How can I record the link pressed? - javascript

(I don't want to add code here because it would be very large chunks that would need explaining.)
To put it simply, I have:
A page with a 2x2 grid of images on (let's call that images.html),
A page that is a fullscreen image gallery made using CSS3 and HTML5 (let's call that gallery.html),
A style sheet that styles aspects of every page in the site except the gallery (let's call that main-styles.css),
And a style sheet that styles only gallery.html (let's call that gallery-styles.css).
The images in the 2x2 grid (images.html) need to open up the same gallery.html using gallery-styles.css. The only difference should be the range of images the fullscreen gallery displays.
So for one image on images.html, it may display 3 images in gallery.html. But for another image in images.html, it may display 4 entirely different images in gallery.html.
The problem I am having is how to track the image link that is clicked in images.html so as to display the different range of images in gallery.html.
The gallery-styles.css has a div that is positioned to be fullscreen, then there is an image list, e.g. '.image1{background-image:url(../images/1.jpg)}' of the different images that can be browsed through (left and right clickable arrows in the gallery.html). The HTML will use each image individually but with the same content holder, e.g.
<div class="image-1 holder">
How can I go about using the same gallery.html and gallery-styles.css files for each image in images.html? I'm not entirely against JavaScript but have gone this far with just CSS3 and HTML5 would be nice if it was possible to continue that way. Is there possibly a way using the input element?
Any help is great, thanks.

There are two ways to deal with processing information from the page: client side script (JS) and server side script (PHP or like) unless you have a great number of hand-coded html pages you can load for a corresponding link clicks.
Given that, you either link to your hard-coded page directly from the link, which I assume you have already thought of,
Or, you pass a parameter to server side in a form http://myserver.asdf/gallery.php?linkid=12&someotherparam=somevalue
In that case you capture these parameters on server side and generate a page with needed images.
In php all parameters can be found in $_REQUEST array.
Does this answer your question?

For this, I think the easiest way for you would be to use When you click the first image sending you to gallery.html, rather than just opening a regular copy, open for example, gallery.html?image1. Then in JavaScript, you can add this as a class to <body> or some other node when the page has loaded, and do the rest from CSS
function () {document.body.className += ' '}
You can now do the decision making using, for example
body > genericNodes {display: none; }
body.image1 > someNode { display: block; }
/* etc */
A different option for pure CSS is to use a hash and then :target, but this means you lose the ability to have anchors in your page. i.e. open gallery.html#image1 and have
#image1, #image2, #image3, #image4 { display: none; }
:target { display: block !important; }
/* etc */
With some nodes of the form
<span id="image1"><!-- contents --></span>
<span id="image2"><!-- contents --></span>


Display dynamic html content like an epub/ebook, without converting html to epub format?

I want to create a responsive, mobile optimized reading experience similar to an epub/ebook reader, like the Kindle app, or iBooks, using dynamic html as the source.
Imagine a long article or blog post that requires a lot of vertical scrolling to read, especially on a small mobile device. What I would like to do is break the long page into multiple full-screen sections, allowing the user to use left/right navigation arrows and/or the swipe gesture to "page" through the article.
There are many JS libraries available that can create a "slide show" or "carrousel" of pre-defined slides (using divs or other container elements). But I want the text and html content to dynamically re-flow to fit any device viewport and still be readable... just like an epub/ebook user interface, like the Kindle app or iBooks. So, for the same article, there would be many more "pages" on a phone than there would be on a tablet or desktop viewport, and those "pages" would need to be dynamically created/adjusted if/when the viewport size changes (like switching from portrait to landscape on a mobile device).
Here is an example of a javascript .epub reader: epub.js
... notice the responsive behavior. When you resize your viewport, all the text re-flows to fit the available space, increasing or decreasing the total number of "pages". The problem is that epub.js requires an .epub file as its source.
What I want is the same user interface and functionality for an html page.
I have searched and searched for some kind of library that can do this out of the box, but haven't been able to find anything.
I realize that I could use a conversion script to convert my html page into an .epub file, and then use epub.js to render that file within the browser, but that seems very round-about and clunky. It would be so much better to mimic or simulate the .epub reader user experience with html as the direct source, rendering/mimicking a client side responsive ebook user experience.
Does anyone know if something like this already exists, or how I could go about building it myself?
The crucial functionality is the dynamic/responsive text-reflow. When the viewport dimensions are reduced, the text/content needs to reflow to the next "page" to avoid any need for vertical scrolling. I don't know how to do this efficiently. If I were to code it myself, I might use something like the jQuery Columnize plugin, setting all columns to width: 100vw; height: 100vh, so that each column is like a "page", and then figuring out how to create a swipe UI between those "pages".
Any help is much appreciated!
This becomes very difficult if the html page is complex, eg with precisely positioned elements or images. However if (as in the epub.js example) the content consists only of headings and paragraphs, it is achievable.
The basic idea is to progressively add content until just before the page overflows. By keeping track of where we start and stop adding content, clicking to the next page is a case of changing the page start to the previous page end (or vice versa if you're going back).
Process for reshaping content into pages
Let's assume you have all your content in one long string. Begin by splitting all the content into an array of words and tags. It's not as easy as splitting by whitespace as whitespace between < and > should be ignored (you want to keep classnames etc within each tag). Also tags should be separated as well, even if there is no whitespace between the tag and a word.
Next you need a function that checks if an element's contents overflow the element. This question has a copy-paste solution.
You need two variables, pageStart and pageEnd, to keep track of what indexes in the array are the beginning and end of the current page.
Beginning at the index in pageStart you add elements from the array as content to the page, checking after each add whether or not the contents overflow. When they do overflow you take the index you're up to, minus 1, as the index for pageEnd.
Keeping tags across page breaks
Now if all's ticketyboo then this should fill the page pretty well. When you want to go to the next page set your new pageStart as pageEnd + 1 and repeat the process. However there are some issues that you may want to fix.
Firstly, what happens if the page overflows in the middle of a paragraph? Strictly speaking the closing tag, </p>, is not required in HTML, so we don't need to worry about it. But what about the start of the next page? It will be missing an opening tag and that is a major problem. So we have make sure we check if the page's content begins with a tag, and if it doesn't then we get the closest opening tag prior to the current pageStart (just step back along the array from pageStart) and add it in before the rest of the content.
Secondly, as shown in the example, if a paragraph continues onto the next page, the last line of the current page is still justified. You need to check if pageEnd is in the middle of a paragraph and if so add syle="text-align-last:justify;" to the opening tag of that paragraph.
Example implementation
A pen showing all this in action is at
The HTML page contains all content in one long element. The content is taken directly from the container #page and reformed into pages, depending on the size of #page. I have't implemented justifying the last line if a page break occurs within a paragraph. Resize the #page element in the css and see how the content resizes itself - note that since the page size is fixed you'll have to use click forward and back to trigger a recalculation. Once you bind the page size to the window size, recalculating pages on the fly simply involves adding a resize event listener to the window that calls fillPage.
No doubt there are numerous bugs, indeed it will sometimes display things incorrectly (eg skipping or repeating words at the beginning or end of a page), but this should give you an idea of where to start.
Take a look at this repository on GitHub. Otherwise, you can create a one-page website with many sections, each one as high as the viewport, by using only CSS (demo):
.section { height: 100vh; }
or by using JavaScript, adding an anchor to each section to navigate between them, and applying a responsive unit (my demo) for the text of each section, to adapt it on resize... Something like this:
var curr_el_index = 0;
var els_length = $(".container").length;
$(".next_section").on("click", function(e) {
if (curr_el_index >= els_length) {
curr_el_index = 0;
$("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: $(".container").eq(curr_el_index).offset().top
}, 300);
return false;
$(".previous_section").on("click", function(e) {
if (curr_el_index < 0) {
curr_el_index = els_length - 1;
$("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: $(".container").eq(curr_el_index).offset().top
}, 300);
return false;
* {
border: 0;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
body {
background-color: #1a1a1a;
section {
height: 100vh;
background-color: #eee;
border: 2px solid red;
font-size: 6vw;
<script src=""></script>
<section class="container">Section 1 Previous Next</section>
<section class="container">Section 2 Previous Next</section>
<section class="container">Section 3 Previous Next</section>
<section class="container">Section 4 Previous Next</section>
<section class="container">Section 5 Previous Next</section>
An idea of algorithm, that come from a my codepen, that uses the same jQuery plugin:
Create your reader layout, copying the whole text in it
Use this jQuery plugin to check the text inside the viewport (demo)
Count the number of characters/WORDS with "Onscreen" label in the
viewport (a references)
Split the whole text in a list containing as many characters/WORDS as
there are in the "Onscreen" label
Create a section for each element of the obtained list, filling each
section with the relative text; the number of elements of the list
gives you the number of pages (sections) of the whole text. You may
navigate between sections like above
On resize event, redo [2-5] algorithm steps
The idea is to have a div that will contain the whole text (let's call this div #epub_container). Then, you will have a div with the same size of the page viewport (let's call it #displayer) and it will contain #epub_container.
#displayer will have css overflow:hidden. So when the site loads, it will only show the first page, because the rest of the #epub_container will be hidden.
Then you need a page navigator to increment/decrement the page number. When the page number changes, we will move the top offset of the #epub_container based on that.
This is the jQuery function:
function move_to_page() {
var height = window.innerHeight;
var width = window.innerWidth;
var $displayer = $('#displayer');
var offset = $displayer.offset();
$displayer.height(height - - 5);
var $epub = $('#epub_container');
var offset_top = - $displayer.height() * m_page;
$epub.offset({top: offset_top, left: offset.left});
EDIT: call move_to_page() after the text reflow in order to recompute the pages.
I created a plugin that handles this perfectly. It has features like dark mode, font changing, line height adjustment, select chapter in a side nav menu, save and restore scrolling/reading position. You can find it for free on git hub at
Light Mode Dark Mode Side Nav Menu Change Font Adjust Paragraph
You can try CSS scroll snap points on text with columns
Somehow make the columns as wide as the viewport, and allow horizontal snapped scrolling.
I mean to try to do the text flowing entirely using css. Pen:
body {
scroll-snap-type: mandatory;
scroll-snap-points-x: repeat(100%);
#columns-test {
height: 80vh;
columns: 90vw auto;
All you need is to insert a page break at the right places when you load the page. You can take the cue from here:
Dynamic Page-Break - Jquery
Here you can set the page height to your viewport height. You can handle the rest with javascript and css.

Overwriting an unused div

I am working on a responsive site layout where the content area for certain pages may have a right hand side info panel and others might not. I am building this site within a custom CMS that my work uses. Now, we use Templates where all the HTML structure is created and use macros to pull in the content that the client enters via the CMS.
Usually I would create a separate template for the pages that would use the right hand panel and a separate template for those that don't but as the client might want to add the right panels to pages that don't have them in the future, I was wondering if there is some overwrite style that I can add to my template so that the whole site can run on one template rather than having to add a template that has the right panel for one page and a template that doesn't for another.
My code would be something like this:
section#maincontent {width:720px; float:left;}
aside {width:240px; float:right;}
<section id="maincontent">[conetent]</section>
Is there a piece of javascript/CSS/web magic that can overwrite the right panel div if the client decides to add/remove the right panel from a page/template so that the maincontent fills the width of the page without having to create a new template with the style added/removed?
You can simply change it to display none.
<div id="theOneToBeRemoved" onclick="remove()">
function remove(){
document.getElementById("theOneToBeRemoved").style.display = "none";
I will note though that you may not want to add the onclick event to the div... Maybe add a button X or close..something along those lines... So if they click into the div it doesnt accidentally close... Also, you may want to add some css transitions to your div... So that when it closes its smooth instead of so abrupt.. Looks much better
Add a wrapper div, output the class "withoutRightPanel" when you want to "remove" right pannel, and add css rules below:
<div class="withoutRightPanel">
<section id="maincontent">[conetent]</section>
<aside class="rightPanel">[right_panel]</aside>
.withoutRightPannel .rightPanel
.withoutRightPannel #maincontent
//Fill the gap after you hide right panel, or you can set a value by pixel

Why the image is broken occasionally with the hover

$(function () {
$(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("src").replace("images", "images/hover"));
$(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("src").replace("images/hover", "images"));
The above code is the way I change the image when the user hover on the button, when user click on it , it will redirect to other page. And the Html element is like:
<img class="btn" src="images/index_03.gif" />
The problem is , I am sure the path is correct , but when the user click on the button , during the time of loading the next page or in some case, when i hover on the image , the hovered image is not shown but broken link, why is it and how to fix it? Thanks for helping
$(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("src").replace("images/hover", "images"));
This code will reload the image, every time (or from cache).
So, during the page loading as other data is also loading at the same time, onhover image loading will be slow or broken.
I suggest you should load both images at the same time and at the same position and show/hide them on hover to get faster results.
Using CSS sprites instead of javascript calls will eliminate mouseover flickering, and reduce the total number of http requests required for your site (making it load faster).
You can achieve the same 'mouseover' functionality by using the css ':hover' pseudo element to alter the 'clip' property of the image (supported in IE6 and above).
Check out these CSS Tricks articles:
CSS Sprites: What They Are, Why They’re Cool, and How To Use Them.
CSS Sprites with Inline Images

change button image on click and show result in iframe, on next button click, return original button to first one

I have multiple buttons (as menu) as images on index page. I have rollover image on all of the buttons.
On click, result is show on iframe in the middle of the page. But i want also that button change and stay changed until next menu button is clicked.
Example for one button:
<img src="images/faq_b.jpg" alt="faq" name="faq" width="70" height="70" id="faq" />
There are much better ways to achieve what you are trying to do. I take it that you are using Dreamweaver. Generally the scripts that come with Dreamweaver are pretty poor and out dated.
For example, instead of using the "roll over" image changing ability that comes with Dreamweaver. You can just use plan old css.
For example if you created an image twice as wide as your button and added both states of your button side by side. By doing that you can now use css to simply move the visible area of your button from one side to the next, or as it will appear from your "normal state" to your "hover state"
Example css:
// button normally. Because we specify a width and height that is all that
// will be shown of our background. e.g. Our "normal state"
a.myButton {
background:url(images/my-button-sprite.png) no-repeat top left;
// This will switch the button to our right side (or our "over state")
a:hover.myButton, {
background:url(images/my-button-sprite.png) no-repeat top right;
In relation to your keeping the hover state over until another menu item is clicked.
Do a Google for "jQuery". It's a set of tools and plugins that use Javascript. JavaScript is what is currently doing the swapping of images for you.
There are 1,000's of tutorial on how to use css and jQuery to get the result you want.
Check out these resources: << CSS is your friend.. Learn it.. << this is what will allow you (using the code I have provided) to do what you're trying to do.
But I'm not going to tell you exactly how to do it.. Because that spoils half the fun!

Background images missing while printing a webpage

I need some help on the topic: as i am printing the webpage it prints all well but not the background images, so my page breaks up at some places.Please suggest.
In your print stylesheet you should use something along the lines of:
.background {
display: list-item;
list-style-image: url(image.gif);
list-style-position: inside;
Please note that you can't use image sprites and more advanced background positioning this way and you need to do it for every image.
I just came across the same issue. My header background image wasn't printing on single post articles, leaving a big white gap at the head of the page where the header image would normally show. So to fix this, I added the background image via HTML directly on the page - which your users browser will print by default. Below is a basic example of how to achieve this:
1, Create a blank style sheet and name it print.css. Now add this style sheet to your page header, and make sure media="print". We need this in order to tell the browser which elements we want and don't want to print:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pathtoyour/css/print.css" type="text/css" media="print" />
2, Add the image you want printed to your page and make sure it has an ID so we can style it within the print.css and your main style sheet:
<div id="header">
<img id="print-image" src="pathtotheimageyouwanttoprint.jpg"/></div>
3, In your main style sheet, add your image ID so we can tell browsers to stop the image from showing during normal viewing of your page:
#print-image {display:none}
4, In your print.css style sheet, because we've told your image to not display in your main style sheet, we need to now make sure that your image prints and doesn't remain hidden. Add the following to achieve this:
#print-image {display:block;}
You're done. Test and adjust styling to suit.
Doing this also allows you to fully customise the way your page is printed, for example - when printing, you now have the ability to hide your print button, menu items etc. and can code in any styling as per normal.
Hope this helps.
Try using David Aragon's Javascript
function replaceSprite(selector){
if ($.browser.msie == true) {
var back_x = $(selector).css('background-position-x'),
back_y = $(selector).css('background-position-y'),
back_position = back_x+" "+back_y;
} else {
var back_position = $(selector).css('background-position');
var back_image = $(selector).css('background-image'),
width = $(selector).width(),
height = $(selector).height(),
index1 = back_image.indexOf('http'),
index2 = back_image.indexOf('.png');
back_position = back_position.split(" ");
back_image = back_image.substring(index1, (index2+4));
.append('<img src="'+back_image+'"/>')
This is a user setting in the browser. By default some browsers won't print background images.
The user may choose to print background images also, but you can't force this with code or markup.

