building a tree/ nested tree view using html and javascript - javascript

I have the following JSON data. I would like to build a tree/ nested tree view using the following data.
The desirable output would be as follows:
["carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.avgUpdateTime", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.cache.overflow", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.cache.queries", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.cache.queues", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.cache.size", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.committedPoints", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.cpuUsage", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.creates", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.errors", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.memUsage", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.metricsReceived", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.pointsPerUpdate", "carbon.agents.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.updateOperations", "carbon.aggregator.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.aggregateDatapointsSent", "carbon.aggregator.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.allocatedBuffers", "carbon.aggregator.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.bufferedDatapoints", "carbon.aggregator.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.cpuUsage", "carbon.aggregator.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.memUsage", "carbon.aggregator.vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64-a.metricsReceived", "stats.gauges.echo_server.throughput", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
I would like to achieve the following output:
I am able to parse the json, How would we achieve the view as above using HTML and JS in particular the folder and nested folder tree view?

There's an online tool to do that. . You can try this to visualize you json data.
Also since you are interested in implementing a html/js solution. Try jsTree jquery plugin.

You can use this tool to visualize your json. It has many more features to edit and create json.


SAP Cloud SDK for Javascript: Filter on Expanded Entities

I know I am reopening an old one (Perform filter on expanded entity with SAP Cloud SDK), but it was a while ago and was referencing the Java version of the API used to consume an S/4 HANA service.
I'm testing the Javascript version of the API against the SuccessFactors OData API, which is indeed able to perform filters on expanded entities, like so:
<API_HOST>/odata/v2/PerPerson?$filter=personalInfoNav/firstName eq 'MARCO'&$expand=personalInfoNav&$select=personalInfoNav/firstName, personalInfoNav/lastName&$top=20
Translated into the SDK, it would be (TypeScript):
const personList: Array<PerPerson> =
await PerPerson.requestBuilder().getAll().top(20)
.execute({ destinationName: this.configService.get<string>('ACTIVE_DESTINATION') });
But this code does not compile because of the incompatibility of types for the filter function, which here expects a "PerPerson" type and not "PerPersonal".
I was not able to find anything about this.
Considering that the plain OData query works perfectly, anyone has been able to make this work?
I didn't initially understand that Successfactors offered this functionality on top of the protocol. There are two possible workarounds I can think of:
use new Filter, e.g.:
new Filter('personalInfoNav/firstName', 'eq', 'MARCO')
If this doesn't work, you can call build on the request builder instead of execute, which gives you the ODataRequest object from which you can get the URL, which you'd then have to manipulate manually. Then you should be able to use the executeHttpRequest function to execute this custom request object against a destination.
Let me know if one of these work for you!
Original answer:
filtering on expanded entities on OData v2 is only possible if the relationship between the two entities is 1:1. In the case the code would look like this:
If, however, the relationship is 1:n, filtering is not possible.
Hope that helps!

d3plus not load data from csv

my code:
function d3_chart() {
// sample data array
// instantiate d3plus
var visualization = d3plus.viz()
.container("#viz") // container DIV to hold the visualization
.data("./extra/acc.csv", {"filetype": "csv"}) // data to use with the visualization
.type("line") // visualization type
.y("x") // key to use for y-axis
.x("timestamp") // key to use for x-axis
.draw() // finally, draw the visualization!
my csv:
0,2019-02-28 12:20:19.631,1.072,-0.153,10.113
1,2019-02-28 12:20:19.731,1.072,-0.153,10.419
2,2019-02-28 12:20:19.831,1.072,-0.153,9.96
3,2019-02-28 12:20:19.931,1.072,-0.153,10.113
4,2019-02-28 12:20:20.031,1.072,-0.153,10.113
5,2019-02-28 12:20:20.132,1.225,-0.153,9.96
6,2019-02-28 12:20:20.231,1.225,-0.153,9.96
7,2019-02-28 12:20:20.331,1.225,-0.153,9.96
8,2019-02-28 12:20:20.431,0.919,-0.306,9.5
9,2019-02-28 12:20:20.531,0.919,0.459,9.807
10,2019-02-28 12:20:20.631,1.225,0.153,10.113
11,2019-02-28 12:20:20.731,1.379,-1.992,10.113
12,2019-02-28 12:20:20.831,1.838,-0.306,9.653
13,2019-02-28 12:20:20.931,0.153,0.766,10.113
14,2019-02-28 12:20:21.032,0.459,1.532,10.266
15,2019-02-28 12:20:21.133,1.072,0.0,9.96
I just got getting message:
No Data Available
What is wrong? I don't find any example in internet with csv loading via this library
Or something know how graph chart from csv via general D3 with simple example?
d3plus seems to be using v3.5.15 of d3.js. Regardless of that, you will need to tell d3plus of how to load the data. Reading the API documentation it seems you will have to load the data using
d3plus.dataLoad(path, [formatter], [key], [callback]) as explained here.
Alternatively, you can use d3.js to parse your csv file and pass it as the data. To do this you can use the
d3.csv.parse(string[, accessor]) as provided in the d3.js CSV API.
Keep in mind in both cases you will need to format your timestamps in the correct time format (For d3.js Time Format API doc), for you to be able to use the time scales. Also at least for d3.js when the data is parsed from CSV all values are string values and hence you will need to change the type of the values using an type conversion function. You can read more about this in a great guide on how to read data by Learnjsdata (d3.js v3, or d3.js v5)
There are several examples out there for d3.js v3 on importing the data for processing which may be a better option overall. Also consider d3plus has not got a github commit in over a year so the library may not be well supported.
I hope this helps and at least gives you a start. If you need more help please leave a comment below.

Using handlebars.js for dynamic user content?

Handlebars is commonly used on static predefined html templates and then given dynamic data via JSON, but what if the template itself comes from json?
I'm trying to build a community forum whereby I have a template that gets filled in for where the users post goes. The post itself however also contains template information (which is dynamic). How can I get handlebars to process a dynamic template that just came out of ajax?
For example, a users post can contain any or all of the following in any order: text, pictures, links, videos, etc.
The content will look something like this:
{{text-open}} blablabla heres a picture {{text-close}}{{image-open}} {{image-close}} {{image-open}}
http://anotherRandomUrl {{image-close}}
I'm not sure how to do this with handlebars. I have the feeling maybe I should just use a string replace function? But would that be the optimal method?
You just have to compile the template:
.then(source => Handlebars.compile(source))
.then(postTemplate => {
// Do stuff, then fill the template:
postElement.innerHTML = postTemplate(postData);

How to manipulate HTML table once it's returned from backend like Node.js?

Here's the situation: I use Node.js as my backend, and use markdown to edit and post my blog article. And when a client requests the specific URL, such as, I returned the blog contents from Node.js with some template like ejs, which would be something like the follows:
app.get("/blog/article1", function(req, res) {
var article = something // this is a valid HTML converted from a markdown file
res.render("article1", {
title: "my blog article 1",
article: article
In the above code, I render article.ejs with title and article variable. The article variable is a valid HTML to be injected to the ejs template. So far, it' fine.
However, if I want to display a HTML table which is written in the original markdown file, with Bootstrap 3's responsive table functionality, (i.e. <div class="table-responsive"><table class="table">...actual table...</table></div>), how can I do it? Right now the table in my markdown file is just a markdown file, and I don't think that it's the best idea to just modify all of my markdown files on which I insert or wrap with the <div class="table-responsive">...</div> line; the files might also be used in a situation other than Bootstrap.
In other words, is it feasible to dynamically or programmatically inject the responsive functionality to the table once the template is returned by Node.js? And is it also feasible to inject the responsive table functionality selectively? (in other words choose arbitrarily some tables that I want to add the responsive function?)
Continuing on from the comments: It's actually not that difficult to fork and modify a project. The faster you can get used to working with open source libraries the better your experience will be with Node. Things move pretty quickly in the Node world, and sometimes things won't work like they are expected to. You can either wait around for a fix, or roll up your sleeves and pitch in.
I found a way to update the markdown templates using their addTemplate method. However the version of Marked the project is using (2.8) doesn't support custom templates. I've forked the repository and updated the version of marked as well as fixed the issues this caused with the tests. I also added a restriction to prevent it from using Express 4 which breaks all the tests. I submitted these as a pull request to the original repo, but in the mean time you could use my version to write something like the following.
express = require('express'),
app = express(),
Poet = require('poet'),
marked = require('marked'),
renderer = new marked.Renderer();
renderer.table = function(header, body) {
return '<div class="table-responsive"><table class="table">' + header + body + '</table></div>';
var poet = Poet(app, {
posts: './_posts/',
postsPerPage: 5,
metaFormat: 'json'
poet.addTemplate({ ext: 'markdown', fn: function(s) {
return marked(s);
Alternatively, if all you're using poet for is the markdown conversion, you might as well use marked directly and cut out the dependency on poet.

How to exclude an object's id property before or during $.toJSON

I'm writing a custom REST adapter for ember-data users with a django rest framework app and need to build a JSON string to do POST/PUT. The only problem is I can't seem to chain another jQuery method after the $.toJSON that removes this.
So far I have an ember.js object that I plan to extract each property from, except my django app doesn't want the id to go along with the HTTP POST
I can get a legit string like so
This results in the following
I'd like a quick way to exclude id when I do this toJSON (does this exist w/ out writing it by hand?) Using jQuery 1.8+
Thank you in advance
Turns out this was really simple
var json_data = record.toJSON();
var data = $.param(json_data);
Now instead of
I now get

