InDesign: Changing default Cell Style - javascript

I am trying to change the default document settings for a batch of InDesign documents – that is, the styles, swatches etc. that are 'active' (marked blue) in an open document with nothing selected.
But I have a hard time figuring out how to change the default cell style.
Stroke swatch, Paragraph style and Character style are simple:
app.activeDocument.pageItemDefaults.strokeColor = "Black";
app.activeDocument.textDefaults.appliedParagraphStyle = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item ("[Basic Paragraph]");
app.activeDocument.textDefaults.appliedCharacterStyle = app.activeDocument.characterStyles.item ("[None]");
Cell style, however, is not so easily accessed, even though it is really just a simple mouse-click for a user. There is no 'appliedCellStyle' property.
How can I do this?

I think defalut cell style is "None", though selected other cell style in GUI
if you want apply default cell style as "None", there are no need to do.
when create a table without applying table style, the cells are always applyied 'None'.
please try this code.
var table = app.activeDocument.textFrames.add().tables.add();
thank you


After a background color change with Javascript the :hover don't change the color

I have a long form with many fields. Some of the fields get their data from separate DIV, where there are other more specific fields.
Every field, along with its label, is included into a separate block. To highlight the fields there is a CSS :hover for their class.
The CSS :hoveron the fields blocks works smoothly, and also the onmouseover and onmouseout over the many DIV passing data to them, using the following Javascript:
function LineOn(whichOne) {
document.getElementById(whichOne).style.backgroundColor = '#cf0';
function LineOff(whichOne) {
document.getElementById(whichOne).style.backgroundColor = '#fff';
But, after the execution of the Javascript, the hover stops to work (i.e. the block remains white), without reporting any console error or message.
This happens both with Firefox 36.0.3 and with Chrome 39.0.2171.71, running on a Slackware current release.
Is there a sort of hierarchy giving to the background color set with Javascript the priority over the one defined in the <style> section?
Yes, styles defined directly in the element's style property overrides any value set in CSS, unless that style has !important on it.
CSS specificity
The priority level of the selector is decided in Point of combination of selectors.
style attribute = a
number of ID attributes in the selector = b
number of other attributes and pseudo-classes in the selector = c
number of element names and pseudo-elements in the selector = d
That's one good reason not to set styles attributes; set a CSS class instead yet.

Basic JavaScript Issue: Targeting a Specific Div in DOM and Changing Properties

I am not great with JavaScript, and I am thinking this is a fairly easy answer.
Link to project:
What I'm trying to do:
Make the draggable cell turn red, and the text turn white, when it's dropped to it's correct location.
When I drag the green or orange cell to their correct locations, I have inserted this as a test to make sure I am able to target only when the drag is correct."red"
If you look at the code, on drop, the border changes on the cell from solid, to dotted. What I am trying to do is be able to change any property on drop. I want to make the background of the cell red on drop and I'd like the text to turn white. I tried this:"red"
However, this did not work and it made everything non-draggable.
To download the code use this link:
Thanks in advance for any help.
*Oh, the change I made is in the file redips-drag-min.js
You're close, but the object you really want to change is rd.target_cell, the cell that just received the drop action. Add the following inside the if (rd.target_cell.className ... conditional (line 31 of script.js): 'red';

jqgrid custom row colors

How can I set the background-color of an entire row (not just cell) using the custom formatter?
The custom formatters are used for formatting the cell's data (= text). As far as I know they don't know about the actual cell (meaning a jquery object) but only of it's value.
But usually jqGrid assigns IDs to all rows so setting the background color if you know the rows ID should be only a matter of setting the background color of all td child elements of this row.
$(rowid).children("td").css('background-color', "#5E5E5E");

Ext JS Grid Row Background Color Set

How would I go about setting the background colour of an Ext JS Grid row, mainly just the selected item(s).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To change the selected row color you have to override the appropriate CSS class:
.x-grid3-row-selected {
background-color: red !important;
You could also override the default border-color if you want using that class.
The getRowClass function, on the other hand, is for adding a static CSS class to rows using business logic to determine which rows are affected. You could also achieve row coloring that way, but it would not affect highlighted row color (although you could also write CSS that used both classes together to do so).
EDIT: To change the row style programmatically you will still want to define your styles statically in CSS, then simply add/remove CSS classes dynamically as needed. E.g., assuming a grid and a button with id 'my-btn', clicking the button will add a class (could be defined just like .x-grid3-row-selected as shown above) to the first row in the grid, applying whatever style is in the CSS class. It's up to you to define your real business logic for selecting row(s), but this is the syntax:
Ext.get('my-btn').on('click', function(){'error');
#bmoeskau This thing you gave does not work with me.
I rather use
grid.getView().addRowClass(rowIndex, 'red');
inside the onDoubleClick function.

Modifying the style attributes of selected table cells with jQuery?

I'm building a pretty basic HTML table creator/editor (based on a designMode iframe) at work, using direct DOM manipulation. It's a pain, obviously due to Internet Explorer.
When in designMode, a table inserted into the editing area iframe is resizable and the contents of the cells can be freely edited. In Firefox, rows and columns can also be added and removed. I'm currently focused on editing border widths, foreground and background colors and other things that require DOM work.
The trouble is the lack of proper DOM Selection/Range functionality in IE6/7. I'm unable to find the containing nodes for several simultaneously selected cells. For a single cell it's doable with parentElement, but for several selected cells, parentElement is the TR node that houses the TD cells. I can't figure out how to extract node references to only those TD cells inside that TR that have been selected, due to lack of anchorNode, focusNode and the various offsets that W3C DOM provides.
I've already got the table creation and the style modification for individual cells as well as groups of selected cells implemented for W3C compliant browsers, but I'm completely stuck with the IE implementation. Could jQuery help me? I've never used it, but it seems intuitive enough that it will take less time to master than it will to figure out how to do this with the IE DOM alone.
There are three basic style modification scenarios that need to work:
A table cell that has not been explicitly selected with Ctrl/Cmd-clicking, but has the text cursor inside it, must have its background color changed. The cell may have formatted text or other parentNode/childNode-relationship complicators in it.
Several explicitly selected table cells (Ctrl/Cmd-clicked, Shift-selected or just "painted over" with the mouse) must have their background colors changed. This has to work for contiguous rectangular selections as well as for scattered, individual selected cells.
Table-level modifications (border width, color etc.) for the "selected table" need to be possible. That is, in the case of several tables in the editing area, the modification will take place for one or more tables that either have cursor focus (scenario 1) or have selected cells in them (scenario 2).
In Firefox, I already have the code for all three scenarios working. Now I need a cross-browser solution. Can anybody help me?
(IE's problems with selections and ranges have been discussed here before, but not in the context of jQuery. I found these at a glance: 164147, 218043, 235411)
If I understand you properly, you want the general code for selecting table cells, and changing properties (CSS attributes) for the selection.
You can do this easily in jQuery.
var curTableCell = null; // "Softclicked" - not part of the selection (1)
// We call this in the click event below. You'd probably want this for keyboard events as well (for arrow key nav, etc.)
function softclick(element) {
curTableCell = element;
$('td, th').click(function() {
if(keyHeld) { // Dunno how you do this (I'm not good at Javascript)
$(this).toggleClass('selected'); // Explicitly added/removed to/from selection (2)
} else {
/* When you want to do something on selection: */
$('td.selected, th.selected').css({borderColor: 'red', borderWidth: '1px'});
/* When you want to do something on selected tables (3): */
$('td.selected, th.selected').parents('table')
.css({borderColor: 'red', borderWidth: '1px'});
$('td.selected, th.selected').parents('table').children('td') // Change things on all of table's cells
.css({borderColor: 'red', borderWidth: '1px'});
$('td.selected, th.selected, td.softclicked, th.softclicked').parents('table').children('td') // Change things on all of table's cells, including tables of "softclicked" cells
.css({borderColor: 'red', borderWidth: '1px'});
(I am not too good at Javascript or jQuery (am learning at the moment), but I hope this is enough to get you started.)

