Creating javascript functions when needed - javascript

I'm trying to determine the performance implications of some javascript. In our application, a form contains a number of widgets. Not all widgets are used on every page or a widget might be used more than once. I've been thinking about a model similar to the following (note that the actual script is a lot more complicated, I've simplified it to be brief):
var widget = {
type1: function(args) {
function getName() {
return this._name;
return (widget.type1 = function(args) {
return {
getName: getName
My thought is that the first time the widget.type1 function is called, it will initialize all the code needed for a widget.type1. Any subsequent widget.type1 would then use the functions. I know that I could do something like this:
var widget = {
type1: function(args) {
return {
getName: function getName() {
return this._name;
But then each type1 object would have it's own copy of a function that does the same thing, which I would assume would use more memory (I've tested in browser debugging tools that o1.getName != o2.getName).
I could just write out the script for the types of widgets that are on the current page from the server, but then I don't benefit from caching a single js file and I don't want to put each widget in its own js file because then it would have to download them all separately.
Will this result in problems? Would/should this perform as I think? Other thoughts?
I think I should explain my reasoning. My thought (which could be erroneous) is that the first time a widget is used, it would initialize the logic used by the widget. For instance, if I never create a type1 widget, there's no need to add a bunch of functions to the prototype of the type1 widget. The code I wrote was highly simplified. There may be 500+ lines of code used by that widget, and I'm not actually using a getName function, that was just an example. If the widget isn't used, it wouldn't need that logic at all. It also keeps functions only used by that widget out of the global scope.
I'm currently using objects and adding functions to the prototype of that object (e.g. MyType.prototype.whatever = function(){ ... }), but the thought occurred to me that if I never create an object of MyType, why bother initializing the prototype of MyType?
Another way to do what I'm thinking, this time using object prototypes (again, there might be 300 functions added to the prototype of type1. The idea I'm asking is if it makes any sense at all to not go ahead and add them to the prototype of type1 if a type1 is never created):
var widget = {
_type1Init: function()
widget.type1.prototype.getName = function() {
return this._name;
widget._type1Init = function(){} //So calling again won't do anything.
type1: function(args) {
this._name =;
var obj = new widget.type1({ name: "hello world" }); // If an object is created, it gets initilized, otherwise it won't.

Maybe you should consider:
function type1(argObj){
// use arguments Array for all arguments - you have Object notation
this._name =;
// not sure why you need this function
this.getName = function(){
return this._name;
function widget(){
this.type1 = type1;

I'm not really sure what you want to achieve, but I think this is a case for prototype
var widget = {
type1: function(args) {
this._name =;
widget.type1.prototype.getName = function() {
return this._name;
var w1 = new widget.type1({ name: 'Alice' });
var w2 = new widget.type1({ name: 'Bob' });
See JSFiddle

Personally, I'd consider... not necessarily a whole restructure, but if your module/widget has:
a) known "private static" functions (utilities or stateless transformers) that you want to reuse
b) functions which must operate on instance-specific state
Then you're in the market for an IIFE.
widget_1 : (function () {
var private_static_method = function (a, b, c) {
}; // no access to instance-based, closure state, unless passed as arguments
return function (d, e, f) {
// d, e and f are currently private, instance-based values (closure-scope)
this.public_method = function () { // this is copied per-instance
// has full access to d, e, f
return private_static_function(d, e, f);
this.g = d;
widget_1 is the returned function.
The constructor which is widget_1 now has private-static access (closure) to whatever is INSIDE the wrapping function, but OUTSIDE of the constructor.
So there's only one copy, with the caveat that the static functions have no sight into any private state (closure) of any instance.
Moreover, taking this one step further would indeed allow you to break up your JS into individual files (which you could build back into one file safely) and have your object work exactly the same way on the other side.
// core-file.js
var my_widgets = {};
// widget-1.js
(function (core) {
var private_static_method = function () { };
// ...
core.widget_1 = function (d, e, f) { };
You can then recombine all of your files and access them just like before, on the other side.
var widget_1a = new my_widgets.widget_1(a, b, c);
If you have absolutely no private state, then rather than the "private static" stuff above, what you can do inside of your IIFE is define a constructor function, and add prototypes to it (these are "public-static", with no access to private state).
widget_1 : (function () {
var Widget_1 = function (d, e, f) { this.g = d; };
Widget_1.prototype.add_one = function () { this.g += 1; };
return Widget_1;
var w1 = new my_widgets.widget_1(x, y, z);
w1.g; // == x+1
A combination of enclosed utility functions, enclosed per-instance state, extended prototype functions, et cetera, will allow you to do everything you want, from lowering memory-footprint (I hope you have thousands of these before worrying about this), to chaining together super-secure (higher-memory-usage) objects.
note although doing crazy closure stuff might be secure, client-side code (or, more-especially, the http(s?) bridge between the worlds is very much not...

If a widget is used more than once, than the object/prototype model will conserve memory.
something like this:
var wid = {}
wid.objInit=function(p) { this.p=p }
wid.objInit.prototype.doit=function(){ return this.p + ' it'}
var w = new wid.objInit(arg)
return w
The prototype is written once, placed into memory once and each object instance can call it.
var w = wid.init('do')
console.log( w.doit() )
var w2 = wid.init('do')
console.log( w2.doit() )


Writing JS Prototypes, should all functions use the Prototype object?

I'm beginning to learn more about writing JS using the Prototype object, but I want to make sure I don't pick up any bad habits from other developers. My understanding of using Prototype is to create public methods for your instance. For example:
var module = new Module();
But I see a lot of developers creating all their code inside the Prototype object, things that I would consider "private". Is this bad practice or considered okay? It just means I can then do:
Do they know this? Is that okay? Any help appreciated. I've been looking through the source code on GitHub to try establish the best way forward, here's a script that uses Prototypes for everything (for instance attachEvent which they clearly want privately kept):
Much appreciated, I want to make sure I develop using the correct implementations.
First of all you don't need to write modules using prototype. Think like if you writing something like a class you should use prototypes. And also it's important to where define your methods. Defining methods on prototype object and defining them in constructor function is totally different things!
Let's see a sample class definition with using methods defined in constructor:
var Dog = (function () {
var Dog = function (age, name) {
var that = this;
this.age = age; = name;
this.sayHi = function () {
console.log('Warf! Im ' +; // meaning of "this" changed!!!
this.anotherMethod = function () {};
return Dog;
var puppy = new Dog(1, 'puppy'); // sayHi and anotherMethod created
var sirius = new Dog(1, 'sirius'); // sayHi and anotherMethod recreated
sirius.sayHi = function () { console.log('Yohalolop!'); };
puppy.sayHi(); // -> 'Warf! Im puppy'
sirius.sayHi(); // -> 'Yohalolop!'
So there is some problems with the above example, firstly methods are defined like any other instance variables. Actually yeah you define them as instance variable and this means this functions are recreated for every instance object you create. I guess you have mentioned you can't use this keyword in your method definitions. This is error prone and there is a chance to forget that and use this keyword by mistaken. There are some times you can use methods as instance variables of course like variable callbacks.
Let's see a sample class definition with prototype object:
var Dog = (function () {
var Dog = function (age, name) {
this.age = age; = name;
// sayHi method defined only once in prototype
Dog.prototype.sayHi = function () {
console.log('Warf! Im ' +; // we can use this keyword
// anotherMethod defined only once in protoype
Dog.prototype.anotherMethod() {
return Dog;
var puppy = new Dog(1, 'puppy');
var sirius = new Dog(1, 'sirius'); // sirius and puppy sharing same prototype object
puppy.sayHi(); // -> 'Warf! Im puppy'
sirius.sayHi(); // -> 'Warf! Im sirius'
// remember puppy and sirius sharing same prototype object
Dog.prototype.sayHi = function () {
puppy.sayHi(); // -> 'Yohalolop'
sirius.sayHi(); // -> 'Yohalolop'
As an answer to your question about private functions, it is more complicated. Yes you can use private functions even you define your methods on prototype, but there are some concerns about testing. Usage of them is up to you. I prefer to don't use. Let me show some examples.
var Calculator = (function () {
var Calculator = function () {
this.importantNumber = 2;
// There is unfortunately no native implementation
// for private methods but you can mimic them with
// unaccessible functions and binding.
var someExtremeComputations = function () {
return 40 + this.importantNumber; // this keyword points to instance because of binding
Calculator.prototype.getMeaningOfLife = function () {
var result =; // we bind function to instance
return result;
return Calculator;
This is the one of the examples how you can define private methods in javascript. The problem with private functions, they can't be tested. There is no way to test someExtremeComputations method.
Some people (includes me) use prefixed underscore naming convention for private methods. So they are actually public methods but if someone calling them or overriding they were warned by prefixed underscore. After all we can test private methods since they are public in real.
var Calculator = (function () {
var Calculator = function () {
this.importantNumber = 2;
// private method's name prefixed by an underscore to warn
// other developers to be careful about that or not to use.
Calculator.prototype._someExtremeComputations = function () {
return 40 + this.importantNumber;
Calculator.prototype.getMeaningOfLife = function () {
var result = this.someExtremeComputations(); // no need to bind
return result;
return Calculator;
Explaining this with a few words is impossible. A generally good pattern is to construct methods through prototypes when you want to optimize your code. A good guideline is to only put the most essential data in the memory, using prototypes is critical for this since the prototyped variables and methods isn't injected into the memory until you request them.
When it comes yo your example there are no prototypes.
Simple example
// new object
var Dog = function() {
var that = this;
// add a property = "Fido";
// add a method
that.getName = function() {
// ... all the above is stored in memory directly
// Requires to be constructed
var dogObj = new Dog();
console.log(dogObj.getName()); // Fido
delete // false
typeof // "string"
delete // true
typeof // "undefined"
typeof // "string" (still there)
// Will be available in the dogObj (after you call it)
dog.prototype.first = "first";
// Will be available in the dogObj (after you call it)
dog.prototype.second = function() {
return "second";
// Will not be available in dogObj
dog.third = "third";

Extending a javascript object

I'm currently working on a platform game engine using javascript and the HTML5 canvas.
I have an object, "platform" which looks something like this...
var platform = function(pid,px,py,pw,ph) {
//Some variables here... and then we have some functions
this.step = function() {
//Update / step events here
this.draw = function() {
//Drawing events here
The step() function has all of the calculations for collision detection while the draw() function draws the platform.
What I want to do is make another object called movingPlatform. This will be almost identical to the current platform except for the fact this one moves.
Rather than copying all of the collision detection code I'd like to be able to extend movingPlatform from platform... and then be able to add some additional code into the step() function to the moving platform can... well... move.
Some additional information...
When the game loads, it generates the level using data from a CSV file. I have an array, platforms[] that stores all of the platforms within it.
So to create a platform it looks like this...
platforms.push(new platform(i,data[1],data[2],data[3],data[4]));
I then make the platforms perform their step and draw events during the game's main step and draw events.
for(var i=0; i<platforms.length; i++) {
Any help would be awesome. Thanks!
I would use the platform class as a "base" object for the moving platform object.
I would do this via the prototype which is JavaScript's implementation of object oriented programming.
More info here How does JavaScript .prototype work?
+ many more articles on the web
You can use Javascript prototype inheritance functionality:
var baseItem = {
push: function(){alert('push');},
pull: function(){alert('pull')}
var childItem = {}
childItem.prototype = baseItem;
childItem.push = function(){
//call base function;
//do your custom stuff.
alert('I did it again.');
Rather than pure inheritance, here, I'd go with prototype-extension, unless you build some big, ugly factory, just for the sake of saying that "MovingPlatform" inherited from "Platform" in a pure sense, it's not really what you'd expect it to be.
There are a few concerns (cheating, for one), but if your objects are all based wholly around this, and you're okay with people potentially hacking away in the console, then you don't really have much to worry about.
First, understand what you're doing inside of Platform:
var MyObject = function (a) { = a;
this.method = function (b) { += b; };
Every time you make a new MyObject, you're creating a brand new version of the .method function.
That is to say, if you make 10,000 of these, there will be 10,000 copies of that function, as well.
Sometimes that's a very good and safe thing.
It can also be a very slow thing.
The problem is, because everything in your object is using this, and because nothing inside of the function changes, there's no benefit to creating new copies -- just extra memory used.
MyObject = function (a) { = a;
MyObject.prototype.method = function (b) { += b; };
var o = new MyObject(1);
o.method(2);; //3
When you call new X, where X has properties/methods on its prototype, those properties/methods get copied onto the object, during its construction.
It would be the same as going:
var method = function (b) { += b; },
o = new MyObject(1);
o.method = method;
o.method(2);; // 3
Except without the extra work of doing it yourself, by hand.
The benefit here is that each object uses the same function.
They basically hand the function access to their whole this, and the function can do whatever it wants with it.
There's a catch:
var OtherObj = function (a, b) {
var private_property = b,
private_method = function () { return private_property; };
this.public_property = a;
this.unshared_method = function () { var private_value = private_method(); return private_value; };
OtherObj.prototype.public_method = function () {
return private_property;
var obj = new OtherObj(1, "hidden");
obj.public_property; // 1
obj.unshared_method(); // "hidden"
obj.public_method(); // err -- private_property doesn't exist
So assuming you don't have much you care about staying private, the easiest way of doing this would be to make reusable function, which rely on this, which you then give to multiple prototypes, through extension.
// collision-handling
var testCollision = function (target) { this./*...*/ },
handleCollision = function (obj) { this./* ... */ };
// movement-handling
var movePlatform = function (x, y, elapsed) { this.x += this.speed.x*elapsed; /*...*/ };
// not really the cleanest timestep implementation, but it'll do for examples
var Platform = function (texture, x, y, w, h) {
this.x = x;
// ...
MovingPlatform = function (texture, x, y, w, h, speedX, speedY, etc) {
this.etc = etc;//...
Platform.prototype.testCollision = testCollision;
Platform.prototype.handleCollision = handleCollision;
MovingPlatform.prototype. // both of the above, plus the movePlatform method
This is a lot by hand.
That's why functions in different libraries will clone or extend objects.
var bunchOfComponents = {
a : function () { },
b : 32,
c : { }
myObj = {};
copy(myObj, bunchOfComponents);
myObj.b; //32
Your function-reuse goes up, while the horror of writing proper Class-based, hierarchical inheritance, with virtual-overrides, abstracts, and shared-private properties, by hand, goes down.
Getting inheritance right in Javascript is somewhat tricky if you're used to class-based languages.
If you're not sharing a lot of behaviours, you might find it easier to just create some shared methods, then make them available to objects of each platform type.
//Create constructors for each type
var Platform = function(pid,px,py,pw,ph) { //By convention, constructors should start with an uppercase character
var MovingPlatform = function() {
//Create some reuseable methods
var step = function() {
var draw = function() {
var move = function() {
//Attach your methods to the prototypes for each constructor
Platform.prototype.step = step;
Platform.prototype.draw = draw;
MovingPlatform.prototype.step = step;
MovingPlatform.prototype.draw = draw;
MovingPlatform.prototype.move = move;
That said, if you do want to build up a proper inheritance chain, there are plenty of articles available to help you: 1 2 3 4

Javascript mixins when using the module pattern

I've been using the module pattern for a while, but recently have started wanting to mix in functions and properties into them to increase code re-use. I've read some good resources on the subject, but still am a bit uncertain as to the best approach. Here is a module:
var myModule = function () {
var privateConfigVar = "Private!";
function module() {}
module.publicMethod = function () {
function privateMethod1() {
return module;
And here is a mixin object:
var myMixin = function () {};
Mixin.prototype = {
mixinMethod1: function () {
console.log('mixin private 1');
mixinMethod2: function () {
console.log('mixin private 2');
Ideally, I'd like to mix-in some methods from other objects as private methods and some as public methods, so that I could call some "extend" function, with a param as "private"/"public". So, that
mixin(myModule, myMixin, "private");
makes the myMixin methods available within myModule by just calling mixinMethod1() and have correct scope, and:
mixin(myModule, myMixin, "public");
makes the myMixin methods available within myModule by calling module.mixinMethod1() and have correct scope
I've tried using a method that copies properties from one prototype to another, I've tried the underscore extend method to copy properties of the object from one to to the other, and various things in between. I think I'm a bit turned around regarding scope and prototypes at this point, and would love some direction as to how best to do mixins like this when using the module pattern. Note that it doesn't matter what the object myMixin looks like (whether adding functions to the prototype, or a module itself), I'm just trying to figure out some way to make it work.
So that [some code] makes the myMixin methods available within myModule by just calling mixinMethod1() and have correct scope
That's impossible. You cannot modify a scope by calling a function, especially not from outside. See also Is it possible to import variables in JavaScript? for the design reasons of that.
So, what can you do?
From outside the module
Nothing to the private scope(s) of module functions. And you cannot use the private functions of the module, obviously. You can extend its prototype with methods (which is the most common), you can even decorate its constructor function. Within those, you can use your own private functions, either completely static ones or class-specific ones.
var myMixin = (function() {
// everything class-unspecific but mixin-local
var staticMixinVariables, …;
function globalPrivateFunction(){…}
function staticMethod(){…}
return function(mod) {
// everything class-specific
// also using the locals from above
mod.staticHelper = function() { staticMixinVariable … };
mod.prototype.mixinMethod1 = staticMethod;
mod.prototype.mixinMethod2 = function(){…};
// Example:
From within the module
Using the mixin in the module code itself can allow for much greater flexibility.
var myMixin = (function() {
// everything class-unspecific but mixin-local
return {
publicHelper1: function(){…},
publicHelper2: function(){…},
decorateInstance: function(o) {
o.xy = …;
extendPrototype: function(proto) {
// everything class-specific
// also using the locals from above
proto.mixinMethod1 = staticMethod;
proto.mixinMethod2 = function(){…};
With such an interface, it becomes easy to construct a class that is using this as a mixin (not inheriting from it):
var myClass = (function() {
function Constructor() {
Constructor.prototype.method1 = function() { myMixin.publicHelper1() … };
Constructor.prototype.method2 = function() { … };
Constructor.myHelper = myMixin.publicHelper2; // re-export explicitly
return Constructor;
However, the mixin will never have access to the private class variables, nor can it present a private, class-specific API. Still, we can use dependency injection to provide that access explicitly (and having a mixin factory in effect):
var myClass = (function() {
var … // private class functions and variables
var mixer = myMixin(privateClassHelper,
function setPrivateVar(x) {…},
… );
var myHelper = mixer.customHelper, … // local "aliases"
function Constructor(localX) {
mixer.decorateInstance(this, localX);
… // further using the class-specific private mixer
return Constructor;
Not all techniques shown above need to be used in every mixin, just choose the ones you need. Not all possible techniques are shown in the above examples, also :-) The mixin pattern can be applied onto a plain module or inside its declaration as well, the above examples have only shown classes with prototypes.
For a few good examples, and a theoretical distinction between (stateless) Traits, (stateful) Mixins and their "privileged" counterparts, have a look at this presentation.
The with keyword can be very usefull to define a scope, but it has also some drawbacks (it is by the way forbidden in strict mode).
Using the with keyword, you can define a private variable privateScope within the body of your module, that would contain all your provate methods :
var myModule = function () {
var privateConfigVar = "Private!";
var privateScope = {};
function module() {}
var proto = module.prototype;//avoids multiple attribute lookup
//Let's re-define you example' private method, but with a new strategy
privateScope['privateMethod1'] = function() {
proto.publicMethod = function () {
//this call should work
//this will be defined later by a Mixin
privateScope[name] = fn;
return module;
Your mixin will use the definePrivateFunction we just defined to add private methods to the private scope :
//An example mixin implementation
function Mixin(source,target,flag){
for(var currentMethodName in source){
for(var currentMethodName in source){
The following code should work fine:
var test = myModule();
var testInstance = new test();
testInstance.publicMethod();// will call the private method defined internally
console.log("other Prvate Method called")
testInstance.publicMethod2();// will call the private method defined by the mixin
Ideally, I'd like to mix-in some methods from other objects as private methods and some as public methods, so that I could call some "extend" function, with a param as "private"/"public". ...
As it already has been mentioned, there is no way of achieving exactly this goal.
So, that ... makes the myMixin methods available within myModule by just calling mixinMethod1() and have correct scope, and: ... makes the myMixin methods available within myModule by calling module.mixinMethod1() and have correct scope.
And referring to scope ... this is a closed address space created by functions.
Except for closures, scope only is available during a function's runtime
within this function's body. It never ever can be manipulated/spoofed.
The term one is looking for is context. JavaScript, being in many ways highly
dynamic, is build upon late binding (the object/target/context a method is called
on gets evaluated/looked up at runtime) and two kinds of delegation.
Context gets delegated either automatically by "walking the prototype chain"
or explicitly by one of both call methods which every function object does provide
- either call or apply.
Thus JavaScript already at language core level does offer a function based
Mixin pattern that is mightier than any of the available extend(s) or mixin
implementations for it provides delegation for free and is able of passing
around state which almost every of the blamed helpers does lack unless there
was effort of implementing this feature again in a rather roundabout fashion
(or ass-backwards to put it bluntly).
Bergi for his explanation already earned the bounties.
Within his answer's last paragraph there is a link to resources of mine that
already got outdated 3 month after giving the referred talk. Due of not having
enough reputation points, I'm not able to comment his answer directly. For this
I'll take the chance pointing now to the latest state of my personal research and
understanding of »The many talents of JavaScript for generalizing Role Oriented Programming approaches like Traits and Mixins«
Back again answering the OP's question.
I'm going to change the two first given code examples from the assumed module pattern
and the rather exemplarily provided mixin code base towards a plain constructor function
and what I'm meanwhile tempted to call a "proxified" and/or "bicontextual" mixin in order
to boil down the mechanics of delegating two different target/context objects at once.
Thus demonstrating a pure function based mixin pattern that might come closest to what
the OP tries to achieve.
var MyBicontextualMixin = function (localProxy) {
localProxy.proxifiedAccessible = function () {
console.log("proxified accessible.");
this.publiclyAccessible = function () {
console.log("publicly accessible.");
var MyConstructor = function () {
var localProxy = {};, localProxy);
var locallyAccessible = localProxy.proxifiedAccessible;
// call 'em
locallyAccessible(); // "proxified accessible."
this.publiclyAccessible(); // "publicly accessible."
(new MyConstructor);
// will log:
// proxified accessible.
// publicly accessible.
This special pattern also is the underlying base for composing pure
function based Traits that rely on conflict resolution functionality
provided by "proxified" Mixins that won't expose this functionality
into public.
And for not ending up that theoretical there will be a "real world example",
composing a Queue module out of various reusable mixins that entirely
worship the approach of DRY. It also should answer the OP's question about
how to achieve encapsulation and exposition build only upon the module
pattern and function based mixin composition.
var Enumerable_first_last_item = (function (global) {
parseFloat = global.parseFloat,
math_floor = global.Math.floor,
// shared code.
first = function () {
return this[0];
last = function () {
return this[this.length - 1];
item = function (idx) {
return this[math_floor(parseFloat(idx, 10))];
return function () { // [Enumerable_first_last_item] Mixin.
var enumerable = this;
enumerable.first = first;
enumerable.last = last;
enumerable.item = item;
}(window || this));
var Enumerable_first_last_item_proxified = function (list) {;
// implementing the proxified / bicontextual [Enumerable_first_last_item] Mixin.
var enumerable = this;
enumerable.first = function () {
return list.first();
enumerable.last = function () {
return list.last();
enumerable.item = function (idx) {
return list.item(idx);
var Allocable = (function (Array) {
array_from = ((typeof Array.from == "function") && Array.from) || (function (array_prototype_slice) {
return function (listType) {
return function (list) { // proxified / bicontextual [Allocable] Mixin.
allocable = this
allocable.valueOf = allocable.toArray = function () {
return array_from(list);
allocable.toString = function () {
return ("" + list);
allocable.size = function () {
return list.length;
};, list);
var Queue = (function () { // [Queue] Module.
onEnqueue = function (queue, type) {
//queue.dispatchEvent({type: "enqueue", item: type});
onDequeue = function (queue, type) {
//queue.dispatchEvent({type: "dequeue", item: type});
onEmpty = function (queue) {
//queue.dispatchEvent({type: "empty"});
onEmpty = function (queue) {
Queue = function () { // [Queue] Constructor.
queue = this,
list = []
queue.enqueue = function (type) {
onEnqueue(queue, type);
return type;
queue.dequeue = function () {
var type = list.shift();
onDequeue(queue, type);
(list.length || onEmpty(queue));
return type;
//; // applying the [Observable] Mixin., list); // applying the bicontextual [Allocable] Mixin.
isQueue = function (type) {
return !!(type && (type instanceof Queue));
createQueue = function () { // [Queue] Factory.
return (new Queue);
return { // [Queue] Module.
isQueue : isQueue,
create : createQueue
var q = Queue.create();
//q.addEventListener("enqueue", function (evt) {/* ... */});
//q.addEventListener("dequeue", function (evt) {/* ... */});
//q.addEventListener("empty", function (evt) {/* ... */});
console.log("q : ", q); // { .., .., .., }
console.log("q.size() : ", q.size()); // 0
console.log("q.valueOf() : ", q.valueOf()); // []
"the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".split(/\s+/).forEach(function (elm/*, idx, arr*/) {
console.log("q.enqueue(\"" + elm + "\")", q.enqueue(elm));
console.log("q.size() : ", q.size()); // 9
console.log("q.toArray() : ", q.toArray()); // [ .., .., .., ]
console.log("q.first() : ", q.first()); // "the"
console.log("q.last() : ", q.last()); // "dog"
console.log("q.item(2) : ", q.item(2)); // "brown"
console.log("q.item(5) : ", q.item(5)); // "over"
console.log("q.dequeue()", q.dequeue()); // "the"
console.log("q.dequeue()", q.dequeue()); // "quick"
console.log("q.dequeue()", q.dequeue()); // "brown"
console.log("q.dequeue()", q.dequeue()); // "fox"
console.log("q.dequeue()", q.dequeue()); // "jumped"
console.log("q.size() : ", q.size()); // 4
console.log("q.toArray() : ", q.toArray()); // [ .., .., .., ]
console.log("q.first() : ", q.first()); // "over"
console.log("q.last() : ", q.last()); // "dog"
console.log("q.item(2) : ", q.item(2)); // "lazy"
console.log("q.item(5) : ", q.item(5)); // undefined
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

Understanding Classes and Inheritance in Javascript - New Pattern

I'm designing an OOP inheritance pattern for many applications I'm building. Javascript has many ways of doing this, but I stumbled on a pattern I really like. But now I'm struggling with the need for a separation of classes and instances.
I have a base object called Root. And it has a main method called inherit. To create a new object you use
var Person = Root.inherit({
name : "",
height : 0,
walk : function() {},
talk : function() {}
Then to create an "instance" you would
var sally = Person.inherit({
name : "sally",
height : "5'6"
sally can .talk() and she can walk() and she has a .name and a .height
You can make more people the same way.
If you want a constructor you use
var Person = Root.inherit({
_construct : function() {
// do things when this object is inherited from
name : "",
height : 0,
walk : function() {},
talk : function() {}
It also has the ability to have init, when the object is first defined in code (singletons use this)
var Person = Root.inherit({
_init : function() {
// called at runtime, NOT called if an object is inherited from me
name : "",
height : 0,
walk : function() {},
talk : function() {}
So as you can see, everything uses .inhert(). There are no classes and no instances really. Everything is an instance of something. The only real problem I found so far is that there is no concept of "type", but you can always just check for a method if you need to. Also you can't protect a 'class', as a 'class' can be changed during execution if the developer accidentally changed it, or meant to change it.
So my question is: Is there a need in javascript to have an explicitly and controlled separation of class structure and instances of the class? Are there any issues with treating every object as an instance?
No there's no need since Javascript is a Prototypal based language, meaning that classes are not involved. You are just creating clones of the objects.
As far as the concept of type, the type is object.
A good read for more info about this would be Javascript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov he has several different creational patterns that address your concerns, including examples that implement Design Patterns from the gang of four's design patterns.
So my question is: Is there a need in javascript to have an explicitly and controlled separation of class structure and instances of the class? Are there any issues with treating every object as an instance?
Not really, if you're happy with it, it's fine.
The more normal form of JavaScript inheritance does much the same thing. You'll frequently see structures like this (severely cut down for brevity):
function Base() {
} = function() {
function Derived() {
Derived.prototype = new Base();
...and of course, new Base() is also how you create instances of Base. So your system is quite similar.
Again, the above is a sketch, not a full example. For one thing, usually you'd see construction and initialization separated out, so you don't literally see Derived.prototype = new Base() so much as something that creates an object with Base's prototype but without actually calling Base (which Derived would do later), but you get the idea. Granted that statement somewhat weakens the similarity with your system, but I don't think it breaks it at all.
At the end of the day, it's all about objects (instances), which are either used directly (your sally) or indirectly by providing features to other objects (Person, Root) by cloning or by setting them up as the prototype of the other object.
Javascript's inheritance is prototypical which means everything object is an instance. You actually have to do extra work to get the classical inheritance.
This is how I work in javascript
// this is class
function person(){
// data is member variable = null; = null;
//member functions
this.set_name = _set_name;
this.get_name = _get_name;
this.set_id = _set_id;
this.get_id = _get_id;
function _set_name(name){ = name;
function _get_name(name){
function _set_id(id){ = id;
function _get_id(id){
// this is instance
var yogs = new person();
hope it may help
Start with some basic object...
// javascript prototypes - callback example - javascript objects
function myDummyObject () {
that = this;
} // end function myDummyObject ()
// begin dummy object's prototype
myDummyObject.prototype = {
that : this,
// add a simple command to our dummy object and load it with a callback entry
say : function () {
var that = this;
} // end myDummyObject proto
extend with a sub prototype..
// here we addon the callback handler... universally self sufficient object
var cb = {
that : this, // come to papa ( a link to parent object [ myDummyObject ] )
jCallback : new Array(new Array()), // initialize a javascript 2d array
jCallbackID : -1, // stores the last callback id
add: function(targetFnc, newFunc) {
var that = this;
var whichID = that.jCallbackID++;
// target, addon, active
that.jCallback[that.jCallback.length] = { 'targetFunc' : targetFnc, 'newFunc' : newFunc, 'active' : true, 'id': whichID };
return whichID; // if we want to delete this later...
}, // end add
run: function(targetFnc) {
var that = this;
for(i=0;i <= that.jCallback.length - 1;i++) // go through callback list
if( that.jCallback[i]['targetFunc'] == targetFnc && that.jCallback[i]['active'] == true )
that.jCallback[i]['newFunc'](); // run callback.
}, // end run
remove: function (whichID) {
var that = this;
console.log('removing:' + whichID);
for(i=0;i <= that.jCallback.length - 1;i++) // go through callback list
if( that.jCallback[i]['id'] == whichID )
that.jCallback[i]['newFunc'](); // run callback.
} // end remove
// add the object to the dummy object...
myDummyObject.prototype.cb = cb;
var testing = new myDummyObject();
testing.cb.add('doSay', function () { console.log('test: 213123123'); } );
// test remove...
var testid = testing.cb.add('doSay', function () { console.log('test: 12sad31'); } );
testing.cb.add('doSay', function () { console.log('test: asdascccc'); } );
testing.cb.add('doSay', function () { console.log('test: qweqwe'); } );
testing.cb.add('doSay', function () { console.log('test: d121d21'); } );
testing.cb.add('doSay', function () { console.log('test: wwww'); } );
This always seemed the easiest for me to understand... Just create a new instance of the inherited class and then loop through its variables and methods and add them to the main one.
var myPerson = new Person()
var myPerson.firstName = 'john';
var myPerson.lastName = 'smith';
var myPerson.jobTitle = 'Programmer';
var Person = function(){
//Use this to inherit classes
this._extendedClass = new Person_Job();
for(var i in this._extendedClass){
this[i] = this._extendedClass[i];
delete this._extendedClass;
this.firstName = '';
this.lastName = '';
var Person_Job = function() {
this.jobTitle = '';

Encapsulation in javascript

I need to create simple reusable javascript object publishing several methods and parameterized constructor. After reading through several "OOP in JavaScript" guides I'm sitting here with an empty head. How on the Earth can I do this?
Here my last non-working code:
SomeClass = function(id) {
this._id = id;
(function() {
function intFun() {
return this._id;
SomeClass.prototype.extFun = function() {
return incFun();
This is my usual approach:
MyClass = function(x, y, z) {
// This is the constructor. When you use it with "new MyClass(),"
// then "this" refers to the new object being constructed. So you can
// assign member variables to it.
this.x = x;
MyClass.prototype = {
doSomething: function() {
// Here we can use the member variable that
// we created in the constructor.
return this.x;
somethingElse: function(a) {
var myObj = new MyClass(1,2,3);
alert(myObj.doSomething()); // this will return the object's "x" member
alert(myObj.x); // this will do the same, by accessing the member directly
Normally the "this" keyword, when used in one of the object's methods, will refer to the object itself. When you use it in the constructor, it will refer to the new object that's being created. So in the above example, both alert statements will display "1".
An exception to this rule is when you pass one of your member functions somewhere else, and then call it. For example,
myDiv.onclick = myObj.doSomething;
In this case, JavaScript ignores the fact that "doSomething" belongs to "myObj". As a result, the "this" inside doSomething will point to another object, so the method won't work as expected. To get around this, you need to specify the object to which "this" should refer. You can do so with JavaScript's "call" function:
myDiv.onclick = function() {;
It's weird, but you'll get used to it eventually. The bottom line is that, when passing around methods, you also need to pass around the object that they should be called on.
I usually don't worry too much about hiding the internals, although I do prefix them with underscores to mark them as not intended to be used outside the "class". Normally what I will do is:
var MyClass = function() {};
MyClass.prototype = {
_someVar : null,
_otherVar : null,
initialize: function( optionHash ) {
_someVar = optionsHash["varValue"];
_otherVar = optionsHash["otherValue"];
method: function( arg ) {
return _someVar + arg;
And use it as so...
var myClass = new MyClass( { varValue: -1, otherValue: 10 } );
var foo = myClass.method(6);
All vars are private:
SomeClass = function (id) {
var THIS = this; // unambiguous reference
THIS._id = id;
var intFun = function () { // private
return THIS._id;
this.extFun = function () { // public
return intFun();
Use THIS within private methods since this won't equal what you might expect.
// The module pattern
var feature = (function() {
// private variables and functions
var privateThing = "secret";
var publicThing = "not secret";
var changePrivateThing = function() {
privateThing = "super secret";
var sayPrivateThing = function() {
console.log( privateThing );
// public API
return {
publicThing: publicThing,
sayPrivateThing: sayPrivateThing
feature.publicThing; // "not secret"
// logs "secret" and changes the value of privateThing
So using returning an object that aliases its "methods" could be another way to do it.
I've read from that it is always good practice to use getters and setters rather that accessing the variable directly from outside the object, so that would eliminate the need of returning variables by reference.
BTW you could just use this.variable to reference/declare a public variable and var variable to declare a private variable.
I know this is a late answer, but I hope it helps anyone who reads it in the future.

