Running a form handled by ajax in a loaded ajax page? - javascript

Using tutorials found i'm currently loading new pages with this:
$("a.nav-link").click(function (e) {
// cancel the default behaviour
// get the address of the link
var href = $(this).attr('href');
// getting the desired element for working with it later
var $wrap = $('#userright');
// removing old data
// slide it up
// load the remote page
.load(href + ' #userright', function () {
// now slide it down
This loads the selected pages perfectly, however the pages have forms that themselves use ajax to send the following:
var frm = $('#profileform');
frm.submit(function (ev) {
type: frm.attr('method'),
url: frm.attr('action'),
data: frm.serialize(),
success: function (data) {
However this is not sending the form as it did before the page itself was called to the parent page via ajax. Am I missing something? Can you not use an ajax call in a page already called by ajax?
I also have other issues, for example I disable the submit button unless there are any changes to the form, using:
var button = $('#profile-submit');
var orig = [];
$.fn.getType = function () {
return this[0].tagName == "INPUT" ? $(this[0]).attr("type").toLowerCase() : this[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
$("#profileform :input").each(function () {
var type = $(this).getType();
var tmp = {
'type': type,
'value': $(this).val()
if (type == 'radio') {
tmp.checked = $(this).is(':checked');
orig[$(this).attr('id')] = tmp;
$('#profileform').bind('change keyup', function () {
var disable = true;
$("#profileform :input").each(function () {
var type = $(this).getType();
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if (type == 'text' || type == 'select') {
disable = (orig[id].value == $(this).val());
} else if (type == 'radio') {
disable = (orig[id].checked == $(this).is(':checked'));
if (!disable) {
return false; // break out of loop
button.prop('disabled', disable);});
However this also doesn't work when pulled to the parent page. Any help much appreciated! I'm really new to ajax so please point out any obvious mistakes! Many thanks in advance.
Just an update to what i've found. I've got one form working by using:
$(document).on('mouseenter', '#profile', function() {
However the following:
$(document).on('mouseenter', '#cancelimage', function() {
$('#cancelimage').onclick=function() {
function closePreview() {
} }; });
Is not working. I understand now that I need to make it realise code was there, so I wrapped all of my code in a mouseover for the new div, but certain parts still don't work, so I gave a mouseover to the cancel button on my image form, but when clicked it doesn't do any of the things it's supposed to.

For anyone else who comes across it, if you've got a function name assigned to it, it should pass fine regardless. I was trying to update it, and there was no need. Doh!
function closePreview() {
Works just fine.


Prevent multiple click events and change target value

I have UI with a list of users in a table. Each entry / user has two buttons. One of the buttons is a 'check' button.
<button type="submit" id="$id_from_db" class="bg-aqua btnCheckUser">Check</button>
When a check button is clicked for a particular user a POST request is sent to a server. While the request is loading all buttons should be disabled, the button which started the request should change its class from bg-puple to bg-aqua
and its text from Check to Checking.... If the request returns an error (which is indicated by result having the value 1) the button should change its class from bg-aqua to bg-danger. If there is no error the class should change from bg-aqua to bg-navy and the text from Checking... to User Okay.
I'm able to achieve this but it does not only affect the button which started the request but all buttons.
This is my code:
$(document).on("click", ".btnCheckUser", function() {
var Item_Number = $(this).attr("Item_Number");
/************************** MANIPULATE BUTTONS *******************************************************************************/
$(this).html('Checking ...');
$(this).attr("disabled", true);
$('.btnViewUser').attr("disabled", true);
/******************************* PROCESS AJAX **************************************************************************/
var value = {
Item_Number: Item_Number
url: "./plugins/serverside/CheckUserStatus",
type: "POST",
data: value,
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var data = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if (data.result == 1) {
$('.btnCheckUser').attr("disabled", false);
$('.btnViewUser').attr("disabled", false);
setTimeout(function() {
var table = $('#User_Table').DataTable();
table.ajax.reload(null, false);
}, 3500);
} else if (data.result == 2) {
//------------------------ IF User Okay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$("#CheckUser").html('User Okay');
$('.btnCheckUser').attr("disabled", false);
$('.btnViewUser').attr("disabled", false);
How can I fix this and only affect the button which started the request, but still disable all buttons when a request is loading?
I stripped the code down to the parts which matter for the button logic. I'm using a dummy API and I randomly generate the result value as I have no access to the actual API you're using.
$(() => $('.btnCheckUser').on('click', ({ target }) => clickHandler(target)));
function clickHandler(button) {
// Disable all buttons when one of them is clicked
$('.btnCheckUser').prop('disabled', true);
$('.btnViewUser').prop('disabled', true);
// Remove all non standard classes, then add 'loading' class and text
url: '',
success: raw => {
// Random result value
const result = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : 2;
if (result === 1) {
// Something went wrong, add 'danger' class and text
} else if (result === 2) {
// Everything went fine, add 'success' class and text
error: () => {
// Add 'danger' class if something goes wrong
complete: () => {
// Enable all buttons as we got a response
$('.btnCheckUser').prop('disabled', false);
$('.btnViewUser').prop('disabled', false);
// Remove 'loading' class as we got a response
This should give you the expected behavior.
hello there this is truly easy what you have to do is
function TheClickerFunction(){
//this will only affect the clicked element
i think creating a global counter and increment it on each element would b better*/
var GlobalCounter= 0;
function DynamicBuilder(){
var stringBuilder="";
for(var i = 0; i< lengthOfYourElement ; i++){
stringBuilder+="<input type='submit' id='myButton"+GlobalCounter+"'></input>";
in this way each time a click is made
var elementID = $(this).attr("id");
//here you can do what ever you want with its id

Returning true on Link Click Event isn't working

I am trying to execute some code that has a callback when clicking on specific links. The callback is to click the link again, but on the second pass, the method returns true to follow normal behavior. But for some reason, it's not working? I use clickedLink for proper scope. In the event callback, this was referring to window.
For a little more clarity, I agree normally this wouldn't be an optimal solution, but I am using Google's Tag Manager to monitor eCommerce traffic. I am trying to make sure product clicks get pushed to their dataLayer, and using their event callback to resume normal behavior. More info here:
This is my updated method based on the answers below, but it still doesn't work.
var shopCartBtnClicked = false;
var clickedLink;
jQuery('#pdp_add_cart, .add_to_cart_button').click(function(e) {
if (shopCartBtnClicked === true) {
shopCartBtnClicked = false; //I make it here just fine
} else {
clickedLink = this;
var pdp = false;
if (mmProduct) {
//On detail page
mmProduct.qty = jQuery('input[name="quantity"]').val();
pdp = true;
} else {
//on a shopping page
mmProduct = findProductClicked(this);
mmProduct.qty = 1;
'event': 'addToCart',
'ecommerce': {
'currencyCode': 'USD',
'add': {
'products': [{
'price': mmProduct.price,
'quantity': mmProduct.qty
'eventCallback': function () {
//Are we on a product detail page with a form, or just a shopping page with a link?
if (pdp) {
jQuery('form.cart').submit(); //This part works just fine
} else {
mmProduct = null;
shopCartBtnClicked = true;
$(clickedLink).trigger('click'); //This doesn't
Its not very well done, but this should work:
var shopCartBtnClicked = false;
var clickedLink;
jQuery('.add_to_cart_button').click(function(e) {
if (shopCartBtnClicked === true) {
shopCartBtnClicked = false;
// dont return, just let javascript handle this one
} else {
// only execute when you have not set it to true
clickedLink = this;
shopCartBtnClicked = true;
I do have to wonder why you don't just execute your other logic first and then not prevent default anyway.
Taking #somethinghere's answer, your code can further be simplified to improve readability:
var shopCartBtnClicked = false;
jQuery('.add_to_cart_button').click(function(e) {
if( shopCartBtnClicked ) {
shopCartBtnClicked = false;
// dont return, just let javascript handle this one
} else {
// only execute when you have set it to true
shopCartBtnClicked = true;;
Or, as suggested by #Regent:
var shopCartBtnClicked = false;
jQuery('.add_to_cart_button').click(function(e) {
shopCartBtnClicked = !shopCartBtnClicked;
if( shopCartBtnClicked ) {
OK guys, thank you for helping me get there. Normally, all of the other answers would work great, but for this specific tag manager instance, it appears (for some unknown reason), document.location works in the event callback fine here. This works.
It's weird because I used $(this).('form.cart').submit(); in a callback earlier in the code.
'eventCallback': function () {
//Are we on a product detail page with a form, or just a shopping page with a link?
if (pdp) {
} else {
mmProduct = null;
document.location = $(clickedLink).attr('href');

Making sure my form isn't being submitted multiple times with jquery show/hide

So when someone hits Reply, I am attempting to pop-up a form to type your response. Once the form is submitted, it disappears until the next time you hit Reply.
This is working except after the 1st time, I am submitting the information twice. If I do it a third time, the form submits three times. Essentially what is happening is the previous form doesn't seem to be resetting after I hide it again.
I checked this website/google and have tried using reset() but it didn't work. Below is the code:
$(document).on('click', '.secretfeed button', function () {
var message_id = $(this).attr('name');
var value = document.getElementById("m_id").value;
$('#comment_form').submit(function (e) {
var commentData = $(this).serialize();
$.post('../../process_comment.php', commentData, processData);
function processData(data) {
Rather than initializing the submit function on every click, move it outside the click function. jQuery may be creating an instance of it for each click.
$('#comment_form').submit(function (e) {
var commentData = $(this).serialize();
$.post('../../process_comment.php', commentData, processData);
function processData(data) {
$(document).on('click', '.secretfeed button', function () {
var message_id = $(this).attr('name');
var value = $("#m_id").val();
The alternative is to unbind the click function before reusing it.
We want a reusable way to handle the state. We will save the state of the button in a boolean which gets turned on and off depending on the status of the request. The pattern is the following:
var isSending = false;
function onSubmit() {
isSending = true;
// Send data
function onComplete() {
// done sending data
isSending = false;
if (!isSending) {
// When data sending is finished:
The above can be encapsulated in a more functional way that uses promises to manage the state. (jQuery AJAX functions all return a promise-like object):
function oneAtATimeFunction(promisedFunction) {
var pendingPromise;
function reset() { pendingPromise = null; }
return function() {
if (pendingPromise) { return pendingPromise; }
pendingPromise = promisedFunction.apply(promisedFunction, arguments)
return pendingPromise;
function submitForm() {
return $.ajax({
url: '/foo',
method: 'POST',
data: { data: 'from form' }
$('#submit-button').on('click', oneAtATimeFunction(submitForm));
Adding a little flare to the UI We can add a way to turn on and off the submit button. First we will define a helper function to handle the on and off state:
function buttonEnable(enabled) {
$('#submit-button').attr('disabled', !enabled);
buttonEnable(false); // disable the button
buttonEnable(true); // enable the button
Putting it all together:
function onClick() {
return onSubmit()
.always($.proxy(buttonEnable, null, true));
// The above is also the same as:
// .always(function() { buttonEnable(true); });
$('#submit-button').on('click', oneAtATimeFunction(onClick));
To see this in action here is a JSBin example.

submit during beforeunload, maybe who knows radically another method solution

Reviewed many similar questions on (also on other resources), but found no answers. So I simplified and generalized questions. It seems like the obvious solution:
$(document).ready(function() {
var a = 3;
var b = 5;
// no message when pressed submit button
$('form').submit(function() {
// confirm of the need to save
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(e) {
if (a != b)
if (confirm('You changed data. Save?')) {
// alert('Your data is saved. (With alert submit() work only in FireFox!?)');
But not submit work. If you use the alert(), it works only in FireFox. I would like to correct (possibly without delay) cross-browser solution. Maybe who knows radically another method solution.
P.S. On some originality beforeunload described here in the first part:, but this is not the solution obvious functional.
Chrome and Firefox blocking submits after the onbeforeunload-event. You have to use
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(e) {
if (a != b)
return 'You\'ve changed the data. Leave page anyway?';
I used synchronous AJAX (JAX) request and run handler for events onUnload or onBeforeUnload once for the respective browser. This solution has a single and almost cross-browser behavior.
Example (on jsfiddle):
$(document).ready(function() {
var form = $('form');
var textareas = $('textarea');
function array_compare(a_0, a_1) {
if(a_0.length != a_1.length)
return false;
for(i = 0; i < a_0.length; i++)
if(a_0[i] != a_1[i])
return false;
return true;
var flag = false; // flag to control the execution of the unloadHandler() once
var a_open = []; // array with data before unload
$('textarea').each(function(index) {
function unloadHandler() {
if (flag)
var a_close = []; // array with data during unload
$('textarea').each(function(index) {
if (!array_compare(a_open, a_close)) {
if (confirm('You changed the data, but not saved them. Save?')) {
type: 'POST',
url: '/echo/json/',
async: false,
data: form.serialize()/* {
json: JSON.stringify({
text: 'My test text.'
delay: 3
} */,
success: function(data) {
if (data) {
alert('All data is saved!');
flag = true;
// For FireFox, Chrome
$(window).on('beforeunload', function () {
// For Opera, Konqueror
$(window).unload(function() {
// Without message when pressed submit button
$('form').submit(function() {
Best way to submit data on unload is to store it in localstorage and send it next time when any other page under same origin is requested.
function sendBeacon(data) {
for (var i = 0, len = dataArr.length; i < len; i++) {
$.getScript(dataArr[i], (function (index) {
dataArr.splice(index, 1) //Updata dataArray on data submission
$(window).on('beforeunload', function () {
localStorage.setItem('dataArr', JSON.stringify(dataArr));
var dataArr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dataArr'));
if (!dataArr) {
dataArr = []; // Create Empty Array
} else {
sendBeacon(dataArr); //Submit stored data

How to check if object is undefined/null

This question has come up a lot but I can't make it work.
I have 5 divs, I want to hide the div before the last one who was used. So If the user clicks somewhere in div 1, and then clicks somewhere in div 2, div 1 fades out (all of this after an Ajax call)
Here's my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#[id^='r_form_']").bind("ajax:success", function(evt, data, status, xhr) {
var $form = $(this);
$(this).parent().css("background", "green");
if($lastForm == null) {
var $lastForm = $(this);
if(!($lastForm[0] == $form[0])) {
var $lastForm = $(this);
If the variable $lastForm is undefined, assign the current form where Ajax happenned.
The variable is always undefined. I added an alert('undefined') in the loop, i always get it. why?
I have a feeling it might be because the variable is reset when the Ajax request comes back. But i'm not really an expert and can't seem to find the answer.
I think it's because it's declared in inner scope. move the declaration to outside of the function. each function create a new scope, so it's not saved to the next call:
$(document).ready(function() {
var $lastForm; //<===================
$("#[id^='r_form_']").bind("ajax:success", function(evt, data, status, xhr) {
var $form = $(this);
$(this).parent().css("background", "green");
if ($lastForm == null) {
$lastForm = $(this);
if (!($lastForm[0] == $form[0])) {
$lastForm = $(this);
As commented by #minitech the # in the selector: #[id^='r_form_'] looks like it shouldn't be there.
if(typeof e === 'undefined') {
// your code here

