Collect all data attributes? - javascript

My webpage is dynamically generated with, data-runway-link, data-video-link, data-backstage-link, there will be more in the future.....
The patterns are always like this data-xxx-link, what I want to do are, extract the "xxx" text in each of them store them inside an array so that I can refer each of the info using javascript
<li> <a data-season="Designer Profiles" data--link="123" data-video-link="1233"> </a></li>
<li> <a data-season="Spring/Summer 2014" data-Runway-link="abc" data-video-link="abc"> 3.1 Phillip Lim</a></li>
<li> <a data-season="Spring/Summer 2014" data-Runway-link="abc" data-video-link="abc"> Acne Studios</a></li>
<li> <a data-season="Spring/Summer 2014" data-Runway-link="abc" data-video-link="abc"> Aigner</a></li>
<li> <a data-season="Spring/Summer 2014" data-Backstage-link="abc" data-video-link="abc"> Alexander McQueen</a></li>
<li> <a data-season="Spring/Summer 2014" data-Runway-link="abc" data-video-link="abc"> Alexander Wang</a></li>

result will look like:
{season: 'Designer Profiles', 'runwayLink':'abc' ...}
STEP2: removing word link from keys
easiest way would be:
function removeLiknfromKey(data) {
var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(data);
var new_jsonstr = jsonstr.replace(/Link":/g, '":');
var new_obj = JSON.parse(new_jsonstr);
return new_obj;
you will have an object with XXX names only.
now you can use it nicely, using only name:
data.runway,, data.season ... etc

When you access an element that has any data-* attributes with jQuery, you can access an object containing all of the data-* elements using the data() function.
For example, if you had an element like this:
<a id="elem" data-season="Designer Profiles" data-link="123" data-video-link="1233"> </a>
You could do something like this:
var element_data = $( "#elem" ).data();
Now, each of the keys within element_data will have each data attribute.
element_data[ "season" ]; // "Designer Profiles";
element_data[ "link" ]; // "123";
element_data[ "video-link" ]; // "1233";
Here is the relevant documentation for the data() function:
As you can see, the same function acts as a getter and a setter function. So to retrieve a specific key of data you would do something like this:
var video_link = $( "#elem" ).data( "video-link" ); // "1233"
You could also set the video-link value:
var new_video_link_value = "some other value";
var video_link = $( "#elem" ).data( "video-link", new_video_link_value );
To put all of this to use and to answer your question, what you would do is something like this:
var elems = $("li > a"); // extract all of the relevant anchor tags
var elem_data = [];
$.each( elems, function( index, elem ){
elem_data.push( $(elem).data() );
You will now have all of the data attributes for each anchor tag within the elem_data array. What might be a better idea is to give each anchor tag some sort of identifier so that you can map the data back to the relevant element that it came from.

Try this:
$('li a').each(function(){


Get `li` elements and push it into object

I have a simple question!
I have this html and js:
<li id="x">foo</li>
<li id="y">bar</li>
var data = {
'language': 'fa',
'phrases': {},
I want to append all li in the phrases of data for have this output:
I try this:
data.phrases.$(this).attr('id') = $(this).html();
And try push this:
data.phrases.push( {$(this).attr('id') : $(this).html()} );
And try extend this:
data.phrases.extend( {$(this).attr('id') : $(this).html()} );
But does not work!
Completed code:
<li id="x">foo</li>
<li id="y">bar</li>
<div id="result"></div>
var data = {
'language': 'fa',
'phrases': {},
//I want to append all `li` in the `phrases` of `data` for have this output:
$("li").each(function() {
//data.phrases.$(this).attr('id') = $(this).html();
//data.phrases.push( {$(this).attr('id') : $(this).html()} );
//data.phrases.extend( {$(this).attr('id') : $(this).html()} );
$("#result").html(JSON.stringify( data ));
See here online code:
You cannot .push() into Object.
Use assignment to properties instead:
var data = {
'language': 'fa',
'phrases': {},
$("li").text(function(i, txt) {
data.phrases[] = txt;
$("#result").html(JSON.stringify( data ));
<script src=""></script>
<li id="x">foo</li>
<li id="y">bar</li>
<div id="result"></div>
data.phrases is your object literal
[] is your new object property, where is the current li's ID
= txt; is where you assign to that property the value of the current li text
As you can figure out from above, if you need the entire HTML use .html() instead like:
$("li").html(function(i, html) {
data.phrases[] = html;
You're quite close! The issue is that the dot operator in JavaScript cannot be used to evaluate a key then access it. You're looking for the [ ] operator, which can be used to evaluate whatever is in the brackets, then use the value as the key. So try this:
data.phrases[$(this).attr('id')] = $(this).html();
you have the right idea, but you aren't quite using your functions correctly. push is an array method, and extend just isn't a native method. so what we want to do is set the id to the key, and the value to the html
$("li").each(function(i, el) {
data.phrases[] = $(el).html()

How to get value of elements without using IDs in JavaScript

Lets say I had the following code:
<div class="post">
<h2 itemprop="name">
The Post Title
<div class="details">
<em class="date">Jul 17, 2014 </em>
Staff Profile
How would I possibly get the values of "The Post Title" and "Staff Profile" using JavaScript without changing the HTML on the page at all? i.e. I couldn't use getElementbyID for example. I could use jQuery if I had to but would rather not if possible.
You can get these values using getElementsByTagName which returns an array
document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML // returns The Post Title
document.getElementsByTagName("a")[1].innerHTML // returns Staff Profile
If these links are the first ones you can use indexes 0 and 1, otherwise you should look for the right index
Another way that may be simple is to select these links inside the div with the class post
var links = document.getElementsByClassName("post")[index].getElementsByTagName("a");
links[0].innerHTML; // returns The Post Title
links[1].innerHTML; // returns Staff Profile
This solution would be the best one if the index of the div with the class post doesn't change
For a jQuery based expression you can use this:
$('a').map(function() {
return [this.href, this.textContent];
which should return:
[ [ '', 'The Post Title' ],
[ 'http://sitename/category/staff-profile/', 'Staff Profile' ] ]
Should you specifically want the original relative URLs instead of the normalised full URLs, use this.getAttribute(href) in place of this.href
For a pure (ES5) equivalent:
[]'a'), function (el) {
return [el.href, el.textContent];
Older browsers that don't support the W3C standard .textContent property may require the .innerText property instead, e.g.:
return [el.href, el.textContent || el.innerText];
You can do:
var posts = document.querySelector('.post');
for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a');
var title = links[0].innerText || links[0].textContent;
var profile = links[1].innerText || links[1].textContent;
If you are using a more modern browser, you can use document.querySelectorAll() which takes in CSS style selector syntax.
var aList = document.querySelectorAll('.post a');
for (var i = 0; i < aList.length; ++i) {
I used '.post a' rather than just 'a' because I assume your page may have other 'a' tags in it that you don't necessarily want.

How to change href value using javascript or jquery?

<div class="container-fluid">
<img class="pull-left" onclick="MarkPopup()" style="width:50px;height:50px" src="/assets/mark.jpg">
<ul class="nav pull-right">
Contact Club
<li class="dropdown">
I want to change the href value "/ContactClub" to "somethingelse". How is this done please?
Two ways ;)
jQuery style:
// Select a with href attribute = /ContactClub
$('a[href="/ContactClub"]').prop('href', 'newhref...');
Pure-js solution (untested)
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (element[i].href === '/ContactClub') {
if (element.setAttribute !== 'function') {
element[i].href = 'newhref';
} else {
element[i].setAttribute('href', 'newhref');
I would add an id to the a tag:
<a id="contact_link" href="/ContactClub">Contact Club</a>
And then do either,
$('#contact_link').attr('href', 'new url');
document.getElementById('contact_link').href = 'new url';
Note: You can also use the jQuery prop method in the same fashion as attr above. This is somewhat a matter of preference. As href is principally thought of as an attribute (with a corresponding, but not dynamic or disconnected js property), I would suggest using attr. Other attributes like value will depend on what you're trying to retrieve. Do a bit of research on the differences.
You can use either prop() or attr():
$('a[href="/ContactClub"]').attr('href', 'New Href here');
$('a[href="/ContactClub"]').prop('href', 'New Href here');
Fiddle Demo
$("li a").attr("href","new value");

Easy way to replace parts of code with other parts of code

I'm making a small website for a game called League of Legends that compares matchup data (what champion counters a certain champs counters) and prints out results on a webpage. I'm using this html code that shows character portraits with onClick() to make them start a function when clicked
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Aatrox_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Ahri_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Akali_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Alistar_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Amumu_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
I've already manually put in the picture filenames (which was very tedious), but I still have to rename the onclick() values (tristanaweak) with the champion name (aatroxweak, ahriweak, etc.). I was thinking of doing this with a loop that edits text, but I don't know how I would go about doing this.
I'm fairly new to using Javascript, is there an easy way to rename all the onClick="tristanaweak()"'s in the html code to the first part of the png filenames in the same lines?
You can do this using PHP. First, create a list of all the champions:
$champs = "aatrox,arhi,akali,alistar,amumu,...";
Then do an explode to separate each champion and store it as an element in an array:
$pieces = explode(",", $champs);
echo $pieces[0]; //this will return aatrox
echo $pieces[1]; //this will return ahri
Now you can use a for loop to echo the desired results:
for($i=0;$i<count($pieces);$i++) {
echo '<!--other stuff here-->';
In the end, the result will be something like this:
<!--other stuff here-->
<!--other stuff here-->
etc, etc. I hope this is what you are looking for.
You should chose a different approach in my opinion. In javascript, you can also generate HTML dynamically using javascript function document.createElement(string tagName).
So, one of two possible soulitions would be creating a new images with new event for every champion:
<div id="hero_images">
var champions = [
name: "Veigar",
callback: function() {/**Whatever you wanna do in onclick**/}
name: "Vladimir",
callback: function() {/**Whatever you wanna do in onclick**/}
name: "Morgana",
callback: function() {/**Whatever you wanna do in onclick**/}
//Now lets make an image for every champion:
var container = document.getElementById("hero_images"); //We'll put images in div I've defined in HTML above
for(var i=0; i<champions.length; i++) { //Loop through "champions" which is an array
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.onclick = champions[i].callback; //Assign function from champion list to this <a>
//Also create the image
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = "portraits/"+champions[i].name+"_Square_0.png"; //I suppose image always have champion name in beginning
img.alt = champions[i].name; //Alternative text for no-image users
//Append image to link:
//Append <a> to <div>
But in fact, you should use a global function for champions and you should have champion stats defined in the champions I've used. Under such circumstances:
var champions = [
name: "Veigar",
stats: {
inteligence: 666,
strength: 1,
/*..whatever you use...**/
for(/**imagine the prewious code here**/) {
a.onclick=(function(i) {
function ShowHeroStatsOrWhatever(champion) {
alert("Champions intelligence is "+champion.stats.inteligence);
Have you played around with jQuery .replaceWith();?
Description: Replace each element in the set of matched elements with
the provided new content and return the set of elements that was
Or the straight up javascript way (which I use with in conjunction with jQuery over the above 90% of the time) with .replace();
The replace() method searches a string for a specified value, or a
regular expression, and returns a new string where the specified
values are replaced.

How to dynamically build/add list elements (ul, ol, li) using jQuery DOM manipulations?

I am programming an AJAX web page (using IE 8) and need to dynamically build a list in jQuery from the data returned. Later, I will be converting list to jQuery accordian.
I am also trying to learn the proper way to use these jQuery functions and chaining. I am just a jQuery NOOB, but understand JavaScript. I found a good article on jQuery dom functions:
I want to add as much as possible using the jQuery dom functions, and jQuery chaining, without resorting to HTML source code using text. I want to mostly use .wrap(), .appendto(), .attr(), .text(), and .parent().
I don't think that the ".attr("class", "CC_CLASS"). is the best way to add a class.
Given the HTML code:
<div id="outputdiv"></div>
Use jQuery dom functions to change it to be the following:
<div id="outputdiv">
<ul id="JJ_ID">
<li> AAA_text </li>
<li id="BB_ID"> BBB_text </li>
<li class="CC_CLASS"> CCC_text </li>
<li id="DD_ID">DDD_text<br/>
<ol id="EE_ID">
<li> FFF_text </li>
<li id="GG_ID"> GGG_text </li>
<li class="HH_CLASS"> HHH_text </li>
Some code I figured out (ignoring the spaces in text).
var aObj = $('<li></li>').text("AAA_text")
var bObj = $('<li></li>').attr("id", "BB_ID").text("BBB_text");
var cObj = $('<li></li>').attr("class", "CC_CLASS").text("CCC_text");
var dObj = $('<li></li>').attr("id", "DD_ID").text("DDD_text");
var fObj = $('<li></li>').text("FFF_text");
var gObj = $('<li></li>').attr("id", "GG_ID").text("GGG_text");
var hObj = $('<li></li>').attr("class", "HH_CLASS").text("HHH_text");
Somehow add (fObj + gObj + hObj) into eObj ?
var eObj = `*something*`.attr("id", "EE_ID").wrap(`*something*`);
Somehow add (aObj + bObj + cObj+ dObj + eObj) into jObj ?
var jObj = `*something*`.attr("id", "JJ_ID").wrap(`*something*`);
The .append method returns the same container object you called it on -- make use of this to chain methods pleasantly:
var inner_list = $('<ol/>', {id: "EE_ID" })
.append( $('<li/>', {text: "FFF_text" })
.append( $('<li/>', {id: "GG_ID", text: "GGG_text" })
.append( $('<li/>', {"class": "HH_CLASS", text: "HHH_text" });
var outer_list = $('<ul/>', {id: "JJ_ID" })
.append( $('<li/>', {text: "AAA_text" })
.append( $('<li/>', {id: "BB_ID", text: "BBB_text" })
.append( $('<li/>', {"class": "CC_CLASS", text: "CCC_text" })
$('<li/>', {id: "DD_ID", text: "DDD_text"})
You could actually do the entire thing in a single statement with no vars, but in my opinion that would be getting too ugly.

