KnockoutJs v3 - _ko_property_writers = undefined - javascript

I'm trying to get my custom binding to work with both observables and plain objects. I followed the answer in this question:
writeValueToProperty isn't available
However, if I look at the object returned if I execute the allBindingsAccessor, the property '_ko_property_writers' is undefined.
Does anyone know if this has changed at all in version 3 of knockout?
Sorry I should have stated, I am trying to 'write' the value back to the model, in an observable agnostic way

This was helpful for me:
ko.expressionRewriting.twoWayBindings.numericValue = true;
ko.bindingHandlers.numericValue = {
It is defined after specifying binding as two-way.
So I can use something like that inside my custom binding:
ko.expressionRewriting.writeValueToProperty(underlying, allBindingsAccessor, 'numericValue', parseFloat(value));
writeValueToProperty is defined internally as:
writeValueToProperty: function(property, allBindings, key, value, checkIfDifferent) {
if (!property || !ko.isObservable(property)) {
var propWriters = allBindings.get('_ko_property_writers');
if (propWriters && propWriters[key])
} else if (ko.isWriteableObservable(property) && (!checkIfDifferent || property.peek() !== value)) {

The standard way to do this is with ko.unwrap as described here:
For example:
ko.bindingHandlers.slideVisible = {
update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings) {
// First get the latest data that we're bound to
var value = valueAccessor();
// Next, whether or not the supplied model property is observable, get its current value
var valueUnwrapped = ko.unwrap(value);
// Grab some more data from another binding property
var duration = allBindings.get('slideDuration') || 400; // 400ms is default duration unless otherwise specified
// Now manipulate the DOM element
if (valueUnwrapped == true)
$(element).slideDown(duration); // Make the element visible
$(element).slideUp(duration); // Make the element invisible
In that example valueUnwrapped is correct whether the user bound to an observable or a normal object.


Knockout JS, live updating data from websocket

I am trying to load data from a websocket to show on a gauge using knockout and gaugeMeter.js.
I keep getting the "cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element" error.
Here is the code
<div class="GaugeMeter gaugeMeter" id="PreviewGaugeMeter" data-bind="gaugeValue: Percent" data-size=350 data-theme="Orange" data-back="Grey"
data-text_size="0.4" data-width=38 data-style="Arch" data-animationstep="0" data-stripe="3"></div>
// Bind new handler to init and update gauges.
ko.bindingHandlers.gaugeValue = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor) {
$(element).gaugeMeter({ percent: ko.unwrap(valueAccessor()) });
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
$(element).gaugeMeter({ percent: activePlayerData.boost });
// Create view model with inital gauge value 15mph
// Use observable for easy update.
var myViewModel = {
Percent: ko.observable(15)
The activePlayerData.boost is the data I am getting from the websocket and need to update the value, it always shows the first value but everything after that is giving the error.
I am really lost with the knockout stuff as I am very new to coding.
A minimal, working sample for your use case is below. You can run it to see what it does:
// simple gaugeMeter jQuery plugin mockup
$.fn.gaugeMeter = function (params) {
return this.css({width: params.percent + '%'}).text(params.percent);
// binding handler for that plugin
ko.bindingHandlers.gaugeValue = {
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var boundValue = valueAccessor();
var val = ko.unwrap(boundValue); // or: val = boundValue();
$(element).gaugeMeter({ percent: val });
// set up viewmodel
var myViewModel = {
Percent: ko.observable(15)
// simulate regular value updates
setInterval(function () {
var newPercentValue = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100);
}, 1500);
div.gaugeMeter {
background-color: green;
height: 1em;
color: white;
padding: 3px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="gaugeMeter" data-bind="gaugeValue: Percent"></div>
Things to understand:
The update part of the binding handler is called whenever the bound observable (i.e. Percent) changes its value. You don't strictly need the init part if there is nothing to initialize.
The valueAccessor gives you the thing that holds the bound value. Typically, but not necessarily this is an observable - like in your case. Once you have called valueAccessor(), you still need to open (aka "unwrap") that observable to see what's inside. This is why my code above takes two steps, valueAccessor() and ko.unwrap().
When would it ever not be an observable? - You are free to bind to literal values in your view (data-bind="gaugeValue: 15"), or to non-observable viewmodel properties (data-bind="gaugeValue: basicEfficiency") when the viewmodel has {basicEfficiency: 15}. In all cases, valueAccessor() will give you that value, observable or not.
Why use ko.unwrap(boundValue) instead of boundValue()? - The former works for both literal values and for observables, the latter only works for observables. In a binding handler it makes sense to support both use cases.
Once an update arrives, e.g. via WebSocket, don't try to re-apply any bindings or re-initialize anything.
All you need to do is to change the value of the respective observable in your viewmodel. Changing an observable's value works by calling it: myViewModel.Percent(15); would set myViewModel.Percent to 15.
If 15 is different from the previous value, the observable will take care of informing the necessary parties (aka "subscribers"), so all required actions (such as view updates) can happen.

Knockout append observables w/ characters

I have observables in my KnockoutJS app and their values are being fetched from an array that's contained globally in the app, eg:
self.observable = ko.observable(App[0].Observable_Value);
For ease, let's say Observable_Value = 10.
This is working as you'd expect it to and the <input> that self.observable is binded to has the correct value in it by default; 10.
What I want to do now is to append the observable with a % in the <input> so the displayed output in the input field will be 10%.
I simply want to append the input value with a % because I need the observable to be readable as a number and not a string to prevent NaN errors later on in the app. The app relies heavily on numbers.
I've tried doing this as a computed function with read/write & parseFloat but to no success.
Any ideas?
I think that the best option in this case would be a custom binding handler.
I simply want to append the input value with a % because I need the observable to be readable as a number and not a string
That is precisely what a binding handler could do - preserve the original value of the observable, but change the way that it is displayed.
I've tried doing this as a computed function
Although a computed function could do the trick, it's usually unecessary unless you want to actually work with the return value from the computed. In this case, since you just want to change the visual display, you don't need a another variable representing the same value.
Here is a very basic one that just puts a % sign in front of the observable's value. See fiddle
ko.bindingHandlers.percent = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var value = ko.unwrap(valueAccessor());
$(element).text('%' + value);
You can add a read/write computable that will add the percent for display, then remove it when setting the underlying value (fiddle):
ko.observable.fn.formatAsPercent = function() {
var base = this;
return ko.computed({
read: function() {
return base() + "%";
write: function(newValue) {
base(parseInt(newValue.replace('%', '')));
function ViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.number = ko.observable(10); // actual number
self.percent= self.number.formatAsPercent(); // used for binding to show %
var my = { vm : new ViewModel() };

KnockoutJS Validation binding value passed to custom binding?

Using KnockoutJS-Validation, I need to pass to a custom binding whether the field passed validation or not. Guessing I need to somehow hook into a KnockoutJS-Validation observable at field level using the allBindingsAccessor parameter but unsure how.
ko.bindingHandlers.mycustombinding = {
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
allBindings = allBindingsAccessor(),
validationObservable = allBindings.validationObservable;
if (!validationObservable) {
//do cool jQuery stuff to the element if it doesn't validate
The library adds a obserabler isValid to the observable thats extended
var observable = ko.observable("f").extend({ number: true });

Knockoutjs if/shim binding

I want to create a custom binding that behaves like the if binding, but instead of removing the element entirely, it replaces it with another element of the same height whenever it should be removed.
I'm struggling to find a way of doing this that isn't hacky. I don't know enough about the internals of knockout to go about this in an educated way.
Any pointers greatly appreciated.
You could write your own binding:
ko.bindingHandlers.shim = {
update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings) {
// First get the latest data that we're bound to
var value = valueAccessor();
// Next, whether or not the supplied model property is observable, get its current value
var shim = ko.unwrap(value);
if (shim) {
var shimEl = $(element).data('shim');
// Create the shim element if not created yet
if (!shimEl) {
shimEl = $('<div />').addClass('shim').appendTo(element);
// Equal the height of the elements
$(element).data('shim', shimEl);
} else {
var shimEl = $(element).data('shim');
if (shimEl) {
// You can also trigger the if-binding at this point
// ko.bindingHandlers.if.update(element, valueAccessor, allBindings);
Then use it like this:
<div data-bind="shim: [condition]"></div>

Knockout.js: array parameter in custom binding

i try to write a custom list-binding. This is what i have so far:
var myArr = ko.observableArray();
var view = {
matches: myArr
ko.bindingHandlers.matchList = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
// gives me 0
// gives me 2
// Activates knockout.js
My html binding looks as follow:
<div data-bind="matchList: matches"></div>
Why do i have to use the second pair of parentheses to get into my array?
The valueAccessor is a function that returns what was passed to the binding. It is wrapped in a function, so that it is not evaluated immediately.
A typical pattern would be to do:
var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
ko.utils.unwrapObservable will safely handle both observables and non-observables and return the value. So, if it is an observable, then it will return yourValue(), otherwise it will just return yourValue. This allows your binding to support binding against either observables or plain properties.
In addition, some bindings need to deal with the observable itself and some bindings need to deal with the value of the observable. So, the observable is not unwrapped, by default. So, valueAccessor() returns your observable (which is a function) and then it is up to you to decide if you want to unwrap it to get the value or possibly set the value of it.
I think the confusing thing here is that the valueAccessor passed to init is different from the parameter of the same name passed to update. In init, it's a function that returns functions that in turn returns your array. Check out this sample code from their documentation. I added two console logs at the end that should show you the function that valueAccessor() returns:
var myArr = ko.observableArray();
var view = {
matches: myArr
ko.bindingHandlers.matchList = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()); // Get the current value of the current property we're bound to
$(element).toggle(value); // jQuery will hide/show the element depending on whether "value" or true or false
// Activates knockout.js

