How multiple scripts run without webworkers? - javascript

I am learning web-workers and found that we can run multiple scripts now on web pages. This is quite interesting but one thing again came in to my mind was If we can't run multiple scripts before html web-workers, How did I run several slideshows on a single html page without using above technology.
I may not properly understand this concept. Can anyone explain how I ran several slideshows which was designed from only JavaScript without web-workers?

Slideshows will typically use a setTimeout() to show the next slide. You can simply have multiple slideshows each using their own setTimeout().
The first slideshow shows it's initial image, then sets a setTimeout() for a particular time in the future when it wants to switch to the next slide. The second slideshow then shows it's initial image and set a setTimeout() for a particular time in the future when it wants to switch to the next slide.
Then, both slideshow are done executing for now until one of their setTimeout() fires. They never technically "execute at the same time". Only one ever actually has code running at a time. Using short enough timer intervals, it may appear they are both operating at the same time, but technically they aren't.
Javascript without WebWorkers is single threaded. There is only ever one thread of execution running at a time. Timers are often used to simulate multiple things happening at the same time (such as multiple javascript-based animations running at the same time). But, that is only a simulation (sometimes a very effective one).
Slideshows may also use CSS3 animations or transitions to show slide transitions from one slide to the next which are controlled by the browser and don't use javascript to execute the animations (they use native code which may or may not be multi-threaded or may even use the GPU - that's browser implementation dependent).
You may find this answer and the references it contains helpful in understanding the javascript event model and single threading: How does JavaScript handle AJAX responses in the background?.


How does JQuery do animations?

JQuery is written in Javascript. As someone who knows a little of each, I have to wonder how they wrote some of it. How do you animate HTML elements in pure Javascript? Is it just repeatedly updating the CSS property that is to be animated, using standard DOM manipulation, with callbacks to make it asynchronous? Or is it something more sophisticated?
jQuery animations are just updating CSS properties on a recurring timer (which makes it asynchronous).
They also implement a tweening algorithm which keeps track of whether the animation is ahead of schedule or behind schedule and they adjust the step size in the animation at each step to catch up or slow down as needed. This allows the animation to finish in the time specified regardless of how fast the host computer is. The downside is that slow or busy computers will show more choppy animations.
They also support easing functions which control the time/shape of the acceleration of the animation. Linear means a constant speed. Swing is a more typical, start slow, accelerate to max speed in the middle and then end slowly.
Because animations are asynchronous, jQuery also implements an animation queue so that you can specify multiple animations that you want to see execute one after the other. The 2nd animation starts when the first animation finishes and so on. jQuery also offers a completion function so if you want some of your own code to run when an animation is complete, you can specify a callback function that will get called when the animation completes. This allows you to carry out some operation when the animation is complete such as start the animation of some other object, hide an object, etc...
FYI, the jQuery javascript source code is fully available if you want more details. The core of the work is in a local function called doAnimation(), though much of the work is done in functions called step and update which can be found with the definition of jQuery.fx.prototype.
That's it : a plain old setInterval and some DOM manipulation.
Of course, the code is a bit more complex than that.
Look : , near the end of the file. Search for jQuery.fx.prototype .
When inspecting element during a jQuery animation almost always it changes your CSS code, which is assigned to the element through jQuery that is not really assigned from HTML you write. Get a FireBug if you don't have it for firefox and inspect what's going on while the animations execute.
Without having read the code myself, from what I understand it is indeed using standard Javascript methods and properties to update the DOM elements and CSS styles at regular intervals ("ticks"), which it accomplishes using standard setInterval() and setTimeout() methods.

How does jQuery have asynchronous functions?

I'm surprised I can't find a clear answer to this. So, in jQuery, you can do this:
Which, will start a fadeOut animation, but before it finishes executing in the 1 second duration, the elements are removed from the DOM. But how is this possible? I keep reading the JavaScript is single threaded (see also: Is JavaScript guaranteed to be single-threaded?). I know I can do either:
$(someElements).fadeOut(1000).promise().done(function() {
or even better:
$(someElements).fadeOut(1000, function() {
What I don't understand is how JavaScript runs in a "single thread" but I'm able to use these jQuery functions that execute asynchronously and visibly see the DOM change in different places at the same time. How does it work? This question is not: "How do I fix this".
jQuery animations (and pretty much all javascript-based animations) use timers to run their animations. The call to .fadeOut() just STARTS the animation and it doesn't complete until some time later when a series of timer operations are done.
This is all still single-threaded. .fadeOut() does the first step of the animation, it sets a timer for the next step and then the rest of your javascript (including the .remove()) runs until completion. When that javascript thread finishes and the time elapses for the timer, the timer fires and the next step of the animation happens. Finally when all steps of the animation have completed, jQuery calls the completion function for the animation. That is a callback that allows you to do something when the animation is done.
That is how you fix this issue:
$(someElements).fadeOut(1000, function() {
You use the animation completion function and only remove the item when the animation is done.
There is a setInterval handler in jQuery that performs transformations on all registered animation properties. If you're coming from as3, think of it as an EnterFrame handler, or like a Draw method in OpenGL
You ca use delay() to wait for a certain time or use a callback for the animation, changing the fadeOut with animate.
jQuery uses setTimeout to animate and queues.
In much the same way that operating systems 20 years ago did multi-tasking. There were no threads, there were just a list of things that needed attention and a controller that would give attention to things based on the list.
A single thread just iterates through the list over and over services all the things that need servicing. The only difference here is that some things have a wait period associated. They are in the list, but are flagged to service only after a certain period. It's a very basic scheduler implementation essentially. The kernel on a computer does the same thing. Your CPU can only execute a few programs concurrently, and even then, only somewhat. The operating system kernel has to decide who gets attention on a millisecond by millisecond basis (see jiffies). Javascript's "kernel" or runtime does the same thing, but essentially like it's running on a CPU with only one core.
This doesn't talk about things like interrupt queues and such which a CPU can cope with, and I'm not sure Javascript has any analogue, but at a simple level, I think it's a fair representation.
Single Threading has nothing to do with Asynchronous programming.
If you have only one thread on which you can execute instructions, it won't /always/ be executing. During those empty spots, that's opportunity for more work. Asynchronous programming just breaks up the work into re-entry capable blocks and the thread jumps around to where it's needed. (Conceptual explanation)
In this case, your question might more appropriately be: Why isn't this a blocking call? In which case the answer is pretty clear that it's to separate the UI animations from data calls. The whole JS environment shouldn't block for 1 second while taking small slices to animate an element which it could be retrieving or transforming data, queuing up animation for other elements, etc.

jQuery sliding content with css

ive seen the plugins etc to create a carousel of images etc, but what i want to achieve is having a content slider.
The content would be approx 500x400px, i was hoping to just give the content a div with unique id, and have it show for, say 6 seconds but if your mouse enters then for animation to hold.
I was thinkin along the lines of using:
Im on my mobile so its not the best example of code. Id be using set Interval for timeouts, however, do you think i should opt for a plugin? I already use many on my site, so would prefer just this page to use some simple jQuery.
This can be done in jQuery without too much work. You already know about setInterval() and the jQuery animation functions. All you'll need to do is implement mouseenter() and mouseleave() to properly pause and continue the animations. Perhaps a setInterval() every time mouseleave() and a clearInterval() every time mouseenter().
I agree with marcosfromero that plug-ins are great so you don't have to develop the whole thing again, but you stated that you have a lot of plug-ins already, so it could be better to write it yourself so that you gain more experience and have more control over it. I would say the choice to go with a plug-in depends on whether you find one that fits your needs and the size of it (even with minify, size does matter and one must consider blocking while JS files load).
If a plugin works for you, I don't see the point in developing the whole thing again.
Recall that most plugins offer a minified version so size wouldn't be a matter.
You can also use some automatic tool to minify code and join several JavaScript source files to prevent lots of requests.
If you still think the plugin is too big for your needs, consider inspiring yourself with the plugin's source code.

Understanding JavaScript timer thread issues

I'm starting on a javascript MMORPG that will actually work smoothly. Currently, I created a demo to prove that I can move characters around and have them chat with each other, as well as see eachother move around live.
Now Javascript timers are something I have not used extensively, but from what I know, correct me if I'm wrong, is that having multiple setIntervals happening at the same time doesn't really work well b/c it's all on a single thread.
Lets say I wanted to have 10 different people nuking fireballs at a monster by using sprite background positioning with setInterval -- that animation would require 10 setIntervals doing repainting of the DOM for sprite background-position shifts. Wouldn't that be a big buggy?
I was wondering if there was a way around all this, perhaps using Canvas, so that animations can all happen concurrently without creating an event queue and I don't have to worry about timers.
Hope that makes sense, and please let me know if I need to clarify further.
The issue with multiple setIntervals is twofold. The first is as you indicate, since all Javascript on browsers is (currently) single-threaded, one timer's execution may hold up the next timer's execution. (Worker threads are coming, though; Firefox already has them, as does Safari 4 [and maybe others].) The second is that the timer happens at a set interval, but if your handler is still running when that interval expires, the second interval is completely skipped. E.g., the timer can interfere with itself.
That last part needs more explanation: Say you have a setInterval at 10ms (which is the fastest you can reasonably expect any implementation to do it; may are clamped so that they don't go faster than that). If your handler takes 13ms, the interval that should have happened 10ms after it began will be completely skipped.
I usually use setTimeout for this kind of thing. When my handler is triggered, I do my work and then schedule the next event at the end of the handler. Then (within the bounds of what you can be certain of), I know the next event will happen at that interval.
For what you're doing, it seems like a single "pulse" timer would be best, working through whatever it needs to do on the pulse. Whether that pulse timer uses setInterval or setTimeout is a judgment call based on what you're seeing with your actual code.
+1 to T. J. Crowder, the answer was perfect. I strongly recommend learning to use Canvas over DOM nodes for game animation; the latter is slow and buggy, and will hang the browser in any non-trivial situation. OTOH, Canvas is much faster and can be hardware accelerated, and even has a 3D context if you need it.

Calling jQuery effects too fast breaks my plugin

I'm wring a custom jQuery plugin based on the awesome jGrowl plugin. I just need it to do a few more things than it already does.
Basically everything is working as I need it to (only tested in Firefox so far) except that if you call the plugin too many times too fast it stops and breaks everything
Any ideas about what might cause this?
sounds like you need to implement a callback feature and put the additional calls into callbacks to ensure that the plugin processes before other executions occur.
It's rendering and trying to calculate where to place the block but failing because there's an animation already taking place. (often an animation changes the type of display style being used in order to create the effect and this causes oddities with calculations such as these)
You need to queue the effect, but I'm not precisely sure how you would go about it because you're creating new elements, and there's more source code than I am willing to look through at the moment. Let me know if this helps.

