Excluding .svn folders when optimising with requirejs - javascript

I am attempting to optimise a project using r.js, with source code held in subversion. I'm getting the following error:
> node r.js -o generic-profile.js
> Error: Error: EPERM, operation not permitted 'C:\xxx\GUI\generic\.svn\entries'
at Object.fs.unlinkSync (fs.js:760:18)
I believe the problem is that r.js is attempting to copy the .svn directories from the source folders to the build folders.
Is there a way to exclude .svn directories when running r.js? Can I add something to my build profile, for example?
Here is what my build profile currently look like:
"appDir": "../src/generic/",
"baseUrl": ".",
"dir": "../generic/",
"include": ["../vendor/require",
"optimize": "uglify2",
"modules": [
name: "app"
"mainConfigFile": "generic-config.js"
Since reading Louis's excellent answer, it's clear that this is not an issue with subversion, but a poorly-configured build profile. I've done some further reading on how to set up a build profile, and this example helped immensely.
If you're having a similar problem, this may help.

By default r.js already excludes from processing directories that begin with a period. The setting is fileExclusionRegExp and the default value is /^\./ so .svn will be skipped. (Looking at the code of r.js I see that fileExclusionRegExp matches against the basename of each file.)
The error you are seeing is consistent with your input directory coinciding with your output. You do not set keepBuildDir to true, so your output directory is being removed. Change your dir to build somewhere else.
Or you keep your output under version control. Setting keepBuildDir to true would take care of the immediate problem but could create more problems down the road if you perform transformations on the output of r.js.


Webpack how to require .node file (To use the WebChimera.js package in Vue Electron)

I'm trying to include a VLC video playing in my Electron app, which is possible through WebChimera.js. This package is distributed a bit weirdly (to me at least), to use it you need to require wcjs-prebuilt, specify some settings in package.json and configure Webpack to allow importing .node files as explained in this Wiki page for WebChimera.js.
However I believe this Wiki page is outdated, as loaders isn't a valid key anymore in a Webpack config. I'm not very experienced using Webpack so most of this is new to me. Also note that this Wiki explanation used a fork of node-loader, although this fork seems to be merged to the actual node-loader now (?).
I now use this Webpack config:
target: 'node',
node: {
__dirname: false,
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.node$/,
loader: 'node-loader',
externals: [
Because that's how the Webpack page for node-loader seems to do it. However this doesn't work for me, as now I get the error: Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined in the chunk-vendors.js:1 file. Which probably means it's trying to use require syntax somewhere it shouldn't, but I have no idea how to proceed here. This error still occurs in an otherwise empty vue-electron project (template here), when I comment out all WebChimera related code. WebChimera code I use for testing in this project (Right now I'm just trying to get it to work):
const wcjs = require("wcjs-prebuilt");
When I remove the webpack config I showed above, the error about exports is not defined goes away, which is why I believe it's something in my webpack config rather than my code causing that error.
Long story short, I want to know how configure webpack to allow me to import or a require a .node file.
I'm able to get vue electron building with wcjs-prebuilt using a vue.config.js like this. You will also need to set the VLC_PLUGIN_PATH correctly or video won't play.
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
externals: {
'wcjs-prebuilt': 'commonjs wcjs-prebuilt'
chainWebpack: (config) => {
pluginOptions: {
electronBuilder: {
externals: ['wcjs-prebuilt']
Since posting the question I've switched to mpv.js for video playback so this isn't an issue for me anymore. However after posting this question I experimented a lot, after I finally got it working in Webpack somehow (see first link below), it worked for me but with distorted video. The node file added some properties to an array which Webpack somehow stripped away, causing some missing values in the video renderer. I fixed that by forking WebChimera and editing the C++ code so that the values weren't added as properties but as separate values.
I ended up forking WebChimera.js, wcjs-prebuilt, wcjs-renderer, and libvlc_wrapper to get VLC to finally work with Webpack+Electron, all that probably wasn't necessary but oh well..
Links for whoever might be interested:
https://github.com/RuurdBijlsma/vlc-video-demo (working demo project featuring VLC in an Electron+Webpack+Vue project.)

How to specify my 'environment' in ESLint?

I'm currently using ESLint in my project, and have configured it to run inside VSCode, and enforce a custom ruleset. So far it is working as expected, and flagging lines in my code where violations occur. I now need to specify that the environment is browser (as suggested in the solution to this issue). How exactly do I do that, yet keep everything else about ESLint working as-is?
That GitHub issue indicates I need to edit my .eslintrc file. But I don't see any such file in the root of my project. I do see .eslint files in several different dependencies, e.g.
I could be wrong, but those don't seem related.
I tried creating a new file--.eslintrc.json--in the root of my project, and adding to that file:
"env": {
"browser": true
But when I did this, and re-checked ESLint inside VSCode, it stopped flagging the rules in my custom ruleset (examples), and actually flagged a new rule (screenshot). This seems to completely supersede some of my existing ESLint settings, rather than supplement them.
I posed this question to the ESLint Google Group (see here), and received a reply with the answer. If there is no ESLint config file in my project's root directory, ESLint falls back and looks for one in the user's root directory. I checked that directory on my computer, and there was indeed an ESLint config file there (.eslint.json). If I create a new config file in my project's root directory, that will supersede the config file in the user root directory. So the solution was to move the config file from my user root directory to my project's root directory, then to it, add the env lines:
"env": {
"browser": true,
"node": true
That resolved my issue. After, ESLint inside VSCode continued to lint my files, using the same custom rule set. Furthermore, ESLint seemed to understand that the env was browser. Although I didn't explicitly check that. I say that because the ESLint error that was previously reported, was no longer reported. And my assumption is that is occurring because the env has been properly set to browser (as per this issue).

Excluding file from optimizing in Durandal build

I'm using Grunt to build the Durandal starter kit pro package.
It all works fine, except for one tiny detail. I would like to exclude one file (app-config below) from the optimizer and keep it as a non minified file when my build is done.
Based on other SO thread suggestions, I'm currently excluding it using empty:, which removes it from the optimized file as expected. However, when I open the built project I get an error in the console:
Uncaught Error: main missing app-config
options: {
name: '../lib/require/almond-custom',
baseUrl: requireConfig.baseUrl,
mainPath: 'app/main',
paths: mixIn({ }, requireConfig.paths, {
'almond': 'lib/require/almond-custom',
'app-config': 'empty:'
optimize: 'none',
out: 'build/app/main.js',
preserveLicenseComments: false
Is almond the problem? I tried switching it to the full requirejs using include: ['path/to/require'], without success.
If you want to reproduce it locally you can either download the starter kit from the above link, or use a slightly configurated version which is closer to my example. Just run an npm install in the folder and you're all set.
I have downloaded you source code and do the following steps.
Extract zip file, open cmd and change the directory to this folder.
Run npm install to install all the dependencies.
Run grunt to start to build the project.
And when I open http://localhost:8999/ and saw the alert 1 which is alert(appConfig.foo); in your main.js.
After clicked Ok to hide the alert, the web page works fines. Any more input for you ?
So I am not sure how you are facing with this issue.
From the reference of the durandal issues found in this particular link
The main module controls the implementation of the durandal services
The link can be found in main.js
Here you can see the system.debug(true).You can remove it as written in the post here document.
The function as quoted in the article Overrides request execution timeout making it effectively infinite.
Also while using uglify in grunt the debug is set to false as per the documentation.
As per the documentation you need to set the system.debug(false)
Hope this might help a bit.
paths: mixIn({ }, requireConfig.paths, {
'almond': ['lib/require/almond-custom', '!lib/require/almond-custom/app-config.js']
just note the second path of app-config.js is correct. I think you should find your way, the above is a hint, if not a direct solution.

Add files to watch-list in karma preprocessor

Here is a repository created to demonstrate the issue:
I'm trying to get karma-rollup-preprocessor working with Karma's builtin watch i.e. solve showpad/karma-rollup-preprocessor#3
In other words, in a preprocessor, I want to add files to Karma's watch list.
It's easy to get the list of files Rollup uses to compile. Rollup returns a list of files that it reads (ones one wants to watch), so in the preprocessor I am trying to add files to the list karma watches.
Basically I want to add this (or the working equivalent) to the preprocessor:
bundle.modules.forEach((module) => {
pattern: module.id, /* The full file path, from Rollup */
watched: true,
included: false,
nocache: false,
served: false,
Where files is Karma's config.files or fileList or whatever place one needs to put the files being watched.
Doing the above with config.files, the files are indeed being added to the watcher, but .on(fileList.changeFile) fails the _isIncluded.
So it looks like the files also (or alternatively) must be added to the fileList.
Unfortunately when I try to add the fileList to the $inject, I get the error:
Error: Can not resolve circular dependency! (Resolving: preprocess -> preprocessor:rollup -> fileList -> preprocess).
I've looked at basically all the other preprocessors that look like they could also add includes, but I have found no indication of how to do it.
Is there a canonical way to add files Karma should watch from a preprocessor? Or otherwise how might one do this? This seems pretty clutch for a preprocessor in Karma, so it's surprising that it's not documented, apparent, or problematic in the other preprocessors.
EDIT Here's some more attempts:
I tried to add the watched patterns to the config.files in karma.conf i.e.
files: [
{pattern:"src/**/*.js", included: false, watched: true}
But the src/* doesn't recompile when changed. The tests just re-run.
So I tried chokidar like this:
var server = new karma.Server(options)...
.on('add', server.refreshFiles.bind(server))
.on('change', server.refreshFiles.bind(server))
I also tried it with a debounce, in case Karma was slower on the refresh, but it seems the tests won't re-run.
I rooted around karma-browserify for inspiration but it was a bit too convoluted to pick up without delving in.
I've issued a pull request to resolve this.
Until it is merged one can use my repo i.e. put "karma-rollup-preprocessor": "brianmhunt/karma-rollup-preprocessor" in package.json dependencies or devDependencies.
EDIT: Superceded by https://github.com/Kflash/karma-rollup-plugin

Instruct Sencha SDK tools to bundle other js files specified in app.json

My app.json file of a Sencha touch 2 application contain.
"js": [
"path": "sdk/sencha-touch.js"
{"path": "js/mootools-1.2.5-core.js"}, // I want these files to be bundled too
{"path": "js/mootools-"}, // <----------+
{"path": "js/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js"}, // <----+
... // <----+ and there are more.
"path": "app.js",
"bundle": true, /* Indicates that all class dependencies are concatenated into this file when build */
"update": "delta"
Now I see when I invoke sencha app build production It compiles all the sencha classes into a giant app.js file. But all my other classes are just compressed to build directory. They are not concatenated. how can I include them in app.js?
Your json file is properly written, right?
A. Yes, app.json is written without any syntax error. The project builds successfully on invoking sencha app build production
After looking at the source code and talking with the devs behind Cmd, it appears that it is currently not possible.
However, because the build file is written in JavaScript, in theory, it wouldn't take much to modify it and add this functionality into Cmd.
You can find the Sencha Touch build file in:
Where CMD-ROOT is the location of the sencha command - which you can find out by using which sencha.
On my system (OSX), the path is:
Hopefully this is of some help to you.
It appears that, after talking to another Cmd developer, this actually is possible. There are 2 steps you need to take to make it happen:
1) Add the skipFrameworkFile property into each JS resource you want to bundle. This tells the compiler to not copy the resource when your build your app.
"path": "resources/js/jquery.js",
"skipFrameworkFile": true
"path": "resources/js/jquery2.js",
"skipFrameworkFile": true
2) Require each of the files in your app.js file using the #require tag. This tells the compiler to include each of your files into your app.js file.
//#require resources/js/jquery.js
//#require resources/js/jquery2.js
For SenchaCmd 3.2, rdougan's solution didn't work for me. However, instead of using:
'skipFrameworkFile: true
I used
'x-bootstrap': true
(by looking at SenchaCmd source code) and it worked!
The other steps are the same as rdougan's
Hope this helps. Cheers

