3;
transform: scaleX(2);
transition: transform 1s;
a = document.querySelector('#myDiv');
a.className = 'scaleXStart';
a.className = 'scaleXEnd';
I would think this would work because it is adding and then remove a class, so the scaleXproperty would be set to 0 and then 1 but this is not working. Thanks for any ideas on why
The problem is, it never gets a chance to get the start class and it goes straight to the end class. Putting the end class change into a timeout (even zero milliseconds!) will trick it into doing the both class changes:
function anim(){
a = document.querySelector('#myDiv');
a.className = 'scaleXStart';
setTimeout(function(){a.className = 'scaleXEnd';}, 0)
function anim2(){
a = document.querySelector('#myDiv');
a.className = 'scaleXStart';
a.className = 'scaleXEnd';
See what I mean here: http://jsfiddle.net/shomz/nzJ8j/

Making background fade in using Javascript

Hello below is my JS code for a changing background image every 30 seconds. I have this example code too from research, can somebody please please please show me how to integrate the example code into my JS, so the changing image fades in as I simply have no clue where to start and feel completely lost.
bgArr = ['images/bg1.jpg', 'images/bg2.jpg', 'images/bg3.jpg'];
bgCur = 0;
backgroundSwitch = function()
if (bgCur == bgArr.length) bgCur = 0;
document.body.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+ bgArr[bgCur++]+ ')';
window.setInterval(backgroundSwitch, 30000); // Switch every 30 seconds.
Example JS that I want to integrate
var img = document.getElementById("fade");
var fadeLength = 5500;
var opacity = 0;
var startTime = Date.now();
requestAnimationFrame(function me() {
// It's faded in, stop animating!
if (opacity >= 1) {
opacity = (Date.now() - startTime) / fadeLength;
img.textContent = opacity;
img.style.opacity = opacity;
Also is there a way to fit the background to the browser window within the javascript without using css?
Thank you and somebody please help!
One solution here is to use CSS transitions. No JS transition needed.
transition: background-image 6s;

JQuery image slider and CSS transition works only once

I'm trying to learn jQuery plugins. I'm creating a image sliding plugin. This is how I've developed so far.
$.imageSlider = function(selector, settings) {
var config = {
if(settings) {
$.extend(config, settings);
var obj = $(selector);
obj.children('img').css('transition','width 2s, height 2s, transform 2s');
var image = obj.children('img');
var count = image.length;
var i = 0;
image.eq(0).show(); //first image showing
//begin the image loop
setInterval ( function() {
i = (i+1 == count) ? 0 : i+1;
}, config.delay
return this;
But my the issue is the rotation happens only once cycle.
JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/va45D/1/
After all 3 images loaded as the way I wanted, then It doesn't applies the transition.
Please help me to understand whats happening here.
Hie Shan,
I can reproduce your problem, you're right. After the second time that you rotate your images they will not rotate anymore. I'm using Firefox 25.
To solve you problem I made these updates:
setInterval( function() {
i = (i+1 == count) ? 0 : i+1;
}, config.delay
When your loop over, the element keeps the same value at the end of the loop, so when your run it for the first time your have all your img elements at 0deg, at the end you transform them to 360deg position. The next time that you run your loop (this explain the problem that you have on your 2nd time), all your images starts on 360deg. If you rotate 360deg to 360deg you have the same position because there is no interval between the actual position and the new one. This can be really visible if you update your code to 45deg, as you can see on this fiddle.
Before start the process I defined a transformation that returns your element to 0 degrees. Maybe this solution solves your problem.
Here is the JSFiddle

Decrease image size automatically over a certain amount of time

I am looking for a script but I'm not sure what to look for.
I have a webpage that has the body tag with a background image.
body {
background: url(eye.gif)repeat;
background-size:91px 91px;
What I am hoping to achieve is when the page loads it shows the background image as 991px then slowly decrease by 10px over a set time until the original size of 91px.
I'm not sure if there is away to do this, or even another way that when the page is loaded it is zoomed in and then zooms out automatically over time.
Basically when the page is loaded you will see the image twice and then over time you will see more and more.
Can anyone point me in the right direction.
if you use background-size your using css3 and so you can use keyframes
no javascript needed.
#-webkit-keyframes bganimation{
0%{background-size:991px 991px;}
100%{background-size:91px 91px;}
background: url(eye.gif)repeat;
background-size:91px 91px;
-webkit-animation:bganimation 20s linear; // 20s = 20 seconds
for more support you need to add the other specific prefixes (-moz,-ms..)
Here is a sample using JQuery:
$('body').animate({'background-size':'10000px'}, 50000);
Using vanilla JS:
var lowerBound = 250,
step = 10,
duration = 1000,
image = document.getElementById('image');
(function resizer () {
if (image.clientWidth > lowerBound) {
image.style.width = image.clientWidth - step + 'px';
var timer = setTimeout(resizer, duration);
} else {
Just change the lowerBound/step/duration variables to whatever you need them to be.
with jquery:
var body = $('body');
var zoom = 2;
var interval_zoom = 0.5;
var time_interval = 90000;
body.css("zoom", zoom);
zoom = zoom - interval_zoom;
}, time_interval )
Zoom and interval must be calculated
You could use Javascript for the animation or could take a look at CSS3 Transformations: http://web.archive.org/web/20180414114433/http://www.pepe-juergens.de/2013/02/css3-transform/

Javascript fade in doesn't visibly animate

So I've created the following function to fade elements in and passed in a div that I want to fade in which in this case is an image gallery popup that I want to show when a user clicks an image thumbnail on my site. I'm also passing in a speed value (iSpeed) which the timeout uses for it's time value. In this case I'm using 25 (25ms).
I've stepped through this function whilst doing so it appears to be functioning as expected. If the current opacity is less than 1, then it is incremented and it will recall itself after the timeout until the opacity reaches 1. When it reaches one it stops fading and returns.
So after stepping through it, I take off my breakpoints and try to see it in action but for some reason my gallery instantly appears without any sense of fading.
var Effects = new function () {
this.Fading = false;
this.FadeIn = function (oElement, iSpeed) {
//set opacity to zero if we haven't started fading yet.
if (this.Fading == false) {
oElement.style.opacity = 0;
//if we've reached or passed max opacity, stop fading
if (oElement.style.opacity >= 1) {
oElement.style.opacity = 1;
this.Fading = false;
//otherwise, fade
else {
this.Fading = true;
var iCurrentOpacity = parseFloat(oElement.style.opacity);
oElement.style.opacity = iCurrentOpacity + 0.1;
setTimeout(Effects.FadeIn(oElement, iSpeed), iSpeed);
Here's where I'm setting up the gallery.
this.Show = function (sPage, iImagesToDisplay, oSelectedImage) {
//create and show overlay
var oOverlay = document.createElement('div');
oOverlay.id = 'divOverlay';
//create and show gallery box
var oGallery = document.createElement('div');
oGallery.id = 'divGallery';
oGallery.style.opacity = 0;
//set position of gallery box
oGallery.style.top = (window.innerHeight / 2) - (oGallery.clientHeight / 2) + 'px';
oGallery.style.left = (window.innerWidth / 2) - (oGallery.clientWidth / 2) + 'px';
//call content function
ImageGallery.CreateContent(oGallery, sPage, iImagesToDisplay, oSelectedImage);
//fade in gallery
Effects.FadeIn(oGallery, 25);
Could anyone help me out?
Also, I'm using IE10 and I've also tried Chrome, same result.
This line:
setTimeout(Effects.FadeIn(oElement, iSpeed), iSpeed);
calls Effects.FadeIn with the given arguments, and feeds its return value into setTimeout. This is exactly like foo(bar()), which calls bar immediately, and then feeds its return value into foo.
Since your FadeIn function doesn't return a function, that would be the problem.
Perhaps you meant:
setTimeout(function() {
Effects.FadeIn(oElement, iSpeed);
}, iSpeed);
...although you'd be better off creating that function once and reusing it.
For instance, I think this does what you're looking for, but without recreating functions on each loop:
var Effects = new function () {
this.FadeIn = function (oElement, iSpeed) {
var fading = false;
var timer = setInterval(function() {
//set opacity to zero if we haven't started fading yet.
if (fading == false) { // Consider `if (!this.Fading)`
oElement.style.opacity = 0;
//if we've reached or passed max opacity, stop fading
if (oElement.style.opacity >= 1) {
oElement.style.opacity = 1;
//otherwise, fade
else {
fading = true;
var iCurrentOpacity = parseFloat(oElement.style.opacity);
oElement.style.opacity = iCurrentOpacity + 0.1;
}, iSpeed);
Your code has a lot of problems. The one culpable for the element appearing immediately is that you call setTimeout not with a function but with the result of a function, because Effects.FadeIn will be executed immediately.
setTimeout(function(){Effects.FadeIn(oElement, iSpeed)}, iSpeed);
will probably act as you intend.
But seriously, you probably should not re-invent this wheel. jQuery will allow you to fade elements in and out easily and CSS transitions allow you to achieve element fading with as much as adding or removing a CSS class.
T.J. and MoMolog are both right about the bug: you're invoking the Effects.FadeIn function immediately before passing the result to setTimeout—which means that Effects.FadeIn calls itself synchronously again and again until the condition oElement.style.opacity >= 1 is reached.
As you may or may not know, many UI updates that all take place within one turn of the event loop will be batched together on the next repaint (or something like that) so you won't see any sort of transition.
This jsFiddle includes the suggested JS solution, as well as an alternate approach that I think you may find to be better: simply adding a CSS class with the transition property. This will result in a smoother animation. Note that if you go this route, though, you may need to also include some vendor prefixes.

