Global Variables not Accessible to Functions Javascript - javascript

I am using javascript to validate the information a user has put into a form. I have two functions in my code which both need to check that the information in two text fields is the same. One function is called when the form is submitted, the other when something is typed into the second field.
However neither function seems to be able to access these variables. Google Developer tools shows their value to be Null. The code works fine when I declare the variables within each function but I thought it should be possible to declare them just once
var user1 = document.getElementById('user1');
var user2 = document.getElementById('user2');
function validateText() {
var message2 = document.getElementById('confirmMessage');
if(user1.value !== user2.value) {
message2.innerHTML = "Your usernames must be the same!";
return false;
function checkUser() {
//Store the Confimation Message Object ...
var message = document.getElementById('confirmMessage');
//Compare the values in the user field
//and the confirmation field
if(user1.value == user2.value) {
//The usernames match.
// tell the user that they have entered the correct password
message.innerHTML = "Passwords Match!"

you need to define these variables after the document is loaded.
var user1, user2;
document.onload = function () {
user1 = document.getElementById('user1');
user2 = document.getElementById('user2');

If the user1 and user2 elements are created by Javascript or by HTML that is placed after the JS (perhaps you are inserting this JS in the head section) then they still dont exist when you first run your script. This means that the getElementById variables will not find anything and return null.
You need to make sure that you call getElementByID after the apropriate elements have been created. ONe easy way to do that is put the calls inside the validation functions but another possibility would be to put it in an onLoad handler.
I would prefer sticking them in the validators though - getting elements by ID is not an expensive operation (so you don't need to worry about performance) and the closer you fetch the data to when you use it the less stuff to worry about.


How to detect Event Listeners and their actions on input fields

I have purchased a booking plugin (wordpress) to add to a site.
I cannot show the site I am working on, but here a demo from plugin developers
Once you have chosen your date and time, you end up on a form with input fields.
I was able to pre-fill this form with data that I could pass via the URL.
My URL would look something like this:
But here is the problem:
Even though I managed to use jQuery to pre-fill the input fields of the form, as soon as I click confirm the fields' content is erased and the error "Please enter... " appears for each of them.
So again:
STEP 1: I open the booking page with an URL containing data in the query string
STEP 2: Using jQuery, I manage to pre-fill the form that appears after having chosen date and time (first name, last name ...)
STEP 3: I click "Confirm"
RESULT: all the fields are empty and for each one the error message "Please enter first name" (etc..) appears
I've messaged the plugin developers. Only answer was that there is indeed no functionality to take the data from the Query String into the form fields yet.
1) How could I find out, with chrome inspector or other tools, why exactly the content I pre-fill into the form is ignored?
---> I've tried things like getEventListeners in the chrome inpector's console, but I don't really see how to get information out of that
2) Would anyone know what the issue is and/or how I could bypass it?
---> there is a lot of javascript from the plugin developers behind that and something is expecting manual entering of the data into the fields...
---> but even when trying to fake manual entering with things like $(this).trigger("change").val(function(i,val){return 'aaaa';}); this didn't solve the problem....
(If anyone is interested, I can post later my javascript/jQuery functionality to get the form fields pre-filled with data from Query String... interesting code as you have to wait until the fields appear for jQuery to recognise them..)
Thanks so much for any help!
#Admino - this may not be the best solution and I know this is an old question so you may not need it now but after not finding a better one it at least worked for me.
function getUrlVars() {
var vars = {};
var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
vars[key] = value;
return vars;
function valueOutput(element) {
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
jQuery(function() {
jQuery(document).on('change', 'input', function(e) {
// you may want to perform more validations here if needed
// just checking here if email is present (but not checking for valid email address)
var fname = getUrlVars()["first"];
var lname = getUrlVars()["last"];
var email = getUrlVars()["email"];
var phone = getUrlVars()["phone"];
var custom1 = getUrlVars()["custom1"]; // you know this field label is Order Number
if (email.length > 0) {
// run an interval until the elements are present on the page (form displayed)
var checkInputs = setInterval(function() {
if (jQuery('.amelia-app-booking label[for=""]').length > 0) {
var em = jQuery('.amelia-app-booking label[for=""]').closest('.el-form-item').find('.el-input__inner');
// this checks to see if an Amelia customer is already present
if (em.val() == '') {
em.prop('value', email).val(email).trigger('change');
jQuery('.amelia-app-booking label[for="customer.firstName"]').closest('.el-form-item').find('.el-input__inner').prop('value', fname).val(fname).trigger('change');
jQuery('.amelia-app-booking label[for="customer.lastName"]').closest('.el-form-item').find('.el-input__inner').prop('value', lame).val(lame).trigger('change');
jQuery('.amelia-app-booking label[for=""]').closest('.el-form-item').find('.el-input-group__prepend').siblings('.el-input__inner').prop('value', phone).val(phone).trigger('change');
// for custom fields I check the label text to find the correct input
if (custom1 != '') {
jQuery('.amelia-app-booking label:contains("Order Number")').closest('.el-form-item').find('.el-input__inner').prop('value', custom1).val(custom1).trigger('change');
// form info is updated so clear the interval
}, 500);
You may want to try a different method than url params to sync this info so it's not so public in the url string. This code may not need both the prop and val jquery setters but I just left them for you to try. Hope it helps (and to others I'm open to a better solution)!

trying to fix the problems arising from asynchronous code in javascript

I am new in database systems and what I am trying to do is to check whether the e-mail entered by the user during login exists in the database or not. I use Firebase Databse. So, the code I have written is this:
function login(){
var e_mail = document.getElementById("e-mail").value;
rootRef = firebase.database().ref();
rootRef.orderByChild("E_mail").on("child_added", function(snapshot){
let lst = [];
login_btn.onclick = function() {login()};
I want to fetch all e-mails from the database, add them in the list and then loop through that list. Maybe this is not the best way, but that's what I'm working on. I could also just say if (snapshot.val().E_mail == e_mail){alert("there is such a user");}but the problem I have encountered and want to deal with is not that, it's the "callback" function inside login function. When I console the list in the outer function it shows an empty list as it does not run the inner function until it is done with the outer one. I understand this. But how can I avoid or fix this. I want to get the full list of e-mails to be able to loop through it then. Also, I don't know how to end the "loop" in Firebase, because it is sort of looping when it gets the e-mails. So I would like to stop at the moment when it finds a matching e-mail.
You're downloading all users to see if one name exists already. That is a waste of bandwidth.
Instead you should use a query to match the email you're looking for, and only read that node:
rootRef.orderByChild("E_mail").equalTo(e_mail).once("value", function(snapshot){
if (snapshot.exists()) {
// A node with the requested email already exists
In general, if you need to process all nodes, you'll want to use a value event, which executes for all matching nodes at once. So to get all users from the database, add them to a list, and then do something with that list:
rootRef.orderByChild("E_mail").once("value", function(snapshot){
var list = [];
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
console.log(list); // this will display the populated array
Note that you won't be able to access the list outside of the callback. Even if you declare the variable outside of the callback, it will only be properly populated inside the callback. See Xufox' comment for a link explaining why that is.

Bad Value, Constant Error

I am a brand new coder, and I want my code to work with this process:
I fill out a form that leads to a spreadsheet
I want that spreadsheet to check certain values in another spreadsheet to see if they match (there are lots of values in that spreadsheet and I want the program to run through the whole column)
If they match, I want to have an email sent to me with the matching person's name, which is displayed in the same row in the spreadsheet I will be comparing to.
My not working code:
function myFunction(e) {
var genderSheet1 = e.values[19];
var genderSheet2 = SpreadsheetApp.openById("To Populate");
if (genderSheet1===genderSheet2) {
var userName = e.values[1];
var userEmail = "email";
var subject = "WORKER FOUND?";
var message = "Dear " + userName + "," +
"\n\n\nThis is the finder" +
MailApp.sendEmail(userEmail, subject, message, {});
Please help!
I will go based on a few assumptions
Your code has an alteration in SpreadsheetApp.openById("To Populate") and To Populate is a real ID in the actual code and not "To Populate" as is written here
You have set a trigger to execute the script on Form submit in the script triggers
I also note that you have not mentioned what the problem is so I will have to point out some of the problems in your code as I see it.
First of all var genderSheet1 = e.values[19]; will be a string value, while var genderSheet2 = SpreadsheetApp.openById("To Populate"); is an object, so if (genderSheet1===genderSheet2) will always return a false.
Then we have this bit MailApp.sendEmail(userEmail, subject, message, {}) however, there is no file defined anywhere in the code. The syntax you are using would indicate that you should have a DriveApp method that returns a fileIterator object. What is the attachment you are trying to send?
Please refer to the form submit trigger event objects in the documentation to see what you should expect when using that event handler.

Angular JS form running only first time

I am at the very beginning with my Angular learning and I implemented this form:
What it is supposed to do is very basic: it consumes Flickr public JSONP feed as per Flicker specs and renders the retrieved pictures thumbnails
The form I implemented has a submit button as well as a reset one. My problems I am trying too find solutions in the order of their importance are:
The very first time when you typing tags everything works but when u try to submit the request again by either adding a new tag or an user Id or anything it no longer works. I can see this warning in the logs but I have no idea what is causing it WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.
The reset only works for the thumbnails but not for the other controls in my page
I would like to find a way to show an error message when the user pushes on the search flicker button and both tags and user ids input fields are empty. I tried to implement a custom directive but it was no way to get it working.
Thank you in advance for your inputs.
You are loading Angular more than once.
Your resetForm function doesn't reset the form at all. It just calls $setValidity on two of the form elements. It looks like it does try and reset the form in another part of your code with
document.getElementById("searchCriteriaTags").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("searchCriteriaIds").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("images").innerHTML = "";
which means you are modifying the DOM directly, about which see point 4.
You can add a simple check as to whether $scope.form.tags === '' and so the same for the other fields in your form.
Having addressed your 3 points, I'm afraid to say your code has bigger problems. You are modifying the DOM directly all over the place and you have a lot of duplicate code, plus lots of very complex conditionals.
EDIT 1 in response to OP's comment:
The Angular way of clearing form fields would be to simply clear the scope objects that the form fields are bound to. In other words it is as simple as doing something like:
$scope.tags = [] // for arrays
$ = '' // for strings
Because the form fields are bound to these scope variables through the ng-model directive, changing the variables will also change the form fields.
Setting an error message when two fields are empty you can do like this:
$scope.checkFields = function(field1, field2) {
var oneEmpty = field1 === '';
var twoEmpty = field2 === '';
if (oneEmpty && twoEmpty) {
// call the failure message here
EDIT 2 in response comments:
Firstly good to see that your code is looking a lot cleaner. Secondly, the reason it fails is because in your search function you set the search fields to null, eg searchCriteria.tags = null;. You should set them to empty strings instead: searchCriteria.tags = '';.
I don't know what the purpose of checkFields is so I don't know where you want to place it. If you want to show an error message if the fields are empty then I'd say have checkFields() return a boolean and use ng-show to display the error div if checkFields() === false.
<div ng-show="checkFields() === false">Fields can't be empty</div>
$scope.checkFields = function(field1, field2) {
var oneEmpty = field1 === '';
var twoEmpty = field2 === '';
return (oneEmpty || twoEmpty);

JavaScript list saving question

I have this fiddle:
I am trying to save the numbers, because, when I submit, the list of numbers gets erased. I am a little new to JavaScript so am not quite familiar to what is available. In PHP I would use sessions to save the list, but what can I do in JavaScript to do this?
Here is the JavaScript code:
function bindName() {
var inputNames = document.getElementById("names").getElementsByTagName("input");
for (i = 0; i < inputNames.length; i++) {
inputNames[i].onkeydown = function() {
if (this.value == "") {
setTimeout(deletename(this), 1000);
document.getElementById("addName").onclick = function() {
var num1 = document.getElementById("name");
var myRegEx = /^[0-9]{10}$/;
var itemsToTest = num1.value;
if (myRegEx.test(itemsToTest)) {
var form1 = document.getElementById("names");
var nameOfnames = form1.getElementsByClassName("inputNames").length;
var newGuy1 = document.createElement("input");
newGuy1.setAttribute("class", "inputNames");
newGuy1.setAttribute("id", nameOfnames);
newGuy1.setAttribute("type", "text");
newGuy1.setAttribute("value", num1.value);
num1.value = "";
else {
function deletename(name) {
if (name.value == "") {
You can use localStorage:
var saved = JSON.parse(localStorage["numbers"] || "[]");
for(var i = 0; i < saved.length; i++) {
document.getElementById("name").value = saved[i];
var saved = JSON.parse(localStorage["numbers"] || "[]");
localStorage["numbers"] = JSON.stringify(saved);
And define the function of the addName button separately, so that you can call it when loading as well.
Edit: You have to execute a function when the page is loading to fetch the stored numbers, and add some code to save the entered number when one clicks the Add button.
For storing you can use localStorage, but this only accepts Strings. To convert an array (an array containing the entered numbers), you can use JSON.
When loading, you need to add the numbers just like happens when the user fills them in. So you can set the name input box value to the saved number for each element in the array, and then simulate a click on the Add button.
So you need an add function that is executed when:
User clicks Add button
Page is loaded
However, when simulating the click the numbers should not get stored again. You need to distinguish between a real click and a simulated one. You can accomplish this by adding an argument to the add function which represents whether or not to store.
Not entirely sure what the question is, but one problem I see with the code - id's can't be numbers, or start with numbers
var nameOfnames = form1.getElementsByClassName("inputNames").length;
newGuy1.setAttribute("id", nameOfnames);
That might be slowing you down somewhat. Perhaps set id to 'newguy' + nameOfnames
Jeff, the reason that the page keeps getting erased is because the form submission triggers a page reload. You need to place a listener on the form submit event and then send the data through AJAX. This way the data is POSTed to "text.php" without reloading the page with the form.
You could place the values in a cookie but that is not ideal because you have a fairly limited amount of space to work with (4kb). I also get the feeling that you're trying to hand them off to some server side script so HTML5 local storge wouldnt be a good solution, not to mention that your eliminating over half of the people on the internet from using your site that way.
Since browsers are inconsistent in how they attach event listeners AND how they make AJAX requests. I think that most people would recommend that you use a library like jQuery, dojo, or prototype which abstract the process into one function that works in all browsers. (my personal fav is jQuery)
There are a few options available to you:
Save it client side using cookies (
Save it client side using HTML5 local storage (
Save it server-side using Ajax
The Ajax solution involves a server side page (in PHP for example) that reads a request (a POST request for example) and saves it into a database or other. You then query that page in JavaScript using XmlHTTPRequest or your favorite library.

