passing variable to mongodb query in meteor app - javascript

So I'm trying to get started with a simple meteor app to search a database. I've got a single input box from which I get the search query with the following code: = {
'keydown input#search' : function (event) {
if (event.which == 13) {
var item = document.getElementById('search');
item.value = '';
I pass the search query to another function which is supposed to query the mongodb and print the result in the template:
Template.results.results = function (item) {
return Products.find({sku: item});
However, it never finds the item! If I run the same query in Chrome's console it works. If I replace {sku: item} in the code with (for example) {sku: "A2277"} (which is in my db) then it works! If i create a new variable inside the Template.results.results function such as var item = "A2277" that works too. What's going on here?!

Template helpers were designed to be called by your template, not directly by your event handlers. Your code just asks a query to happen and return a value, but it isn't tied to your template in any way. Instead, you should use a session variable like so:
Template.results.results = function() {
return Products.find({sku: Session.get('itemSku')});
Then in your event handler you can do something like:{
'keydown input#search': function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) {
var $item = $('#search');
Session.set('itemSku', $item.val());
Note I used jQuery here to set/get the item values. Anyway, that should set the session variable and reactively redraw the results.


Proper way to findOne document in Template Event?

I am trying to findOne document in my code. I have a form and onClick I want to verify if the ID of the ObjectID entered is an existing document in my collection and fetch that result to show it on the template.
My event code on the client :{
'click #btnAjouterObjet'(event) {
let objetIdInput = $('#object_id').val().toString();
Meteor.subscribe('objetsFindOne', objetIdInput, {
onReady: function () {
let obj = Objets.findOne();
if (obj) {
else {
console.log("not found");
In my Objets api :
Meteor.publish('objetsFindOne', function objetsFindOne(param_id){
return Objets.find({_id : param_id});
I have verified and my objetIdInput always change on click when a different Id is entered but the subscribe always returns the first id entered. I also added the onReady because otherwise it returned undefined.
I am new to Meteor and I have also tried to subscribe to all the collection and doing the find on the client but I don't think it is the best idea as my collection has about 22000 documents.
Just to elaborate a little bit on the first answer, as to how to change this pattern:
(1) you should place your Meteor.subscribe() call in your Template.admin.onCreated() function.
(2) the subscription reads from a reactive value, for example, new ReactiveVar().
(3) now, anytime the reactive value changes, the subscription will re-run. So, in your template event, you set the reactive value to the id and let the subscription handle the rest.
Discover Meteor and other resources should be helpful on any details.
You are going about this all wrong. I suggest you take a look at Template-Level Subscriptions
I opted for the use of a method :
Client side:
'click #btnAjouterObjet'(event) {
let objetIdInput = $('#object_id').val().toString();
let result ='findObj', objetIdInput, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
On the server side :
findObj: function (param_id) {
console.log(Objets.find({ _id: param_id }).fetch());
return Objets.find({ _id: param_id }).fetch();

Meteor Users collection and Deps.autorun problems

I'm still struggling to understand how to access Meteor.users as a foreign key from another collection query. I understand that only the current user is published by default so I have a publication on the server as
Meteor.publish('itemOwner', function(userId) {
check(userId, String);
var user = Meteor.users.find({id: userId});
return user;
// return Meteor.users.find({id: userId}, {
// fields: {'profile': 1} });
I then have a Deps.autorun on the client..
Deps.autorun(function () {
var itemOwnerId = Session.get("itemOwnerID");
if (itemOwnerId) {
var ID = Session.get("itemOwnerID");
Meteor.subscribe('itemOwner', Session.get("itemOwnerID"));
I set the session ID on a modal form load, and display it in the template by calling the ownerProfile helper (or try to)
getQuote: function () {
// Get the quote ID from the session var
var quote = Session.get("quoteID");
if(quote) {
var ID = quote.user._id;
Session.set("itemOwnerID", quote.user._id);
return quote;
ownerProfile: function() {
var quote = Session.get("quoteID");
if(quote) {
var ID = quote.user._id;
var theUser = Meteor.users.find({_id: quote.user._id});
return theUser;
Now, I can trace the user ID at each stage and see it getting correctly passed to the autorun and the helpers. If I stop the program at the debugger in the ownerProfile helper and in the console put in Meteor.user.fetch({_id: "the id here"}).fetch() I get the correct user back.. but, in the handler itself the Meteor.users.find returns null??? What am I missing?
Two possibilities I noticed.
First, you are missing an underscore in the find in your publish function.
.find({id: userId}) should be .find({_id: userId}).
But this probably isn't the issue if you are seeing the user (other than the logged in user) in the console.
Second, if you are not seeing the user from your Template.showQuoteModalInner.ownerProfile helper, it is probably because you are returning a find() instead of a findOne().
find() returns a cursor whereas findOne() returns the record. Try findOne() if you want to display that single user's attributes.

Cant get the current id of a data from local Storage using jquery

I am working on an app to store data offline. My problem is when I try to retrieve the data from local storage for update/edit, it keeps calling only the id of the first item, and not calling the id of the data in view.
Please what am I doing wrong?
Here is my code for loading employees:
// load cases from localStorage
var employees;
if (localStorage.getItem('employees')) {
employees = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('employees'));
} else {
// If no cases, create and save them
employees = [];
// offling storing of our cases
localStorage.setItem('employees', JSON.stringify(employees));
// show case listing in list view page
var showEmployees = function () {
//erase existing content
//insert each employee
for (var i = 0; i<employees.length; i++) {
Here is my code to add an employee to list view:
//add an eliment to list view
var addEmployees = function (empData) {
//HTML content of one list element
var listElementHTML = '<li><a class="employee_list" ui-btn ui-btn-e ui-btn-icon-right ui-icon-carat-r" data-transition="fade" data-split-icon="delete" href="#item''">' + empData.employeename + '<br> ' + empData.dateofbirth + '</br></a></li>';
//appending the HTML code to list view
Here is my code for Edit function:
//User input to edit form
$('#edit_employee_page').on('click' , function () {
var editEmployee = JSON.stringify({
id: employees.length+1,
employeeno: $('#employeeno').val(),
employeephone: $('#employeephone').val(),
//Alter the slected data
localStorage.setItem("employees", JSON.stringify(employees));
return true;
for (var i in employees) {
var id = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(employees[i]));
Here is my code for the Edit button:
//register Edit button
$('.edit_button').live('click', function (e) {
alert('I was Cliked!');
$.each(employees, function(a, b) {
//if( == employees[i]){
return false;
Here is my local Storage:
"employeename":"Bill Gates",
"employeename":"Bill Gates",
"employeename":"Bill Gates",
"employeename":"Gold Base",
Thanks for helping me out
The way you are storing your employees into localStorage is correct, but the way you are getting them out is incorrect. You stored your employees by stating:
localStorage.setItem("employees", JSON.stringify(employees));
So, in order to retrieve them, you must use:
var employees = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("employees"));
You see, you stored the data as a string with a key of "employees"; therefore, you can only retrieve it by that key. Since all data stored in localStorage is saved as a string, you must use JSON.parse() to convert the data back into an object - an array in this case. Then you can iterate over your employees.
You should be running this code as soon as the page is rendered (see below). I'm not sure how you're doing that - if you're using an IIFE or jQuery's document.ready() function. I don't think it's necessary to store an empty array into localStorage if none were loaded initially, so, I took your else clause out.
var employees = [];
if (localStorage.getItem('employees') !== null) {
employees = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('employees'));
Debug this line-by-line when it runs and make positive your employees variable contains data. If it doesn't contain data, well then, there's nothing to edit.
If, however, there is data, then execute your showEmployees() function. Oddly, I'm not seeing in your code where you actually call this. Is it bound to a button or action in your UI? Also, what is that for loop doing after your $('#edit_employee_page') click event function? It's trying to read data from localStorage improperly and it does nothing.
I think if you simply stepped through your code one line at a time using breakpoints and desk-checking your inputs/outputs you'd find out where you're going wrong.
It also appears that there's a disconnect in your code. May be you left out some lines; you define a string editEmployee but out of the blues you store JSON.stringify(employees) whereas employees is not defined in your code:
$('#edit_employee_page').on('click' , function(){
var editEmployee = JSON.stringify({
id: employees.length+1,
//Alter the slected data
localStorage.setItem("employees", JSON.stringify(employees));
return true;
I had a similar task to do . I did it this way.
I passed the dynamic Id to be passed as an id attribute
and then inside the
$('.edit_button').live('click', function (e) {
alert('I was Cliked!');
var empId=$(this).attr('id');
rest of the code is same.

How can I unset an attribute when the value is empty?

I have a search form with a number of empty fields. After the user enters values into the fields and hits "Enter" I create a query string from the values (using $.param()) and send that to the server. All is well, until you empty a field and hit "Enter" again. Because that field previously had a value the attribute has already been set, so now when hitting submitting the attribute is still being added to the query string, only with no value attached.
An example, and some code:
Search.CustomerCard = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: "#customer-search-card",
tagName: "section",
className: "module primary-module is-editing",
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change', function(m, v, options) {
console.log("Changed?", m.changedAttributes();
events: {
"click .js-save": "searchCustomers",
"keypress [contenteditable]": "searchCustomersOnEnter"
bindings: {
onRender: function () {
searchCustomersOnEnter: function (e) {
if (e.keyCode !== 13) { return; }
searchCustomers: function (e) {
var query = $.param(this.model.attributes);
this.trigger("customers:search", query);
You'll see in the var query = $.param(this.model.attributes); line that I'm converting the model's attributes to a query string to send along to my API. You may also see I'm using backbone.stickit. How can I seamlessly unset any attributes that are empty before creating the query string?
In this scenario I'd just fix the input to $.param:
var params = _.clone(this.model.attributes);
_.each(params, function(value, key) {
if (value == "") {
delete params[key];
There seems to be no proper utility available at Underscore, but could be easily provided similar to what is described here.
I ran into a similar problem when i was making my project, for me _.defaults worked, but maybe in your case, you can use one of filter, reduce or anyother underscore functions.

Meteor method reactivity doesn't work

I'm not experienced in Javascript but I've read a ton of articles about Meteor reactivity but still can't figure out why it is not working in my case.
When a new product is added, I want to be recalculated total cost and use it in the totalCost helper so it's almost real time visible in the browser.
Can someone please take a look at my code and try to figure out some logic error? Everything except the reactivity is working on my computer.
I have got this method in /models/Product.js :
totalProductCost: function() {
var pipeline = [
{$match: {owner: Meteor.userId()}},
{$group: {_id: null, cost: {$sum: "$cost"}}}
var data = Products.aggregate(pipeline)["0"].cost;
return (data === undefined) ? 0 : data;
Then I've got layout.js in client folder:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var handle = Meteor.subscribe("Products", Meteor.userId());
ProductManager = {
_productItems: null,
_dep: new Tracker.Dependency(),
getProducts: function () {
return this._productItems;
setProducts: function (value) {
if (value !== this._productItems) {
this._productItems = value;
getTotalCost: function () {
Tracker.autorun(function () {
if (handle.ready()) {
"totalCost" : function () {
return ProductManager.getTotalCost();
It seems that you used a collection.aggregate in a method. If you need reactivity, you need to use a publication rather than a method (or you need to call the method each time you want to refresh). However, if you use your aggregation inside your publication (I assume you use a package for it) you will loose reactivity as well.
What I would advise you is to use a publication without aggregate function. You calculate your product cost by creating a new field and adding it to your cursor. Once, you do that, if you want to keep reactivity, it is necessary to use to use cursor.observeChanges() or just cursor.observe().
Have a look at this example:
var self = this;
// Modify the document we are sending to the client.
function filter(doc) {
var length = doc.item.length;
// White list the fields you want to publish.
var docToPublish = _.pick(doc, [
// Add your custom fields.
docToPublish.itemLength = length;
return docToPublish;
var handle = myCollection.find({}, {fields: {item:1, someOtherField:1}})
// Use observe since it gives us the the old and new document when something is changing.
// If this becomes a performance issue then consider using observeChanges,
// but its usually a lot simpler to use observe in cases like this.
added: function(doc) {
self.added("myCollection", doc._id, filter(doc));
changed: function(newDocument, oldDocument)
// When the item count is changing, send update to client.
if (newDocument.item.length !== oldDocument.item.length)
self.changed("myCollection", newDocument._id, filter(newDocument));
removed: function(doc) {
self.removed("myCollection", doc._id);
self.onStop(function () {
This is taken from here.

