remove 2nd instance of javascript that is loaded - javascript

I have 2 instances of javascript being load in Joomla in my 'head'.
The 1st is from the template.
The 2nd is from a component.
I need to remove the 2nd instance as below:
<!-- keep this one -->
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- remove this one -->
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
How would I do this with PHP?
Can I do something like this (not a php dude) to remove the 2nd instance?
$string='<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>' ;
print implode(",",$output);

First point of note here is that neither bit bit of code is particularly well written - both will block the html loading for a significant amount of time even if it's fetched from local cache. And one of the main reasons for using a CMS is so that you minimise the number of calls to resources outside the HTML to enhance performance.
Can I do something like this
Yes, but you need to enable output buffering and hook it into the code at the right point which will be much more of a PITA to maintain than changing the plugin/template.
Alternatively you could implement it as an Apache output filter - but (AFAIK) it's not (currently) possible to invoke fastCGI or mod_php as an output filter. You could implement a simple HTTP proxy script as the end point for requests and rewrite the HTML there.
It's possible that a tool for merging requests (such as mod_pagespeed) would automatically remove the duplicate request (although the documentation for mod_pagespeed's combine_javascript doesn't say how it deals with such a scenario).


How to have one main JavaScript file for multiple pages?

I have a small application with two pages: the login page and the main page. My problem is that when I use just one main JavaScript file for both pages (like it's recommanded) I get a lot of ReferenceError because some variables on a page are not defined on the other one...
Line of code for the login page
copyrightYear.textContent = new Date().getFullYear();
Main page complains
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'textContent' of null
How can I fix that? Don't tell me I have to say if(copyrightYear) { do stuff } everytime, it's just a nightmare if I have to do that for every variable
Two answers for you:
The recommendation isn't a dictate
My problem is that when I use just one main JavaScript file for both pages (like it's recommanded)
That's a very general recommendation. It doesn't apply to every situation. There's no point in loading code in a page that won't use that code.
If you have code that you use in both pages, and also page-specific code, it's absolutely fine to have a file that both pages share and also page-specific files:
<script src="main.js"></script>
<script src="page1.js"></script>
If you're really worried about the extra HTTP request (much less of an issue these days than it used to be), use modules and a bundler like Webpack or Rollup that will create a bundle combining the main module with page 1's module for page 1 and another bundle combining the main module with page 2's module for page 2.
But even then, the extra HTTP request may be better for your users, if you expect them to go from page1 to page2 in a reasonable timeframe. The reason is that if you have main.js and page1.js/page2.js and you allow caching of them, when the user goes to page1 they get main.js and page1.js, and then when they go to page2 main.js comes out of their local cache and they only have to load page2.js. In contrast, if you had a single bundle file for each page, they'd have to re-download all of that common code when going from page1 to page2 (or vice versa). But if you expect a visitor to visit either page1 or page2 but not the other one, you save the HTTP request by using page-specific bundles.
There's really no one-size-fits-all solution. :-) There are all sorts of considerations.
Note that HTTP/1.1 made additional HTTP requests more efficient and is nearly universally supported, and HTTP/2 makes them a lot more efficient, effectively eliminating the case for reducing the number of HTTP requests as part of the page startup. All major modern browsers support HTTP/2 as do up-to-date web servers.
Put the code for each page in a function
If you really want to keep a single page, put the code that's specific to each page in functions for those pages, and then have code in the main part of the file call the appropriate function based on location.pathname.
You figured it out, you have to check this for every variable. But generally it's much more convenient to use functions and only call these functions when you need them.
So for example, say you want to set some copyrightYear (even tough this shouldn't be set via JS, you should generate this on Backend side to have it in the source code)
You have something like this:
function updateYear() {
// here you do your magic of selecting the element, setting the year, whatever.
// another function, totally unrealted to updateYear()
function toggleMenu() {
// some function where you toggle the menu if you click somewhere
// like: button.addEventListener('click', () => {} );
And in your JS file you have one block where you call all these functions:
if (document.querySelectorAll('.elementForYear') {
updateYear(); // here we call it because we are sure this element exists... so everything inside function must work
if (document.querySelector('.myMenu') {
toggleMenu(); // if the element myMenu exists, we know we can add these toggle Functionality.
You can also add these if inside the function and call the function regardless of if it's needed or not, that's up to you and up to coding guidelines.
Generally I find it makes sense to have one function only rely on one (or max two to three elements if it's some toggling of other elements) ... And then you just check for one element. And if this one element exists you can go ahead and call the function.

loading a external content so that searchable by Google for SEO purposes

I'm working on a project where we'd like to load external content onto a customers site. The main requirements are that we'd like the customer to have as simple of an include as possible (like a one-line link similar to Doubleclick) and would preferably not have to be involved in any server-side language. The two proposed ways of doing this were an iframe or loading a javascript file that document.write's out the content.
We looked more at the latter since it seemed to produce more reliable legibility and simplicity for the end user - a single line of Javascript. We have been hit with the reality that this will be indexed unpredictably by Google. I have read most of the posts on this topic regarding javascript and indexing (for example, Currenlty we have (for example):
<div class='main-container'>
<script src=''></script>
// at
document.write('blue fish and green grass');
but it looks like google indexes this type of content only sometimes based upon 'Fetch As Google' used in Google's webmaster tools. Since it does sometimes work, I know it's possible for this indexing to be ok. More specifically, if we isolate our content to something like the above and remove extraneous content, it will index it each time (as opposed to the EXACT SAME Javascript in a regular customer html page). If we have our content in a customer's html file it doesn't seem to get indexed.
What would be a better option to ensure that Google has indexed the content (remote isn't any better)? Ideas I have tried / come across would be to load a remote file in for example PHP, something like:
echo file_get_contents('');
This is obviously blocking but possibly not a deal-breaker.
Given the above requirements, would there be any other solution?
This is a common problem and I've created a JS plugin that you can use to solve this.
Make sure to use the: __init() function instead of standard DOM ready functions and you know for sure that Google is able to index.

What benefits are there to storing Javascript in external files vs in the <head>?

I have an Ajax-enabled CRUD application. If I display a record from my database it shows that record's values for each column, including its primary key.
For the Ajax actions tied to buttons on the page I am able to set up their calls by printing the ID directly into their onclick functions when rendering the HTML server-side. For example, to save changes to the record I may have a button as follows, with '123' being the primary key of the record.
<button type="button" onclick="saveRecord('123')">Save</button>
Sometimes I have pages with Javascript generating HTML and Javascript. In some of these cases the primary key is not naturally available at that place in the code. In these cases I took a shortcut and generate buttons like so, taking the primary key from a place it happens to be displayed on screen for visual consumption:
<td>Primary Key: </td>
<td><span id="PRIM_KEY">123</span></td>
<button type="button" onclick="saveRecord(jQuery('#PRIM_KEY').text())">DoSomething</button>
This definitely works, but it seems wrong to drive database queries based on the value of text whose purpose was user consumption rather than method consumption. I could solve this by adding a series of additional parameters to various methods to usher the primary key along until it is eventually needed, but that also seems clunky.
The most natural way for me to solve this problem would be to simply situate all the Javascript which currently lives in external files, in the <head> of the page. In that way I could generate custom Javascript methods without having to pass around as many parameters.
Other than readability, I'm struggling to see what benefit there is to storing Javascript externally. It seems like it makes the already weak marriage between HTML/DOM and Javascript all the more distant.
I've seen some people suggest that I leave the Javascript external, but do set various "custom" variables on the page itself, for example, in PHP:
<script type="text/javascript">
var primaryKey = <?php print $primaryKey; ?>;
<script type="text/javascript" src="my-external-js-file-depending-on-primaryKey-being-set.js"></script>
How is this any better than just putting all the Javascript on the page in the first place? There HTML and Javascript are still strongly dependent on each other.
one point: an external file can be cached by the browser, a js-block in the head is loaded every time the file loads.
Performance (due to browser caching)
Separation of concerns - HTML/CSS/JavaScript should be separate. It makes working with them easier. You know exactly where to locate certain areas, plus other developers can work on the likes of HTML, CSS and JavaScript independently.
Reuse - you can include a source file in multiple locations/projects without duplicating code.
You can YUICompress your javascript (at build/integration time) if it's in separate files. I smash all my Javascript together (lots of separate little jQuery plugins etc) at build time so that there's just one file to fetch/cache.
It depends on how much Javascript are you dynamically generating on the server-side versus how much of it is static. If all of it is dynamically generated, then it doesn't matter where you put them as every request will pull a new file without any caching. Putting it in the head has the advantage of one lesser HTTP request which is hardly any benefit unless you're primary concern is performance and bandwidth is a non-issue.
But if most of the Javascript is static, keeping it in separate files at development time keeps things organized.
Dynamically generated Javascript can be served as separate files instead of being part of the page itself. It will add an extra HTTP call.
<script src="myServerSideScript.php" type="text/javascript"></script>

Is it right to write multiple and separate <script > on a page?

While writing JavaScript code, I Separate each code block with <script> tags
<script type="text/javascript">
//---- code block 1---------
<script type="text/javascript">
----code block 2-----
<script type="text/javascript">
// code block3
I want to know that is it good practice to write separate <script type="text/javascript"></script> on the same page
We have to write all JavaScript code under one <script>
What are the technical differences in each way?
Well, you may want to ask yourself why your code organization scheme leads to that setup, and whether it causes maintenance or understandability problems, but I don't think it's strictly "bad". Now if your <script> tags are actually fetching separate files from the server, then it's a good idea to cut back on them.
The browser parses and interprets script tags in such a way that other work stops, so blocks of Javascript up at the top of your page can slow things down if they do a lot of work. That's true whether you've got a big block of code or several smaller blocks, however.
An advantage of moving to separate script files is that you can re-use code on multiple pages. When you do that, it may be easier at build time to compress your scripts with YUICompressor or some other similar tool.
The best reason to do this is if each script represents a discrete chunk of functionality which may not be used on (and therefore not vended to) every page. In that case, it becomes a smart strategy.
Having multiple <script> tags makes no real difference in performance but is less readable.
There is one edge case where multiple script blocks can make a difference (and I just learned about it). If one line of code references a value before it has been declared, this will work if the code belongs to the same script block, but not if they are separate. But this doesn't change the answer everybody gave you: it probably won't matter in everyday coding.
You don't have to, but its obviously cleaner that way, unless you want to clearly seperate the blocks of code.
Put all your javascript coding in separate and then call the file name. Because it is good thing. Coding execution is step by step, so it will take time if js present in between the coding.
Not nice, but not a problem.
Hunter is right, it makes absolutely no difference as far as performance is concerned.
When your javascript however becomes more complex, you may want to start building your own API of sorts and splitting out all of those tags into separate files. Then when you're deploying your app, find some sort of packaging solution that will combine all of those files to a single one, compress it using YUI compressor or Google Closure and have one single tag that references this file of all your code.
While it is a 'slight' disadvantage to force a separate http request for this file, if it's packaged properly, the file size will be smaller than the uncompressed code you've included in that file.
It is also normal to have script tags further down in your page that provide extra functionality (ie look at google analytics)
Whenever you are violating the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself), you need to ask why. If you don't have a good reason, then you probably shouldn't be doing it that way.

Where to put JavaScript configuration functions?

What is the general developer opinion on including javascript code on the file instead of including it on the script tag.
So we all agree that jquery needs to be included with a script file, like below:
<script src=""
My question is, in order to get functions on a page that is not on all pages of a site. Do we include the functions like below in the same page or in a global include file like above called mysite.js.
alert("Thanks for visiting!");
ok. So the question is: if the code above is going to be called in every class="clickme" on a specific pages, and you have the ability to call it either from an include separate file called mysite.js or in the content of the page. Which way will you go?
Arguments are:
If you include it on the page you will only call it from those specific pages that the js functionality is needed.
Or you include it as a file, which the browser cached, but then jquery will have to spend x ms to know that that function is not trigger on a page without "clickme" class in it.
Ok. One point that I want to make sure people address is what is the effect of having the document.ready function called things that does not exist in the page, will that trigger any type of delay on the browser? Is that a significant impact?
First of all - $("#clickme") will find the id="clickme" not class="clickme". You'd want $(".clickme") if you were looking for classes.
I (try to) never put any actual JavaScript code inside my XHTML documents, unless I'm working on testing something on a page quickly. I always link to an external JS file to load the functionality I want. Browsers without JS (like web crawlers) will not load these files, and it makes your code look much cleaner to the "view source".
If I need a bit of functionality only on one page - it sometimes gets its own include file. It all depends on how much functionality / slow selectors it uses. Just because you put your JS in an external JS file doesn't mean you need to include it on every page.
The main reason I use this practice - if I need to change some JavaScript code, it will all be in the same place, and change site wide.
As far as the question about performance goes- Some selectors take a lot of time, but most of them (especially those that deal with ID) are very quick. Searching for a selector that doesn't exist is a waste of time, but when you put that up against the wasted time of a second script HTTP request (which blocks the DOM from being ready btw), searching for an empty selector will generally win as being the lesser of the two evils. jQuery 1.3 Performace Notes and SlickSpeed will hopefully help you decide on how many MS you really are losing to searching for a class.
I tend to use an external file so if a change is needed it is done in one place for all pages, rather than x changes on x pages.
Also if you leave the project and someone else has to take over, it can be a massive pain to dig around the project trying to find some inline js.
My personal preference is
completely global functions, plugins and utilities - in a separate JavaScript file and referenced in each page (much like the jQuery file)
specific page functionality - in a separate JavaScript file and only referenced in the page it is needed for
Remember that you can also minify and gzip the files too.
I'm a firm believer of Unobtrusive JavaScript and therefore try to avoid having any JavaScript code in with the markup, even if the JavaScript is in it's own script block.
I agreed to never have code in your HTML page. In I programmatically have added a check for each page to see if it has a same name javascript file.
Eg. MyPage.aspx will look for a MyPage.aspx.js
For my MVC master page I have this code to add a javascript link:
// Add Each page's javascript file
if (Page.ViewContext.View is WebFormView)
WebFormView view = Page.ViewContext.View as WebFormView;
string shortUrl = view.ViewPath + ".js";
if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(shortUrl)))
_clientScriptIncludes["PageJavascript"] = Page.ResolveUrl(shortUrl);
This works well because:
It is automagically included in my files
The .js file lives alongside the page itself
Sorry if this doesn't apply to your language/coding style.

