Get checked nodes in a jsTree - javascript

I have a working JSTree based on JSON data, and the checkbox plugin displays boxes next to each item -- so far so good. Now I want to get which nodes the user has checked, so I can do something with the data.
Unfortunately I haven't found a way to do it through the documentation or web searches. A few answers on SO say to use a get_checked method, but either I'm really missing something or my version of JSTree doesn't have that (i.e. that string doesn't appear anywhere in the project files). I'm on version 3.0.0, which is the latest right now.
Could someone please point me either to a) how to get the checked items, or b) how to access some iterable representation of the tree so I can grab them myself?
(I should mention I'm pretty new to Javascript.)
Here is how I set up the tree, which is based on the documentation on the website:
var treeInit = { core: { data : [
/* all my data */
treeInit.plugins = ["checkbox"];

I have also faced the same problem with jstree version 3.0.0 . I found a simple solution after hours of surfing. Hope it help others.
var result = $('#your_tree').jstree('get_selected');
This line returns an array of selected values.

I found an answer. By calling $('#tree').jstree('get_json'), you can get a JSON representation of the whole tree. From there it's pretty straight forward to recurse through the tree nodes and grab all the checked ones. Again, this is for version 3.0.0 (since it seems that the API has changed a lot across versions).

Using 3.3.8 version of jsTree, my prefered way of getting it as below using get_selected:
Please remember, it only counts those nodes that are selected, it won't count any indeterminate nodes. For complete and working sample code, you can have view
var checked_ids = [];
var selectedNodes = $('#SimpleJSTree').jstree("get_selected", true);
$.each(selectedNodes, function() {
// You can assign checked_ids to a hidden field of a form before submitting to the server


How can I manage Google Charts Data Properties properly?

I am trying to configure the porperties for my DataTable in js for Google Charts. I am already configuring this, and it is working but it broke on me a few times the past month and I had to update my method call.
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([]);
The first way I used to do this is with the code below which worked until recently (I tested it it yesterday, but haven't looked at it for a couple weeks before):
// Check if column title includes Projection.
if(**data.Sf[i]**["label"].indexOf('Projection') > -1 )
//Do Action
//Do else action
Once the above code broke, I moved on to change the data.Sf to with no other code changes. This fixed the problem. My concern is that this way of going about things can possibly break again, and I am wondering if there is safer or more consistent way to go about looking at the title for each column in the data table.
there are several helper methods
you shouldn't need to access the objects directly
to get the column label, use...

sharepoint Online/365 Jquery, Set Lookup Column Not working e.i ($("select[Title='Column']")

I've been doing some work on Sharepoint Online/365 and have got stuck trying to set the value of a lookup or choice column in NewForm.aspx
Narrowed my problem down to not being able to set lookup/Choice Columns
I have simplified a code on my page down to
//Phase being a Choice Column & Closure a case sensitive valid option
//ProjectName being a Lookup Column & Test2 a case sensitive valid entry in the list
I have no problem setting text fields as the following code works fine on a text field I created
I have used the following Jquery libraries 1.7.2/min.js and 1.11.3
Not sure whether you used _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push() method for your logics. Usually you have to wait all SharePoint DOM objects are loaded and then to execute your jQuery code. If you used SharePoint JavaScript library, you probably needs to call ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded() to make sure your call is called after curtain SharePoint .js files are loaded.
First Thanks "Verona Chen" and " DIEGO CARRASCAL" because of who i've learnt a few other tricks in SharePoint which will help with other projects.
My original script before the question was trying to use a query string to populate a field in newform.aspx (which i have done on sharepoint 2013 with code i have found here on)
Unforuntaly with sharepoint online/365 This code was no longer working.
This code has fixed my issue (though it does change how a few previous pages are constructed)
Appologies if this doesn't directly answer the above question (as this was me trying to breakdown the overall issue i was having into something simpler and easier to address based on me narrowing down the issue in my original code) however as I am now up and running, it seems only polite to post the outcome.
Prior to code, i have a projects list with a "ProjectName" field. I was sending the field name into a URL and querystring to get mylist/newform.aspx?ProjectName=Test2
I was then trying to pull that Test2 into the lookup field (liked to the project list) "ProjectName" in the list "MyList"
But even when loading the function for my old script with _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push() it wasn't working.
After playing with this for a while and after some looking around i found this peice of code
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var ctx = {};
ctx.Templates = {};
ctx.Templates.Fields = {
'ProjectName': {
'NewForm': renderTaskCategory
function renderTaskCategory(ctx) {
//extract cat parameter from a query string
var GetProjID = GetUrlKeyValue('ProjID');
//set lookup field value
ctx.CurrentFieldValue = GetProjID;
//default template for rendering Lookup field control
return SPFieldLookup_Edit(ctx);
This means that i have to change my previous url builds to create mylist/newform.aspx?ProjID=2
This script then finds item ID 2 (which happens to be test2 in this case) and puts the title of item 2 in my lookup field ProjectName
Thanks again to those that helped earlier.
And apologies again if this doesn't directly answer the question i originally asked.

how to frame data in a Matrixreport for nvd3 line plus Barchart using salesforce analaytics api

I am new to NVD3. And i am trying to get the data from Matrix report in sales-force and display that data in Line plus bar chart. seems like i am getting the chart with no data . On hover tool tip at a particular place it is displaying NAN. So i think i am not able to frame data correctly in the report. so do any of you have suggestion on that and if possible can you paste the code also.
Thanks in advance.
i am taking this as a refernce and tried.
As you said in the comments, with test data everything works properly. Then, the problem must be with the way you are parsing the data. Also, you have some problems in how you use nvd3.
A quick look at your code shows some problems:
The following line is writing '+matrixReportId' in every request:
$.ajax('/services/data/v29.0/analytics/reports/+matrixReportId', {
I think you probably want to write the contents of matrixReportId, right? So you need to do it like this:
$.ajax('/services/data/v29.0/analytics/reports/' + matrixReportId, {
You are doing a chartData.push() on an empty values array. You should do that only after adding the elements to the array:
$.each(response.groupingsDown.groupings, function(di, de) {
var values = [];
$.each(response.groupingsAcross.groupings, function(ai, ae) {
values.push({"x": ae.label, "y": response.factMap[de.key+"!"+ae.key].aggregates[0].value});
chartData.push({"key":de.label, "values": values});
You should not recreate the chart everytime the data changes. You should only change the datum and then update the chart.
You are forgetting to call nv.utils.windowResize().
I edited the jsfiddle to incorporate these changes. Please test it:
Also, you probably are better off not using jquery at all, as d3+jquery can get quite heavy. D3 has its own ajax (look at d3.xhr), foreach and selection methods. You really don't need jquery here.
Here, I created an example using only d3:

Dashboard widget: getting version number from Info.plist

I'm writing a Dashboard widget in Dashcode, and on the back side, I've got a string for credits. I want to include the widget's version number in that string, but if possible, I want to programmatically grab it from the CFBundleVersion or CFBundleShortVersionString key in Info.plist to avoid having to change the number in multiple places if and when I update the widget.
Searches on Apple's developer documentation, Google and various forums have proven fruitless so far. What I'd like to know is whether there's a built-in way to do this that Apple included but forgot to mention (like var version = widget.version(); or something), or whether my script will have to pull in and parse the entire plist before plucking out the one value I actually want.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
I seem to have found the answer: use Dashcode's "data source" facility to read in Info.plist as an XML data source. From there, this blog post showed me how to traverse the plist's structure and get the correct string (in this case, the fifth <string> element in the file, corresponding to CFBundleShortVersionString.
The function I ended up with:
function getWidgetVersion() {
var dataSource = dashcode.getDataSource("infoPlist");
var version = dataSource.selection().valueForKey("dict").valueForKey("string")[4]; // This line and the previous could probably be combined for the sake of brevity
if (typeof(version) == 'string') {
document.getElementById("creditsLabel").innerHTML += version; //I'll change this to just pass the number on
Since the text of the creditsLabel div has already been started off with a localized string, I get a nice little label saying "Version 1.0".

how to use jquery or javascript to get the selected VALUE from telerik radcombobox? val() not working

I have a listview that has a nested listview which contain radcomboboxes in the itemtemplate. As such, the IDs (as far as I know) are useless to me.
For example, if I have 30 items, each one of those items is going to generate a new combobox so the names are going to be generated by asp. What I need is to be able to grab the selected value from whichever combobox is being worked by the user. I'm currently using jQuery and some absurd parent().parent().children() type nonsense in order to find the correct combobox in relation to the submit button.
When submit button is clicked, I need it to find the selected value of the it's respective combobox so that I can send that to the post submission handler. The problem is that the .val() jQuery method is not working. When I use that with something like:
I end up getting the text value, not the selected value. I triple checked to make sure that I had the fields bound correctly in the aspx file;
DataTextField = '<%#Eval("name") %>' DataValueField = '<%#Eval("id") %>'
But as I said, I'm ending up with the DataTextField value of the selected item. The best explanation I could get was that it had something to do with how the control is requesting the content (via ajax).
So at any rate, could anyone offer some suggestions on how to accurately get the selected value from the combobox?
I was able to gain reference to the object through a different means:
function () {
var topLevel = $(this).closest(".CommentTopLevel");
var status = topLevel.find(".StatusTag").get_value();
//stub to test value
return false;
from here, if use status.val(), it will give me the text instead of the value (same issue as before). The documentation implies that I should use status.get_value(); but this is blowing up saying that the method is not supported from the object. Any ideas?
nevermind, I found that it is a jquery object being returned, so the method isn't included. Continuing to dig.
There was just an extra step i needed to do to use traditional methods. I don't know what it took so long for it to click with me:
var topLevel = $(this).closest(".CommentTopLevelTag"); //gets the parent container
var comboBoxID = topLevel.find(".StatusTag").attr("ID"); //gets the clientID of the jQuery object
var comboBoxRef = $find(comboBoxID); //finds the control by id and brings back a non-jQuery object (useable)
var comboBoxSelectedValue = comboBoxRef.get_value(); //uses the Telerik method to get the selected value
Its been a little while since I've dealt with Telerik controls, but what you're doing is bypassing the apis Telerik has made for you to use, and that strikes me as a very bad thing. The next release of Telerik Controls could easily break your code.
Look, it shouldn't be that hard to pass the client id from the listview. There's several methods I'd tackle but I'll let you figure that on your own for now. Once you DO have the ClientID for the control, follow the example on telerik's site:
Once you have that id do some
var combo = $find(someVarReferencingTheId);
Now you have a reference to the combobox in its clientside form. Now find some function that gets what you want from here:
EDIT: that first link to isn't really even needed, I just showed that because that's what I used to get that line of code (I could never remember if it's $get or $find I needed to use, unless I was doing a lot of Telerik clientside stuff at the time.).
EDIT 2: $get and $find are ASP.NET constructs, not Telerik's.

