Get a function name like printed in Chrome console - javascript

Considering this code :
var o = {};
o.f = function(){};
new o.f;
Chrome prints o.f {} into the console. Do you know how this o.f part is called? More importantly, is there any way to get this result without using the console? I'd like to extract the name of a method from the function itself, that is to say, without any additional information.
I already know how to get the name in this case :
function f(){}
f+'' // "function f(){}"
But it does not behave the same way in the situation described above.
The following content is mostly copied from comments.
I wanted to know if there is a "technical" word to talk about this o.f pattern, let's say for example "namespace", "identifier", or "function path". Then, I was wondering if there was a way to retrieve this information from a loaded script in a webpage. The following question may help you in understanding my goal, the paragraph which is right after the first code block is quite close to my idea : Does Chrome retain each object's constructor?.
Maybe I should have mentioned that my original goal was to generate a documentation at runtime :/ Something like a reflection API would have been helpful in this case. More precisely, I was looking for a way to include the name of a method into the decompilated form of the function. Look :
function Class(){}
Class.prototype.method = function(){};
Class.prototype.method + '' gives function(){}. I'd like to inject the method's name to get this result : function method(){}.
The problem is that I don't have any information about which function I'm currently serializing since the operation occurs when the user clicks a link. I know I could easily store the name somewhere, binding the data to the anchor element for example, that's obvious to me, I was just curious to know if there was a way to retrieve this data the same way as Chrome.

Well, this seems a simple enough question, as far as the naming of all these constructs goes:
o.f = function(){};
is a common statement, consisting of even more common expressions. o.f is simply one of 2 ways to access an objects' properties, commonly referred to as the dot-notation. Though I believe in JS the dot (.) isn't really seen as an operator, I'll be referring to it as the member-of operator henceforth.
Next we have the well-known assignment-operator, which assigns the right-hand operand to the left (member of the object o, called f).
The right-hand expression (needs to be evaluated to a singular value) is a function definition that, instead of a statement on its own, is used as an expression. Given that fact, we refer to this usage of functions as function expressions.
In this particular case, the function has no name, it's an anonymous function. Internally, most -if not all engines- will give it a name, but that's not something JS should know or indeed care about. As far as JS is concerned, this function has no name, and is only accessible through o.f. If you call this function like so: o.f(), its context will be that of the object o, effectively making this function behave as a method.
So basically your statement reads like this: "Assign, and create if required, to the member of o called f, an anonymous function." The function itself has no name.
Consider this:
var o = {f: function(){console.log('I am a function');}};
var foobar = o.f;
foobar();//logs I am a function
So saying the name of the function o.f is f doesn't always apply. Other variables or properties can reference the same function. That's because functions are first class objects, they can be returned, passed to and assigned to, from and by anything.
The answer, then, is to use either one of these 2 approaches:
You can change the function expression by adding a name, to turn it into a named function expression:
f.o = function newName(){};
The newName name is, apart from older versions of IE, not available outside of the functions' scope. This is required by the ECMA specifications see the details here. Anyway, now we can check for that:
var func = function func(){console.log(func);};
//same name:
func();//logs function func(){}
var foobar = func;
foobar();//logs function func(){}
func = 123;//<-- no longer function
foobar();//still function func(){}//func is still accessible
var hidden = (function()
return function named()
console.log(named);//access name
hidden();//logs function named(){}
console.log(named);//undefined -> not visible outside the function itself
The name of the function is restricted to its own scope.
Use a regex, which is slightly hacky, and doesn't pick up on two variables/properties referencing the same function object:
o = {f: function(){console.log('I am a function');}};
for (var pName in o)
{//probably add o.hasOwnProperty(pName) check to be safe
if (o[pName] instanceof Function)
'function o.'+pName+'(')
This stringifies the function (giving function (){/*body*/}) and replaces function ( with function <propertyName>(. If the function already had a name of its own, that name is not replaced.

In general, this is not common practice in Javascript or in programming in general.
However, functions do have an attribute name - see
but in your code o.f is a nameless function.
var o = {};
o.f = function(){}; //function (){} creates a nameless function.
you can define a name before the ()
var o = {};
o.f = function f(){}; //function f(){} creates a function with the name f
then == 'f'
NOTE: this functionality is NOT supported in IE, and is not a specification of EMCA

This is exposed as the name property of the function, and these day it is part of the standard (search for SetFunctionName in the spec). See also MDN, Chrome Platform Status, browser support. If you are asking specifically about the feature of auto-guessing the name from the variable name for anonymous functions, MDN calls that the inferred function name.
Back when the question was asked, the definitive discussion of this topic was kangax's article Named function expressions demystified (now a bit outdated).


Get caller method name in js inside prototype

I have method named my from where I am calling prototype .Inside prototype I want to get Method name from where I am calling . The code below gives all the code of function.
var c = new Object();
c.hello = {} = function(b) {
var d = 1,
c = 1;
x.prototype.try = function(h) {
Above program gives all the code present inside . How can we get the name of function (i.e my). If possible object name as well like ***.
This has been deprecated to heck and back for both performance and security reasons. Arguments.caller is already non-functional on most engines, and this works at all because it's ultimately calling function.caller, and because you're not in strict mode. This will not work in modules, inside class definitions, and any distance into the future.
I have before been in situations where I thought it would be nice to distinguish who called a function, but I eventually work around it or let it go. If you need the reference to the CURRENT function expression, you can always give it a name:
... = function NAME_GOES_HERE(b) {
var d = 1,
c = 1;
When you give a name this way to a function expression ('x=function F()'), the name might or might not be referenced as a variable outside the function, but it's guaranteed to be usable and valid from inside the function.
If a function has a name, you can read to see it. Bear in mind that the textual name isn't nearly as useful in Javascript as it is in other languages. If you want this for debugging purposes, I suggest looking at error.stack. This is non-standard, but has very similar output across browsers.

Binding a name for JavaScript function using variable name

I'm having an issue with the following:
I think the issue is clear, the anonymous function does not take the name of its variable .
Therefore, how do I extend Function Object Constructor to give a name to a function according to the affected variable?
You can just do this:
var i_am = function i_am() { return "I Sure Am!"; }
That syntax has always been valid, but in the past there have been some browser quirks about that. If those quirks are of concern, you can always do this:
function i_am() {
return "I Sure Am!";
var i_am = i_am;
That's a little bit fishy, because the binding for "i_am" in the local scope is highjacked from the function, but the function retains the internal binding of the name.
Now, there's no way to retroactively give a function an internally-bound name. Functions are pretty much frozen upon creation (and if you think about language semantics and optimization, that's the way it should be).
You can't.
The name of the function is determined as you create the function.
If you use an unnamed function expression, then the function will be created (with no name) and then assigned to the variable.
Since the variable doesn't come anywhere near the function before then, it can't be used to determine the function's name.
If you want to give a function created with a function expression a name, then use a named function expression.
var addFn = function addFn () {};
(Warning: Old versions of Internet Explorer have memory leak and scope related bugs surrounding named function expressions).

Can you get the property name through which a function was called?

I've done a lot of searching and some playing around, and I'm pretty sure the answer to this question is no, but I'm hoping a JavaScript expert might have a trick up his sleeve that can do this.
A JavaScript function can be referenced by multiple properties, even on completely different objects, so there's no such thing as the object or property that holds the function. But any time you actually call a function, you must have done so via a single object (at the very least, the window object for global function calls) and property on that object.
(A function can also be called via a function-local variable, but we can consider the function-local variable to be a property of the activation object of the scope, so that case is not an exception to this rule.)
My question is, is there a way to get that property name that was used to call the function, from inside the function body? I don't want to pass in the property name as an argument, or closure around a variable in an enclosing scope, or store the name as a separate property on the object that holds the function reference and have the function access that name property on the this object.
Here's an example of what I want to do:
var callName1 = function() { var callName = /* some magic */; alert(callName); };
var obj1 = {'callName2':callName1, 'callName3':callName1 };
var obj2 = {'callName4':callName1, 'callName5':callName1 };
callName1(); // should alert 'callName1'
obj1.callName2(); // should alert 'callName2'
obj1.callName3(); // should alert 'callName3'
obj2.callName4(); // should alert 'callName4'
obj2.callName5(); // should alert 'callName5'
From my searching, it looks like the closest you can get to the above is, but that won't work, because that only returns the name that was fixed to the function object when it was defined, and only if it was defined as a named function (which the function in my example is not).
I also considered that maybe you could iterate over all properties of the this object and test for equality with arguments.callee to find the property whose value is a reference to the function itself, but that won't work either (in the general case), because there could be multiple references to the function in the object's own (or inherited) property set, as in my example. (Also, that seems like it would be kind of an inefficient solution.)
Can this be done?
Short answer:
No, you cannot get "the property name" used to call your function.
There may be no name at all, or multiple names across different scopes, so "the property name" is pretty ill defined.
arguments.callee is deprecated and should not be used.
There exists no solution that does not use arguments or closure.
Long answer:
As thefourtheye commented, you should rethink what you are trying to do and ask that instead in a new question. But there are some common misconceptions, so I will try to explain why you cannot get the "simple property name".
The reason is because it is not simple.
Before we go ahead, let us clarify something. Activation Objects are not objects at all.
The ECMAScript 5.1 specification calls them Environment Records (10.2.1), but a more common term is Scope chain.
In a browser the global scope is (often) the window object, but all other scopes are not objects.
There may be an object that you use to call a function, and when you call a function you must be in some scope.
With few exceptions, scopes are not objects, and objects are not scopes.
Then, there are many names.
When you call a function, you need to reference it, such as through an object property. This reference may have a name.
Scope chain has declarations, which always have a name.
A Function (the real function, not reference) may also have a function name - your - which is fixed at declaration.
Not only are they different names, they are not (always) the "the property name" you are seeking.
var obj = { prop : function f(){} }, func = obj.prop;
// "obj" and "func" are declarations.
// Function name is "f" - use this name instead of arguments.callee
// Property name is "prop"
func(); // Reference name is "func"
obj.prop(); // Reference names are "obj" and "prop"
// But they are the same function!
// P.S. "this" in f is undefined (strict mode) or window (non-strict)
So, a function reference may comes from a binding (e.g. function declaration), an Object (arguments.callee), or a variable.
They are all References (8.7). And reference does have a name (so to speak).
The catch is, a function reference does not always come from an object or the scope chain, and its name is not always defined.
For example a common closure technique:
(function(i){ /* what is my name? */ })(i)
Even if the reference does have a name, a function call (11.2.3) does not pass the reference or its name to the function in any way.
Which keeps the JavaScript engine sane. Consider this example:
eval("(new Function('return function a(){}'))()")() // Calls function 'a'.
The final function call refers the eval function, which refers the result of a new global scope (in strict mode, anyway), which refers a function call statement, which refers a group, which refers an anonymous Function object, and which contains code that expresses and returns a function called 'a'.
If you want to get the "property name" from within a, which one should it get? "eval"? "Function"? "anonymous"? "a"? All of them?
Before you answer, consider complications such as function access across iframes, which has different globals as well as cross origin restriction, or interaction with native functions (Function.prototype.bind for example), and you will see how it quickly becomes hell.
This is also why arguments.caller, __caller__, and other similar techniques are now all deprecated.
The "property name" of a function is even more ill defined than the caller, almost unrealistic.
At least caller is always an execution context (not necessary a function).
So, not knowing what your real problem is, the best bet of getting the "property name" is using closure.
there is no reflection, but you can use function behavior to make adding your own fairly painless, and without resorting to try/catch, arguments.callee, Function.caller, or other strongly frowned-upon behavior, just wasteful looping:
// returning a function from inside a function always creates a new, unique function we can self-identify later:
function callName() {
return function callMe(){
for(var it in this) if(this[it]===callMe) return alert(it);
//the one ugly about this is the extra "()" at the end:
var obj1 = {'callName2':callName(), 'callName3':callName() };
var obj2 = {'callName4':callName(), 'callName5':callName() };
//test out the tattle-tale function:
obj1.callName2(); // alerts 'callName2'
obj2.callName5(); // alerts 'callName5'
if you REALLY want to make it look like an assignment and avoid the execution parens each time in the object literal, you can do this hacky routine to create an invoking alias:
function callName() {
return function callMe(){
for(var it in this) if(this[it]===callMe) return alert(it);
//make an alias to execute a function each time it's used :
Object.defineProperty(window, 'callNamer', {get: function(){ return callName() }});
//use the alias to assign a tattle-tale function (look ma, no parens!):
var obj1 = {'callName2': callNamer, 'callName3': callNamer };
var obj2 = {'callName4': callNamer, 'callName5': callNamer };
//try it out:
obj1.callName2(); // alerts 'callName2'
obj2.callName5(); // alerts 'callName5'
all that aside, you can probably accomplish what you need to do without all the looping required by this approach.
works on globals or object properties
requires no repetitive key/name passing
uses no proprietary or deprecated features
does not use arguments or closure
surrounding code executes faster (optimized) than
a try/catch version
is not confused by repeated uses
can handle new and deleted (renamed) properties
doesn't work on private vars, which have no property name
partially loops owner object each access
slower computation than a memorized property or code-time repetition
won't survive call/bind/apply
wont survive a setTimeout without bind() or a wrapper function
cannot easily be cloned
honestly, i think all the ways of accomplishing this task are "less than ideal", to be polite, and i would recommend you just bite the coding bullet and pass extra key names, or automate that by using a method to add properties to a blank object instead of coding it all in an object literal.
Sort Of.
It depends on the browser. (Chrome=OK, Firefox=Nope)
You can use a factory to create the function, and a call stack parsing hack that will probably get me arrested.
This solution works in my version of Chrome on Windows 7, but the approach could be adapted to other browsers (if they support stack and show the property name in the call stack like Chrome does). I would not recommend doing this in production code as it is a pretty brittle hack; instead improve the architecture of your program so that you do not need to rely on knowing the name of the calling property. You didn't post details about your problem domain so this is just a fun little thought experiment; to wit:
JSFiddle demo:
Runnable snippet: (scroll down and click Run code snippet)
function getCallerName(ex) {
// parse the call stack to find name of caller; assumes called from object property
// todo: replace with regex (left as exercise for the reader)
// this works in chrome on win7. other browsers may format differently(?) but not tested.
// easy enough to extend this concept to be browser-specific if rules are known.
// this is only for educational purposes; I would not do this in production code.
var stack = ex.stack.toString();
var idx = stack.indexOf('\n');
var lines = ex.stack.substring(idx + 1);
var objectSentinel = 'Object.';
idx = lines.indexOf(objectSentinel);
var line = lines.substring(idx + objectSentinel.length);
idx = line.indexOf(' ');
var callerName = line.substring(0, idx);
return callerName;
var Factory = {
getFunction: function () {
return function () {
var callName = "";
try {
throw up; // you don't *have* to throw to get stack trace, but it's more fun!
} catch (ex) {
callName = getCallerName(ex);
var obj1 = {
'callName2': Factory.getFunction(),
'callName3': Factory.getFunction()
var obj2 = {
'callName4': Factory.getFunction(),
'callName5': Factory.getFunction()
obj1.callName2(); // should alert 'callName2'
obj1.callName3(); // should alert 'callName3'
obj2.callName4(); // should alert 'callName4'
obj2.callName5(); // should alert 'callName5'

Javascript Module Design

I was wondering if someone could explain the difference between these two JavaScript modules. I have been trying to learn how to design javascript modules by reading some underscore.js and jQuery source code, amongst others and have noticed these two patterns.
Example 1
(function() {
var _this = this;
_this.VERSION = '0.1';
Example 2
(function(_this) {
_this.VERSION = '0.1';
call(obj[, arg[, arg[, arg[, ...]]]]) runs function in obj context, function () {}(obj) will run function in current context passing obj in arguments. In this particular example there is no difference - both examples will do same thing. For some people it is just cleaner to run anonymous function with call or apply instead of just () and I think here it is the case.
In second example line with var _this = _this; is useless, _this is already defined within scope and that line is redefining already existing variable with same value (so its even incorrect).
Example 1 explicitly sets the value of the this variable within the function.
In Example 2 the function does not care about the value of this. It rather expects an argument that it can work with. You also could say that it does not rely on the value of this. An advantage of this pattern is that by the name of the parameter it can be made clear what you want (window, myObjectContext ...).
In your specific case it does not make a difference. But if the function contained code that made actual use of this, e.g. this.myObject = {}, it could make a difference, because this could have a different value in each case. But to be true, someone using the second pattern would never reference this within the function.

How do you explain this structure in JavaScript?

What is special about this kind of syntax?
What does ()(); imply?
The creates an anonymous function, closure and all, and the final () tells it to execute itself.
It is basically the same as:
function name (){...}
So basically there is nothing special about this code, it just a 'shortcut' to creating a method and invoking it without having to name it.
This also implies that the function is a one off, or an internal function on an object, and is most useful when you need to the features of a closure.
It's an anonymous function being called.
The purpose of that is to create a new scope from which local variables don't bleed out. For example:
var test = 1;
(function() {
var test = 2;
test == 1 // true
One important note about this syntax is that you should get into the habit of terminating statements with a semi-colon, if you don't already. This is because Javascript allows line feeds between a function name and its parentheses when you call it.
The snippet below will cause an error:
var aVariable = 1
var myVariable = aVariable
(function() {/*...*/})()
Here's what it's actually doing:
var aVariable = 1;
var myVariable = aVariable(function() {/*...*/})
Another way of creating a new block scope is to use the following syntax:
new function() {/*...*/}
The difference is that the former technique does not affect where the keyword "this" points to, whereas the second does.
Javascript 1.8 also has a let statement that accomplishes the same thing, but needless to say, it's not supported by most browsers.
That is a self executing anonymous function. The () at the end is actually calling the function.
A good book (I have read) that explains some usages of these types of syntax in Javascript is Object Oriented Javascript.
This usage is basically equivalent of a inner block in C. It prevents the variables defined inside the block to be visible outside. So it is a handy way of constructing a one off classes with private objects. Just don't forget return this; if you use it to build an object.
var Myobject=(function(){
var privatevalue=0;
function privatefunction()
privatevalue=1; //no worries about the execution context
return this;})(); //I tend to forget returning the instance
//if I don't write like this
See also Douglas Crockford's excellent "JavaScript: The Good Parts," available from O'Reilly, here:
... and on video at the YUIblog, here:
The stuff in the first set of brackets evaluates to a function. The second set of brackets then execute this function. So if you have something that want to run automagically onload, this how you'd cause it to load and execute.
John Resig explains self-executing anonymous functions here.

