Submit a Form with Validations using AJAX and PHP [closed] - javascript

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I have a PHP page with Session set on that page . I want to add a form with validations which contains dropdown list(the list displays all projects assigned to employee depending on the empid retrieved from session variable).This form will be processed and the Project selected will be traced so that the employee starts his work on that project.
I want a functionality which will show that the Project has been tracked and rest of the contents should not be refreshed.Only the form should be processed and return the result (as everything has session working and the page is to be accessed only once)

These links may help.
Submit a form with Ajax and jQuery:
Validate a form:

Use jQuery Form Plugin
I think this will solve your purpose


refresh only if changed php-ajax [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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well, I have a comment system that is updated every second with jQuery, but I want to update only if there are changes, that is, only if there are new records in the database. is there a way to do this?
Excuse my English, but I'm using google translator
You may create two function in JS. First function ask php script, which check changes, and, if data changed, run second JS function, which get data and update DOM.
Php is not may send info on loaded http page independently, without request from client side.

javascript comma separators and session storage [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm new to javascript and so I don't fully understand passing objects... my final product is simple build a comma separated counter that doesn't reset when someone refreshes the page. Guymid build a jsbin demo It seems that the solution to my problem is pretty straightforward but I can't seem to put them together.
to not reset, someone suggested using sessionStorage which seem to work on another code but I can't seem to incorporate it to the codes that I have as reflected in the JSBin Link.
Any help is much appreciated.
The way to do it is simply do localStorage: i basically just store values in localStorage and that's the only difference. However, there are a few more: Instead of just using +=1 to increment values, I use parseInt because localStorage values are strings.

prevent page refresh on php while I click browser back option [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a form created in HTML.the form values passed second page via post that page I put the edit button while I click that button to redirect the HTML form page with user typed my problem is how to prevent the page reloaded in PHP or JAVASCRIPT
You can use the Post/Redirect/Get pattern.
When the form is submitted as a POST request, your PHP scripts sends a redirect response to the client, which causes the result to be fetched with a new GET request.
This avoids the resubmit of a form when the refresh button is pressed.
You can do this with JavaScript using window.history.
See Manipulating the browser history
However, your original form should get the saved values from a database. There's no guarantee that sending the user back a page will not cause the page to reload. It depends on the browser.
If this is your edit button
<button id="editButton">Edit</button>
Then your JS would look something like:
document.getElementById('editButton').onclick = function(event){
return false;

how can I disable copying images from browsing my website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There is an option for disabling right click on the website on the computer but on the mobile I don't know which javascript code I would need.
Images have to be copied from the web server to the client system in order for the client system to display them.
There is no way to stop people from saving them.
There is an option for disabling right click on the website
Not one that can't be trivially bypassed.
There's no way to actually block an image from being copied. If it's being shown to the user, they can obtain it. The resource is already sent to them for render anyways.

PHP Redirect on Submission Based on Different id/URL [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for a PHP Script that can redirect users to specific and different URLS when they hit "Submit" button.
I can afford to have the URL Like
Now if the user clicks submit button it redirects him/her to So for multiple posts i can easily change the URL and it redirects differently?
I hope anyone can answer it.
First you'll need to escape the "URL" types of characters in your URL so that PHP can properly read the second one as a parameter. So if you wanted to redirect to, your main URL would look something like:
Now, form.php needs to do several things:
Read the parameter
Unescape it
Use PHP's built-in header() function to set the "Location" header to the unescaped parameter
Example: header("Location:");
Hope that gets you started.

