How to slideDown a fixed div once you press another button - javascript

What I am trying to do
Close a div with a secondary button and mimicking the slideDown script from the first button.
The problem
Once the footer button is pressed it displays my hidden div (#footerPanel) by pushing the header up. Once you click footer again it closes the panel and slides the header back into place.
The menu button will work as follow, once you hover over the button the site navigation will display (not included in JSFiddle). By having this I would like to have the ability to close the #footerPanel and have the header slide down, mimicking the close ability from the footer button.
What is happening now is, when I click menu the #footerPanel slides down but leaving the header stuck at the position where the div pushed it. Also when you move the mouse the div slides back up.
How can I go about fixing this issue? I tried a few solution but they all seem to have the same outcome.
The js
//show its submenu
$(this).parent().parent().animate({'bottom': "+=400"}, 500);
function () {
//hide its submenu
$(this).parent().parent().animate({'bottom': "-=400"}, 500);

Updated Fiddle:
I think I have what you are looking for. I added the following as a callback for when the animate function completes when opening the menu.
function () {
Then in the click handler for menu add the following if statement:
if ($(this).closest('header').is('.open')) {
$('header').animate({'bottom': "-=400"});
Also, you're code will look cleaner and be less if you used .closest() rather than .parent().parent() and so on.


How to execute code after 3rd party slide down animation?

I am using the materialize JS to create collapsible divs. When a div that has a class of collapsible-header is clicked, a slide down animation occurs on the sibling div that has a class of collapsible-body, showing the contents of the collapsible-body.
What I am trying to accomplish is when a collapsible header is clicked, the browser should scroll to the top of that div so that the contents are in full view of the user. I have used an on click event, which works fine on the first collapsible. But then, if you have an open collapsible and you click on another to open it, it doesn't scroll to the top of the clicked div properly (it will scroll to the middle of the body, or way above the top of the div).
JS Fiddle of on click functionality:
I am able to accomplish what I am looking to do by editing the Materialize JS itself. Here is how the line looks before my edit:
object.siblings('.collapsible-body').stop(true, false).slideDown({
duration: 350,
easing: "easeOutQuart",
queue: false,
complete: function() {
$(this).css('height', '');
I add the following to the complete portion of the above statement to accomplish what I'm looking for:
$('body').animate({scrollTop: $('').offset().top },'slow');
Question: I do not want to edit the Materialize 3rd party code to accomplish what I need, so I need to find a way to implement the body animate code after the slide down is finished, without editing the Materialize animation. I know there has to be a way to do it?
I have tried event queues on the collapsible body, which seemed promising, but my test console print executed during the animation. See below. If someone could point me in the right direction of what else I could try, I would greatly appreciate it.
You should be able to use the onOpen option when initialising your .collapsible. Pass in a function to execute when the accordion is opened. The function receives the element as a argument.
$(document).ready(function() {
onOpen: function(el) {
$('body').animate({scrollTop: el.offset().top },'slow');

click outside bootstrap menu to close it

I tried to find solution to close bootstrap menu when clicking outside of it(in mobile window size), but cant get it to work, I get it to work when clicking one of the 'a' links by this code:
// menu buttons collapses when clicking a link
if ($('a').on('click', function()
$('.collapse, #mainContainer').removeClass('in');
$('.navbar-toggle').toggleClass('collapsed'); // button
but how to close menu by clicking outside the menu navbar?
here's my page that shows the problem
and yes i tried this already, not working:
similar question
Assuming you want to do something different when clicking outside of the menu (i.e. collapse the menu) than what happens when you click inside the menu, you probably want something like this to determine if you're clicking inside or outside of the menu:
// check if the clicked element is a descendent of navigation
if ($('.navigation').length) {
return; //do nothing if event target is within the navigation
} else {
// do something if the event target is outside the navigation
// code for collapsing menu here...
}); shows the concept, roughly.
Of course, you will need to replace '.navigation' in the .closest() statement with the appropriate selector for the container of your navigation.
Just copy the code and past your custome script or index.html
thank's Remy
click outside to hide bootstrap toggle menu close(hide) it
Here the answer :
Hope it's help :)

on link hover display div, which show on hover of that div and link

i have link and on link hover display div when leave cursor form div and link hide div using jQuery. i have code for display it, how can i hide it while i leave cursor from these link and div.this is my html code.
2 items
<div id="dropcart">contents</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
if($("#show_div").is(':hover') === false)
EDIT: (For the downvoters and OP)
I misunderstood the question. My suggestion, then, would be to use timeouts.
.hover(function(){ clearTimeout(window["timeoutVar"]); $("#dropcart").fadeIn(); },function(){window["timeoutVar"]=setTimeout(function(){ $("#dropcart").fadeout(); },50);});
Then apply that .hover to the div, also. That way, the div will fade out after a 50-millisecond delay IF the user does not hover over it, which will cancel the timeout (and prevent the fadeout).

jQuery - Toggle a panel closed on click of outside element, only if panel is visible

I'm working on this site:
My final to-do is to set the contact panel (which you can see if you click the top left "contact" button) to close if it's currently open and the user either clicks outside of the panel (in the "#content" area) or hits the esc key.
I figured the clicking in the #content area trigger would be the easier of the two, so I started with that. I've read a couple threads on triggering functions only if elements are visible, but what I've come up with so far isn't working at all:
$("#panel").is(":visible") {
This breaks the functionality of the contact button, and I've tried several variations of this to no avail. Am I making any glaring errors here? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Bind Click and Keydown functions to the document and make sure the click function doesn't bubble up to the document when your panel or flip buttons are clicked. Like so:
keydown:function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 27 ) {
}, click: function(e) {
$('#flip, #panel').bind('click', function(e){return false});
Why don't you add a class to the body of the page when the panel is opened and remove it when it's closed? That makes this much simpler:
$('.class #content').click(function(){
// Close the contact panel
Now, when the body has a class of 'class', any click on the #content div will automatically close contact.
Make sense? Great looking site, by the way.
$('#flip').bind('click', function(){
$('#content').bind('click', function(){

jquery show/hide content based on button

I have a product page and i would like to add a tech spec button to the page which will open and close a show hide that is to be situated below the product description. I need the user to be taken down to the tech spec when the show hide opens.
I think i need to use jquery but when the show/hide is hidden, i.e nobody has pressed the button the footer should come up, so there shouldnt be any white space.
any examples links that i could refer too?
could anyone be kind to make me a little jsfiddle?
Really simple with jQuery slideToggle: (example with new scrolling on button click).
Scrolling to the tech specs section once the button is clicked can be accomplished with the animate function in jQuery, like so.
scrollTop: $("#techspecs").offset().top
}, 'slow');
First, you've got to add the click event to the button, after the document is ready:

