Different notations for synchronous and asynchronous functions? - javascript

Do you ever thought about using different naming notations to separate synchronous code from asynchronous in your code? Like
function i_am_synchronous()
return 1;
function iAmAsynchronous(callback)
db.query("SELECT * FROM 'table",callback)
Is it a good or a bad idea? What do you think?

I think that this is bad idea to use synchronous calls in javascript at all, avoid this. To get something like simulation of synchronous calls I recommend to use Deferred objects (for example http://api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/). Also i recommend everywhere where u need some I/O or remote server calls to make it possible to use both callbacks and Deferred objects like it was done in jQuery.ajax function http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ . Here u can do in callbacks way or in Deferred way and it is absolutely pure for the client which uses this ajax call

It should be obvious from the function signature and/or its description how it operates. If you pass a callback to the function which is executed after the function does something, that pretty much means it's asynchronous. It would not make much sense to use such callbacks with synchronous functions. The exception is something like .sort(), but its purpose and mode of operation is very different and the purpose of its callback is different.
In short: you (hopefully) don't call functions without knowing what they do and what their arguments and return values represent. From this you already know whether the function operates synchronously or asynchronously, you don't need additional syntax to signal that.


JavaScript is synchronous then why we need callback function

since javascript is synchronous then why do we need callback function,
in the below picture both code can same thing
As #Meno-101 rightly said, you're looking at the trivial function invocation utility of callbacks, they're rather used for asynchronous calls. In asynchronous calls we wait for some data to arrive and then invoke a function, you won't see a difference when you're being presented with the result in an instant. setTimeout is one easy way to replicate such a situation;
Callbacks are generally used when the function needs to perform events before the callback is executed, or when the function does not (or cannot) have meaningful return values to act on, as is the case for Asynchronous JavaScript (based on timers) or XMLHttpRequest requests. Checkout the deets here
But if we're are bent on using it synchronously , I could only come up with this code:
This made the code reusable which isn't possible the other way, we'd have to write different definitions of same function for disp() and disp1() to function.
You’re just confusing callback’s purpose with a function invocation purpose.
Callbacks are used in the case of web requests, reading/writing to files, or maybe even just waiting for some reason the programmer only know why, take this example:
setTimeout(()=> console.log(“hello”), 3000)
There must be a reason for you to have this in your code, what ever it’s you don’t want all the page to hang up on the user.
And, I do recommend you look for function call stack if you’re just starting off.

What makes a JavaScript function asynchronous?

I am aiming to understand what exactly is it about certain JavaScript functions that make them asynchronous. You could have a function like this:
function someRandomFunction () {
for (let i of everything) {
something = true
hello = that + whatever
Nothing about this function is asynchronous. It does a lot of stuff but it does it very quickly.
But then take a Node.js function like this:
fs.readFile('path/to/file', (err, data) => {
// do something
This function is declared to be asynchronous. But why is it? What is the reason behind it?
Is it because it takes a certain amount of time for reading a file to complete, therefore it's asynchronous? Why is that asynchronous when looping through some variables and doing some calculations is not asynchronous?
The 'idea' of something being asynchronous means "we've relinquished control to some other operational code, and we have no idea when that other code will allow us to operate again".
So in your bottom sample, you give control over to node's filesystem operations to read a file. We don't know how large that file is, so there is no way to anticipate how much time it will take to complete. So JavaScript allows us to provide a "callback" that get's fired when the async operation is complete. When the callback is executed, control is returned to our code.
The top example is synchronous because your code maintains control over the operation and Javascript executes code synchronously by nature.
A function is either explicitly synchronous or asynchronous; there's no "certain amount of time" that automatically makes it asynchronous.
The important thing to remember with Node is that it's "async I/O", which means nothing is ever async without some input/output to/from the process. You normally see this with file reading/writing, database calls, and anything that requires a network call.
This is a basic but fundamental question. Passing a function to another function doesn't make the code asynchronous automatically. It's all about attemting to work with another piece of code, mostly of unknown origins, probably but not necessarily related with operating system's IO mechanism. In another words you ask something to happen out of the realm of the currently exectuing JS context by handing a task to known or unknown resources which are possibly running on a separate thread.
As i said this can be an IO operation or a database access of which you have no idea on
What code is running
At which thread it is running
How long it will take
Whether it will succeed or not
Behind the curtains these alien codes finally trigger the event queue to invoke the callback function through a driver. In some pure functional languages like Haskell such activities are strictly kept away from the context and must be handled by monadic type functions. In JS this is basically done by asynchronous workflow by callbacks, promises or async-awiat mechanism.
Once you hand out a task to the outer world then there shall be no way for it to interfere with your synchronous code.
In terms of JavaScript, the difference between synchronous and async functions is where and when the code is executed. Synchronous functions are executed immediately one after the other in the current call stack. Async functions are passed off to the event loop, and values returned once the current call stack has completed execution.
Caveat being, nothing in JavaScript is truly asynchronous due to the fact that JS only executes on a single process thread

Using async result (array.filter) [duplicate]

I'm curious as to whether all javascript callbacks are asynchronous, or whether that is the case only in certain situations. Also, I'm sure what makes javascript code asynchronous (or ways to use asynchronous javascript) differ between the browser and nodejs, so I'd like to know in each situation what constitutes real asynchronous javascript.
I'm under the impression that in the following scenarion, I'm not actually writing asynchronous code.
function addOne(value){
value = value + 1;
return value;
function simpleMap(values, callback){
for(i = 0; i < values.length; i++){
val = values[i];
val = callback(val);
values[i] = val;
return values;
newValues = simpleMap([1,2,3], addOne);
However, for example, I know that jQuery's AJAX functions are truly asynchronous (not taking in to account the promises which are now available). What is it that make jQuery's AJAX asynchronous? Is it as simple that it involves XHR requests, and in the browser, all XHR requests are asynchronous?
I have the same question for the nodejs environment. Can something in node only be asynchronous if it involves something like file i/o, process.nextTick, setTimeout, or setInterval? Why when I do something like a database call with mongodb/mongoose, is that asynchronous? What's going on behind the scenes that's making it so?
Are asynchronous "situations" predetermined by the environment? Or is there some way to make one's own function truly asynchronous without leveraging very specific functions of the environment (such as xhr, file io in node, process.nexttick, etc)?
I'm curious as to whether all javascript callbacks are asynchronous
No. For instance, the callback used by Array#sort is not asynchronous, nor is the one used by String#replace.
The only way you know whether a callback is asynchronous is from its documentation. Typically, ones involving requests for external resources (ajax calls, for instance) are asynchronous, and others may or may not be.
However, for example, I know that jQuery's AJAX functions are truly asynchronous...
Not necessarily, as currently jQuery still has the async flag which you can set false to force a synchronous request. (It's not a good idea, and they're going to remove that, but you can. jQuery passes the flag to the underlying browser object which provides the synchronous/asynchronous behavior.)
What is it that make jQuery's AJAX asynchronous?
The browser. jQuery's ajax calls use the XMLHttpRequest object (or in certain situations, a script element), which defaults to asynchronous operation provided by the browser.
Or is there some way to make one's own function truly asynchronous without leveraging very specific functions of the environment...
Until recently, no. Up through the 5th edition specification, JavaScript the language was basically silent on the entire concept of threads and asynchronicity; it was only when you got into environments that it came up. The only way to make something asynchronous was to use a host-provided function, such as nextTick (or any of the various operations that completes asynchronously) on NodeJS or setTimeout on browsers.
In the ECMAScript 6th edition specification in June 2015, they introduced promises into the language. The callbacks hooked up to an ES6 promise via then and such are always invoked asynchronously (even if the promise is already settled when the callback is attached), and so JavaScript has asynchronicity at a language level now. So if you implement your function so that it returns a promise rather than accepting a callback, you'll know that the then callbacks hooked up to it will be triggered asynchronously.
Callbacks that you call yourself are regular function calls, which are always synchronous.
Certain native APIs (eg, AJAX, geolocation, Node.js disk or network APIs) are asynchronous and will execute their callbacks later in the event loop.
If you call a callback synchronously from within an async callback, it will end up being async too.
To create your own asynchronous functions you have to make use of other asynchronous functions which may be provided by the interpreter.
This code for example defines a function "addKeyHandler" which is asynchronous. But that only works because document.onKey is called asynchronously by the JS engine. The JavaScript engine is able to provide asynchronous functionality because the operating system provides such functionality which is then used by JS. The OS in turn can only provide async functionality because the hardware provides it (called hardware interrupts).
However if the OS and hardware didn't provide any async functions it would still be possible to write a JS interpreter. But it would have to use an infinite loop and check in each iteration if any events occured and then invoke the appropriate callbacks. That would mean the CPU would always be under full load.
var keyCallbacks = [];
var addKeyHandler = function(f) {
document.onkeypress = function(e) {
keyCallbacks.forEach(function(f) {
addKeyHandler(function(e) {
Simply taking a callback doesn't make a function asynchronous. There are many examples of functions that take a function argument but are not asynchronous, for example, Array's forEach.
For a function to be asynchronous it needs to perform an asynchronous operation. Ways of introducing asynchronicity can be
timer functions setTimeout, setInterval
special functions nextTick, setImmediate
performing I/O (listening to network, querying a database, reading or writing from a resource)
subscribing to an event
According to article "Does taking a callback make a function asynchronous?"
Going for a simple answer:
Unless you're dealing with promises, JS callbacks are only asynchronous if they rely on an API external to JS (such as provided by the browser).
setTimeout, fetch, and so on are asynchronous because they rely on external api's. (setTimeout is part of the windowOrGlobalWorker web api, for example, and fetch is a web api in itself.)
If a callback does not rely on an external API, it's synchronous.
Promises are the only native async functionality in JS.
A great way to get your head around all this is read at least the first few articles in the MDN primer on async: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Asynchronous

What is the use of a synchronous callback function in JavaScript?

I have been doing extensive reading on asynchronous programming for the web and use of callbacks in JavaScript and jQuery. I have understood the fundamentals of AJAX. What I cannot figure out is the use of callback functions when not used in asynchronous programming.
From my understanding, simply adding a callback to a function does not make it non-blocking/asynchronous. Asynchronous capability is actually provided by the environment (browser APIs). So adding a callback to a function that I have written will not lead to any asynchronous execution.
For example:
var X;
function Test(A, B, Callback) {
Test(99999,999999,function(Data) {
alert("This is not printed first, as it would be in Async.");
In the above I'm taking two numbers and performing algebraic operations on them. Even though I'm using a callback function, the code execution will be blocked while the operations are performed. Then the callback will be executed, displaying an alert with the result of the computation. Then the next alert follows. Had I made an XMLHttpRequest instead of the algebraic operation, I would have got the second alert first because of asynchronous implementation. The code flow would not be blocked during the request as is happening during the mathematical operation.
Thus, what is the use of a callback in non-async calls when code execution is blocked even with a callback?
Some very common examples of synchroneous callbacks are the methods on Array.prototype: forEach, map, filter, etc.
The role of the callback is to provide a partial implementation that can be easily swapped in a larger algorithm. Some design patterns like template method and strategy come to mind.
You're right.
There is usually no reason to have a sync callback.
Exceptions include callbacks that might sometimes be async, or callbacks that can be raised more than once (eg, [].map()).
I use callbacks in the way you describe whenever I am working with complicated access methods which I don't want to rewrite, and I use them when I know the component will be run in a context the component doesn't know about, but am not particularly interested in developing or using an event emitter.
I do not know if other people find them as easy to work with as I do. So on a team, I try to get a sense of whether it is productive to use callbacks in the way you describe.

Prevent Javascript from continuing on when a function hasn't returned?

I've got something like...
//start function
var info = getinfofromserver();
//Continue with function
where getinfofromserver() does an AJAX call. I've noticed that my code will continue running even if var info has not been assigned a value from getinfofromserver(). I'm wondering if there is anyway I can get my code to 'hold' on till this function has returned? I am aware there are ways of doing call backs etc. from within the getinfofromserver() but I'd prefer to do it at this point so I can keep my code DRY.
By default in many frameworks, the AJAX request is, by definition, performed asynchronously. This means that your function will continue after sending the request, and results will be handled by the callback function that you register.
Some frameworks, or if you code down to the browser level, provide you the option of performing the request synchronously instead, but it takes a little searching to find the right parameter for your framework or browser.
The 'A' in AJAX stands for 'Asynchronous'. You should almost always use callbacks instead of a synchronous call.
Nothing about using a callback in this manner violates the DRY principle
It is possible to perform synchronous AJAX callbacks (which is quite a nice oxymoron, but who cares).
For example, jQuery.ajax offers a async option (docs) and other JavaScript framework behave similarly. However, I'd strongly urge you to consider using real AJAX - that's how it's designed.
Using synchronous callbacks might be much more work for you than a plain AJAX request with a callback. You shouldn't need to repeat any code in either case, so I don't see why using AJAX violates DRY …
Others have addressed the asynchronous nature of AJAX calls. But regarding your more general question:
I'm wondering if there is anyway I can get my code to 'hold' on till this function has returned?
That's actually what's happening; it won't continue with the rest of your code until that function returns. It's just that the function is probably returning before the AJAX call gets a response. But this is a different matter; the AJAX call is not a function.

