Can I make a THREE.js shape from a series of contours? - javascript

Let's say I have three flat shapes. For simplicity we'll make them circles:
Is there any way in THREE.js to 'stack' these vertically and create a shape that fills in the space between them? If you imagine those circles stacked vertically, the eventual shape I'd want would be a sort of flat-topped cone.

Process is called extrusion and is showed here -
I've never tried it myself, so I can't help with actual use.


How to fill the space between two cylinder meshes. Three.js

I have a code that generates cylinders based on an array of 3d vectors.
The problem is that they have those ugly spaces between them:
Does any one know how I can fill them in the newest version of three.js?
Thanks in advance!!
To fill the gaps, I'd suggest you just use a sphere with the same radius as the cylinders, centered at the point the two cylinders meet.
Set height & width segment counts to match the cylinders so it all looks consistent.
The parts that aren't filling the gap will just get hidden inside the cylinders, and won't be visible.
If you want to keep the vertex count down, you could use the theta parameters on the Sphere Geometry to only generate the parts that you actually need to fill the gap.
Alternatively, if what you are really trying to achieve is a curved object with a circular cross-section, you could drop the cylinders altogether, and extrude a circle along a curve to achieve the shape that you want.

Three.js gradient across multiple faces

I'm trying to build a HSV cylinder in three.js, and I'm having a hard time mapping the gradient to the faces. I thought that I could just create my object like this:
However, the gradients – especially on the red quad going downwards – do not look smooth. It makes sense, but I don't know how to fix it.
I really just want to create a quad and specify the corner vertex colors, but Face4 is gone, and all examples use this.
Is there any way to create a gradient that goes across a rectangular face (or combinations of faces)? How do I need to think about gradients that need to run over multiple faces?
"More triangles" seems to be the answer here.

Colour of two overlapping circles

I'm creating a planning tool for a game. Imagine two 2D static gun emplacements with different ranges and damage per second. I want to draw these ranges with different colours according to damage, in a scale similar to this
I got that part working with CSS border radiuses. My problem is that if ranges overlap, the overlapping area doesn't show the combined damage.
I found heatmap.js but it doesn't allow you to set a different radius for each point. I also can't find a way to turn off the gradient... the damage of these guns at its maximum range is the same at its minimum range. I realise that's sort of the point of a heatmap normally haha but I'm not too sure what I should be googling.
I had a think about a PHP solution which would create a greyscale image using varying levels of opacity to represent different damage. I'd then loop through all the pixels and recolour them according to the scale. But that would be far too slow. It needs to update in as close to realtime as possible as the user drags the guns around the screen.
There's probably a very simple way to do this, a CSS filter maybe, but I can't find anything. Any ideas? Thanks!
CSS is the wrong tool for this job -- you really ought to be doing stuff like this using SVG or Canvas. It'll be a lot easier to achieve complex graphical effects using a proper graphics system than trying to hack it with shapes created in CSS.
For example, in SVG, you would simply need to use the fill feature to fill each area with whatever colour you wanted. See an example SVG image here. It's an SVG Venn diagram where the overlap areas are completely different colours to the parent circles. Canvas has similar functionality.
You might also want to consider using a Javascript library such as RaphaelJS or PaperJS to help you with this. (using Canvas would imply that you're using some Javascript anyway, and it will make SVG easier to work with too).
However if you must do it using CSS, if you want elements to show through so the colours are merged when they overlay each other, then you'll want to use some sort of opacity effect.
Either opacity:0.5 or an rgba colour for the background.
That's as good as you'll get with CSS; you won't be able to get arbitrary colours in the overlap portions; just a combination of colours from the layered opacity effects.
If you look at the code of heatmap.js, you'll see that it works like this:
Paint circles onto a canvas, using a radial gradient from transparent to some percent opaque (depending on the strength of the point).
Color-map that grayscale image (converting each gray value to one of an array of 256 colors).
Your problem could be solved in the same way, but painting a circle of constant opacity and variable radius in step 1.

Storing shapes in JavaScript array to redraw after some operation

I am developing an editor in html5. I have buttons for creating shapes when clicked, including triangle, rectangle, hexa, penta, heptagons, lines, and so on. Now I also want to perform operations on these shapes such as rotate, flip, undo, redo, ...etc. I want to save these drawn objects in a JavaScript array or something so I can create them after performing operations on the canvas, since individual shapes cannot be rotated or flipped in canvas, we have to redraw it. How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance.
I have a project where if you click on an image of a rectangle you can then draw a rectangle, click on an ellipse then you can draw an ellipse. My shapes are stored as objects which are then drawn using Canvas and can be flipped, rotated etc I have not implemented undo redo.
My project is at
The source code for my project is at
The master branch is the current working code. You are welcome to use any of the code or fork the project.
as you said, you have to clear your context and redraw your shapes any time you change them.
It's not mandatory to clear and redraw all the context, you can just redraw the region in which a shape is modified.
So you have to think your shapes as objects (in a OOP way) with their own properties and render method.
What I'd do is to create another class to apply transformations to a shape (a flip is just a -1 scale).
If you go this way, it could become a huge work (the more features you add, the more complexe your code becomes and the first design of your application may be re-think during the work).
What I can suggest to you is to use a framework that already does the job.
For example, cgSceneGraph is designed to let developers add their own rendering method and provides a lot of methods to manipulate them. I'm the designer of the framework, feel free to ask more on about how to apply transformations or create your own nodes (tutorials and examples are already on the website, but I'll please to help you).

how to "sort" polygons 3d?

I am still working on my "javascript 3d engine" (link inside stackoverflow).
at First, all my polygons were faces of cubes, so sorting them by average Z was working fine.
but now I've "evolved" and I want to draw my polygons (which may contain more than 4 vertices)
in the right order, namely, those who are close to the camera will be drawn last.
I know how to rotate them and "perspective"-ize them into 2D,
but don't know how to draw them in the right order.
just to clarify:
//my 3d shape = array of polygons
//polygon = array of vertices
//vertex = point with x,y,z
//rotation is around (0,0,0) and my view point is (0,0,something) I guess.
can anyone help?
p.s: some "catch phrases" I came up with, looking for the solution: z-buffering, ray casting (?!), plane equations, view vector, and so on - guess I need a simple to understand answer so that's why I asked this one. thanks.
p.s2: i don't mind too much about overlapping or intersecting polygons... so maybe the painter's algorthm indeed might be good. but: what is it exactly? how do I decide the distance of a polygon?? a polygon has many points.
The approach of sorting polygons and then drawing them bottom-to-top is called the "Painter's algorithm". Unfortunately the sorting step is in general an unsolvable problem, because it's possible for 3 polygons to overlap each other:
Thus there is not necessarily any polygon that is "on top". Alternate approaches such as using a Z buffer or BSP tree (which involves splitting polygons) don't suffer from this problem.
how do I decide the distance of a polygon?? a polygon has many points.
Painter's algorithm is the simplest to implement, but it works only in very simple cases because it assumes that there is only a single "distance" or z-value for each polygon (which you could approximate to be the average of z-values of all points in the polygon). Of course, this will produce wrong results if two polygons intersect each other.
In reality, there isn't a single distance value for a polygon -- each point on the surface of a polygon can be at a different distance from the viewer, so each point has its own "distance" or depth.
You already mentioned Z-buffering, and that is one way of doing this. I don't think you can implement this efficiently on a HTML canvas, but here's the general idea:
You need to maintain an additional canvas, the "z-buffer", where each pixel's colour represents the z-depth of the corresponding pixel on the main canvas.
To draw a polygon, you go through each point on its surface and draw only those points which are closer to the viewer than any previous objects, as indicated by the z-buffer.
I think you will have some ideas by investigating BSP tree ( binary spaces partition tree ), even if the algo will require to split some of your polygon in two.
Some example could be find here or by google for BSP tree. Posting some code as a reply is, in my opinion, not serious since is a complex topic.

