jQuery - Selecting a column in HTML table through text - javascript

I have this kind of structure in my table
<c:forEach ...>
<td>test</td> // i have this value
<td>random value</td>
<td>random value</td>
<td>random value</td>
I have the text of the first <td>. I want to change the text of any of the following <td> desire after the first one using jQuery or any suggestion you have. I really having a hard time thinking of how I can do this.
Can anyone please help me?
EDIT: ( i.e. I want to change the 2nd <td> you could say $('#td2').text('test'); );

//this holds the text to be searched
var text = 'text';
//use .filter() to find the td because :contains can return partial matches
var $tr = $('table td:first-child').filter(function(){
return $.trim($(this).text()) == text
var $tds = $tr.find('td');//this is all the tds in the row
$tds.eq(1).text('updated');//use the index to update the content
Demo: Fiddle

This will update the 2nd TD with jQuery:
$(function() {
$('table tr td:nth-child(2)').html('updated');
You could write a loop to iterate and do this across as many cells as you 'desire'.
Fiddle here

use below jQuery code:
$("tr :not(:first-child)").text("NEW TEXT");
look at this fiddle


jQuery: skipping first table row

This is the HTML:
<table id="tblTestAttributes">
<tr> <th>Head 1</th> <th>Head 2</th> </tr>
<tr> <td id="txtDesc">Item 1</td> <td id="ddlFreq">Assume a DropDownList Here</td> </tr>
<tr> <td id="txtDesc">Item 1</td> <td id="ddlFreq">Assume a DropDownList Here</td> </tr>
<tr> <td id="txtDesc">Item 1</td> <td id="ddlFreq">Assume a DropDownList Here</td> </tr>
This is the javascript to get the values of each row:
var frequencies = [];
if ($('#tblTestAttributes').length) {
$('#tblTestAttributes tr').each(function () {
var t = $(this).find('td[id^="txtDesc"]').text() + ";" + $(this).find('[id^="ddlFreq"] option:selected').val();
I want to avoid the first row, which contains th elements which are just display headers and don't contain any data.
So I changed the selector to this:
#tblTestAttributes tr:not(:first-child)
This is skipping the second tr as well. What is happening here?
Simple you can use below code
$('#tblTestAttributes tr:not(:has(th))').each(function () {
In terms of performance, using .find() will be better than resolving the selector with Sizzle.
$('#tblTestAttributes').find('tbody').find('tr').each(function () { ... });
Here's the jsPerf to show it.
#tblTestAttributes tr:gt(0)
#tblTestAttributes tbody tr
I would recommend the 2nd, because it may take advantage of querySelectorAll and should be the fastes solution.
your approach didn't work as expected, because the 2nd tr is also a first-child(of tbody)
Use tr + tr selector, which gets all tr that appear after another tr, so the first one is skipped.
Also no need to check if table exists, as in that case $.each wouldn't even get executed.
var frequencies = [];
$('#tblTestAttributes tr + tr').each(function () {
var t = $(this).find('td[id^="txtDesc"]').text() + ";" + $(this).find('[id^="ddlFreq"] option:selected').val();
After your edit:
Simply select only all tr inside tbody:
$('#tblTestAttributes tbody tr').each(function(){
It happens because the second row is, in fact, the first child of the tbody just like the first row is the first child of the thead.
To only take the elements you need, I'd suggest something nearer from your need :
#tblTestAttributes tr:has(td)
Don't forget to get rid of those duplicate txtDesc id, this is illegal in HTML, use a class instead.

How get the second td innerHTML

I'm using datatable library to display alot of information. That table have the following rows:
Id Type Name Case
What I'm looking for is that when I click the second row Type, that value will be taking and pasted in a textbox
Id Type Name Case
1 text Juan 20001
3 List Pedro 20005
If I click the row that has the id # 1, I need to take the Type innerHTML. Does not matter what apart of the row I click just take the second td's html.
I tried with this code:
$("tr td").click(function () {
It worked great, But the problem is that the user have to click exactly the row Name, but would be better if user can click over any of the row and just take the second rows html.
should get you the innerHTML of the second table cell of myRow as long as the first table cell does not contain a nested table.
You might try adding the click handler to the rows instead of to the cells too.
Try using eq()
but would be better if user can click over any of the row and just
take the second rows html.
$("tr td").click(function () {
secondrow = $(this).closest('tr').siblings().eq(1);
If i click the row that has the id # 1, i need to take the Type
innerHTML. Does not matter what apart of the row i click just take the
second td's html.
$("tr td").click(function () {
secondTd = $(this).siblings().eq(1);
Try this
$(function () {
$("#thetable tr").click(function () {
if ($(this).index() == 0) return;
$('#tbox').val($('td:nth-child(2)', $(this)).html())
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" id="thetable">
</table><br />
<input type="text" name="tbox" id="tbox" />
It method takes into account the first row that contains only labels and doesn't set the textbox value to a label if top row is clicked.

How to get the content of a table rows and columns

Can anyone give me an idea on how I will count the table column and table row and get the id, attribute and the content of a each cell (the cell is contenteditable). What tools do I have to use?
<td id='1A' rowspan=2>Rowspan 2</td>
<td id='1B'>22222</td>
<td id='1C'>33333</td>
<td id='2B' colspan='2'> Colspan2</td>
<td id='3A' style='color:red'>Whaterver</td>
<td id='3B' style='font-weight:bold'>Askyourmother</td>
<td id='3C'>sigh</td>
I'm using Jquery (Javascript).
You can make use of jQuery to get it and then do whatever you want with it.
In this case I just print it in the console.
//for each TR...
$('table tr').each(function(){
//for each TD....
console.log($(this).text()); //do whatever you want with the text
you can use jQuery.
To get all tr use it as below.
var count = $('table tr').length;
above will out put count of all the tr inside table.
To get the ID attribut of DOM use .attr()
var tableID = $('table').attr('id');
above will out-put the ID attribute of the DOM.
To get the text inside of DOM use .text() or .html()
var text = $('table tr td').text();
var html = $('table tr td').html();
above will out-put the HTML or TEXT inside of the selected DOM.
use length to count tr and each to get ids and contents.
var table=$('table tr');
var trCount= table.length; //count tr
$('table tr td').each(function(){
var tdID=$(this).attr('id'); //get id
var tdcontent=$(this).text(); //get content
}) ;
fiddle here

Hide a `tr` based on the values of `td` in the table using jQuery

I have table that is filled with dynamic content from a query from a database on the backend. I want to hide any tr that contains only zeros.
Here is what my table looks like:
<table id="table1" " cellspacing="0" style="width: 800px">
<thead id="tablehead">
<tbody id="tabledata">
<tr class="odd">
Now if the first three td's in tbody are == 0 then I would like to add a class to the tr that will effectively hide that row. How would I go about doing this using jQuery?
Sorry forgot to add what I have tried. The following is a test script I tried to see if I could collect all the td's
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#table1 td").filter(function() {
return $(this).text == 0;
}).css("text-color", "red");
You can do this :
var tr = $(this);
if (tr.find('td:eq(0)').text()=="0"
&& tr.find('td:eq(1)').text()=="0"
&& tr.find('td:eq(2)').text()=="0"
) tr.addClass('hidden');
Demonstration (the hidden class changes the color to red, it's clearer...)
Depending on your need, you might have to trim the texts, or to parse them.
For more complex tests, you might find useful to work directly with an array of the cell contents. You can get it using
var celltexts = tr.find('td').map(function(){return $(this).text()}).toArray();

apply values of inputs to all its td innerhtml

is it possible to change the innerhtml of all the td when it has the input inside, i mean to take the input's value and apply it to it's td innerhtml, for example, here's the table and its input inside:
<td><input value="test" /></td>
to change it smth into this:
for all of the td and input values without applying id's and classes?! please pay attention that td innerhtml didnt change :) thank you all for the help! ;)
That's pretty easy.
Name your table first (to find it easily).
<table id="the_table">
<td><input value="test" /></td>
Then you can do this:
$('#the_table td input[type="text"]').each(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
Live demo.
find all inputs that are within <td> that are in this certain table.
for each input:
2.1 retrieve value from the input
2.2 find first parent of the input that is a <td> tag and set its innerHTML to that value
Yes, you can do it like this:
$('table td:has(:input:only-child)').each(function () {
$(this).html($(':input', this).val());
It assumes there only is an input in the td. If that is not the case, then remove :only-child.
Explanation of table td:has(:input:only-child)
It says, take any td within a table, which has an input as the only child.
You can test it here: http://jsfiddle.net/eydtw/
Update: take the input which is not hidden.
$('table td:has(input[type!="hidden"])').each(function () {
$(this).html($('input[type!="hidden"]', this).val());
or: take the input which is text.
$('table td:has(input:text)').each(function () {
$(this).html($('input:text', this).val());
$.each($('table td'),function(){
if($(this).children().length !=0)
var temp = $($(this).children()[0]).val();

