How to query an array value from scriptDB? - javascript

I'm trying to access a global variable from a main function to a handler function using scriptDb.
Following the [documentation instructions][1], I create a piece of code similar to this:
function showList(arrayList) {
Logger.log("arrayList argument value = " + arrayList);
var arrayToUse = {
arrayName: 'theses',
arrayValue: arrayList,
var record =;
var scriptDbObject = db.query({arrayName: 'theses'});
var arrayList = scriptDbObject.arrayValue;
Logger.log("ShowList arrayList query value = " + arrayList);
But when I try to query the inserted item, It doesn't work:
![enter image description here][2]
The argument arrayList is OK (as the log shows).
I also tried this other code, following as similar as I could [this stackoverflow question][3]:
function showList(arrayList) {
Logger.log("arrayList argument value = " + arrayList);
var record ={arrayName: "savedArray", arrayValue: arrayList});
var result = db.query({arrayName: 'thesesRequests'});
if (result.hasNext()) {
arrayList =;
else {
arrayList ["empty array", "empty", "array"];
Logger.log("ShowList arrayList query value = " + arrayList);
And I got the same undefined message.
What is going wrong here?
[3]: Error when trying to store an array in ScriptDb

That first go of yours was on the mark, except that when u do a query you need to use the next() operator on the result to get the actual dbResult entry:
function showList(arrayList) {
Logger.log("arrayList argument value = " + arrayList);
var arrayToUse = {
arrayName: 'theses',
arrayValue: arrayList,
var record =;
var scriptDbObject = db.query({arrayName: 'theses'});
if (scriptDbObject.hasNext()) {
var dbItem =;
var dbArrayList = dbItem.arrayValue
Logger.log("ShowList arrayList query value = " + dbArrayList);


Why the Code After Array.foreach doesn't execute?

I am trying to get value of a global variable (screenDisplay) after completing the for each portion.
But it seems whenever the 2nd Part is put before the 1st Part, the value that i am supposed to get from screenDisplay comes undefined and the console throws an error.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toFixed')
Why does the screenDisplay's value gets affected when part 2 is kept after part 1?
To find the error directly input values to the screen without using calculator key. ex. (2+3)
Live Link Here
const screenDisplay = document.getElementById("screen-input-selector");
const result = () => {
try {
**//1st Part**
// * auto multiplication feature
const screenItems = [...screenDisplay.value];
let screenPosition = screenDisplay.selectionStart;
screenItems.forEach((item, index) => {
let indexno = index + 1;
if (
screenItems.length != indexno &&
![")", "+", "-", "*", "/"].includes(screenItems[index + 1]) &&
item == ")"
) {
let remainingDataFirstPortion = screenItems.slice(0, index + 1); //selects and stores the rest of the portion of the text after cursor
let remainingDataLastPortion = screenItems.slice(
index + 1,
const clearedArray = remainingDataFirstPortion.concat("*");
const clearedArray1 = clearedArray.concat(remainingDataLastPortion);
screenDisplay.value = clearedArray1.join("");
screenDisplay.setSelectionRange(screenPosition, screenPosition);
//2nd Part
const inputData = localStorage.getItem("display");
if (inputData != null) {
//when inputdata and screendisplay value are same
if (inputData == screenDisplay.value) {
//when local storage has some value
// screenDisplay.value = eval(localStorage.getItem("display"));
screenDisplay.value = Function("return " + inputData)().toFixed(4); //using function constructor instead of EVAL function cause EVAL() executes the code it's passed with the privileges of the caller
} else {
//when inputdata and screendisplay value are not same
screenDisplay.value = Function(
"return " + screenDisplay.value
} else {
//when local storage is empty
screenDisplay.value = Function("return " + screenDisplay.value)().toFixed(
} catch (error) {
Problem Resolved.
displaylocalStorageDATA() (which reassigns locally saved data to the global variable) of Part 1 was causing the problem. It was redefining the screenDisplay.value.
Removing that line has solved the problem.
Thanks, Everyone.

Google Scripts - getFrom() is not a function error

I had this working before, without an issue, however ever since I put a filter in to remove all threads with more than 1 email it is now coming up with the not a function error. I remove the filter and it still comes up with the error, unsure what has caused this to completely break on me
function extractEmails() {
var htmlBody = getEmailHtml();
var labelName = "auto-reply-incoming";
// get all email threads that match label
var receivedSearchQuery = "label:"+labelName+" -is:sent";
var threads =, 0, 500);
threads.forEach ((t, i) => {
let messages = t.getMessages();
let name = messages.getFrom();
let messageCount = t.getMessageCount();
if (messageCount > 1) {
if (messageCount <= 1) {
message.reply("Hi " +name+" \n" + "insert text here");
accidentally removed part of the script, fixed with the following code:
messages.forEach ((m, j) => {
let name = m.getFrom();
m.reply("Hi " +name+" \n" + "insert text here");
let name = messages.getFrom();
let name = messages[0].getFrom();
The above because getFrom() is method from Class GmailMessage but messages is an Array.

firebase - javascript object returning undefined

I have a firebase set up. here is the structure:
I am having trouble getting the 'newNroomID' value (that is a6QVH, a7LTN etc..).
this value will be use to compare with the other variable value.
I know that in javascript, to access the value of the object it can be done like this:
var card = { king : 'spade', jack: 'diamond', queen: 'heart' }
card.jack = 'diamond'
but it seems different story when it comes with the firebase or surely enough i am missing something. Here is my code.
var pokerRoomsJoin = firebase.database().ref(); // this is how i set it up this block of code is for reading the data only
pokerRoomsJoin.on('value', function(data){
var rID = data.val();
var keys = Object.keys(rID);
var callSet = false;
for (var i = 0 ; i < keys.length; i++) {
var indexOfKeys = keys[i];
var roomMatching = rID[indexOfKeys];
var matchID = roomMatching.newNroomID; // this does not work alwaus give me undefined
console.log('this return :' + matchID + ' WHY!')
if(matchID == 'ffe12'){ // 'ffe12' is actually a dynamic value from a paramiter
callSet = true;
and here is the result of the console log:
strangely i am able to access it like this
var matchID = roomMatching.newNroomID // it return a6QVH and a7LTN one at a time inside the loop
only if i set up the ref to :
var pokerRoomsJoin = firebase.database().ref('room-' + roomId);
I've tried searching but seems different from the structure i have . am I having bad data structure? Save me from this misery , thanks in advance!
Let us see the code inside for loop line by line,
1. var indexOfKeys = keys[i];
now indexOfKeys will hold the key room-id
2. var roomMatching = rID[indexOfKeys];
here roomMatching will hold the object
{ 'firebasePushId': { newDealerName: 'b',
3. var matchID = roomMatching.newNroomID;
This of-course will be undefined because roomMatching has only one
property , firebasePushId.
To access newNroomID , you have to do something like this,
matchID = roomMatching.firebasePushKey.newNroomID .
One way to get firebasePushKeys will be using Object.keys(roomMatching).

Connect to a local db from testcomplete

I am trying make a query from test complete to an Oracle db.
This is what I have so far:
function main (){
var result = query("select * from appsettings where settingid = 10")
function query (sqlQuery) {
var dbObj = ADO.CreateADOQuery();
dbObj.ConnectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source='localhost:1521/ORCL';User Id='someUser';Password='somePass';OLEDB.NET=True;";
dbObj.SQL = sqlQuery;
queryResult = dbObj;
return queryResult;
Log.Message("Query result is: " + result)
The problem is that result has no value.. and the message I get is:
Query result is:
The query object cannot be printed itself. You need to get data from the object. For example:
while (!sqlQuery.EOF) {
Log.Message(sqlQuery.FieldByName("FirstName").Value + " " + sqlQuery.FieldByName("LastName").Value);

Reference issue with Javascript

I have an array of objects cached on client side using JS array.
var scannerDictionary = new Array(); //Holds all scanners unmodified
var modifiedScannerDictionary = new Array(); //Holds all scanners with modified values
The properties of each object is set/changed using GUI and updated in the object. Each object contains list of InputParameters (array of Parameter class containing Name, Value and other members).
Please have a look on GUI.
Below is the code i used to render the controls -
function renderControls(scannerId) {
var currentScanner = modifiedScannerDictionary[scannerId];
//Render Input Parameters
for(var i=0;i<currentScanner.InputParameters.length;i++) {
var propType = currentScanner.InputParameters[i].DataType;
var inParName = currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name;
switch(propType) {
case 0: //Number
var eRow1 = $("#tblInputCriteria").find('#emptyNumRow').clone();
$(eRow1).removeClass('hidden').attr('id', 'Row_'+currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name);
var prop1 = $(eRow1).find('#InNumPropName');
$(prop1).attr('id', 'InNumPropName_'+currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name);
var propName1 = currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name;
var propVal1 = $(eRow1).find('#InNumPropValue');
$(propVal1).attr('id', 'InNumPropValue_'+currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name);
$(propVal1).blur(function () {
if(!ValidateNumber(this, propName1)) {
alert('Value should be numeric in ' + propName1);
setTimeout(function() {$(propVal1).focus();}, 100);
}else {
UpdateData(currentScanner.Id, propName1, $(propVal1).val());
case 1: //String
var eRow2 = $("#tblInputCriteria").find('#emptyStrRow').clone();
$(eRow2).removeClass('hidden').attr('id', 'Row_'+currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name);
var prop2 = $(eRow2).find('#InStrPropName');
$(prop2).attr('id', 'InStrPropName_'+currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name);
var propName2 = currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name;
var propVal2 = $(eRow2).find('#InStrPropValue');
$(propVal2).attr('id', 'InStrPropValue_'+currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name);
$(propVal2).blur(function () {
UpdateData(currentScanner.Id, propName2, $(propVal2).val());
case 2: //Boolean
var eRow3 = $("#tblInputCriteria").find('#emptyBoolRow').clone();
$(eRow3).removeClass('hidden').attr('id', 'Row_'+currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name);
var prop3 = $(eRow3).find('#InBoolPropName');
$(prop3).attr('id', 'InBoolPropName_'+currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name);
var propName3 = currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name;
var propVal3 = $(eRow3).find('#InBoolPropValue');
$(propVal3).attr('id', 'InBoolPropValue_'+currentScanner.InputParameters[i].Name);
$(propVal3).blur(function () {
UpdateData(currentScanner.Id, propName3, $(propVal3).val());
The problem here is of the variables inside switch working as reference variable. So the UpdateData() function gets the last Name for similar type properties. i.e. if fields are of Number type then only the last property is updated by UpdateData() method.
Can anybody help me out solve this issue. Thanks for sharing your time and wisdom.
Try something like the following. Its a tad overkill, but will bind the values of the variables to the closures.
var fnOnBlur = (function(thePropName, thePropVal) {
return function () {
if(!ValidateNumber(this, thePropName)) {
alert('Value should be numeric in ' + thePropName);
setTimeout(function() {$(thePropVal).focus();}, 100);
}else {
UpdateData(currentScanner.Id, thePropName, $(thePropVal).val());
})(propName1, propVal1);
$(propVal1).blur( fnOnBlur );
The link that Felik King supplied has much more detailed discussion.

