accessing clipboard data in Firefox when we copy and past - javascript

I am facing issues while accessing clipboard data from javascript in Fire Fox. My issues is i am pasting data which greater than max length of test filed and trying to validate that we pasted text > max length. For this i am trying to read data from clipboard. But i am unable to access it from FF.
Can any one plz provide the solution.
I tried with below code
$("#abc").bind("paste", function (event) {
var clpBoardData = window.clipboardData.getData("Text");

try this
$("#abc").bind("paste", function (event) {
var clpBoardData = event.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData("Text");
u cant use 'window.clipboardData' on crome, firefox and opera

I think you are referring to this


Copy rendered html with styles to outlook [duplicate]

Is there a way in javascript to copy an html string (ie <b>xx<b>) into the clipboard as text/html, so that it can then be pasted into for example a gmail message with the formatting (ie, xx in bold)
There exists solutions to copy to the clipboard as text (text/plain) for example but not as text/html
I need a non flash, non jquery solution that will work at least on IE11 FF42 and Chrome.
Ideally I would like to store both text and html versions of the string in the clipboard so that the right one can be pasted depending if the target supports html or not.
Since this answer has gotten some attention, I have completely rewritten the messy original to be easier to grasp. If you want to look at the pre-revisioned version, you can find it here.
The boiled down question:
Can I use JavaScript to copy the formatted output of some HTML code to the users clipboard?
Yes, with some limitations, you can.
Below is a function that will do exactly that. I tested it with your required browsers, it works in all of them. However, IE 11 will ask for confirmation on that action.
Explanation how this works can be found below, you may interactively test the function out in this jsFiddle.
// This function expects an HTML string and copies it as rich text.
function copyFormatted (html) {
// Create container for the HTML
// [1]
var container = document.createElement('div')
container.innerHTML = html
// Hide element
// [2] = 'fixed' = 'none' = 0
// Detect all style sheets of the page
var activeSheets =
.filter(function (sheet) {
return !sheet.disabled
// Mount the container to the DOM to make `contentWindow` available
// [3]
// Copy to clipboard
// [4]
var range = document.createRange()
// [5.1]
// [5.2]
for (var i = 0; i < activeSheets.length; i++) activeSheets[i].disabled = true
// [5.3]
// [5.4]
for (var i = 0; i < activeSheets.length; i++) activeSheets[i].disabled = false
// Remove the container
// [6]
Look into the comments in the code above to see where you currently are in the following process:
We create a container to put our HTML code into.
We style the container to be hidden and detect the page's active stylesheets. The reason will be explained shortly.
We put the container into the page's DOM.
We remove possibly existing selections and select the contents of our container.
We do the copying itself. This is actually a multi-step process:
Chrome will copy text as it sees it, with applied CSS styles, while other browsers will copy it with the browser's default styles.
Therefore we will disable all user styles before copying to get the most consistent result possible.
Before we do this, we prematurely execute the copy command.
This is a hack for IE11: In this browser, the copying must be manually confirmed once. Until the user clicked the "Confirm" button, IE users would see the page without any styles. To avoid this, we copy first, wait for confirmation, then disable the styles and copy again. That time we won't get a confirmation dialog since IE remembers our last choice.
We actually disable the page's styles.
Now we execute the copy command again.
We re-enable the stylesheets.
We remove the container from the page's DOM.
And we're done.
The formatted content will not be perfectly consistent across browsers.
As explained above, Chrome (i.e. the Blink engine) will use a different strategy than Firefox and IE: Chrome will copy the contents with their CSS styling, but omitting any styles that are not defined.
Firefox and IE on the other hand won't apply page-specific CSS, they will apply the browser's default styles. This also means they will have some weird styles applied to them, e.g. the default font (which is usually Times New Roman).
For security reasons, browsers will only allow the function to execute as an effect of a user interaction (e.g. a click, keypress etc.)
There is a much simpler solution. Copy a section of your page (element) than copying HTML.
With this simple function you can copy whatever you want (text, images, tables, etc.) on your page or the whole document to the clipboard.
The function receives the element id or the element itself.
function copyElementToClipboard(element) {
let range = document.createRange();
range.selectNode(typeof element === 'string' ? document.getElementById(element) : element);
How to use:
If you want to use the new Clipboard API, use the write method like below:
var type = "text/html";
var blob = new Blob([text], { type });
var data = [new ClipboardItem({ [type]: blob })];
function () {
/* success */
function () {
/* failure */
Currently(Sep 2021), The problem is that Firefox doesn't support this method.
I have done a few modifications on Loilo's answer above:
setting (and later restoring) the focus to the hidden div prevents FF going into endless recursion when copying from a textarea
setting the range to the inner children of the div prevents chrome inserting an extra <br> in the beginning
removeAllRanges on getSelection() prevents appending to existing selection (possibly not needed)
try/catch around execCommand
hiding the copy div better
On OSX this will not work. Safari does not support execCommand and chrome OSX has a known bug
clipboardDiv = document.createElement('div'); = '12pt'; // Prevent zooming on iOS
// Reset box model = '0'; = '0'; = '0';
// Move element out of screen = 'fixed';['right'] = '-9999px'; = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop) + 'px';
// more hiding
clipboardDiv.setAttribute('readonly', ''); = 0; = 'none'; = -1;
clipboardDiv.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); // so it can be focused
clipboardDiv.innerHTML = '';
function copyHtmlToClipboard(html) {
var focused=document.activeElement;
var range = document.createRange();
var ok=false;
try {
if (document.execCommand('copy')) ok=true; else utils.log('execCommand returned false !');
} catch (err) {
utils.log('execCommand failed ! exception '+err);
see jsfiddle where you can enter html segment into the textarea and copy to the clipboard with ctrl+c.
For those looking for a way to do this using ClipboardItem and cannot get it to work even with set to true, the answer can be found at
And here is my working code (tested on Firefox 102).
const clipboardItem = new
ClipboardItem({'text/html': new Blob([html],
{type: 'text/html'}),
'text/plain': new Blob([html],
{type: 'text/plain'})});
then(_ => console.log("clipboard.write() Ok"),
error => alert(error));
Make sure you try pasting it into a rich text editor such as gmail and not to a plain text/markdown editor such as stackoverflow.

Edge is unable to set clipboardData

First of all, let me note that this works perfectly in Chrome.
I am trying to override the copy event in JavaScript and replace the clipboard contents with my own data. I extracted the essentials of the problem into this fiddle: (yes, I need to use global variables to set the data)
window.globalCopyObject = {};
window.globalCopyObject.clipboardDataText = "text value";
window.globalCopyObject.clipboardHtmlText = "html value";
document.addEventListener("copy", function (event) {
event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", window.globalCopyObject.clipboardDataText);
event.clipboardData.setData("text/html", window.globalCopyObject.clipboardHtmlText);
When you use Edge and try to copy the text on the page and paste it into the input, it does override the event since the clipboard is emptied, but it does not fill it with new data.
As far as I know, the latest Edge should support the clipboard API, is there something obvious I am missing?
Thank you in advance for any ideas.

Insert a text into a textbox and simulate click on the button in Bot Framework's Web Chat

Fiddle here:
Microsoft Bot Framework has a webchat module that allows you to talk to your bot.
When the user clicks the Say Hi button, I want to place some text into the webchat's textbox, and click the Send button inside the webchat using JavaScript.
Sounds like something too easy, but it wasn't. Here's the code that I currently have, and it doesn't work: the click event somehow is not triggered.
$('#sayhibutton').click(function() {
$('.wc-console').addClass('has-text'); // works
$('.wc-shellinput').val("Hi bot!").change(); // works
$('.wc-send').click(); // doesn't work!
$('.wc-send svg').click(); // doesn't work either
Update: if that helps, it seems the interface is written using React.
Update: my question is different from my previous question about how to avoid iframes in webchat.
OK, for the lack of a better option my solution was a pretty dirty and ugly one.
Save the code in botchat.js into a file and reference that saved file from the HTML, rather than the CDN version.
Pretty-print the file in Chrome and find the line that says:
e.prototype.sendMessage = function() {
this.props.inputText.trim().length > 0 && this.props.sendMessage(this.props.inputText)
Replace the middle line with this:
this.textInput.value.trim().length > 0 && this.props.sendMessage(this.textInput.value)
This basically means to take the message text from this.textInput.value rather than from this.props.inputText, or in other words, take it directly from the textinput's DOM node.
Somehow triggering the change event on a textbox doesn't cause an actual change event on the textbox, which is why we need to do this.
this is an issue with react try this,
var input = document.getElementsByClassName("wc-shellinput")[0];
var lastValue = input.value;
input.value = 'YOUR MESSAGE';
var event = new CustomEvent('input', { bubbles: true });
// hack React15
event.simulated = true;
// hack React16
var tracker = input._valueTracker;
if (tracker) {
//send the message
to read more see this post:

Javascript - Copy string to clipboard as text/html

Is there a way in javascript to copy an html string (ie <b>xx<b>) into the clipboard as text/html, so that it can then be pasted into for example a gmail message with the formatting (ie, xx in bold)
There exists solutions to copy to the clipboard as text (text/plain) for example but not as text/html
I need a non flash, non jquery solution that will work at least on IE11 FF42 and Chrome.
Ideally I would like to store both text and html versions of the string in the clipboard so that the right one can be pasted depending if the target supports html or not.
Since this answer has gotten some attention, I have completely rewritten the messy original to be easier to grasp. If you want to look at the pre-revisioned version, you can find it here.
The boiled down question:
Can I use JavaScript to copy the formatted output of some HTML code to the users clipboard?
Yes, with some limitations, you can.
Below is a function that will do exactly that. I tested it with your required browsers, it works in all of them. However, IE 11 will ask for confirmation on that action.
Explanation how this works can be found below, you may interactively test the function out in this jsFiddle.
// This function expects an HTML string and copies it as rich text.
function copyFormatted (html) {
// Create container for the HTML
// [1]
var container = document.createElement('div')
container.innerHTML = html
// Hide element
// [2] = 'fixed' = 'none' = 0
// Detect all style sheets of the page
var activeSheets =
.filter(function (sheet) {
return !sheet.disabled
// Mount the container to the DOM to make `contentWindow` available
// [3]
// Copy to clipboard
// [4]
var range = document.createRange()
// [5.1]
// [5.2]
for (var i = 0; i < activeSheets.length; i++) activeSheets[i].disabled = true
// [5.3]
// [5.4]
for (var i = 0; i < activeSheets.length; i++) activeSheets[i].disabled = false
// Remove the container
// [6]
Look into the comments in the code above to see where you currently are in the following process:
We create a container to put our HTML code into.
We style the container to be hidden and detect the page's active stylesheets. The reason will be explained shortly.
We put the container into the page's DOM.
We remove possibly existing selections and select the contents of our container.
We do the copying itself. This is actually a multi-step process:
Chrome will copy text as it sees it, with applied CSS styles, while other browsers will copy it with the browser's default styles.
Therefore we will disable all user styles before copying to get the most consistent result possible.
Before we do this, we prematurely execute the copy command.
This is a hack for IE11: In this browser, the copying must be manually confirmed once. Until the user clicked the "Confirm" button, IE users would see the page without any styles. To avoid this, we copy first, wait for confirmation, then disable the styles and copy again. That time we won't get a confirmation dialog since IE remembers our last choice.
We actually disable the page's styles.
Now we execute the copy command again.
We re-enable the stylesheets.
We remove the container from the page's DOM.
And we're done.
The formatted content will not be perfectly consistent across browsers.
As explained above, Chrome (i.e. the Blink engine) will use a different strategy than Firefox and IE: Chrome will copy the contents with their CSS styling, but omitting any styles that are not defined.
Firefox and IE on the other hand won't apply page-specific CSS, they will apply the browser's default styles. This also means they will have some weird styles applied to them, e.g. the default font (which is usually Times New Roman).
For security reasons, browsers will only allow the function to execute as an effect of a user interaction (e.g. a click, keypress etc.)
There is a much simpler solution. Copy a section of your page (element) than copying HTML.
With this simple function you can copy whatever you want (text, images, tables, etc.) on your page or the whole document to the clipboard.
The function receives the element id or the element itself.
function copyElementToClipboard(element) {
let range = document.createRange();
range.selectNode(typeof element === 'string' ? document.getElementById(element) : element);
How to use:
If you want to use the new Clipboard API, use the write method like below:
var type = "text/html";
var blob = new Blob([text], { type });
var data = [new ClipboardItem({ [type]: blob })];
function () {
/* success */
function () {
/* failure */
Currently(Sep 2021), The problem is that Firefox doesn't support this method.
I have done a few modifications on Loilo's answer above:
setting (and later restoring) the focus to the hidden div prevents FF going into endless recursion when copying from a textarea
setting the range to the inner children of the div prevents chrome inserting an extra <br> in the beginning
removeAllRanges on getSelection() prevents appending to existing selection (possibly not needed)
try/catch around execCommand
hiding the copy div better
On OSX this will not work. Safari does not support execCommand and chrome OSX has a known bug
clipboardDiv = document.createElement('div'); = '12pt'; // Prevent zooming on iOS
// Reset box model = '0'; = '0'; = '0';
// Move element out of screen = 'fixed';['right'] = '-9999px'; = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop) + 'px';
// more hiding
clipboardDiv.setAttribute('readonly', ''); = 0; = 'none'; = -1;
clipboardDiv.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); // so it can be focused
clipboardDiv.innerHTML = '';
function copyHtmlToClipboard(html) {
var focused=document.activeElement;
var range = document.createRange();
var ok=false;
try {
if (document.execCommand('copy')) ok=true; else utils.log('execCommand returned false !');
} catch (err) {
utils.log('execCommand failed ! exception '+err);
see jsfiddle where you can enter html segment into the textarea and copy to the clipboard with ctrl+c.
For those looking for a way to do this using ClipboardItem and cannot get it to work even with set to true, the answer can be found at
And here is my working code (tested on Firefox 102).
const clipboardItem = new
ClipboardItem({'text/html': new Blob([html],
{type: 'text/html'}),
'text/plain': new Blob([html],
{type: 'text/plain'})});
then(_ => console.log("clipboard.write() Ok"),
error => alert(error));
Make sure you try pasting it into a rich text editor such as gmail and not to a plain text/markdown editor such as stackoverflow.

Error handling "Out of Memory Exception" in browser?

I am debugging a javascript/html5 web app that uses a lot of memory. Occasionally I get an error message in the console window saying
"uncaught exception: out of memory".
Is there a way for me to gracefully handle this error inside the app?
Ultimately I need to re-write parts of this to prevent this from happening in the first place.
You should calclulate size of your localStorage,
window.localStorage is full
as a solution is to try to add something
var localStorageSpace = function(){
var allStrings = '';
for(var key in window.localStorage){
allStrings += window.localStorage[key];
return allStrings ? 3 + ((allStrings.length*16)/(8*1024)) + ' KB' : 'Empty (0 KB)';
var storageIsFull = function () {
var size = localStorageSpace(); // old size
// try to add data
var er;
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("test-size", "1");
} catch(er) {}
// check if data added
var isFull = (size === localStorageSpace());
return isFull;
I also got the same error message recently when working on a project having lots of JS and sending Json, but the solution which I found was to update input type="submit" attribute to input type="button". I know there are limitations of using input type="button"..> and the solution looks weird, but if your application has ajax with JS,Json data, you can give it a try. Thanks.
Faced the same problem in Firefox then later I came to know I was trying to reload a HTML page even before setting up some data into local-storage inside if loop. So you need to take care of that one and also check somewhere ID is repeating or not.
But same thing was working great in Chrome. Maybe Chrome is more Intelligent.

