What's wrong with this code to move css elements with javascript? - javascript

I am trying to move an element with javascript. I searched for a while and I think that this code should do the trick... but it does not, and I get no errors in the Console... anybody can help?
function move1(){
var cusid_ele = document.getElementsByClassName('zzz');
for (var i = 0; i < cusid_ele.length; ++i) {
var item = cusid_ele[i];
var x=item.style.top;
function move2(){
var cusid_ele = document.getElementsByClassName('zzz');
for (var i = 0; i < cusid_ele.length; ++i) {
var item = cusid_ele[i];
var x=item.style["top"];
function move3(){
var cusid_ele = document.getElementsByClassName('zzz');
for (var i = 0; i < cusid_ele.length; ++i) {
var item = cusid_ele[i];
var x=item.style["top"];
<input type=button onclick="move1();" value="Move (1st way, with .top=x)!">
<input type=button onclick="move2();" value="Move (2nd way, with [top]=x)!">
<input type=button onclick="move3();" value="Move (3rd way, with [top]=xpx)!">
<h3 class=zzz >Move me! (no inline style)</h3>
<h3 class=zzz style="top: 50px;">Move me! (with inline style)</h3>
By the way, I tried both FF and Chrome...
-- Accepted solution, I write it here so one can have a working example (thank you Adeneo!):
function move1(){
var cusid_ele = document.getElementsByClassName('zzz');
for (var i = 0; i < cusid_ele.length; ++i) {
var item = cusid_ele[i];
var x = parseInt( item.style.top, 10 );
<input type=button onclick="move1();" value="Move!">
<h3 class=zzz >I cant move! (no css positioning)</h3>
<h3 class=zzz style="position: relative; top: 50px;">I can move! (with css positioning)</h3>

var x=item.style["top"];
returns the string 300px etc, so
x += 10;
ends up being
so replace
var x=item.style.top;
var x = parseInt( item.style.top, 10 );
the same goes for setting styles
element.style.top = x + 'px';
You'll have to use a string with units, and to make the CSS actually do something, the elements must be positioned


How to show nearest div id for a given input number?

Let's say I have the following input field:
<input id="inputField" type="number" value="">
and some divs such as:
<div id="1000"></div>
<div id="1200"></div>
<div id="1500"></div>
<div id="1900"></div>
When the user enters a number in the input field, I want my code to go to the nearest div id to that number.
e.g: If user enters 1300 then show div with id = "1200".
What's the most efficient way to implement that in javascript considering there will be a large number of divs?
Right now I'm doing:
function myFunction()
var x = document.getElementById("inputField").value;
if(x >= 1750 && x <= 1900)
window.location.hash = '#1800';
One way is to wrap all your divs with number ids in another div if you can (and give it some id, say 'numbers'); this allows you to find all the divs in your javascript file.
// Get all the divs with numbers, if they are children of div, id="numbers"
let children = document.getElementById('numbers').children;
let array = [];
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Append the integer of the id of every child to an array
// However you are getting your input number goes here
let number = 1300 // Replace
currentNumber = array[0]
for (const value of array){
if (Math.abs(number - value) < Math.abs(number - currentNumber)){
currentNumber = value;
// You say you want your code to go to the nearest div,
// I don't know what you mean by go to, but here is the div of the closest number
let target = document.getElementById(currentNumber.toString());
Let me know if there's more I can add to help.
function closestNum() {
let children = document.getElementById('numbers').children;
let array = [];
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let number = document.getElementById('inputnum').value;
currentNumber = array[0]
for (const value of array) {
if (Math.abs(number - value) < Math.abs(number - currentNumber)) {
currentNumber = value;
let target = document.getElementById(currentNumber.toString());
document.getElementById('target').innerHTML = target.innerHTML;
<div id="numbers">
<div id="1000">1000</div>
<div id="2000">2000</div>
<div id="3000">3000</div>
<div id="4000">4000</div>
<div id="5000">5000</div>
<br />
<input type="text" id="inputnum" placeholder="Input Number" onchange="closestNum()" />
<br />
<br /> Target:
<div id="target"></div>
With some optimization this shall be ok-
var element;
if(element && element.classList){
element.classList.remove("selected", false);
element.classList.add("unselected", true);
var listOfDivs =
var val = evt.target.value;
var leastAbs=listOfDivs[0].id;
for(let anIndex=0, len=listOfDivs.length;anIndex<len;anIndex++){
leastAbs = Math.abs(listOfDivs[anIndex].id-val);
element = listOfDivs[anIndex];
.unselected, .selected{
<input id="inputField" type="number" value="">
<div id="1000" class='unselected'>1</div>
<div id="1200" class='unselected'>2</div>
<div id="1500" class='unselected'>3</div>
<div id="1900" class='unselected'>4</div>
This may work for you. Loops through each div and compared it to your inputted ID. Tracks closest one, hides all divs, then displays the closest.
document.getElementById("inputField").addEventListener("change", function(){
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
var closestDiv = -1;
var inputId = document.getElementById("inputField").value;
for(var i=0; i<divs.length; i++)
if(Math.abs(inputId - closestDiv) > Math.abs(inputId - divs[i].id) || closestDiv == -1)
closestDiv = divs[i].id;
for (var x = 0; x < divs.length; x++) {
divs[x].style.display = 'none';
divs[i].style.display = "block";
See it Live: jsfiddle.net

Display elemens of 2 arrays in <li>

And thanks in advance for looking into this, I am trying to show elements of 2 arrays in html (li) tags. This should be the format echoed out:
array1; array2
The elements that will be pushed into the array are coming from input fields. I have created the following code and I get to see the correct format but when I copy and paste the values above, it loses the format and instead of having two columns, it pastes elements of array2 just below the elements of array1:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>My Web Page</title>
var array_accounts = [];
var array_credits = [];
var x = 0;
var i = 0;
var z = 0;
function spara(){
var accounts_code_str = document.getElementById('accounts').value;
var accounts_code_comma = accounts_code_str.split(' ');
var accounts_code_comma = accounts_code_comma.join(';<br>');
var iz_credits_str = document.getElementById('credits').value;
var iz_credits_comma = iz_credits_str.split(" ");
//var iz_credits_comma = iz_credits_comma.join('<br> ');
for(var z=0; z<iz_credits_comma.length; z++){
if(iz_credits_comma[z] < 0){
iz_credits_comma[z] = 0;
var iz_credits_comma = iz_credits_comma.join('<br> ');
<h1>Accounts and IZ credits</h1>
<div id="form">
<label>Insertar Accounts codes</label>
<input type="text" name="accounts" id="accounts" />
<label>Insertar Iz credits</label>
<input type="text" name="credits" id="credits" />
<input type ="button" onclick="spara()" value="Process data" />
<div id="codes" style="float:left">
function showAccounts(){
for (var x=0;x<array_accounts.length;x++){
document.write('<div style="float:left;">'+array_accounts[x]+';</div>');
<div id="credits" style="float:left">
function showCredits(){
for (var i=0;i<array_credits.length;i++){
document.write('<div style="float:left;">'+array_credits[i]+'<br></div>');
Many thanks in advance for your help!
Hope this helps!
var array_accounts = [];
var array_credits = [];
var x = 0;
var i = 0;
var z = 0;
function spara(){
var accounts_code_str = document.getElementById('accounts').value;
array_accounts = accounts_code_str.split(' ');
var iz_credits_str = document.getElementById('credits').value;
var iz_credits_comma = iz_credits_str.split(" ");
//var iz_credits_comma = iz_credits_comma.join('<br> ');
for(var z=0; z<iz_credits_comma.length; z++){
if(iz_credits_comma[z] < 0){
iz_credits_comma[z] = 0;
function showAccounts(){
var ol = document.createElement("OL");
for (var x=0;x<array_accounts.length;x++){
var li = document.createElement("LI");
var textnode = document.createTextNode(array_accounts[x]+';'+array_credits[x]);
Modify the two javascript functions and that should do the trick! Thanks.

javascript Bubble sort problems (probably very easy)

var tal;
var array = [];
var element=parseIFloat();
function bubbleSort(A){
var swapped,
len = A.length;
if(len === 1) return;
do {
swapped = false;
for(var i=1;i<len;i++) {
if(A[i-1] > A[i]) {
var b = A[i];
A[i] = A[i-1];
A[i-1] = b;
swapped = true;
function insertnumber(){
var element=document.getElementById("element").value;
insert (element,array);
function insert(element, array) {
<input type="button" value="Mata in" onclick="insertnumber()" id="resultat">
tal<input type="number" id="element" autofocus>
This my code but i really dont know how to get it working again, my problem is that i cant get it to read numbers correctly, trying to use "var element=parseIFloat(); " but that doesnt seem to work..
Thanks :)
Sure, var element=parseIFloat();
was meant to be var element=parseFloat();
and put between
var element=document.getElementById("element").value;
insert (element,array);

Using for loop to generate text boxes

I want to be able to enter a number into a text box and then on a button click generate that number of text boxes in another div tag and automatically assign the id
Something like this but not sure how to generate the text boxes and assign automatically assign the id
function textBox(selections) {
for (i=0; i < selections +1; i++) {
document.getElementById('divSelections').innerHTML = ("<form><input type="text" id="1" name=""><br></form>");
Try this one:
function textBox(selections){
selections = selections*1; // Convert to int
if( selections !== selections ) throw 'Invalid argument'; // Check NaN
var container = document.getElementById('divSelections'); //Cache container.
for(var i = 0; i <= selections; i++){
var tb = document.createElement('input');
tb.type = 'text';
tb.id = 'textBox_' + i; // Set id based on "i" value
A simple approach, which allows for a number to be passed or for an input element to be used:
function appendInputs(num){
var target = document.getElementById('divSelections'),
form = document.createElement('form'),
input = document.createElement('input'),
num = typeof num == 'undefined' ? parseInt(document.getElementById('number').value, 10) : num;
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++){
tmp = input.cloneNode();
tmp.id = 'input_' + (i+1);
tmp.name = '';
tmp.type = 'text';
tmp.placeholder = tmp.id;
Called by:
document.getElementById('create').addEventListener('click', function(e){
appendInputs(); // no number passed in
JS Fiddle demo.
Called by:
document.getElementById('create').addEventListener('click', function(e){
JS Fiddle demo.
The above JavaScript is based on the following HTML:
<label>How many inputs to create:
<input id="number" type="number" value="1" min="0" step="1" max="100" />
<button id="create">Create inputs</button>
<div id="divSelections"></div>
See below code sample :
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="textNumber"></asp:TextBox>
<input type="button" value="Generate" onclick="textBox();" />
<div id="divSelections">
<script type="text/javascript">
function textBox() {
var number = parseInt(document.getElementById('<%=textNumber.ClientID%>').value);
for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) {
var existingSelection = document.getElementById('divSelections').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('divSelections').innerHTML = existingSelection + '<input type="text" id="text' + i + '" name=""><br>';
Note: Above code will generate the N number of textboxes based on the number provided in textbox.
It's not recommended to user innerHTML in a loop :
Use instead :
function textBox(selections) {
var html = '';
for (i=0; i < selections +1; i++) {
html += '<form><input type="text" id="'+i+'" name=""><br></form>';
document.getElementById('divSelections').innerHTML = html;
And be carefull with single and double quotes when you use strings
You have to change some code snippets while generating texboxes, Learn use of + concatenate operator, Check code below
function textBox(selections) {
for (var i=1; i <= selections; i++) {
document.getElementById('divSelections').innerHTML += '<input type="text" id="MytxBox' + i + '" name=""><br/>';
textBox(4); //Call function
JS Fiddle
Some points to taken care of:
1) In for loop declare i with var i
2) your selection + 1 isn't good practice at all, you can always deal with <= and < according to loop's staring variable value
3) += is to append your new HTML to existing HTML.
ID should be generate manually.
var inputName = 'divSelections_' + 'text';
for (i=0; i < selections +1; i++) {
document.getElementById('divSelections').innerHTML = ("<input type='text' id= " + (inputName+i) + " name=><br>");
edit : code formated
Instead of using innerHTML, I would suggest you to have the below structure
<input type="text" id="id1" />
<button id="but" onclick="addTextBox(this)">click</button>
<div id="divsection"></div>
function addTextBox(ops) {
var no = document.getElementById('id1').value;
for (var i = 0; i < Number(no); i++) {
var text = document.createElement('input'); //create input tag
text.type = "text"; //mention the type of input
text.id = "input" + i; //add id to that tag
document.getElementById('divsection').appendChild(text); //append it

getElementById not working - not returning anything at all

What the code is supposed to do:
Get user input (amount of car loan)
Have user click on button
Spit out monthly car pmt
Here is the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myObject = {
myFunction: function(){
return document.getElementById("carDebt");
h: function(){
var carLoan=myFunction();
var RATE12 = 0.005;
var TIMERATE = 0.25862780376;
return Math.round((carLoan * RATE12) / TIMERATE);
writeIt: function(){
var g = myObject.h();
var xyz = g;
var abc = 2;
var efg = 3;
var somearray = [xyz,abc,efg];
var z = 0;
for (i=0; i<somearray.length; i++) {
z += somearray[i];
Amt Due on Car Loan: <input type="number" id="carDebt">
<input type="button" onclick="myObject.writeIt()" value="Click here when done" id="button1">
<p id="result">Results Here</p>
I am not getting anything, as in, not even NaN or undefined. I am probably missing something obvious but I have tried a thousand different ways!
This line might be the culprit:
var carLoan=myFunction();
Try referencing the object it's under instead:
var carLoan = myObject.myFunction();
Furthermore, that function is returning the DOM element rather than the value of the DOM element. You'll probably want to edit the function to return the value:
myFunction: function(){
return document.getElementById("carDebt").value;
I also noticed that you have what appears to be too many tags. Do you mean to have two "forms"?
Seems the answers are in already putting together the above, ie fix typo, get value not element, have a "result" element to output to. I also added "this" to the myFunction call.
My version:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myObject =
myFunction: function()
return document.getElementById("carDebt").value;
h: function()
var carLoan = this.myFunction();
var RATE12 = 0.005;
var TIMERATE = 0.25862780376;
return Math.round((carLoan * RATE12) / TIMERATE);
writeIt: function()
var g = myObject.h();
var xyz = g;
var abc = 2;
var efg = 3;
var somearray = [xyz,abc,efg];
var z = 0;
for(i=0; i<somearray.length; i++)
z += somearray[i];
<form> Amt Due on Car Loan: <input type="number" id="carDebt"> </form>
<form> <input type="button" onclick="myObject.writeIt()" value="Click here when done" id="button1"> </form>
<div><p id="result"></p></div>

