Replace specific characters within a string [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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NOTE: This is not a duplicate. I have searched everywhere and have not gotten an answer.
I want to take a certain string ([0;14;32m) and no matter what the numbers are, always replace that string with nothing. I have tried everything and haven't found a solution.

str.replace(/\[\d;\d{2};\d{2}m/, "")


prevent certain element words from being submited in a website [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to know how I can prevent a word from being submitted in my database
lets say I want to prevent the word 'fast car' what type of code would I use to do that. the codes that im currently using are html, javascript, php. for my website.
You can use RegEx.
On client side, refer

passing array as javascript function argument from php [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
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I need to pass an array as a function argument from php to js.I need a way to pass them to the function.Can anyone please help me with this. Thanks a lot..
Convert your PHP array to JS Object (in JSON).
var obj = <?= json_encode($phpArr); ?>;

GigaPixel panorama in HTML 5 [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking to build a gigapixel panorama in HTML 5 and Javascript. Similar to this one -
Any ideas of places to start or any APIs to look at?
Well, firebug is your friend with this. It turns out that the site uses 'panopress' which luckily turns out to be free -
Unluckily, it also turns out to be a Wordpress plugin - you could however have a look at the associated javascript and work it out from there . ..

How to sort a string (in ascending order ) which has numbers seperated with comma in javascript [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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This is my code in my javascript:
var concatId = document.MyForm.concatIdSaved.value;
This is giving me string as 3,2,4,00201,
After 00201 iam getting comma also.
All four values are coming in a single String.
Now i want this string as 00201,2,3,4
Someone please help me on this.
var concatId = document.MyForm.concatIdSaved.value.split(",").sort().join();

Phone number regex in javascript/jquery on (000)000-0000 [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm using jquery.validate.addMethod(), and need a regex for specific phone number format. I somehow knew it before, but since I don't use regex that much, I forgot.
So, this is just a simple question: How do you create a regex for javascript on the following format:
The current phoneUS format which jQuery Validate possess is not applicable to the current problem.
This allows for a space after the closing parenthesis as well.
Something like this:

