retrieve value in unnamed json array url - javascript

I'm struggling to retrieve some value on a json in this url:
the url data looks like this:
"name":"test 1"
"content":"test1 content",
"date":"Dec 12, 2013 2:58:57 PM",
By ignoring the "key", I want to access the value of "propertyMap" object (content,date and user) using javascript code.
I have tried this code but it couldn't get the result:
var url = "";
$.getJSON(url, function (json) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i = i + 1) {
var content = json[i].propertyMap.content;
console.log('content : ', content);
var user = json[i].propertyMap.user;
console.log('user: ', user);
var date = json[i];
console.log('date : ', date);
(unsuccessful code here
considering this json can't be change, is there any mistake I've made from the code above or there's any other technique to get the result?
I just learn to use javascript and json for 1 month so response with an example is really appreciated.
--edited: I change [].length to json.length, now I'm looking for the answer to access the url

That would be something like :
$.getJSON("", function(json) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var map = json[i].propertyMap;
var content = map.content;
var user = map.user;
var date =;
But the request fails, as no 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource, so you're being stopped by the same origin policy

What do you think [].length; would evaluate to .
It is 0 , so it would never go inside the for loop.
Other than that you code looks ok.
Replace your for loop as below
$.getJSON(url, function (json) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i = i + 1) {
Also you seem to be accessing a API as part of the different domain.
So you need to use CORS or JSONP to get this working if you want to retrieve data from a different domain.

for (var i = 0; i < [].length; i = i + 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i = i + 1) {
DEMO here.

How about using something like the following
In your case, say the object is myObj, I would get the value like this
var content = fetchValue(myObj, [0, "propertyMap", "content"], "");
var date = fetchValue(myObj, [0, "propertyMap", "date"], new Date());
var user = fetchValue(myObj, [0, "propertyMap", "user"], "");
Just to make sure that we send a default value in case we do not get the desired ojbect. The beauty of this approach is that now you do not have to worry about array or objects nested in the structure. The fetchValue function could be something like below.
function fetchValue(object, propertyChain, defaultValue){
var returnValue;
returnValue = object;
forEach(propertyChain, function(element){
returnValue = returnValue[element];
return defaultValue;
if(returnValue == undefined) {
returnValue = defaultValue;
return returnValue;
Adding the forEach function
function forEach(array, action){
for(var x in array)


How do I use two variables in my function?

So I have multiple script. One script retrieves data from a Googlesheet and parses it as JSON. The other one uses this to output it to HTML.
My first:
function getStatistics() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID");
var rowsData = sheet.getRange("A:A").getValues();
var result = JSON.stringify(rowsData);
var funcNumber = 1;
return result;
This retrieves the data from a spreadsheet in column A.
The second script, here I want to use both 'Result' and 'Funcnumber' in my function.
function onSuccess(data, funcNumber) {
var dataJson = JSON.parse(data);
var newColumn = document.createElement("div");
newColumn.className = "column";
for(var i = 0; i < dataJson.length; i++) {
if (dataJson[i] != "") {
var div = document.getElementById('cont-' + funcNumber);
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.innerHTML = dataJson[i];
Using the Json result to PARSE the HTML works. But retrieving 'funcNumber' from the function not. Then finally I call the first function with this line:;
Does anybody know how to use both result and funcNumber in my second function?
function getStatistics() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID");
const sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
let result = {data:JSON.stringify(sheet.getRange(1,1,sheet.getLastRow(),1).getValues()),funcNumber:1}
return result;
function onSuccess(obj) {
var dataJson = JSON.parse(;
var newColumn = document.createElement("div");
newColumn.className = "column";
for (var i = 0; i < dataJson.length; i++) {
if (dataJson[i] != "") {
var div = document.getElementById('cont-' + obj.funcNumber);
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.innerHTML = dataJson[i];
A single column or row is still a 2d array
Following is the way to make the call in Google script to return the value for the 2nd parameter.
WithUserObject() needs to be called after the withSuccessHandler.
See the documentation below on Google script
Sets an object to pass as a second parameter to the success and failure handlers. This "user object" — not to be confused with the User class — lets the callback functions respond to the context in which the client contacted the server. Because user objects are not sent to the server, they are not subject to the restrictions on parameters and return values for server calls. User objects cannot, however, be objects constructed with the new operator.

How to read JSON Response from URL and use the keys and values inside Javascript (array inside array)

My Controller Function:
public function displayAction(Request $request)
$stat = $this->get("app_bundle.helper.display_helper");
$displayData = $stat->generateStat();
return new JsonResponse($displayData);
My JSON Response from URL is:
From this Response I want to pass the values to variables (selfie,shared) in javascript file like:
var selfie = [
[(2016-11-28),8], [(2016-11-29),5]]
var shared = [
[(2016-11-28),5], [(2016-11-29),2]]
You can try like this.
First traverse the top object data and then traverse each property of the data which is an array.
var data = {"total":[{"date":"2016-11-28","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-11-29","selfies":2},{"date":"2016-11-30","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-12-01","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-12-02","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-12-03","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-12-04","selfies":0}],"shared":[{"date":"2016-11-28","shares":0},{"date":"2016-11-29","shares":0},{"date":"2016-11-30","shares":0},{"date":"2016-12-01","shares":0},{"date":"2016-12-02","shares":0},{"date":"2016-12-03","shares":0},{"date":"2016-12-04","shares":0}]}
var val = data[k];
val.forEach(function(element) {
console.log(element.selfies != undefined ? element.selfies : element.shares );
Inside your callback use the following:
$.each(, function(i, o){
// or do whatever you want here
Because you make the request using jetJSON the parameter data sent to the callback is already an object so you don't need to parse the response.
Try this :
var text ='{"Total":[{"date":"2016-11-28","selfies":0},{"date":"2016-11-29","selfies":2}],"Shared":[{"date":"2016-11-28","shares":0},{"date":"2016-11-29","shares":0}]}';
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(text);
var objKeys = Object.keys(jsonObj);
for (var i in objKeys) {
var totalSharedObj = jsonObj[objKeys[i]];
if(objKeys[i] == 'Total') {
for (var j in totalSharedObj) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML +=
"selfies on "+totalSharedObj[j].date+":"+totalSharedObj[j].selfies+"<br>";
if(objKeys[i] == 'Shared') {
for (var k in totalSharedObj) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML +=
"shares on "+totalSharedObj[k].date+":"+totalSharedObj[k].shares+"<br>";
<div id="demo">
I did a lot of Research & took help from other users and could finally fix my problem. So thought of sharing my solution.
$.get( "Address for my JSON data", function( data ) {
var selfie =[];
var tmp = [,
var shared =[];
var tmp = [,

Get object from JSON with jQuery

I'm trying to query a JSON file in my own server using $.getJSON and then cycling inside the objects. No problem so far, then i have an ID which is the name of the object i want to return, but can't seem to get it right:
var id = 301;
var url = "path/to/file.json";
$.getJSON( url, function( json ) {
var items = [];
items = json;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
This prints the following in the console:
Now let's say i want return only the object == to id so then i can refer to it like item.banos, item.dorms etc.
My first approach was something like
Which didn't work
Any help would be very much appreciated.
It seems like your response is wrapped in an array with one element.
You can access object properties dynamically via square brackets:
var id = 301;
var url = "path/to/file.json";
$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
As you have the name of the property in the object you want to retrieve you can use bracket notation. you can also simplify your code because of this:
var id = 301;
//$.getJSON("path/to/file.json", function(json) {
// response data from AJAX request:
var json = {
'301': {
banos: 2
'302': {
banos: 3
'303': {
banos: 4
'304': {
banos: 5
var item = json[id];

assigning a item from a .json file to a variable in javascript

I have a data1.json file
"BID" : "4569749",
"BID" : "466759",
"BID" : "4561149",
I want to call this .json file inside another abdv.js file and assign the BIDs to a variable array
var R1;
i.e the value of R1 = ['4569749', '466759', '4561149']
How can i do this??
.html file(please note: I am specifying only those parts relevant to this quetsion and erased other parts)
Code follows:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="abdv.js"></script>
Code follows:
function loadABCD()
var R1 = [];
$.get('data1.json', function (data) {
var parsedArr = JSON.parse(data),
i = 0, l = parsedArr.length;
for (i; i < l; i++) {
// i will use R1 for later processing another function
// for(k=0; k<R1.length; k++)
// {
// obj = loadLevel4Obj(R1[k]);
// scene.add(obj);
// }
I also need help to read .json file into a javascript JSON object. I doubt whether the format of my json file is correct. Do i need to specify any other jquery related libs in the html file?? How do i check whether the BIDs are correctly stored in the variable R1.
Assuming you've read your json file into a javascript JSON object (do you need help with that as well?)
var R1 = new Array();
for(var i= 0 ; i< myJSON.length; i++){
Your document.write is happening before you've done any reading.
Remove it.
put a console.log instead in your anonymous callback from your $.get();
Make it look like this:
$.get('data1.json', function (data) {
var parsedArr = JSON.parse(data),
for (i = 0; i < parsedArr.length; i++) {
for(i=0; i< R1.length; i++)
console.log("item " + i + " = " + R1[i]);
Also if your json file really looks like this:
[ { "BID" : "4569749", }, { "BID" : "466759", }, { "BID" : "4561149", }, ]
Then it needs to be fixed to remove the extraneous commas inside your objects. It should look like this:
[ { "BID" : "4569749" }, { "BID" : "466759" }, { "BID" : "4561149" } ]
I haven't tested this, but it looks like it should work to me.
var R1 = [];
$.get('file.json', function (data) {
var parsedArr = JSON.parse(data),
i = 0, l = parsedArr.length;
for (i; i < l; i++) {
Getting the json file with ajax, then process it and assign to R1:
function ajaxGetJson(url, callback){
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
}"GET", url, true);
var R1;
ajaxGetJson('file.json', function(obj){
R1 ={ return item.BID });
Some comments:
I'm using eval instead of JSON.parse because your .json may not be in strict json format (as your example)
As the question has tag html5, your browser for sure supports the .map method
Cheers, from La Paz, Bolivia

How get parametrs from json?

Full code:
$.post('test.php', {
id: id
},function (data) {
var Server = data.response.server;
var Photo =;
in data i get json:
I would like get parametrs server and photo[photo]
for this i use:
var Server = data.server;
var Photo =;
but in concole i get undefined
Than i use code:
var Server = data.response.server;
var Photo =;
But now in console i see:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'server' of undefined
Why i get errors and how get parametrs?
P.S.: All code php and jquery find here
Just set proper data type json, the default one is string.
And your data is directly under data variable!
$.post('test.php', {
id: id
},function (data) {
var Server = data.server;
var Photo =;
}, 'json');
Another solution is setting proper header in you PHP response:
Content-Type text/javascript; charset=UTF-8
then jQuery Intelligent Guess, will set proper data type itself.
You can use parseJSON method, exposed by jQuery. This enables you to map the properties to a type, of sorts, such as:
var results = jQuery.parseJSON(jsonData);
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
alert(results[i].name + ":" + results[i].date);
You may need to tweak the inputs and exact use of the outputs in accordance with your data and requirements.
getJSON() will parse the JSON for you after fetching, so from then on, you are working with a simple Javascript array ([] marks an array in JSON).
You can get all the values in an array using a for loop:
$.getJSON("url_with_json_here", function(data){
for (var i=0, len=data.length; i < len; i++) {
Another example:
Parse a JSON string.
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON( '{ "name": "John" }' );
alert( === "John" )

