What String.substr(negative number) does? - javascript

I found this snippet, but I am not sure if it should have -5 or -6, because I do not what exactly substr(negative) does.

substr() returns the a string made up of the last N characters, when -N is passed to it.
"Hello".substr(-2) => "lo"
From the docs:
If start is negative, substr uses it as a character index from the end
of the string. If start is negative and abs(start) is larger than the
length of the string, substr uses 0 as the start index.

In general:
Is the same as:
Which is the same as:
Which returns the sub-string:


Why slice(-x,0) doesn't produce expected string

If I have this:
console.log('12345'.slice(-3)); // I get '345'
but when I do:
console.log('12345'.slice(-3, 0)); // I get '' (empty string).
what is the reasoning behind this? It makes no sense to me. Is there a JS API that can wrap around strings like I expect here? (I was expecting '345' again.)
The second parameter is the index where the substring to be extracted ends (exclusive). If that index is before (or equal to) the start index (the first parameter), the result is the empty string.
As the docs say about the second parameter:
If end is positioned before or at start after normalization, nothing is extracted.
After normalization, .slice(-3) is equivalent to .slice(2), and the second parameter defaults to the length of the string, so
// equivalent to
is like
.slice(2, 5) // take the substring from index 2 to index 5
and not
.slice(2, 0)

Match number with no decimal and greater than 10,000

I am not very familiar with regex and am trying to create a regex code in JavaScript to match a string with only
whole numbers
no decimals/dots
and should be greater than 10,000
So far I have it like the ff. I think I am missing something as it still read through decimal numbers and == 10,000. How do I do that?
At the risk of not directly answering the question, JavaScript can already parse numbers. Why bother trying to reimplement this? Especially with RegExp?
Why not just parseFloat(theString) or Number(theString) the entire string?
It will fail/return NaN if what you have isn't a number, and you can test for this with isNaN.
If it doesn't fail, you can then test it to ensure that it's an integral value:
const isIntegral = Math.trunc(theNumber) === theNumber;
and is less than 10000
const isLessThan10000 = theNumber < 10000;
This code is going to be much easier to read and maintain than a regular expression.
You may use
To exclude 10000 add a (?!10000$) lookahead:
See the regex demo and the regex graph:
^ - start of string
(?!10000$) - a negative lookahead that cancels the match if the whole string is equal to 10000 (i.e. after start of string (^), there is 10000 and then end of string position follows ($))
[1-9] - a digit from 1 to 9
[0-9]{4,} - any four or more digits
$ - end of string.

String To Number Confusion

Why does parseInt("-1000-500-75-33") return -1000?
Shouldn't it return the sum of those numbers: -1608
How can I get the string "-1000-500-75-33" to return as the sum of those numbers?
parseInt will try to get a number starting from the beginning of the string.
Since - is a valid character to begin a number with, it parses the string until it finds something invalid. The second - is invalid because no integer can contain an - inside it, only digits. So it stops there and considers the number to be "finished".
Now, if you want to process the expression, you can use eval like so:
This will return -1608 as expected.
parseInt will not perform any computations, rather it will try to convert a string into an integer. It returns -1000 because the dash afterwards would not be considered a valid number. If you want to sum all these numbers you could split on the dash, map to Number, then reduce:
var numString = "-1000-500-75-33";
numString.split('-').map(e => Number(e)).reduce((a, b) => a - b);
Try to eval! it's safe here
And about type casting: After parsing -1000, which is obviously "negative 1000", It will escape casting as soon as it detect a symbol common between numbers & strings. So parseInt is seeing "-1000-500-75-33" as "-1000NotConvertableString", So left the remaining away, returning -1000 as the result of type-casting.
Since they are in a string, ParseInt does not parse the whole string, just finds the first applicable number from the start & returns it. If the start of the string cannot be parsed, it returns NaN
parseInt("-1000NOT_NUMBER") = -1000
parseInt("test-1000`) = NaN
You have to use eval function to do what you want, that evaluates given string as if it were a command entered into the console;
eval("-1000-500-75-33") = -1608

javascript, parseInt behavior when passing in a float number

I have the following two parseInt() and I am not quite sure why they gave me different results:
alert(parseInt(0.00001)) shows 0;
alert(parseInt(0.00000001)) shows 1
My guess is that since parseInt needs string parameter, it treats 0.00001 as ""+0.00001 which is "0.00001", therefore, the first alert will show 0 after parseInt. For the second statement, ""+0.00000001 will be "1e-8", whose parseInt will be 1. Am I correct?
I believe you are correct.
parseInt(0.00001) == parseInt(String(0.00001)) == parseInt('0.00001') ==> 0
parseInt(0.00000001) == parseInt(String(0.00000001)) == parseInt('1e-8') ==> 1
You are correct.
parseInt is intended to get a number from a string. So, if you pass it a number, it first converts it into a string, and then back into a number. After string conversion, parseInt starts at the first number in the string and gives up at the first non-number related character. So "1.e-8" becomes "1"
If you know you are starting with a string, and are just trying to get an Integer value, you can do something like.
Math.round(Number('0.00000001')); // 0
If you know you have a floating point number and not a string...
Math.round(0.00000001); // 0
You can also truncate, ceil(), or floor the number
parseInt takes each character in the first argument (converted to a string) that it recognizes as a number, and as soon as it finds a non-numeric value it ignores that value and the rest of the string. (see MDN second paragraph under "Description")
Therefore it's likely that parseInt(0.00000001) === parseInt(String(0.00000001)) === parseInt("1e-8"), which would only extract the 1 from the string yielding parseInt("1") === 1
However, there's another possibility:
From Mozilla developer network:
parseInt(string, radix);
for the string argument (emphasis added): "The value to parse. If string is not a string, then it is converted to one. Leading whitespace in the string is ignored."
I think this possibility is less likely, since String(0.00000001) does not yield NAN.

What is the difference between String.slice and String.substring?

Does anyone know what the difference is between these two methods?
slice() works like substring() with a few different behaviors.
Syntax: string.slice(start, stop);
Syntax: string.substring(start, stop);
What they have in common:
If start equals stop: returns an empty string
If stop is omitted: extracts characters to the end of the string
If either argument is greater than the string's length, the string's length will be used instead.
Distinctions of substring():
If start > stop, then substring will swap those 2 arguments.
If either argument is negative or is NaN, it is treated as if it were 0.
Distinctions of slice():
If start > stop, slice() will return the empty string. ("")
If start is negative: sets char from the end of string, exactly like substr() in Firefox. This behavior is observed in both Firefox and IE.
If stop is negative: sets stop to: string.length – Math.abs(stop) (original value), except bounded at 0 (thus, Math.max(0, string.length + stop)) as covered in the ECMA specification.
Source: Rudimentary Art of Programming & Development: Javascript: substr() v.s. substring()
If you know the index (the position) on which you'll stop (but NOT include), use slice().
If you know the length of characters to be extracted, you could use substr(), but that is discouraged as it is deprecated.
Otherwise, read on for a full comparison
Note #1: slice()==substring()
What it does?
slice() extracts parts of a string and returns the extracted parts in a new string.
substr() extracts parts of a string, beginning at the character at the specified position, and returns the specified number of characters.
substring() extracts parts of a string and returns the extracted parts in a new string.
Note #2: slice()==substring()
Changes the Original String?
slice() doesn't
substr() doesn't
substring() doesn't
Note #3: slice()==substr()==substring()
Using Negative Numbers as an Argument
slice() selects characters starting from the end of the string
substr() selects characters starting from the end of the string
substring() doesn't perform
Note #4: slice()==substr()
If the First Argument is Greater than the Second
slice() doesn't perform
substr() since the Second Argument is NOT a position, but length value, it will perform as usual, with no problems
substring() will swap the two arguments, and perform as usual
The First Argument
slice() required; starting Index
substr() required; starting Index
substring() required; starting Index
Note #5: slice()==substr()==substring()
The Second Argument
slice() optional; the position (up to, but not including) where to end the extraction
substr() optional; the number of characters to extract
substring() optional; the position (up to, but not including) where to end the extraction
Note #6: slice()==substring()
What if the Second Argument is Omitted?
slice() selects all characters from the start-position to the end of the string
substr() selects all characters from the start-position to the end of the string
substring() selects all characters from the start-position to the end of the string
Note #7: slice()==substr()==substring()
So, you can say that there's a difference between slice() and substr(), while substring() is basically a copy of slice().
If you want substr's functionality:
"foobarbaz".substr(index, length);
without using a deprecated feature, you can just do:
"foobarbaz".substring(index, length + index);
And get the exact same results bar all of the edge-cases, like negative index/length.
Ben Nadel has written a good article about this, he points out the difference in the parameters to these functions:
String.slice( begin [, end ] )
String.substring( from [, to ] )
String.substr( start [, length ] )
He also points out that if the parameters to slice are negative, they reference the string from the end. Substring and substr doesn't.
Here is his article about this.
The one answer is fine but requires a little reading into. Especially with the new terminology "stop".
My Go -- organized by differences to make it useful in addition to the first answer by Daniel above:
1) negative indexes. Substring requires positive indexes and will set a negative index to 0. Slice's negative index means the position from the end of the string.
"1234".substring(-2, -1) == "1234".substring(0,0) == ""
"1234".slice(-2, -1) == "1234".slice(2, 3) == "3"
2) Swapping of indexes. Substring will reorder the indexes to make the first index less than or equal to the second index.
"1234".substring(3,2) == "1234".substring(2,3) == "3"
"1234".slice(3,2) == ""
General comment -- I find it weird that the second index is the position after the last character of the slice or substring. I would expect "1234".slice(2,2) to return "3". This makes Andy's confusion above justified -- I would expect "1234".slice(2, -1) to return "34". Yes, this means I'm new to Javascript. This means also this behavior:
"1234".slice(-2, -2) == "", "1234".slice(-2, -1) == "3", "1234".slice(-2, -0) == "" <-- you have to use length or omit the argument to get the 4.
"1234".slice(3, -2) == "", "1234".slice(3, -1) == "", "1234".slice(3, -0) == "" <-- same issue, but seems weirder.
My 2c.
The difference between substring and slice - is how they work with negative and overlooking lines abroad arguments:
substring(start, end)
Negative arguments are interpreted as zero. Too large values ​​are truncated to the length of the string:
alert("testme".substring(-2)); // "testme", -2 becomes 0
Furthermore, if start > end, the arguments are interchanged, i.e. plot line returns between the start and end:
alert("testme".substring(4, -1)); // "test"
// -1 Becomes 0 -> got substring (4, 0)
// 4> 0, so that the arguments are swapped -> substring (0, 4) = "test"
Negative values ​​are measured from the end of the line:
alert("testme".slice(-2)); // "me", from the end position 2
alert("testme".slice(1, -1)); // "estm", from the first position to the one at the end.
It is much more convenient than the strange logic substring.
A negative value of the first parameter to substr supported in all browsers except IE8-.
If the choice of one of these three methods, for use in most situations - it will be slice: negative arguments and it maintains and operates most obvious.
substr: It's providing us to fetch part of the string based on specified index.
syntax of substr-
start - start index tells where the fetching start.
end - end index tells upto where string fetches. It's optional.
slice: It's providing to fetch part of the string based on the specified index. It's allows us to specify positive and index.
syntax of slice - string.slice(start,end)
start - start index tells where the fetching start.It's
end - end index tells upto where string fetches. It's optional.
In 'splice' both start and end index helps to take positive and negative index.
sample code for 'slice' in string
var str="Javascript";
output: crip
sample code for 'substring' in string
var str="Javascript";
output: avas
[*Note: negative indexing starts at the end of the string.]
The only difference between slice and substring method is of arguments
Both take two arguments e.g. start/from and end/to.
You cannot pass a negative value as first argument for substring method but for slice method to traverse it from end.
Slice method argument details:
Index from where slice should begin. If value is provided in negative it means start from last. e.g. -1 for last character.
Index after end of slice. If not provided slice will be taken from start_index to end of string. In case of negative value index will be measured from end of string.
Substring method argument details:
It should be a non negative integer to specify index from where sub-string should start.
An optional non negative integer to provide index before which sub-string should be finished.
For slice(start, stop), if stop is negative, stop will be set to:
string.length – Math.abs(stop)
rather than:
string.length – 1 – Math.abs(stop)

