how to get the integer value from javascript variable [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have the following function
function answerQ(value) {
var newVal = value;
and the input button
<input type="button" onClick="answerQ(this.value)" value="Answer Q2">
how can I get just the integer "2" out of this??

Remove anything that isn't a number
function answerQ(value) {
var newVal = +value.replace(/\D/g,'');


How to get the array of strings that is in between curly braces inside source string in JavaScript [closed]

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This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 8 years ago.
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Suppose the JavaScript variable is:
var sourceString="stack {overflow} is the best {place} to clear {technical} doubts";
Output javascript string array should contain: overflow,place,technical
or {overflow},{place},{technical}
I am fine with both the results.
You could use regex to accomplish this:
var getMatchingGroups = function(s) {
var r=/\{(.*?)\}/g, a=[], m;
while (m = r.exec(s)) {
return a;
getMatchingGroups(sourceString) // ["overflow", "place", "technical"]

Get the value of the array index [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a ajax response array and I want get the value of there index.
You're missing a comma after the first array object which is causing an error. Otherwise result[0].UserLatitude will work - jsfiddle.
You need to iterate the array and then check those values are matching like
$.each (arr, function (index, value) {
if(value["UserLatitude"] == "33.7543" && value["UserLongitude"] == "-84.3744") {
return false;
if matches found, print the index and exit the loop.

How can I convert this coffeescript to js/jquery? [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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text = child.html()
text = text.replace /(#include(\s*<.*>)?)/gi, '<span>$1</span>'
text = text.replace /(main\(.*\))/gi, '<span>$1</span>'
child.html text
This is an answer from my question: Wrapping strings with a span I dont know how to use coffeescript and the one who answer looks unavailable.
var text;
text = text.replace(/(#include(\s*<.*>)?)/gi, '<span>$1</span>');
text = text.replace(/(main\(.*\))/gi, '<span>$1</span>');

Find a string in a string [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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How would I write an if statement that alerts when the var MyString is not in the var URL?
var URL = "";
var MyString = "";
if (URL.indexOf(MyString) === -1) {
alert('Not found!');
if(URL.indexOf(MyString) == -1) alert("Not found");

JavaScript concatenate a variable into a constructor [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to concatenate a variable into a constructor in JavaScript
I have a variable like this:
var selectedLayer = "myLayer";
and then I am creating a Leaflet tile layer, I want to then incorporate the variable into the constructor:
test = new L.TileLayer.WMS('http://localhost/geoserver/wms',{layers : 'geonode:<selectedLayer>', format: 'image/png'});
string concatenation in javascript is done with the simple +, so your case would be:
layers: 'geonode:' + selectedLayer,
format: 'image/png'

