What is the best/proper configuration? (javascript SOAP) - javascript

I need to retrieve data from a web service (via SOAP) during a nightly maintenance process on a LAMP server. This data then gets applied to a database. My research has returned many options and I think I have lost sight of the forest for the trees; partially because of the mix of client and server terms and perspectives of the articles I have read.
Initially I installed node.js and node-soap. I wrote a simple script to test functionality:
var soap = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/soap');
var url = "https://api.authorize.net/soap/v1/Service.asmx?WSDL";
soap.createClient(url, function(err, client)
if(typeof client == 'undefined')
This uses a demo SOAP source and it works just fine. But when I use the actual URL I get a 5023 error:
[Error: Invalid WSDL URL: https://*****.*****.com:999/SeniorSystemsWS/DataExportService.asmx?WSDL
Code: 503
Response Body: <html><body><b>Http/1.1 Service Unavailable</b></body> </html>]
Accessing this URL from a browser returns a proper WSDL definition. I am told by the provider that the 503 is due to a same-origin policy violation. Next, I researched adding CORS to node.js. This triggered my stepping back and asking the question: Am I in the right forest? I'm not sure. So, I am looking for a command-line, SOAP capable, CORS app (or equivalent) configuration. I am a web developer primarily using PHP and Javascript, so Javascript is where I turned first, but that is not a requirement. Ideas? Or, is there a solution to the current script error (the best I think I have found is using jQuery in node.js which includes CORS)

Most likely, this error belongs to your website server.
Please go through this link, it might be helpful.
Also you can open your wsdl in web browser, search for soap:address location tag under services. And figure out correct url, you are trying to invoke from your script. Directly access this url in browser and see what are you getting.

I think I have a better approach to the task. I found over the weekend that PHP has a full SOAP client. I wrote the same basic login script in PHP and it runs just fine. I get a valid authentication code in the response to loginExt (which is required in further requests), so it looks like things are working. I will comment here after verifying that I can actually use the web service.


Communication between JavaScript and WCF Service Library (WCF Test Client)

there is a web service (WCF Service Library) when I debug the web service project (in Visual Studio) "Test Client WCF" is launched (so I guess its hosted via the Test Client). I have a web service method called "Test" which returns string. When I "call" that method with the Test Client WCF - it works.
When I want to use browser as a client. I go to http://localhost:9001/Name/WebService/WebAPI and I see the web service (xml with some info about methods). And now I want to use JavaScript to call that Test method.
I created a client similar to this https://stackoverflow.com/a/11404133 and I replace the sr variable (SOAP request) with a request, which is in XML part of the Test method in the "Test Client WCF" and for url I chose http://localhost:9001/Name/WebService/WebAPI . I tried that JavaScript client, but I got some client error -
content-type 'text-xml' is invalid, server wanted
'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'
(unfortunately right now I can't get to the web service, so I don’t know a number of the error and exact message, but there was no other information, beside the content-type). So I changed the request header to 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8', but then I got error – that tells me:
The message cannot be processed at the receiver, due to an
AddressFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. Check that the
sender and receiver's EndpointAddresses agree
(Or something like that - I had to translated it to english)
I also tried the "JavaScript client" with an existing service, that I found on the internet and with text/xml content-type. And it works fine.
Please do you have any advice - how to call the Test method with JavaScript? Thanks.
The service invocated in Javascript is called Restful style service. WCF is able to create a Restful style service too. But we need to set up some kinds of additional configuration. The service is hosting in IIS express when we test the service in Visual Studio. It uses the default binding configuration to host the service(BasicHttpBinding), called SOAP web service. The universal way to invocate the service is taking advantage of using service proxy class, that is what the WCFTestClient do.
If we want to invocate the service by using JavaScript, here is a simple demo, wish it is useful to you. Please be aware that the project template is WCF Service Application instead of Service Library project.
Feel free to let me know if there is something I can help with.

sharePoint online count unread message from office365

As part of a project whose aim is to notably improve the visual side of a SharePoint Online site, I'm a bit stuck. On the home page in the left banner, users want to see the number of unread messages they have in Office365.
I created an area in the master page to put the result in. I thought the Rest API used to do this :
$.ajax ({
type: "GET",
url: " https://outlook.office365.com/ews/odata/Me/Folders/Inbox",
dataType : "json",
success : function (resp) {
// count unread messages
error : function (e) {
alert (' Error121212 :' + JSON.stringify (e));
Unfortunately I get an error like cross domain. I tried with JSONP but it does not work either (uncaught syntax error unexpected token).
Can you please tell me if this is a good practice? I feel that it anyways I must find a technic for authentication. (In the case of JSONP I have a popup that asks me authentication and then problem occurs on callback apparently)...
I want to avoid developing a type requiring a typical deployment Wsp...
Thank you in advance for your help.
Your URL for the ajax request seems incorrect. The URL for getting the inbox messages via the API is: https://outlook.office365.com/api/v1.0/me/folders/inbox/messages
Once you get the response, you can count the number of objects with the IsRead property set to false using a simple for loop and display that count.
The issue here is related to CORS and how browsers refuse to handle cross-domain requests. To get around this, typically you would either
Change the response header on the remote server - not an option here
Use some sort of proxy to handle the requests - here's where SharePoint apps come in.
I know you stipulated that you want to avoid using a WSP style deployment but there simply isn't a way around it, you have to use the SharePoint App Model
This article goes a long way to answer your question, but for completion the basic steps are as follows
Create a SharePoint hosted app in Visual Studio
In the App Manifest, you need to define the trust relationship with the remote host (in this case the host of outlook.office365.com) using the AppManifest section
Use SP.RequestExecutor.executor to make the request on your behalf

How to make a REST GET request (with authentication) and parse the result in javascript?

Due to circumstances beyond my control, Javascript is the only language option available for me. I'm a beginner and am not even sure if I'm approaching the problem in a "recommended" manner.
Simply put, a customer has setup a MarkLogicDB server online and has given me read-only access. I can query the server with the HTTP GET protocol to return an XML document that has to be parsed. I've been able to create a curl command to return the data I need (example below);
curl --anyauth --user USERNAME:PASSWORD \
-X GET \
The above returns the requested XML file. Can someone please show me how I could convert the above to javascript code? Additionally, how would I parse the data? Let's say I want to get all the info from a certain element or attribute. How can this be accomplished?
This would be trivial for me to do in Java/.NET, but after reading plenty of online tutorials on Javascript, my head is spinning. Every tutorial talks about web-browsers, but I'm doing this on a server environment (The parse.com CloudCode). There isn't any UI or HTML involved. For debugging, I just read the logs created with console.log().
https://parse.com/docs/cloud_code_guide#networking seems pretty clear, as far as it goes.
url: 'http://test.com:8020/v1/documents',
params: {
uri : '/path/to/file.xml'
success: function(httpResponse) {
error: function(httpResponse) {
console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
But you'll also need authentication. The Parse.Cloud.httpRequest docs don't include any examples for that. If you have support with that vendor, ask the vendor about digest authentication.
If you're stuck you might try adding user and password to the httpRequest params and see what happens. It might work, if the developers of this stack followed the XMLHttpRequest convention.
Failing support from the vendor and existing functionality, you'll have to implement authentication yourself, in JavaScript. This works by generating strings that go into the request headers. These resources should help:
Basic auth is much easier to implement, but I'd recommend using digest for security reasons. If your HTTPServer doesn't support that, try to get the configuration changed.

Unable to authorize to couchdb using $.couch.login

in my CouchDB setup i have the following configuration
CORS in configuration is enabled (it worked before i locked down the database)
a basic admin with name admin and password admin exists
localsite is http://localhost/mysite and couchdb is located in http://localhost:5984/
i have avoided to use any server-side scripting and just serve the static files, the rest is handled in client-side, so if it's possible, do not write your entire answer based on server-side PHP or node.js.
Tried to login with $.couch.login it returns
the i try to request $.couch.session and instead of a populated json it justs returns
when i tried with a REST tool , the result was
when worked with the REST tool, it allowed me to continue , with adding documents, deleting , and so on.
What exactly am i missing here?
Well the following code allowed for cookie in headers.
,xhrFields:{ withCredentials:true}});

Google OAuth WildCard Domains

I am using the google auth but keep getting an origin mismatch. The project I am working has sub domains that are generated by the user. So for example there can be:
In my app settings I have one of my origins being http://*.example.com but I get an origin mismatch. Is there a way to solve this? Btw my code looks like this:
client_id : 'xxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com',
scope : ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me',
state: 'http://henry.example.com',
'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile'],
immediate : false
}, function(result) {
if (result != null) {
gapi.client.load('oath2', 'v2', function() {
gapi.client.oauth2.userinfo.get().execute(function(resp) {
Hooray for useful yet unnecessary workarounds (thanks for complicating yourself into a corner Google)....
I was using Google Drive using the javascript api to open up the file picker, retrieve the file info/url and then download it using curl to my server. Once I finally realized that all my wildcard domains would have to be registered, I about had a stroke.
What I do now is the following (this is my use case, cater it to yours as you need to)
On the page that you are on, create an onclick event to open up a new window in a specific domain (https://googledrive.example.com/oauth/index.php?unique_token={some unique token}).
On the new popup I did all my google drive authentication, had a button to click which opened the file picker, then retrieved at least the metadata that I needed from the file. Then I stored the token (primary key), access_token, downloadurl and filename in my database (MySQL).
Back on step one's page, I created a setTimeout() loop that would run an ajax call every second with that same unique_token to check when it had been entered in the database. Once it finds it, I kill the loop and then retrieve the contents and do with them as I will (in this case I uploaded them through a separate upload script that uses curl to fetch the file).
This is obviously not the best method for handling this, but it's better than entering each and every subdomain into googles cloud console. I bet you can probably do this with googles server side oauth libraries they use, but my use case was a little complicated and I was cranky cause I was frustrated at the past 4 days I've spent on a silly little integration with google.
Wildcard origins are not supported, same for redirect URIs.
The fact that you can register a wildcard origin is a bug.
You can use the state parameter, but be very careful with that, make sure you don't create an open redirector (an endpoint that can redirect to any arbitrary URL).

