Sort javascript key/value pairs inside object - javascript

I have some problem with sorting items inside object. So I have something like this:
var someObject = {
'type1': 'abc',
'type2': 'gty',
'type3': 'qwe',
'type4': 'bbvdd',
'type5': 'zxczvdf'
I want to sort someObject by value, and this is where I have problem.
I have sorting function that should return key/value pairs sorted by value:
function SortObject(passedObject) {
var values = [];
var sorted_obj = {};
for (var key in passedObject) {
if (passedObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// sort keys
// create new object based on Sorted Keys
jQuery.each(values, function (i, value) {
var key = GetKey(passedObject, value);
sorted_obj[key] = value;
return sorted_obj;
and function to get key:
function GetKey(someObject, value) {
for (var key in someObject) {
if (someObject[key] === value) {
return key;
The problem is in last part when creating new, returning object - it's sorted by key again. Why? And this is specific situation when i have to operate on object NOT on array (yes I know that would be easier...)
Does anyone know how to sort items in object?

Plain objects don't have order at all. Arrays -that are a special types of objects- have.
The most close thing that you can have is an array with the object values sorted . Something like, for example:
_valuesOfAnObjectSorted = Object.keys(object).map(function(k){ return object[k]; }).sort();

You have two possibilities:
Refactor your object into an array
Something like this:
var myObj = [
['type1', 'abc'],
['type2', 'gty'],
Or even better, since using it somewhere would not rely on array positions but full named keys:
var myObj = [
{name: 'type1', val:'abc'},
{name: 'type2', val:'gty'},
Use your object with an auxiliar array
Wherever you want to use your object ordered by the keys, you can extract the keys as an array, order it and traverse it to access the object
var ordKeys = Object.keys(myObj).sort(); // pass inside a function if you want specific order
var key;
for (var i = 0, len = ordKeys.length; i < len; i +=1) {
key = ordKeys[i]
alert(key + " - " + myObj[key]);
Combination of both of them
If the object is not constructed by you, but comes from somewhere else, you can use the second option approach to construct an array of objects as in the first option. That would let you use your array anywhere with perfect order.
You might want to check the library underscore.js. There you have extremely useful methods that could do the trick pretty easily. Probably the method _.pairs with some mapping would do all the work in one statement.


How to add objects inside object using single array technique

I just want to add objects inside objects dynamically using array technique. I know how do we add Objects - those are Object[key] or Object.key but suppose I thing I have to add multiple objects dymanically using function
Note: below example is just for demonstration
let array = ['first','second','third']
let object = {}
function addObject(key) {
object[key] = "someValue"
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
This gives output like this { first: 'someValue', second: 'someValue', third: 'someValue'}. Actually I want my output something like nested object {first:{second:{third:'somevalue'}}} not exactly this but a nested object first > second > third.
My Actual question is like how to add objects inside object in this situation. What is the correct syntax for this. Like object[first][second][third] is standard way to achieve but I can't add + operator in the left side or calling array(['first.second.third'])
function addObject(key) {
object[key] + [key] = "someValue"
or calling
I'd use reduceRight to iterate over the array starting from the end. Pass in the final property value as the initial accumulator, so you get { third: 'someValue' } on the first iteration, and return it so it's the new accumulator. On subsequent iterations, do the same thing - create another object enclosing the last returned accumulator.
const array = ['first','second','third']
const nestedValue = 'someValue';
const result = array.reduceRight(
(a, prop) => ({ [prop]: a }),

Sort object properties by name like another array

how can I sort object properties by name using another array as refer?
var json = '{"b":90,"c":42, "a":34}';
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
var sorting = ["a","b","c"];
I would like to have obj properties ordered just like sorting array
Thank you
var sorting = Object.keys(obj).sort();
Javascript objects are not ordered. So, you cannot actually sort them.
Why not just iterating over the array, and then access obj properties ?
for ( var i = 0; i < sorting.length; ++i ) {
var current = obj[ sorting[ i ] ];
// other stuff here...
If you don't intent to iterate over the obj, please explain your actual needs.
Convert Object to Array
var jsonArray = [];
$.each(myObj, function(i,n) {
Sort Array
var jsonArraySort = jsonArray.sort();
Convert Array to Object
var jsonSort = {};
for(var i = 0; i < jsonArraySort.length; i++) {
jsonSort[i] = jsonArraySort[i];
You could try something like:
var sorted = []
for (i = 0; i < sorting.length; i++) {
if (json.hasOwnProperty(sorting[i])) {
/* sorted will equal [34, 90, 42] */
You cannot order the keys of an object, as per definition,
An ECMAScript object is an unordered collection of propertiesES3 Specs
The mechanics and order of enumerating the properties (step 6.a in the first algorithm, step 7.a in the second) is not specified.
Properties of the object being enumerated may be deleted during enumeration. If a property that has not yet been visited during enumeration is deleted, then it will not be visited. If new properties are added to the object being enumerated during enumeration, the newly added properties are not guaranteed to be visited in the active enumeration. A property name must not be visited more than once in any enumeration.ES5 Specs
If you want to a sorted array consisting of your objects keys, you can use [Object.keys][4], To get an array of them, which you can then sort.
var obj = {b:90,c:42, a:34}
console.log (
Object.keys (obj).sort ()
) // ["a","b","c"]
If you are interested in a sorted array, containing both, keys and values, you could do the following.
var obj = {b: 90, c: 42, a: 34},
srt = Object.keys(obj).sort().map(function (prop) {
return {
key: prop,
value: obj[prop]
console.log(srt) //[{"key":"a","value":34},{"key":"b","value":90},{"key":"c","value":42}]

Use pop() with JavaScript Associative Arrays

How can I do something like the following in JS? I would like to imitate .pop() on an object rather than an array.
var deck = {
'cardK' :'13',
'cardQ' :'12',
var val = deck.pop();
console.log("Key" + val.key );
console.log("Value" + val.val );
It seems like it's not possible.
.pop is only available on an array. In JavaScript, objects (which are essentially associative arrays) are not ordered like an array, so there is no .pop method.
You could use an array:
var deck = [
{ key: 'cardK', val: 13 },
{ key: 'cardQ', val: 12 },
{ key: 'cardAJ', val: 11 },
var val = deck.pop();
console.log('key: ' + val.key);
console.log('aa: ' + val.val);
As suggested by other answers, the best solution here might be to use an array of objects. However you could also create your own pop function that removes a key from an object, for example:
function pop(obj) {
var key = Object.keys(obj).pop();
var result = {key: key, val: obj[key]};
delete obj[key];
return result;
var val = pop(deck);
You could add a similar pop function to Object.prototype so that you could do deck.pop(), but I would strongly recommend against that type of design.
You are right, it's not possible. See objects as maps or hash tables, rather than "associative arrays". The properties don't have an order and thus a method such as .pop would not make sense (unless of course it would remove a random property, like Python's dictionaries).
If you want to to use .pop and val.key and val.val, you have to create an array of objects instead:
var deck = [
{key: 'cardK', val: '13'},
{key: 'cardQ', val: '12'},
{key: 'cardAJ', val: '11'}
As I'm sure you know, .pop is a prototypal Array method, so you can't use it with Javascript objects.
Calling .pop on an array will remove the last element from the array. However, there isn't a "last" key-value pair with objects, as their order is not ever guaranteed. Despite this, if you don't care about order, you could implement a .pop-like function for use with objects, though, again, it wouldn't remove and return the final key-value pair.
Something like this should do the trick:
function pop(obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
var val = obj[key];
delete obj[key];
return {
'key' : key,
'val' : val,
Combined with your code:
var val = pop(deck);
console.log('key: ' + val.key);
console.log('aa: ' + val.val);
When working with this structure, which can be thought of as an associative array, you need to use different techniques. Things like pop(), slice() and even .length will not work as they do with numeric keyed arrays.
I use string keyed object arrays when searching for the key/value pair needs to happen fast.
Here's a jsPef I just created which shows the benefit of your array structure: (keep in mind the performance goes way up as the array gets bigger)
Also keep in mind the value can be a number, a string, an array, a function, an object ect...

Javascript object that maps keys to value & allows iteration over keys

I need to create object in javascript that allows to fetch values using keys & also iterate over keys. The primary requirement is fetching value by key but iteration is required to maintain sort order of entries by values(integer).
How do I go about creating such an object ?
You can iterate using for in loop
for(key in sampleJson){
//ur code
All objects in JavaScript are JSONeable! (is that really a word).
All objects in JavaScript are a collection of key value mappings.
A for in loop iterates over the keys of an object.
Native objects don't support exactly what you're looking for, but it's fairly straightforward to create a wrapper around native objects that provides extra functionality.
A possible approach:
function KeySortArr(obj) {
this.obj = obj || {};
KeySortArr.prototype = {
get: function(key) {
return this.obj[key];
set: function(key, value) {
this.obj[key] = value;
keys: function() {
var keys = [];
for(var i in this.obj) {
if (this.obj.hasOwnProperty(i))
return keys;
getKeysSortedByValue: function() {
var obj = this.obj;
return this.keys().sort(function(a, b) {
return obj[a] > obj[b];
var arr = new KeySortArr();
arr.set("test", 4);
arr.set("another", 2);
arr.set("ok", 60);
arr.set("last", 14);
The following then:
["another, "test", "last", "ok"]
In other words, the keys are sorted by their associated value. This might not be exactly what you were looking for, but it should be close.

Javascript data structure for fast lookup and ordered looping?

is there a data structure or a pattern in Javascript that can be used for both fast lookup (by key, as with associative arrays) and for ordered looping?
Right, now I am using object literals to store my data but I just disovered that Chrome does not maintain the order when looping over the property names.
Is there a common way to solve this in Javascript?
Thanks for any hints.
Create a data structure yourselves. Store the ordering in an array that is internal to the structure. Store the objects mapped by a key in a regular object. Let's call it OrderedMap which will have a map, an array, and four basic methods.
set(key, value)
function OrderedMap() { = {};
this._array = [];
When inserting an element, add it to the array at the desired position as well as to the object. Insertion by index or at the end is in O(1).
OrderedMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) {
// key already exists, replace value
if(key in {[key] = value;
// insert new key and value
else {
this._array.push(key);[key] = value;
When deleting an object, remove it from the array and the object. If deleting by a key or a value, complexity is O(n) since you will need to traverse the internal array that maintains ordering. When deleting by index, complexity is O(1) since you have direct access to the value in both the array and the object.
OrderedMap.prototype.remove = function(key) {
var index = this._array.indexOf(key);
if(index == -1) {
throw new Error('key does not exist');
this._array.splice(index, 1);
Lookups will be in O(1). Retrieve the value by key from the associative array (object).
OrderedMap.prototype.get = function(key) {
Traversal will be ordered and can use either of the approaches. When ordered traversal is required, create an array with the objects (values only) and return it. Being an array, it would not support keyed access. The other option is to ask the client to provide a callback function that should be applied to each object in the array.
OrderedMap.prototype.forEach = function(f) {
var key, value;
for(var i = 0; i < this._array.length; i++) {
key = this._array[i];
value =[key];
f(key, value);
See Google's implementation of a LinkedMap from the Closure Library for documentation and source for such a class.
The only instance in which Chrome doesn't maintain the order of keys in an object literal seems to be if the keys are numeric.
var properties = ["damsonplum", "9", "banana", "1", "apple", "cherry", "342"];
var objLiteral = {
damsonplum: new Date(),
"9": "nine",
banana: [1,2,3],
"1": "one",
apple: /.*/,
cherry: {a: 3, b: true},
"342": "three hundred forty-two"
function load() {
var literalKeyOrder = [];
for (var key in objLiteral) {
var incremental = {};
for (var i = 0, prop; prop = properties[i]; i++) {
incremental[prop] = objLiteral[prop];
var incrementalKeyOrder = [];
for (var key in incremental) {
alert("Expected order: " + properties.join() +
"\nKey order (literal): " + literalKeyOrder.join() +
"\nKey order (incremental): " + incrementalKeyOrder.join());
In Chrome, the above produces: "1,9,342,damsonplum,banana,apple,cherry".
In other browsers, it produces "damsonplum,9,banana,1,apple,cherry,342".
So unless your keys are numeric, I think even in Chrome, you're safe. And if your keys are numeric, maybe just prepend them with a string.
has been noted, if your keys are numeric
you can prepend them with a string to preserve order.
var qy = {
_141: '256k AAC',
_22: '720p H.264 192k AAC',
_84: '720p 3D 192k AAC',
_140: '128k AAC'

