I'm building an object that handles a timing method to control refreshing a model with data from the server. It's extremely simple. However, I'm having to redefine the refresh object inside the router where I'm instantiating it with the current model. Which defeats the point of making it a seperate object. My intention is to use it on multiple pages.
I start with the object as such:
App.ModelRefresh = Ember.Object.extend({
init: function(callback) {
this.timer = setInterval(this.refresh.bind(this), App.POLL_INTERVAL);
stop: function(){
refresh: function(){
And then create it within a router to handle reloading. Again like so:
App.PublishablesRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.Publishable.fetch();
setupController: function(controller, model) {
controller.set('model', model);
var modelRefresh = App.ModelRefresh.create('something');
this.set('modelRefresh', modelRefresh );
modelRefresh.refresh = function() {
deactivate: function() {
What I would like to do instead of modifying the modelRefresh, and adding the current model.reload(), is to have the Object get the current model's router when instatiated. I've tried passing it as a callback but it simply doesn't work.
Any ideas would be helpful.
I'd probably build up some sort of scheduler whose purpose was to handle the reloading, scheduling etc.
Then you could subscribe to the reloader and unsubscribe when it's time to stop it. Then you can avoid having a model in multiple places reloading.
Or I'd add the logic to a mixin then add that mixin to your models so you could call, model.startReloading(2000) etc
I'm working on a webapp to teach myself Ember, and I've walked into one large issue:
The page halts while it is attempting to fetch json, and my IndexRoute and IndexController feel very bloated. Additionally, this.store.find('pokemon') uses the RESTAdapater, and can freeze the page from rendering anything (besides the loader) for up to 1.5 seconds.
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
var store = this.store;
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
pokeballs: App.Pokeball.all(),
pokemon: store.find('pokemon'),
status: App.Status.all(),
levels: App.Levels
Updated Question: As it is now, my IndexController is larger than I would like, and is acting as a mediator for the pokeballs and pokemon collections. I am thinking it would be a good idea to split up IndexController so that I have an IndexController, a PokemonListController, and a PokeballListController. The problems I have are:
How should I populate the content of the PokemonListController and PokeballListController if I am on '/', which maps to the IndexRoute?
Is this actually a good idea, am I treating controller's they way they are intended to be treated?
Webapp Demo: http://theirondeveloper.github.io/pokemon-catch-rate
Github: https://github.com/TheIronDeveloper/pokemon-catch-rate
On one hand you are not tied to a single controller in a route, there is generally only a single controller associated with a route, but you can always set more controllers if you need them to, remember they are decorators of your models.
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return store.find('pokemon');
setupController: function(controller, model) {
var pokemonListController = this.controllerFor('pokemons');
var pokeballListController = this.controllerFor('pokeball');
controller.set('model', model); //this would be the index controller
pokemonListController.set('model', model.pokemon);
pokeballListController.set('model', model.pokeballs);
Also you can render your page if you need to, without waiting for the responses, Ember will handle updating your UI once the response is received. if your response is too slow, the user will see the page, and an empty list (in this case, empty list of pokemon), and then once the request is resolved, the list will fill up with it.
To do that, just return an empty array from your model hook, and update it async:
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
var pokemon = [];
var store = this.store;
store.find('pokemon').then(function(allPokemon) {
pokemon = allPokemon; //untested, you may need to push them instead
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
pokeballs: App.Pokeball.all(),
pokemon: pokemon,
status: App.Status.all(),
levels: App.Levels
Not seeing anything "bloated" about your IndexRoute or IndexController. It is true that a lot of Ember apps will have multiple routes and thus multiple controllers, but that happens when it makes sense to switch to other routes. If it doesn't make sense for your application - then what you have is great.
If you have multiple routes (and thus multiple controllers), the approach #Asgaroth suggested will work great for setting multiple controllers. Otherwise, if you only have a single route - there is really no need to have multiple controllers.
The fact that your data gets fetched and that takes some time is normal. Now, ideally this (data fetching) should only happen once and your data would then get cached and as you peruse around your other routes (which you currently do not have) your data would already be available to you without any extra penalty.
If you do need to have multiple controllers and are wondering how to communicate between them, you are probably looking for the needs API outlined here.
I took another look at the model hook and it is weird how 3 out of 4 things in there are not promises at all and don't look like they belong in there.
So, here is how you can clean that up.
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return this.store.find('pokemon');
That's the only thing that belongs in there. The other properties might as well be properties on your controller, as in:
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
levels: function(){
return App.Levels;
pokeballs: function(){
return App.Pokeball.all()
status: function(){
return App.Status.all();
Of course, you would then need to change references to those properties in your template and other code. So, for example, you would change from model.pokeballs to just pokeballs. You would also change from model.pokemon to just model
I submitted a pull request to show you the way I did this - see here
Not a full answer, but to reveal the magic between the route and controller ... here is how the model gets drop'd into the controller instance for you
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return store.fin('pokemon');
setupController: function(controller, model) {
//the model that gets returned from the above method is added to the controller instance for you in this generated method on the route
controller.set('model', model); //also alias'd as content in older versions of ember
I am wondering if there are any pointers on the best way of "fetching" and then binding a collection of data to a view within Backbone.js.
I'm populating my collection with the async fetch operation and on success binding the results to a template to display on the page. As the async fetch operation executes off the main thread, I one loses reference to the backbone view object (SectionsView in this case). As this is the case I cannot reference the $el to append results. I am forced to create another DOM reference on the page to inject results. This works but I'm not happy with the fact that
I've lost reference to my view when async fetch is executed, is there a cleaner way of implementing this ? I feel that I'm missing something...Any pointers would be appreciated.
SectionItem = Backbone.Model.extend({ Title: '' });
SectionList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: SectionItem,
url: 'http://xxx/api/Sections',
parse: function (response) {
_(response).each(function (dataItem) {
var section = new SectionItem();
section.set('Title', dataItem);
}, this);
return this.models;
var SectionsView = Backbone.View.extend(
tagName : 'ul',
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, 'fetchSuccess');
template: _.template($('#sections-template').html()),
render: function () {
var sections = new SectionList();
sections.fetch({ success: function () { this.SectionsView.prototype.fetchSuccess(sections); } }); //<----NOT SURE IF THIS IS THE BEST WAY OF CALLING fetchSuccess?
return this;
fetchSuccess: function (sections) {
console.log('sections ' + JSON.stringify(sections));
var data = this.template({
sections: sections.toJSON()
console.log(this.$el); //<-- this returns undefined ???
$('#section-links').append(data); //<--reference independent DOM div element to append results
darthal, why did you re-implement parse? It seems to do exactly what Backbone does by default (receive an array of models from the AJAX call and create the models + add them to the collection).
Now on to your question... you are supposed to use the reset event of the Collection to do the rendering. You also have an add and remove when single instances are added or deleted, but a fetch will reset the collection (remove all then add all) and will only trigger one event, reset, not many delete/add.
So in your initialize:
this.collection.on("reset", this.fetchSuccess, this);
If you are wondering where the this.collection is coming from, it's a param you need to give to your view when you create it, you can pass either a model or a collection or both and they will automatically be added to the object (the view)'s context. The value of this param should be an instance of SectionList.
You'll also have to update fetchSuccess to rely on this.collection instead of some parameters. Backbone collections provide the .each method if you need to iterate over all the models to do stuff like appending HTML to the DOM.
In most cases you don't need a fetchSuccess, you should just use your render: when the collection is ready (on 'reset'), render the DOM based on the collection.
So to summarize the most general pattern:
The collection should be independent from the view: you give the collection as a param to the view creation, the collection shouldn't be created from a specific view.
You bind the View to the collection's reset event (+add, remove if you need) to run a render()
this.collection.on("reset", this.render, this);
You do a fetch on the collection, anytime (probably when you init your app).
A typical code to start the app would look something like this:
var sections = new SectionList();
var sectionsView = new SectionsView({collection: sections});
Because you bound the reset event in the view's initialize, you don't need to worry about anything, the view's render() will run after the fetch.
In my backbone model, I call save when there is a change event.
myModel = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
self.model.on("change", function() { self.model.save(); });
From the Backbone docs, I understand that Backbone expects to get a json object back from the server.
So I send the model back to the client. And backbone then updates the model, which triggers the change event again, which causes it to resave again.
What is the recommended way to prevent this behaviour?
In general in Backbone when you don't want side effects from your action you just pass a silent: true option. For instance:
self.model.on("change", function() { self.model.save({silent: true}); });
I haven't tested to ensure this solves your case, but I suspect it will.
A cleaner way to write it would be:
//inside you model
initialize: function () {
this.on('change',function(){ this.save(null,{silent: true}); });
As in the docs backbonejs.org/#Model-save.
The 1st arg is the attributes and the 2nd is the options.
I am working on a single-page app using Backbone.js. An issue that has occurred to me is that since one is not reloading the page, that when one creates a instance of a View, then I assume, that the View object will remain in memory for the life of the app. This does not seem very efficient to me, since a particular view may no longer be needed if another route is called. However, a particular View may later need to be 'displayed' if one returns to that original route. So the question is, how to best manage views in Backbone with regards to routes?
In my app, many of the views are responsible for displaying a particular 'page' and as such share the same DOM element. When one of these 'page' views is called, it will replace the content in the DOM element previously put in place by the previous view. Thus the previous view is no longer needed.
Do I need to somehow manually destroy the previous View (or is this somehow handled by the Router object)? Or is it better to leave the views once they have been initialized?
Following sample code shows how views instances are being creating in the Router in the app.
* View - List of contacts
var ListContactsView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#content',
template: _.template($('#list-contacts-tpl').html()),
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.collection = new Contacts();
this.collection.bind('reset', this.render);
render: function() {
this.$el.html(this.template({ contacts: this.collection }));
* View - Display single contact
var DisplayContactView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#content',
events: {
'click #delete-contact-button': 'deleteContact'
template: _.template($('#display-contact-tpl').html()),
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'deleteContact', 'render');
// Create reference to event aggregator object.
if (typeof this.options.id === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('View DisplayContactView initialized without _id parameter.');
this.model = new Contact({ _id: this.options.id });
// Add parse method since parsing is not done by collection in this
// instance, as this model is not called in the scope of collection
// Contacts.
this.model.parse = function(response) {
return response.data;
this.model.bind('change', this.render);
deleteContact: function(id) {
// Trigger deleteContact event.
this.eventAggregator.trigger('deleteContact', id);
render: function() {
this.$el.html(this.template({ contact: this.model.attributes }));
* Page routes
var $content = $('#content');
var ClientSideRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'browse': 'browse',
'browse/view/:id': 'browseViewContact',
'orgs': 'orgs',
'orgs/:orgName': 'orgs',
'orgs/:orgName/:id': 'orgs',
'contact/add': 'addContact',
'contact/view/:id': 'viewContact',
'contact/delete/:id': 'confirmDelete',
'*path': 'defaultPage'
addContact: function() {
// Display contact edit form.
var editContactFormView = new EditContactFormView();
// Display email field in edit form.
browse: function() {
var listContactsView = new ListContactsView();
browseViewContact: function(id) {
var displayContactView = new DisplayContactView({ id: id });
defaultPage: function(path) {
home: function() {
viewContact: function(id) {
url: '/contact/view/' + id,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data) {
var clientSideRouter = new ClientSideRouter();
Routes do not destroy views
Routes provide you convenient manner to interact with url changes. By convenience i mean url semantics and context of current page. For example url #/!/create/ will invoke a method that should display a form to create a model. Context here is the view to create model.
Views should be managed by the developer
there still does not exists a well known manner to manage views in Backbone.js, but i prefer the way of global variables. This would ensure your view instances are available throughout application and all the modules have access to them. For example doing this
window.App.Contacts.ContactView = new App.Contacts.View.ContactView({model:BenContact}); will make view used to display Ben's contact information available to application modules through window object. All you need to do for any views that use same el is to destroy the ContactView and render the new view.
You have methods on view to remove them
Undelegate Events and Remove methods help you remove them. Inside the callback method that handles routes hash change events. For example in the callback method that handles #/!/view/all ( url to view all the contacts list) you might come across situation where both the views now use the same el so you should destroy the ContactView and render ListView so in the callback do this
Since Backbone.js has no built in support for view compositions, there are several patterns that you could follow when it comes to keeping track of child views.
Derick Bailey illustrates extending Backbone.View to allow views to
clean up after themselves -
Another alternative is to add on child views to a property of the
parent view and manually clean them up when the parent view state is
var ParentView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(){
this.childViews = [];
render: function(){
this.childViews.push(new ChildView);
A third alternative is to make the child views subscribe to events
that the parent views trigger, so that they can clean up when the
parent view publishes a "close" event.
Also I noticed from your code that you are actually fetching a model within your child view class. Ideally, I would suggest passing the model as a parameter to the constructor as this decouples the view from the data. It's more MVC-ish
I have a Backbone collection model (with sub-models as elements)
and views to edit it.
I would like it that when the model is initially created, to "turn off"
sync, so the back end is never invoked until the user clicks on a
button, then I would like to "turn on" the sync, and invoke the save
method on the root model, in order to save it to the DB.
Once a model it saved, it should behave like a normal model.
The goal is to avoid saving until the user determines that he is happy with
what he has entered.
Backbone will initially look for a model's local sync function before going to Backbone.sync.
Backbone.js Documentation: The sync function may be overriden globally as Backbone.sync, or at a finer-grained level, by adding a sync function to a Backbone collection or to an individual model.
Therefore you can do this:
var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
// New instances of this model will have a 'dud' sync function
sync: function () { return false; }
var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
events : {
'click #my-button' : 'enableSync',
'click #my-save-button' : 'saveModel'
enableSync: function () {
// If this view's model is still pointing to our fake sync function,
// update it so that it references Backbone.sync going forward.
if (this.model.sync !== Backbone.sync) {
this.model.sync = Backbone.sync;
saveModel: function () {
// This won't actually do anything until we click '#my-button'
var view = new MyView({ model: new MyModel() });