javascript/jquery get the ID of a div - javascript

I have two divs like so:
First Div
<div class="carousel">
<div class="item active" id="ZS125-48A">...</div>
<div class="item" id="FFKG-34">...</div>
<div class="item" id="DSSS-56">...</div>
<div class="item" id="ZSFD-48A">...</div>
Second Div
<section class="contentBikeTabbedMenus">
<div id="ZS125-48ATab" class="active" "="">...</div>
<div id="FFKG-34Tab" class="" "="">...</div>
<div id="DSSS-56Tab" class="" "="">...</div>
<div id="ZSFD-48ATab" class="a" "="">...</div>
The first div is a simpled down version of a carousel i have on the page with items like so. I am able to get the id of the active item and store this ready for use.
For the second div i am trying to get the id of the same div with the same id appended with the word 'Tab'.
Heres my code:
// get the carousel
var $carousel = $(".carousel");
var $active = $carousel.find("").attr('id');
var $bikeId = $active;
var $bikeIdTab = $bikeId + "Tab";
//This prints out the correct id of the item with the class active.
var $tab = $(".contentBikeTabbedMenus");
var $tabId = $tab.find($bikeIdTab);
//i am trying to do the same here but i am having no success.
Logically i thought that i have the correct id of the div i want to find, but it is not returning this.
How can i get the id of the second div that is the same as the first div. so if the first id is ZS125-48A i can find the div with the id ZS125-48ATab.

Simply replace
var $tabId = $tab.find($bikeIdTab);
var $tabId = $('#'+$bikeIdTab);
Note: I would prefer to avoid the $ as first char of variable name if these are not jQuery Object: it could confuse us.

You need to prepend the ID pre-selector (#). For example:
var $tabId = $tab.find('#'+$bikeIdTab);
Also, since IDs should be unique, there's no need to use find(). Specifying the selector on its own should be sufficient:
var $tabId = $('#'+$bikeIdTab);

You just missed the # to find the ID in line 8:
// get the carousel
var $carousel = $(".carousel");
var $active = $carousel.find("").attr('id');
var $bikeId = $active;
var $bikeIdTab = $bikeId + "Tab";
//This prints out the correct id of the item with the class active.
var $tab = $(".contentBikeTabbedMenus");
var $tabId = $tab.find('#' + $bikeIdTab);
//i am trying to do the same here but i am having no success.


Exclude multiple elements from a DOM query using a variable

I have this HTML:
<div class="elem">
<div class="elem-1">
<div class="elem-2">
<!--Select the ones below-->
<p class="other-class">
I have this code:
var elems = document.querySelectorAll(".elem, .elem-1, .elem-2[,...]");
var otherElems = document.querySelectorAll(":not..."); //can I reuse elems here?
Can I use the elems variable to select all elements except for the ones in elems?
EDIT: This seems like code duplication:
var foos1 = document.querySelectorAll(".bars1, .bars2, .bars3, #bar1, #bar2[,...]");
var foos2 = document.querySelectorAll(".bars-1, .bars-2, .bars-3, #bar-1[,...]");
var foos3 = ...
var foosN
//list all former elements again
var noFoos = document.querySelectorAll(":not(.bars1, ..., .bars-3, #bar-1......)");
Instead I would like to reuse the variables I stored these elements in already.
Something like:
var noFoos = document.querySelectorAllBut(foos1, foos2, foos3,...);
You could put the first selector inside the not:
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(".elems, .elems-more, .elems-more-more[,...]");
var otherElements = querySelectorAll("div:not(.elems, .elems-more, .elems-more-more[,...])");
Also, you could put the selector in a variable to avoid duplication. This might not be the most efficient solution, though.

Counting variable name, which will get appended

I have some trouble with my web project.
I'm looking for a solution how I can count my variable upwards in a loop.
So that the name of the variable will go like this: panel1, panel2, panel3...
Thats my code
var panel = []
for(i=1; i<3; i++){
var $div = $('<div class="panel3" id="panel3">Box2 - 20</div>');
so the "panel[i]" at the bottom should get a higher number for every loop.
I was looking a long time for a solution, but nothing worked.
The idea behind my code is to fill all those empty boxes with a div.
<div class="panel-body">
<!-- Reihe 1 -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="panel1">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="panel2">
And so on...
Thanks for the help
If your panel name will be panel1, panel2, panel3, so on then you cannot do with this $('.panel[i]'). Instead of that do something like,
for(i=1; i<3; i++){
var div = $('<div class="panel3">Box2 - 20</div>');
var panelClass = '.panel'+i;
Hope it helps.
All you need to do is String concatenation with the value of i
var $div = $('<div class="panel3" id="panel'+i+'">Box2 - 20</div>');
And also in the below you doesn't need an array. Just use the parent container identity
In case if you need all the html in an array
panel[i] = $div;

How to handle spaces in div id in jquery

I am getting id of div from external source and in that spaces also coming in id , how to get the value of id. Here is my div example:
<div id="123456ABC" class="classname" onclick="javascript:AddValue(aa.value,'33',bb.value,'1000')"></div>
<div id="78904 bbc" class="classname1" onclick="javascript:AddValue(aa.value,'55',bb.value,'2000')"></div>
I need to get the class name from the id. Here is what I am doing:
function AddValue(aa, bb) {
var classOfDiv = $('#123456ABC').attr('class');
var classOfDivs = $('#8904 bbc').attr('class');
The first alert is working fine but second is not fetching a value. How can I handle this? All the values are dynamic.
Use $("div[id='78904 bbc']") to access element which has spaces in id, Try:
var classOfDiv = $("div[id='123456ABC']").attr('class');
var classOfDivs = $("div[id='78904 bbc']").attr('class');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="123456ABC" class="classname" onclick="javascript:AddValue(aa.value,'33',bb.value,'1000')"></div>
<div id="78904 bbc" class="classname1" onclick="javascript:AddValue(aa.value,'55',bb.value,'2000')"></div>

Find an element that contains id of selector + text

I'm confused as to how I should go about doing this.
My page is using PHP to take product codes off a database and using them to generate ids for elements. For example: $("#touch-'.$productcode.'") and $("#popup-'.$productcode.'")
I need to make it so when an element is clicked on, jQuery will find an element in the document which contains the last 11 characters of the selector's id plus additional text.
e.g. the selector $(this) (which has a generated id of #touch-123-456-789) would get its own id, remove everything but the last 11 characters (the product code), append popup- to the beginning, and then find the element $("#popup-123-456-789") and perform an action.
How about some thing like this..
<div class='touch' id='touch-123-456-789'> bla bla </div>
on your jquery
var id = $(this).attr('id');
id = id.substring(5);
$('#popup' + id).doSomething();
This is your Html
<div class="pop-up" value= "123-456-789">one</div>
<div class="pop-up" value="123-123-123">two</div>
This is your jQuery
var value = $(this).attr("value");
var yourElement = "popup-"+value;
$("#"+yourElement).doSomething(function () {
Try to break your id like:
$('.touch').click(function () {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
id = id.split(/-(.+)?/)[1];
$('#popup-' + id).html("Hello changed");
The .split() here will split the on the first occurrence of "-". So you can do anything with this.
Lets suppose you have two elements in your html code:
<div class='touch' id='touch-123-456-789'> Touch me </div>
<div class="popup" id="popup-123-456-789"></div>
This might help.
<div class="element" id="#touch-123-456-790">Sample element1</div>
<div class="element" id="#touch-123-456-791">Sample element2</div>
<div class="element" id="#touch-123-456-792">Sample element3</div>
<div class="element" id="#touch-123-456-793">Sample element4</div>
<div class="element" id="#touch-123-456-794">Sample element5</div>
for (i = 0; i <= $(".element").length; i++) {
if (i < $(".element").length) {
var id = $(".element").eq(i).attr("id");
id = "popup-" + id.substring(7);
$(".element").eq(i).attr("id", id);
} else {

how to remove the lastchild element of dynamically generated DIV and return the html as string

How to remove the lastchild of the dynamically generated div and regenerate the html as string.
strHtmlString = "<div contenteditable='true' id='undefined'>Test1</div>
<div contenteditable='true' id='sentenceFreeTextField67' type='sentenceFreeTextField'>One</div>
<div id='multiselectAnchors' type='multi'>
<div id='options32' >Two</div>
<div contenteditable='true' id='sentenceFreeTextField68' type='sentenceFreeTextField'>One</div>
<div id='blank4' contenteditable='true' type='blankField'> </div>
<div id='Div1' type='multi'>
<div id='options33' >Three</div>
<div contenteditable='true' id='sentenceFreeTextField69' type='sentenceFreeTextField'>One</div>
here is the code sample
if (($('<DIV/>').html(strSentence)[0].lastChild.lastChild.type === 'sentenceFreeTextField') && (!$.trim($('<DIV/>').html(strSentence)[0].lastChild.lastChild.innerText))) {
strHtmlString = $('<DIV/>').html(strSentence)[0].lastChild.lastChild.remove().html; (this remove().html doesn't work)
the need is to delete the lastchild of the div at runtime and convert back to string as it was earlier. I can do string manipulation however, might not the be the right way, please suggest
var el = $(strHtmlString);
// dont know what you meant by last child, so taking the id
var str = el.wrap("<div/>").parent().html()
Generate a DIV dynamically:
Access the DIV immediately after generation:
var $divElement = $('body').append('<div>').find('div');
Get the last child:
var $lastChildElement = $divElement.last();
Get the HTML of the last child (more specifically, the innerHTML):
var $lastChildHTML = $lastChildElement.html();
Do it all together then you turn around:
var $lastChildHTML = $('body').append('<div>').find('div').last().html();
That's what it's all about.
var last = $(element).children(':last-child');
var html = $(last).html();
var newHtml = $(element).html();
//incase you want the html with it's parent as well do this
var newHtml = $(element).parent().html();

