Creating a radar chart with d3 and multiple diagonal brushes - javascript

I am looking to create a radar chart with multiple diagonal brush selections. I have the radar chart here, and there are examples of using multiple brushes with parcoords. However, I have not seen any examples of using a brush to select on the diagnoal. Basically, I would like to turn this parallel coordinate chart into a radar chart, keeping the brushing capabilities, but I am not sure how to do this, as the axes will be at random places and angles. Thank you!

You cannot change axis generation in parcoords. It's hard-coded as a set of parallel vertical lines.
You would have to modify parcoords.js to suit your needs, which does not seem to be a trivial task.


Javascript D3.js Nested Axis Labels for Radar Chart

I would like to add nested axis Labels to my radar chart. All online resources just show a singular axis.
An example of the image I am trying to reproduce is shown in the below figure.
The axis is Management.sr_lvl_1, Management.sr_lvl_2, Management.sr_lvl_3... However, I want the word management to appear only once in the label which spans across all sr_lvl

Bars chart for different number of bars in D3.js

I want to create chart only using d3 library. My chart will have different number of vertical bars depending on data and x-axis for this. My question is how to set chart dynamically and set x-axis ticks under every bar. It will be better if width of bars will be constant.
I tried to use ranges and scale but i dont actually understand how they works. Even with some topics)
I think you should use "Grouped Bar Chart".
Refer this block from Mike Bostock.

Adjusting radius of Shield UI donut chart

I am using a Shield UI Donut chart and I am in need to achieve some special layout of my chart. What I need is to have some of my points, let’s say the half of them displayed in one donut chart, and the other half again in a donut chart that to be surrounding the first one. Or to have two donut charts in one another.
And if this is possible how can I have adjust the radius of my donut charts?
What you seem to be in need is not possible. First of all because you may only have one chart per container. Speaking in terms of what the Shield UI Charting library permits. What you may find more useful is to try the polar charts series, where data is displayed around a center point.
In addition there isn’t a radius property for the donut chart. You may adjust dimensions by the width and height of the chart to achieve any special effects if needed.

trend line using Dots chart in Raphael.js

I have to use g.raphaeljs library to create a scatterplot graph. Not only that but i am trying to get a trend line as well, and am wondering how I should go about this.
I was thinking of calculating the mean of the x axis and the y axis and drawing a straight line based on slope.... but am still stuck.
Any help is appreciated.
Also the data used to plot the points on the dot chart is provided by a user.

Link two D3 plots

I'm trying to link two D3 plots so that selecting part of the histogram on the right, causes a certain scatter plot to display on the left.
This is my attempt.
My current question is why the right plot isn't rendering, which I think goes back to how to create and refer to multiple SVG tags in d3.
D3 has SVG controls for this type of situation. What you are looking for is a brush with context.
Here are the API docs:
And here are two great examples:

