Consider the following code:
heatmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.Heatmap( "Heatmap Layer", map, osm,
{visible: true, radius: radiusForScale[zoom], legend: {position: 'br',title: 'title'}},
{isBaseLayer: false, opacity: 0.3, projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326")}
Background: heatmap.js is great for displaying population densities and such... however, I do not want heatmap.js to control the radius of my points. Instead, I wish to dynamically updated the radius based on a custom zoom function I have created, without having to destroy the heatmap and recreate it every time the zoom changes. Now, this is possible if you add the heatmap to a div as follows:
var config = {
element: document.getElementById("heatmapArea"),
radius: 30,
opacity: 50
//creates and initializes the heatmap
var heatmap = h337.create(config);
In this example, it's as simple as updating the JSON object and updating the display. However, this in only a static display assigned to a div, and therefore renders the vector layer useless. Has anyone had any success with this in OpenLayers??
On a side note: I've browsed through all the keys in the heatmap JSON string and there doesn't seem to be a way to change the zoom variable.
Figured it out... this isn't advertised in the documentation or anywhere on the internet that I could find.. however, here's how you control the radius in OpenLayers for those of you who need it. Let's keep it simple..
// create our heatmap layer
var heatmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.Heatmap(
"Heatmap Layer", map, osm, {visible: true, radius:50},
{isBaseLayer: false, opacity: 0.3, projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326")}
Now add the data:
Here's the key. You can do pretty much anything with this list of commands:
this.set("radius",value); //****this one solved my problem
this.set("visible",value); //deceiving! You have to access the canvas subclass to get it to work
So, for example, create a zoom event so the radius changes based on your radius function. For me, it was as simple as scaling the radius based on the ratio screen width(pixels)/screen width(meters). So now in your click event:
on zoom change: //pseudocode
canvas = heatmap.heatmap.get('canvas'); //this is the subclass I spoke of above
if the zoom is above a certain value //pseudocode
then = 'block'; //show the heatmap... you can also use heatmap.toggle() but this gives you more control
heatmap.heatmap.set('radius',zoomfunction[map.zoom]); //this dynamically updates the radius!!
else = 'none';
I hope this helps someone 'cause it drove me crazy!
I'm quite new in js and leaflet and I need your help. I use leaflet draw for drawing and editing polygons on a map and I need to be able to snap to other polygons while drawing. I used plugin Leaflet Snap for this and it works - unfortunately only when the polygon is already in map so it only works for editing. I can't seem to find solution for this anywhere on the internet. It is working in this demo - BUT - it only works when you initialize drawControl like this var map ='map', {drawControl: true})
The problem is, I need to create toolbar with L.Control.Draw because I only need to draw polygon and marker and not all the other stuff:
let drawControlFull = new L.Control.Draw({
edit: {
featureGroup: this.newLayer
draw: {
polyline: false,
circle: false,
rectangle: false,
circlemarker: false,
polygon: {
guideLayers: [this.floorPolygons],
Since I'm building large Vue app I can only provide easy example
Any ideas where the problem might be? Thank you so much for any help!
I have a leaflet map with a few layers on it.
Whenever layers are not in the viewport, they are hidden untill panning has completed:
Regular view with layers:
Panning right, to show layers outside viewport:
Panning stopped:
As illustrated above, the layers will first become visible once panning has stopped and mouse(finger) released.
I have tried the following, which didn't work
var map ='map',{ bounceAtZoomLimits: false, removeOutsideVisibleBounds: false}).setView([40, 0], 2);
Seems the solution was right in front of me
Adding the following will render the entire map:
var map = new L.Map('map');
map.getRenderer(map).options.padding = 100;
Solution found here
I'm writing a Python Flask application in which I'm using Google Maps. I want to be able to add labels to a polyline that I've drawn which symbolizes a ship route.
The route is drawn using a set of coordinates and the polyline feature of the Maps API. I want to add time labels to the polyline and the easiest way seems to be to use Map Markers. However I don't want the large standard pins to show up, but would prefer a small icon/marker together with my text or even none at all. As far as I have gathered you can create "Circles" (which are modifiable) or "Markers" (which you only can change the icon of). I would prefer to go with "Circles", but those you apparently can't add text to..
How can I add text to my map and avoid the Google Maps Pins showing up?
Currently I have an list of objects that contains latitude, longitude and date + time. I'm iterating through it adding markers, but as I do I would like to keep out the marker icon or instead draw the circles if someone knows how to draw circles with added text?
for(i = 0; i < markerList.length; i++){
var position = new google.maps.LatLng(markerList[i].lat, markerList[i].lng);
var date = markerList[i].date;
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: position,
label: date,
map: map,
icon: "None" //Produces error: 404 (NOT FOUND)
Being able to change the label size also is a very much appreciated function, but I have been unable to find any information about whether that is available. Being able to change the color of the text would also be nice.
As no answers have been given yet and I've sort of found a solution to my problem I guess I will share for others out there with the same problem. At least until someone comes up with a better solution:
I ended up using a predefined symbol and scaling it down to 0 in size as follows:
for(i = 0; i < markerList.length; i++){
var position = new google.maps.LatLng(markerList[i].lat, markerList[i].lng);
var date = markerList[i].date;
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: position,
label: date,
map: map,
icon: {
path: google.maps.SymbolPath.CIRCLE,
scale: 0
Sadly I haven't found a way to mess with the label yet.
try markerWithlabel and you can change the icon of the marker whit a svg or png plus the label too
like this jsfiddel
#Zeliax You can add visible: false to not have marker icon show on your google map. icon prop looks for a path that you want specify for your marker to look as. It is basically a url for your display image.
I have created a map using OpenLayers3. I can succesfully zoom to a layer on the map using the following code:
map.getView().fit(extent, map.getSize());
However I woulld like something similiar in an animated way.
I know about the following animations:
By using these I can't zoom to a layer, using ol.animation.pan I can only pan to a point (and not to a boundingbox) and using ol.animation.zoom I can zoom to a resolution (and not to a boundingbox). So what I am looking for is an animated .fit so I can zoom animated to an extent.
Any suggestions on how I can achieve that would be appreciated :)
Starting with v3.20.0, OpenLayers has a new duration option on ol.View#fit(). To get a 1 second animation to the fit extent, set it to 1000:
// OpenLayers v3.20.x, size, {duration: 1000});
Also note that starting with v3.21.0, the API for ol.View#fit() is simplified - it no longer requires a size to be set (unless there is more than one map on the page):
// OpenLayers >= v3.21.0, {duration: 1000});
i just solved this way
var view = map.getView()
var pan = ol.animation.pan({ source: view.getCenter() });
var zoom = ol.animation.zoom({ resolution: view.getResolution() });
map.beforeRender(pan, zoom);, map.getSize())
Working on this application which I have broken down here.
In this example I want to
show markers only inside the shape area
allow for zoom of the map and scaling of the shape area
here is my pseudo code
identifyMarkersInShape: function(){
//__ function is invoked every time a shape is drawn/editted
// hides all the markers
//finds the markers inside the given shape
bindEvents: function(){
//handle zoom of the map and scale of the path shape
Fully working example:
Edit: Now simplifies polygon before adding it to the map. Editing the polygon works as well.
First, the css and html: I moved the div called #canvas1 after the map and gave it absolute positioning and z-index = 0. I also gave the map the same absolute positioning to ensure that they always line up with each other, and gave it a z-index of 10.
When the draw button is clicked the canvas is moved to the front. The user can use it to draw free form using d3. When they are done the shape they drew is converted to a google maps polygon.
addShapeToBaseMap: function(divCoords) {
var geoCoords = []
for (var i = 0; i < divCoords.length; i++)
geoCoords.push(overlay.getProjection().fromContainerPixelToLatLng(new google.maps.Point(Number(divCoords[i][0]), Number(divCoords[i][1]))));
poly = new google.maps.Polygon({
paths: geoCoords,
strokeColor: '#FF0000',
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: '#FF0000',
fillOpacity: 0.35
Then we do do the hiding/showing of the markers. Using d3 this way is really silly and defeats the purpose. You need to add the google geometry library to your url to use this (&libraries=geometry). I'm sure there are faster ways and if you're dealing with large datasets you'll want to make this better.
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation(new google.maps.LatLng(data[i]['lat'], data[i]['lng']), poly)) {"#" + data[i]['name']).classed({'hide': true});
} else {"#" + data[i]['name']).classed({'hide': false});
This works because when we appended the markers we added their name as the id on the marker element. The only reason I can see to do this is because the svg gives you better control over styling. Last:".selection").remove()"#canvas1").classed({'front': false});
We remove the shape we drew from the drawing layer. If we don't do this, if the user moves the map and then turns the drawing layer back on, the shape will be in the wrong place. Then we move the canvas to the back and turn off the highlighting on the drawing button.
The edit function was taken from your most recent code. If the edit button or polygon is clicked the editing function is turned on on the polygon.
I would also recommend taking a look at Leaflet. The integration with d3 is a bit easier and you can have multiple svg layers, which would allow you to put the drawing layer as a map overlay instead of a separate div.
geojson-utils is a node/browser javascript package that has a bunch of utilities for dealing with geojson paths.
One of the many things that it has is a very solid point in polygon algorithm designed for dealing with geojson paths.
You also might want to consider using Leaflet.js instead of Google Maps, it has a few more tools for going to and from geojson based data. It also has a lot of really useful tools already written like Leaflet.draw which has the code already needed to "draw" these paths on top of the maps.