convert phonegap into steroids - javascript

I'm currently looking into the options of cross platform app development, and since we already have a working (but slow) Phonegap app we consider turning it into a steroids app. So I want to know if you can convert it without rewriting all the code. And if the speed of the steroids app will be comparable with Titanium or Xamarin, which is our goal.

I haven't used Titanium or Xamarin, but I have used Steroids.js and have absolutely loved it. From going to a vanilla PhoneGap app with jQuery Mobile to Steroids the change has been very noticeable. The different native UI elements they open up make it feel much less like a web app and more of a true hybrid app.
You wouldn't need to rewrite your code, but if you wanted to take advantage of the different features that make Steroids great then you would need to rewrite some parts. You can use the PhoneGap to Steroids guide to help you create a Steroids project with your existing code.


How to provide JavaScript library for mobile native apps?

I am not a mobile developer, hence please excuse me for incorrect assumptions, if any
I have a library which users want to integrate in their native mobile apps. It is written in JavaScript, but I don't want to rewrite for Android and iOS. Hence what I need is some way that this JavaScript library can be used in native apps. Following two ways look promising:
WebViews: The JS files would reside locally and webview will be used to run them
NativeScript: NativeScript allows you to create native apps from JavaScript. But I didn't find anything which suggests that I can create native library too. Can this be used in any way?
You might be looking for React Native
It is a Javascript framework, and when you write your code, most of the time, you can use the same code for iOS and Android. It is a relatively new framework, but can be very powerful for rapid cross-development, but (obviously) has its trade-offs.

Does Angular.js is must for building mobile app in Phonegap/ApacheCorova and Ionic framework?

I am pretty new by of developing apache cordova/phoneGap domain. After some search i came accross to know that I can use Simple jQuery and javascript while i develop app in Cordova. I don't know Angularjs at all, but by jQuery I can build the app.
Now, I am seeing that Ionic framework is giving a structure of the mobile app by just running some command to the CLI.Tht is pretty good because that UI structure has been build by default.
Now, my Question is that, Does Ionic framework only support Angular js? Or I can use Ionic framework but can be build the app with simple jQuery?
In other words, it is possible to use ionic framework without using Angular js?
Please let me understood...
I am using Ionic to build mobile apps and I don't think that Angular is must. Ionic is not just couple of Angular directives, it has tools built around it too. CSS and Javascript are separated, so in theory, you should be able to use something else in place of Angular and still be able to use Ionic tools. However, AFAIK, most people are using it with Angular,so, if you decide to go this route, you'll be all by your own.
Have a look at following thread, and they should give you fair amount of idea about this:

how do i implement a google doc-like app on mobile?

I'm currently working on a project similar to google docs. Basically, it allows
multiple users to edit word documents concurently in a web browser. I've been
working extensively in pure javascript nodejs and The web based
text editor was written from scratch using HTML5, CSS and Javascript. I handled
Operational Transformation(OT) with shareJS(server & client library that allows
realtime editing).
The challenge I'm having now is with mobile development, where I typically want
to develop for both android and iOS. I've been unsure about the right workflow and
technical decisions to make. Below is what has been going through my mind:
How do I incorporate my javascript application into a native iOS/Android app? Should
I just build an exact clone of what I have on the web from scratch? I mean build a
replica of my web implementation in iOS(Swift)/Android(Java). Of course this would mean
re-writing my text editor and OT scripts from scratch in the native language. Does that
make sense?
I know of NativeScript and phonegap. But then, when it comes to mobile, I prefer leaning
towards the native language. Is there a way to wrap my javascript into Swift/Android in
order to call my javascript functions?
Have been thinkin about this for weeks now, pondering over how to go about this. I think i need suggestions,
thoughts and advice from other frames of reference. Thanks in advance

Do I need to learn Java to create an android app using phoneGap?

I am a web developer (PHP,javascript,html5) never created an android app with Java or any other language. My question is, do I need to learn Java to create apps for android and what should I know to create an awesome android app using phoneGap.
No unless you need at some step to code a native plugin.
But it would be useful for you to understand how phonegap works behind.
No. All you need to know are the basics of the language like including namespaces/imports, setting up some configuration files and some general familiarity with using IDEs.
You also won't need Java unless you are implementing some native functionality that is not provided by the PhoneGap API. For most simple apps a working knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS will suffice.
you most probably won't need much of Java knowledge (if any), since PhoneGap applications are basically websites with (an optional) extra bit of JavaScript controlling the device
the only thing you might need Java for is when you upgrade your Cordova versions and you have some old plugins which need to update due to code deprecation

How to create iPad application that reuses my JS libraries that are build for web application

So I am a web (Rails) developer, and I would like to create an iPad application for my site. The web application heavily relys on javascript libraries that are built specifically to interact with users in a unique manner.
Now I would like to transform that same interaction to my iPad application. I need a way to reuse my js files since re-coding the libraries will take forever. There are three options that I might follow:
1- Using Rhodes: built on ruby and inspired from rails.
2- PhoneGap: which is basically a web browser inside an app, so I presume that including js files would be possible.
3- xCode: which will take lot of time for me to learn and implement.
My questions are:
1- Can I import my js files in the rhodes project?
2- Which is the best to implement this?
3- Is there any other options that I should be looking at?
Any hints and pointers will be greatly appreciated,
Thanks a lot everybody
As i am not aware of the app you are developing & its design, Two approaches i see here as it is Rails,
Mobile Web
The existing web app shall be customized to mobile web (iPad & most
of the tablet in fact).
Create controllers specific to mobile/tablet. this shall connect to views created specific to mobile/tablet.
Detect the device/platform when HTTP request is posted and re-direct to specific views you have created.
Good thing is your JS is always the same(will need minor modifications thou) and dev time reduced significantly without learning new stuffs.
You can pull up all the JS you have written and build some html/css integrate everything and build the project inside a phonegap template for iOS and create a on-device app and distribute. but the JS will undergo some changes here too.
But this will no way be different than mobile web and this comes other overheads like CORS and build/release, updates management & app stores etc.
Native APP
As you said, you got to learn iOS development (objC). you can create RESTful services in your rails end and expose them to the iOS app.
Rhodes i am not very sure, its little tricky and it depends on your existing web app too. try it before deploying.

