Why the eval() is not working with array - javascript

What's wrong with this code? Can anyone help out?
var read=new Array("i=10","j=20","k=i*j");
for(var i=0;i<read.length;i++)
Expecting output:
alert three times with values 10,20,200.
But actual output:
But alert Once with value 10.

When the loop executes the first time, you are setting i = 10, with eval. So the loop breaks out immediately.
So, you might want to change the loop variable to something else, like this
var read = new Array("i=10","j=20","k=i*j");
for(var idx=0; idx < read.length; idx++)
Note: Please make sure that you read this question and the answers to that question, before using eval in your code.

Try this code
var read=new Array("i=10","j=20","k=i*j");
for(var index=0;index<read.length;index++)

while the loop is executing, at the first execution of i=10 the i variable is set to 10; so loop will be terminated because of the condition i<read.length (here... 10<3) remains false.
see the eval() tutorial.


javascript use console.log without moving to new line

I am new to js and hope this is not too trivial, but I am unable to find any help on the net.
I wish to output to console.log and prevent moving to a new line, so the next time the output will be appended to the same line. ie,
"use strict";
for (let i = 0; i<=9;i++){
console.log(i); // here i would like to freeze the output so the result is 0123456789 on one line, rather than those digits in a column.
I have seen fixes involving assigning the outputs to a string and printing in 1 hit, but that seems incredibly crude. Even in Fortran 4 as I recall in the '70s, you could prevent moving to a new line before printing again, so I think I am missing something fundamental. Also I cannot find any general help on formatting numerical output in javascript. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Unfortunately, the console.log() method will only write out a string to a single line and doesn't support the appending behavior you are looking for.
As you detailed in your original post, you could accomplish writing the final result out through the use of a variable (i.e. displaying the final concatenated string), but not continually appending to the same line within the console itself as the loop is being iterated over.
Alternative Grouping Option
The concept of grouping entries is supported, which is obviously very different than your original ask, but it may be worth considering as mentioned in the documentation for console.group() and might look something like this:
var rollingConcatenation = '';
console.group("Looping Group Example");
for (let i = 0; i<=9;i++){
rollingConcatenation += i;
This can give your console the following appearance, which can help with readability (depending on your use cases):
Do It Yourself Implementation
Another option might be to store your current console value within a variable and at clear it and rewrite the updated values out. Depending on your very specific use cases, you could achieve the behavior you are looking for using something like this crude implementation:
// Define a custom console
var customConsole = {
// Store a reference to your backing value
tempValue: '',
// Always write out the most recent value
log: function(msg) {
this.tempValue += msg;
// A clear method to clear the backing console
clear: function() {
this.tempValue = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Use your custom console instead of the normal one
Take a new variable outside the loop and then prepare that string inside the loop and then you can console.log() outside the loop.
var str = '';
for (let i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
str += i;

Beginner query: Using function parameters with a for loop, skipping the loop for some reason

I imagine this is something pretty simple but I'm stumped and think this could be a good learning moment for me.
Here's the code:
var sumAll = function(lowRange, highRange) {
var sumOf;
var i;
for (i = lowRange; i > highRange; i++) {
sumOf += i;
return sumOf;
module.exports = sumAll
I'm working my way through the odin project, currently doing TDD section. So the function skeleton and final line of code was premade. The function parameters in this case are 1, 4. Expected result of 10.
Instead my test is throwing back undefined. I checked and this changes depending on what I define it as at the top.
It is as if it's skipping the loop all together, I've no idea why this would be.
A for loop's 3 major pieces can typically be understood like this.
Initialize the variable
Continue looping for as long as the condition is true
Change the variable's value after every iteration
During step two of the list above, your code is running i > highrange. This will immediately test false and skip your loop, because i has a value of lowrange, and I assume lowrange > highrange will never be true. What you want in its place is i <= highrange, "less than or equal to."
For loops are tricky, these little mistakes will follow you even into advanced territories. :o
Your for loop never executes because you set i equal to lowRange and the execute condition is i > highRange. I assume lowRange < highRange so it terminates without entering the loop, since it will run while i is greater than highRange, but it never is.
initialize your accumulator
var sumOf = 0;
and change your loop condition
for (i = lowRange; i <= highRange; i++) {

JavaScript For Loop Breaking Early

Why would a for loop terminate early in JavaScript? For some reason my outer for loop terminates after the first repetition. I am new to JavaScript but would expect something like this to work in Java.
function check(){
var elements = document.getElementById('fields').children;
var filteredMolecules = molecules;
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
filterMolecules(filteredMolecules, elements[i].id, 0, 10);
function filterMolecules(molecules, parameter, lower, upper){
var filteredMolecules = [];
for (i=0;i<molecules.length;i++){
var value = molecules[i].val()[parameter];
In check(), I loop through elements which contains 22 items as shown by the first console.log(elements.length). If I remove the method filterMolecules(...) then all 22 IDs are logged. However, with the code as is, only the first id is logged.
I believe the filterMolecules method which should run elements.length number of times is causing the outer for loop to not work. Could someone please explain why this is happening. If relevant, in filterMolecules(...) the data is retrieved from Google Firebase with molecules[i].val()[parameter]. Additionally, both methods use the global variable molecules (line 3 and line 14)
When you don't declare variables in javascript you end up using globals (which can be a difficult to spot source of bugs). So here you are using the same global variable i for both loops. When you start looping thought molecules you are accidentally incrementing the counter loop of your first for. Use different variables or define them with :
for (let i=0;i<molecules.length;i++)
Which will give each loop its own version of i.
In this case, since the declarations are inside individual functions, you could use var too:
for (var i=0;i<molecules.length;i++) {
// etc.

extra output after loop

I am learning JavaScript on Codecademy. I am finding so many outputs like below when I use while loop.
for (var i=0; i<5; i++){
console.log("Dhanu identify problems and solve them");
var loop = 0;
console.log("Do some more");
I am getting an unwanted output in the last line as 4.
The output you get is simply console.log which logs the last known value of the 'loop' variable: (here in firefox):
It's absolutely not related to your code and you don't have to worry about that.
As stated in another answer, debug console use to log the result of the last line (probably because they are meant to debug).
For example the statement "i = 1" evaluates to "1":
while the statement "var i = 1;" evaluates to "undefined", hence logging "undefined"
you can observe the same behavior by invoking eval on those statements:
You're seeing that because the last statement in your while loop is loop++, which "returns" the current value of loop. This is just a side effect of running code in a console like this. Consoles are basically read-execute-print-loops (REPL), and so they need something to print. If you ran this as a script in a webpage you would not see 4
when you write any statement in developer console then last returned value will be printed...
for example
var a;
it prints undefined on console.
a = 10;
it prints 10 on console.
a = 10; a = a + 5;
it prints 15 on console.
simply when we assign any values or increment or decrement numbers then it returns value after performing that operation...
so, in the above or below code
var loop = 0;
console.log("Do some more");
finally loop++ is 4.

javascript: var i is not defined? (clearly defined)

So what I want to happen is function partA() to click button [z] every 2 seconds. The button that is being clicked should change, because the script is a looping script, so for instance. The first loop, it would click button 1, then button 2, then button 3, because var z = 1 + i++. Is this possible? z is supposed to equal the number 1, plus the loop number. This should loop as long as variable i is less than 50.
It works properly, looping and all, if I test the script without variable z. However, without variable z, I have to manually change the number that would equal z, which is painstaking, and annoying.
var z = 1 + i++
for(i=0;i<50;i++) {
setInterval(partA, 2000);
function partA() {
buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
Should i++ be defined another way? The error I'm getting when running the script in console is:
Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined (...)
at :2:13
at Object.InjectedScript._evaluateOn (:878:140)
at Object.InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap (:811:34)
at Object.InjectedScript.evaluate (:667:21)
There's a couple of suggestions I could advise with your code so I'll try and address each one individually.
Firstly define your function outside of your loop. If you would like to know the reasons behind this please read: Don't make functions within a loop
Secondly you should really declare i as a variable to set the scope to which it applies. Some good information on this is at: Declaring variables without var keyword
Thirdly when you run your loop you could run the code inside an IIFE. The reason for this is when you run setInterval, by the time it runs i will actually be 3 (or the last number of your loop). This is due to the asynchronous nature of setInterval, and that the reference to i is bound to the function, not the value of i.
for(var i=0;i<3;i++) {
(function(i) {
setInterval(clickButton(i), 2000);
function clickButton(idx) {
return function() {
buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
JSBin Demo
Why are you trying to define z outside the loop? Just use i.
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
without changing your code too much I would write it like this...
you know its looping 50 times, you know i is incrementing from 0 to 49, use i to change the button name and you don't need z...
for(i=0;i<50;i++) {
setInterval(partA, 2000);
function partA() {
buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
document.getElementsByTagName('button')[i + 1].click();
1) This is how you want your code to look like :
var z;
for(i=0;i<50;i++) {
setInterval(partA, 2000);
function partA() {
buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
2) Unfortunately, in javascript you have a problem with this code due to the fact of scopes. My recommendation is to read this link first http://www.mennovanslooten.nl/blog/post/62 and understand how it works.
If you did understand it, then thumb up..you just promoted yourself to a higher level in javascript ;)
3) If you are still having issues, post it on JSFiddle

