Iframe Http error handling - javascript

I am using iframe to show my database result.But for the veryfirst time since I am not hitting the database so in that case iframe is showing datatable.jsp page is not available (dataTable.jsp is the page for showing database table result).I searched in google and i found something called onError and onLoad methods for iframe.If anybody can show me a small example of how to show a different jsp if for the first time required src is not avaialable it would be a great help for me.
Thanks in advance
<iframe id="dataframe" src="dataTable.jsp" name="dataTable" width="720px" height="620px" align="middle" frameborder="0">

Well, with javascript, this could be a way:
<iframe id="dataframe" name="dataTable" width="720px" height="620px" align="middle" frameborder="0">
(removed the src attribute)
Then, when you want to load the datatable with your jsp content
document.getElementById("dataframe").src = 'dataTable.jsp';
Hope this helps, Cheers


How a React function output can be added in a embed-HTML link

Sorry if it is a dummy question.
I am trying to make a react website
I have a React function;
which returns a number of index of graphs.
Please see the link below. e.g function returns 111
Update: Sorry it is a embed HTML-Link not a URL link
I need to add that number into a embed html-link for showing correct graph.
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" "src=//plot.ly/~username/111.embed?showlink=false&modebar=false&autosize=true" ></iframe>
I search the internet but I could not figure out.
Thank you for advance
If I understand you well, you want a dynamic URL. For that you can try something like that:
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" src={`//.url-is-here/${this.state.GraphNumber}`}></iframe>
Edit: Add brackets around dynamic url, thanks to #DTul comment below.

Get the URL of an iframe then alert it

So basically I'm trying to make a button so when you press it, it alerts the url the iframe is on.
<iframe id="iframeid" scrolling="auto" width="100" height="100" src="http://www.google.com" >
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>
Then for my Javascript I have:
function myFunction() {
Though when I press it it's not working. When I replace the alert with something else like "Potato" then it will work. Though for some reason it can't get the url, or maybe the frame. Any help accepted!
When the frame is displaying a document on another origin (as in your example), there is no way to get the URL that is being displayed.
The URL might include personal data belonging to the user so your site is prevented from accessing it.
Always look at your JS console:

capture target link on iframe

Ok, thank you first of all his attention. I have three iframes in 3 different html documents. Organized in this way:
In iframemain.html I have:
<iframe src="iframeparent.html" width="100%" height="600">
In iframeparent.html I have:
<iframe src="iframeson.html" width="90%" height="350" name="_parent">
In iframeson.html I have:
<iframe src="http://anywebsite.com/samplepage.html" width="80%" height="300">
I did this because http://anywebsite.com/samplepage.html links are loaded into main window (iframemain.html), and not what I want, I wish I could capture the target and load the content iframeparent.html without afect to iframemain.html
I clarify that I have no control over the content of: http://anywebsite.com/samplepage.html, but it is annoying that your links loaded into the main window, so I would like all of those links are loaded in the same iframe or much in the iframeparent.html
Is this possible with Javascript or Jquery?. Thanks for your answers.
See if I have understood this correctly
You want to frame a page http://anywebsite.com/samplepage.html on iframemain.
That page has a bunch of links with target="_parent" or worse, "_top"
You want the page you have framed to not target iframemain but to have all links stay in that frame.
If the links target _parent, then your solution is correct. If they target _top, you would need to use a proxy on the server. It would break if they change the way they target links (using javascript or base target for example) but the idea is that you have
<iframe src="yourproxy.php?url=http://anywebsite.com/samplepage.html" width="80%" height="300"></iframe>
and in there, replace all _top and/or _parent with _self
But show some examples of the links (you can change the URL to protect your client) so we can help better

How do I display youtube videos with lytebox?

I have a youtube embed code here: <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/F_sbusEUz5w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
that I'd like to display using a modified version of lightbox 2 called lytebox, found here:
Thanks in advance.
Try this,
Click here to view the video.
Easiest one is : Save your iframe in different html page and load this page by lytebox
<a href="http://yoursite.com/yourpage.html" rel="lyteframe" title="title"
rev="lytebox styling">Your video name</a>
You can also use embed link directly instead of page

show only one div within an iframe (javascript, JQuery...)

First just let me say I'm open to ideas on a different approach altogether.
I have and iframe as such:
<div id="testloadlogin">
<iframe src="../security/login.aspx" width="400" height="500"
scrolling="auto" frameborder="1">
[Your user agent does not support frames or is currently configured
not to display frames. However, you may visit
the related document.]
The page being loaded with the iframe has a div called loginInnerBox. I only want to display the loginInnerBox and everything inside of it.
Any ideas on how to do this? I was thinking of using Jquery or javascript of some kind to remove everything else on the page loaded by the iframe, not sure how to access that though...
Just to be clear I want everything on my page outside of the iframe to remain intact. I want the equivalent of saying $.('testloadlogin').load('../security/login.aspx' #loginInnerBox) which would just get loginInnerBox's html and place it in the testloadlogin div. However I need the back-end processing from the other page which is supported by iframe, but not by the Jquery load.
The markup of the page loaded by the iframe is
<div class="AspNet-Login" id="ctl00_CLPMainContent_Login1">
<div id="loginInnerBox">
<div id="loginCreds">
Do you need more information than that?
I tried this, it had no effect:
<div class="ui-corner-all" id="RefRes">
<div id="testloadlogin">
<iframe onload="javascript:loadlogin()" id="loginiframe" src="../security/login.aspx"
scrolling="auto" frameborder="1">
[Your user agent does not support frames or is currently configured
not to display frames. However, you may visit
the related document.]
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadlogin() {
$('<body>*', this.contentWindow.document).not('#ctl00_CLPMainContent_Login1').hide();
With jQuery, you can load not just the contents of a URL, but a specific CSS selector from within that URL. This would be a much cleaner approach. It's like this.
$("#area").load("something.html #content");
Via CSS Tricks
Be aware this would only work on iframes loaded from the same domain (same origin policy)
EDIT: Probably this removes children of loginInnerBox as well. In that case you could try to clone it before:
var iframe = $("iframe").contents(),
loginBox = iframe.find("#loginInnerBox").clone();
Something like that..
Add this to the <iframe>-elememt:
it will hide every child of the body except #ctl00_CLPMainContent_Login1
If #ctl00_CLPMainContent_Login1 contains more than the loginbox, you have to use the suggestion using clone() posted by pex.

