Dynamically change value of input textField - javascript

I have a html block as follows with an input textfield that updates the entire application when it is manually edited.
How can I dynamically target and change this input text field? In the following this would be value="2"
<my-attribute param="Count" min="0" max="100" step="1">
<span id="label">Count</span><span id="input">
<dat-input-number id="input" value="2" step="1" min="0" max="100">
<div id="blocker" on-dblclick="" style="width: 152px; height: 15px;"></div>
<input id="number" type="text" on-keydown="">

document.getElementById('number').value = "yourValueHere";
Oh, and don't forget to close your <input id="number" type="text" on-keydown=""> with an </input>

var theInput = document.getElementById('input');
theInput.value = '5';
Working demo here
Note: This is super trivial and I have no doubt that you could have found enough knowledge through a Google search to attempt this on your own. :)


Sync 2 HTML Inputs Range and Number

Hey I'm want to sync 2 inputs so if someone change the slider then should also change the number input and the other way round I know there are other answered Question but the did not work form me because it is important not to change any class names or ids only the number input sync with the slider but not also the other way round my code is:
<div class="slidecontainer">
<input type="range" min="0.25" max="5" value="1" step="0.25" class="slider" id="playbackSpeed">
<input type="number" value="1" class="number" id="playbackSpeed" placeholder="1,0">
my js is
.addEventListener("input", updateValue);
.addEventListener("input", updateValue);
function updateValue(e) {
var sibling =
e.target.previousElementSibling ||
sibling.value = e.target.value;
You can even shorten the whole thing to:
const inputs=[...document.querySelectorAll("input")];
inputs[1-i].value=inputs[i].value )
<div class="slidecontainer">
<input type="range" min="0.25" max="5" value="1" step="0.25" class="slider" id="playbackSpeed">
<input type="number" value="1" class="number" id="playbackSpeed" placeholder="1,0">
let range=document.querySelector("input[type=range]");
let number=document.querySelector('input[type=number]')
For more goto: https://codepen.io/Gangster_sCode/pen/abNKJMm

Trying to get a sliderbar to alter a textfield value in HTML

I have a sliderbar that takes input from the textfield and resets its position accordingly; however, I cannot figure out how to do the following:
Make it so that the sliderbar repositions itself for any value within the range, not just non-decimal inputs.
Make it so that the textfield value changes accordingly as the sliderbar is toggled.
The code can be found below.
Any help is appreciated, thank you!
<input id="slider" type="range" min="0" max="2" step="0.001"/>
<input id="input" type="text" value="1"/>
var slider = document.getElementById('slider');
I have a sliderbar that takes input from the textfield and resets its
position accordingly;
I don't see how that work with the code given since you're using parseInt and would need parseFloat for that. Anyway, below is what you asked for:
$('#input').change(function() {
$('#slider').on("input change", function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input id="slider" type="range" min="0" max="2" step="0.001" />
<input id="input" type="text" value="1" />
You don't need to use parseInt() since both need to be string.
<input id="slider" type="range" min="0" max="2" step="0.001"/>
<input id="input" type="text" value="1"/>
var slider = document.getElementById('slider');

How to print h1 value back in html with a range?

I have a range in my html.....
Now my problem is that I want to print the value of the range back in my
This is the html for my range
<form oninput="amount.value=rangeInput.value">
<input type="range" id="rangeInput" name="rangeInput" min="0" max="100">
<output name="amount" for="rangeInput">0</output>
And i have a button to confirm the value
<div id="bevestig">
Has anyone an idea how to print the value of the range back in my html after you click on the h1?
You'll need to add some javascript to accomplish this.
document.getElementById("bevestig").addEventListener("click", function () {
var input = document.getElementById('rangeInput');
var output = document.getElementById('results');
output.innerHTML = input.value;
<form onchange="amount.value=rangeInput.value">
<input type="range" id="rangeInput" name="rangeInput" min="0" max="100" value="0" />
<output name="amount" for="rangeInput">0</output>
<div id="bevestig">
<p id="results"></p>

Displaying values from multiple JavaScript slider values

I'm trying to figure out how to get multiple sliders to display their values to the right hand side, based on an example I found: http://webtutsdepot.com/2010/04/24/html-5-slider-input-tutorial/
(I then want to store each slider output as a JavaScript variable to use as an input to several functions, but first thing's first.)
I added an input id and name to each of the sliders (from http://html5tutorial.info/html5-range.php) as well as a form name and id (http://www.javascript-coder.com/javascript-form/getelementbyid-form.phtml) ... but I can't seem to modify the example function ( which uses document.getElementById("range").innerHTML ) to get the value to display for one of the sliders.
Thus, in their present state, all slider values reflect the 1st slider's position as opposed to the other ones. I've tried playing around with for a while, but have not made much progress beyond adding possible identifiers that I can't grab :-p.
Can anyone explain how I can target display slider values by their name or input id instead of input type? Or point me to a resource that could show me how to modify what I have now?
That way I could have each slider display a value for its own position.
I have the sliders in my header. Code is pasted below (I've left it so that the code runs, but each number displays the first slider's position):
<form name = "weight1" id = "weight1" >
<!-- http://webtutsdepot.com/2010/04/24/html-5-slider-input-tutorial/ -->
<text><b> weight1 </b></text> <input id="weight1" input type="range" name="weight1" min="0" max="100" value="0" step="1" onchange="showValue(weight1.value)" />
<span id="range">0</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showValue(newValue)
<form name = "weight2" id = "weight2" >
<text><b> weight2 </b></text> <input id="weight2" input type="range" name="weight2" min="0" max="100" value="0" step="1" onchange="showValue(weight2.value)" />
<span id="range">0</span>
<form name = "weight3" id = "weight3" >
<text><b> weight3 </b></text> <input id="weight3" input type="range" name="weight3" min="0" max="100" value="0" step="1" onchange="showValue(this.value)" />
<span id="range">0</span>
<form name = "weight4" id = "weight4" >
<text><b> weight4 </b></text> <input id="weight4" input type="range" name="weight4" min="0" max="100" value="0" step="1" onchange="showValue(this.value)" />
<span id="range">0</span>
<form name = "weight5" id = "weight5" >
<text><b> weight5 </b></text> <input id="weight5" input type="range" name="weight5" min="0" max="100" value="0" step="1" onchange="showValue(this.value)" />
<span id="range">0</span>
<form name = "weight6" id = "weight6" >
<text><b> weight6 </b></text> <input id="weight6" input type="range" name="weight6" min="0" max="100" value="0" step="1" onchange="showValue(this.value)" />
<span id="range">0</span>
(note: I abandoned renaming the showValue(this.value) when I realized it didn't work as a unique identifier...)
Presumably, once I know how to grab a JavaScript slider value to display, I can use that same sort of technique to assign it to a variable to use it in the body of my HTML document...
Any insight would be much appreciated!
Id's have to be unique in a whole document. In this case range id is used in multiple span element. http://jsbin.com/ISekuSiN/5/

How to update html5 range on change of a text input?

I have a html5 range input and a text box input. When the range changes, the text box will get updated. But what should I do so that when I put a number in the text box, the range input gets updated?
This is my current code:
<input id="slider" type="range" min="0" max="200" />
<input id="box" type="text" value="0"/>
var slider = document.getElementById('slider');
When I edit my text box, my slider (range input) does NOT change. What am I doing wrong? Can it be that I shouldn't be using slider.value to update the slider? If that is the reason, what is the correct way to do that?
Hey Everyone Those who don't know , we don't need any js or jquery for this
<input id="rangeInput" type="range" min="0" max="200" oninput="amount.value=rangeInput.value" />
<input id="amount" type="number" value="100" min="0" max="200" oninput="rangeInput.value=amount.value" />
It's a simple script, just do this:
<label for=range1>Slide, then press "Click to search slider value"</label>
<span>-1000 </span><input type="range" id="slide1" min="-1000" max="1000" value=0 step=0.25 onchange="printValue('slide1', 'rangeValue1')"><span> 1000 </span>
<i><input type=text id="rangeValue1" value=0 width=25% onchange="slideValue('slide1', 'rangeValue1');"><span> is the value of the slider now</span></i><br/><br/>
function printValue(sliderID, spanbox) {
var x = document.getElementById(spanbox);
var y = document.getElementById(sliderID);
x.value = y.value;
function slideValue(sliderID, spanbox){
var x = document.getElementById(spanbox);
var y = document.getElementById(sliderID);
y.value = parseInt(x.value);
window.onload = function() { printValue('slide1', 'rangeValue1'); }
(Of course, this only works when you press enter and submit the value to the "onchange")
in my side I did it in just Javascript and adding a onchange event.
I also added the value=0 to range so that make it start at the beguining.
<input id="slider" type="range" min="0" max="200" value="0"/>
<input id="box" type="text" value="0"/>
var slider = document.getElementById('slider');
var box = document.getElementById("box");
slider.onchange = function(){
box.value = slider.value;
And add this if you want to make it work on both side
box.onkeyup = function(){
slider.value = box.value;
} ​
This fiddle works:
var slider = document.getElementById('slider');
(So that's your current code, actually. Did you import the jQuery library?)
Keep in mind that you've set the slider's range to 200. Try some values between 0 and 200.
It's actually quite easy. It's all written in jQuery Tools API documentation. So I changed my code to this and it worked:
<input id="slider" type="range" min="0" max="200" />
<input id="box" type="text" value="0"/>
var sliderapi = $("#slider").data("rangeinput");
Might work.

