Getting all files in directory with ajax - javascript

I am creating a development tool for web development. This tool loads a users webpage into an iframe, this allows the program to resize the iframe and simulate mobile screen sizes. I also want to build in a tool that automatically refreshes the iframe when local content is changed. To do this I am going to use Ajax to load files in and every 5 seconds or so compare the file to its previous version from 5 seconds ago. I currently have it working with just one file.
Is there a way to get all the files in a directory with Ajax. The little javascript same origin rule does not apply because the user is running this tool locally from the same directory as the project, no files from a server are being pulled.

Javascript which runs on the client machine can't access the local disk file system due to security restrictions.
If you want to access the client's disk file system then look into an embedded client application which you serve up from your webpage, like an Applet, Silverlight or something like that. If you like to access the server's disk file system, then look for the solution in the server side corner using a server side programming language like Java, PHP, etc, whatever your webserver is currently using/supporting.


Use PHP/Javascript to access/display client-side files

I've built an online photo tagging tool that has a low-res mirror of what is on my local laptop. I'd like to find an easy way to display the high-res version of a given image from my local file system.
Currently I have to get the image name from the web tool, paste it into Lightroom's search system and view that way. I'd like to be able to pull up the high res version, either in the browser or another local app, with a single click.
Options I've investigated:
HTML5 File API/FileReader()/fetch()
These cause even more friction than going to Lightroom, as the user has to select files via the OS file selector and the image directory structure is complex.
Configure local web server to host disk-based images
I've looked at hosting the local image directory with a simple web service, but would need to configure HTTPS to prevent cross-zone violations, and that's more client-side config than I'd prefer.
Any solution that would allow me to reference a local file path directly would work, but modern browsers have (rightly) eliminated most direct paths to local file access.
I'm wondering if there is a way to ask an app on the client side to open the file, in the way that browsers will prompt you for permission to open Zoom and join a meeting, or open a link in the client OS app store. If I could find some way to tell Lightroom to open the specific image without having to copy/paste file names, etc.

JavaScript Local Folder Access

I am looking a functionality like follows for a web application,
User select a local folder with high resolution images.
Resize this images and send to server for processing.
Make folders in the local file system and copy the original high resolution images according to the server response
Can we achieve this without using any locally installed application but with a web application only. Please guide me, which method/technology can I start with.
Browsers will not allow to access local file system due to security reasons. Image any website able to play with local files. Browser provides sandbox where your js app can run.
You best options could be to use webstorage. You have limited capacity there though and it is not accessible directly to user. Different browsers can be varying implementations.
You can do this with node.js and sharp or Imagemagick.
As others have mentioned in browser Javascript cannot access a local file system for security reasons. So you'd have to provide an upload interface to upload the image to a node server first, then you can convert the image into a buffer/data stream resize the buffer and save it again on the server ready to be downloaded.
NodeJs is a Javascript runtime
Express is a application framework you can build a webserver that can execute your javascript
(You've already said you'd prefer not to but) You could build it as an node desktop application using electron which would have access to the filesystem, but it would be a self contained app not a in browser application.
Sharp and imagemagick plugins are the most popular nodejs based image processors
Hope this helps you get started

Save Javascript or Replace Javascript File in Chrome Developer Tools

Is there a way to replace a .js file in the website sources with a file on my workstation, or make a modification to a .js file and refresh the website to see the changes?
I am developing client-side JavaScript code against a SharePoint website on a server. I cannot create a local version of the website, so I need to modify the script, save the file to the server, refresh, etc. I do not have direct access to the server, and saving a file in a SP doc library or web part takes a lot of time between edits.
I can make small modifications using the dev tools while breaking on certain lines and applying snippets, but I am hoping for a better way.
If you have access the server that's hosting the file you should be able to replace or modify the JS file. Alternately you can use local hosting tools to test your file and then upload it to the server once you've confirmed it's working.
If you explain what you level of access to your host is we can offer better suggestions.

Webpage create / edit file

I'm working on a webpage that has to work offline when it's finished. No XAMPP or other services available, so PHP is no option.
It has to create a new file, edit a filename (which would be the best solution) or move a file into another directory. This action has to be called from a function in jQuery.
I've read that Python could to this but as long as I read Python needs a web framework and a configured Apache as well, so if it's right Python is no possibility for me as well.
Is there any way to do this with JavaScript / jQuery or anything else which works offline?
No. It won't work by Design. Imagine, you visit a Website and it would install virus.exe into your Windows Directory (For example Autostart).
Html Pages are for Displaying Informationen to the User. Javascript is supporting it with dynamic Features. The Browser grant Rights for Loading other Information and nothing else. Everything which would affect the System, could not handled by Script.
If it should run from Web, you need a Plugin (Like Java). In your case (Offline Use) consider to write a Desktop Client (C#, VB.NET, Java, C++).

Load local CSS and JavaScript files when developing, live when pushed to server

I am developing in Visual Studio and am making a lot of front-end changes to websites. But because of the server setup, every time I compile it takes one minute before I can see the changes in the browser.
Is it possible to use a program so that the website will load the site with local CSS and JavaScript files? I want to make changes locally and see the changes on the website without compiling the project.
I use Charles Proxy for that. It allows you to map certain URIs to different URIs or local files.
So you can tell it to load specific JS / CSS files from a different location (or use a wildcard and map them in bulk).
The real question here is why you are developing a website with Visual Studio.
You should setup a local HTTP server and access your site from http://localhost.

