DOJO Custom Dialog Box - does not parse template file - javascript

I am new to DOJO. I have a custom widget , which uses a template file for the dialog box contents.
I am extending dijit.Dialog in the script file.
[dijit._WidgetBase, dijit._Templated,dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin,**dijit.Dialog**],
templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("custom", "templates/credentials.html"),
postCreate: function() {
My Template test file looks like this
<div data-dojo-attach-point="mainDIV">
Login Dialog Box template here
For some reason, when I alert on this.mainDIV, I get 'undefined'. It does not read the template file. Also, this.containerNode gives me 'HTMLDIVElement', (parent dijit dialog DIV).
I am not able to figure out after a lot of trial error where exactly the issue is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Calling code
function opnPop(){
var pop= dijit.byId("customPopup");;
<div dojoType="custom.credentials" id="customPopup"/>
Note : *When dijit.Dialog is not extended* it reads the template file without any problem, I.e, I am able to access this.mainDIV.innerHTML , that contains my own inner html contents.
Thank you.

If Dialog has to be sub-classed, then it must be the base class. Here, it seems that it is used as a mixin. Anyways, the problem is with the template that is used.
The template will be parsed and used by the code in Dialog. So, the template mentioned here has nothing but a div element with an attach point. There is no "containerNode" element (ie. attach point) and you are trying to access it in your js code, which will give error.
More important, the "titleBar" & "titleNode" elements are also missing form template, which will give errors while parsing the template. In order to avoid that, the code part that uses these elements need to be removed from js, to avoid error. So the widget creation will be successful. Try with the standard dijit.Dialog's template.
Add the data-dojo-attach-point="mainDIV" to the top level Dialog's div in the template.
In template, more things can be added, which won't cause any issues. But, if removed anything, will cause problem. If we are sub-classing a class/widget, we need to comply to the existing code.


change an angularjs nested template at run time

I have a template which is nested inside another template which I want to load when i click on a button.
So the nested template is loaded dynamically. This is what I have done so far.
This is the main body.html (this loads when a url is provided in the browser e.g. http://url#/newtemplate)
<div ui-view> </div>
Other section of the code has been removed for brevity
This is the new_template.html which I expects it to show when I click a button.
When I put a template name directly like below i.e. when I hard code it
<div ui-view="number1"></div>
It loads the template fully.
This is the dynamic model
<button ng-model="template_name" ng-value="number1">Button1</button>
<div ui-view="{{template_name}}"></div>
The above does not load the template as I expected. but it shows the string number1 when
the button is clicked
What can I do for it to load the template....
This is my controller
url: '/newtemplate',
templateUrl: "parent.tpl",
Strange enough when I used the dot notation it did not work so I have to use the absolute naming method.
I also noticed that when I added the nested views as shown above the time it takes before the template gets loaded take a very long time.
Please I would appreciate any help which can allow me to load a nested view at runtime (possibly very fast)
Expecting more answer
I still hope that the I can make use of ui-view/ui-router because of the ability to make use of controller.
I'm not sure you can use uiView to load html dynamically.
I would try another possible solutions:
Use directives
Using ngInclude
I'll leave you an example with ngInclude:

ng2 PDF viewer not showing all pages

I am trying to show pdf document through ng2-pdfviewer. Following is code for viewing:
<pdf-viewer [page]=""
It is working fine when show-all is set to false. But when I set it to true it skips first two pages and always starts from third page. Any help is appreciated.Thanks
I am suspicious that probably your error subsist in using the Typscript keyword this in a template. You don't need it in the template as it, because Angular will take care of making the binding between the class property (vars in your case) and the template, and 'this' is just not available.
So replace by the following:
<pdf-viewer [page]=""
Please read about 'this'

Angular issue inheriting scripts?

This may seem like an obscure question, but I am having issues with my angular inheriting scripts via an invoke script.
The generalization for this would be as follows:
We have a custom browser that will create a button when a custom "property" is added to an input object on our webpage(where the angular resides). When that property is added (similar to class and ID), it will put a button next to the Input object.
The issue I am having is that it will only work on objects outside of the ng-view.
The code works fine if the input object is located in my main index html file (before ng-view is called).
Is there a way to make it so that the custom scripts can be inherited in, what I believe, is the controllers?
Any tips are greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Here are some code snips that are currently being used to make this functionality possible.
The Browser Side:
string invokeScript = "(function(){function i(n,t){t.parentNode.insertBefore(n,t.nextSibling)}function r(n,t){var o={,scannerType:t},u=document.createElement(\"span\"),f=document.createAttribute(\"class\");f.value=\"input-group-btn\";u.setAttributeNode(f);var r=document.createElement(\"button\"),s=document.createTextNode(\"scan\"),e=document.createAttribute(\"class\");e.value=\"btn btn-primary\";r.appendChild(s);r.setAttributeNode(e);r.addEventListener(\"click\",function(){window.external.notify(JSON.stringify(o))});u.appendChild(r);i(u,n)}var n=document.querySelectorAll(\"[data-barcode-scan]\");for(var t in n)n.hasOwnProperty(t)&&r(n[t],n[t].getAttribute(\"data-barcode-scan\").toLowerCase())})();";
if (Web != null)
await Web.InvokeScriptAsync("eval",
The Website Side:
Item (Demo): <input id="scannedValueDemoTextBox"
style="width: 200px"/>
The "data-barcode-scan="single" is what should trigger the button to appear, which works outside the ng-view/controllers.

AngularJS event which is triggered after all scopes are applied

I have a AngularJS application where I am loading data from a REST service.
Now what sometimes happens is that the brackets {{}} used to access values from scope are rendered and after that replaced by the real values. Now what I d like to do is add a ng-switch to the top DIV of the application and check whether a global var (e.g. pageLoaded (true|false)) is true or false. If its true, I d like to load the normal page, if its false, I d like to print something like "loading...". So my problem is how can I get notified (e.g. through a Angular Event) if all the data is ready, and is added to scope? Because after that I dlike to set pageLoaded to true.
Is there a way to do this in a generic way? I don't like to implement this per page.
Thanks a lot in advance.
You should use ng-cloak for that -
For showing a loading panel, you can do something like:
<div ng-hide="true">Loading...</div>
So when angular finishes loading, ng-hide will occur and hide the loading panel.
Use ng-cloak to get rid of this sort of problems. And make sure you apply the ng-cloak directive to the body of the page so that this doesn't show up till the data is loaded properly. And use the following styling in your CSS file.
[ng\:cloak], [ng-cloak], [data-ng-cloak], [x-ng-cloak], .ng-cloak, .x-ng-cloak {
display: none;
Note: you can even create some other element or div, thats something like a popup or notification bar, which shows "please wait till the data is comnpletely loaded". Set this div to display:none initially and in the Ajax call, change the display property to block/inline as needed and finally make it dispay:none after the success call back.. :)
One of the solutions is you can use ng-bind instead of using {{}} which will show ugly {{}} when the value is not rendered.
<div ng-bind="value">Loading ...</div>
For anyone who is having a problem more to do with the actual question than OP's specific scenario:
I had a fragment that was getting loaded-in after/by the main partial that came in via routing.
I needed to run a function after that subpartial loaded and I didn't want to write a new directive and figured out you could use a cheeky ngIf
Controller of parent partial:
$scope.subIsLoaded = function() { /*do stuff*/; return true; };
HTML of subpartial
<element ng-if="subIsLoaded()"><!-- more html --></element>

Where to put custom JavaScript/Prototype code for an ActiveScaffold form?

I have a Select dropdown on the form of an ActiveScaffold. I am trying to hide some of the fields on the form if a particular value is selected.
A [similar question][1] was posted to the ActiveScaffold Google Group, and the supplied Prototype code looks to do what I need, however I don't know where I need to add this.
I tried taking a copy of -horizontal-subform-header.html.erb from Vendor/plugins/
active_scaffold/frontends/default/views, placing it in views folder of my controller, and then adding my script into it:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { //do it once everything's loaded
//grab all the product-input classes and call 'observe' on them :
$$('.product-input').invoke('observe', 'change', function(e) {
... but that doesn't seem to work properly. It works if I use a URL to go direct to the form (i.e. http://localhost:3000/sales/20/edit?_method=get). But when I test it with the main list view (i.e. http://localhost:3000/sales/) and opening the form via Ajax, then it doesn't work. Looking at the HTML source the just does not appear.
The common place for adding JavaScript is application.js found in public/javascripts. I'm a jQuery guy myself, however I'm sure you can hook up to the onchange event in application.js with prototype. A quick search looks like Event.observe should do the trick.

