Best way to serve static files using versioning with nginx / node - javascript

I actually have:
Nginx running to serve static files (css, js, etc.)
Node with express.js, template engine: ECT (I may change for Swig)
I am currently trying to find the best way to distribute static files with a custom prefix with versioning:
'' in production
'/path/to/static' in devel
So to do that, I only set a variable containing the prefix (which depends on the environment).
Then for each request, I set add the prefix to locals in an express middleware in order to access this variable in any html template:
this.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.locals.staticPrefix = staticPrefix;
But since I also want these static files to be also cached by the client's browser, Nginx serves these files with expire = 30d.
Now to force a client to retrieve a static file (if it has changed for example), I need to provide static urls with a dynamic url parameter.
My first idea would be to set a version variable when I start the nodejs app to append it to the final url:
var staticVersion = new Date().getTime();
So in the html template, the final url for a 'myFile.css' would like this: staticPrefix + 'myFile.css?' + staticVersion
In this case, I only need to restart the nodejs application when one of the static files has been updated. It will make the url to change (according to the new date) and the client to do a new request of the file.
Is there a better way to handle this situation with node?

Best way to handle static assets like css/js files is to minify them in production. Use file name based on file contents. This way every time you change anything in js/css files, the minification code will take care of generating new file if needed. You can hook minification script to run post deployment.
I have written a package smush to help with minification tasks. Head onto its github page for example usage and sample codes.
You could use other tools/package for minification if it suits better to your use case.
Coming back to your question, you can set the root dir for nginx to static dir of your node server(/path/to/node/server/public?). This way nginx will cache and serve your static files. The node server will not be bothered to serve the static assets afterwards.
Let me know if this makes sense or if you need any further clarification.


Using webpack and publicPath for static resources

The following question was rewritten, because I have now a working solution, but no answer to the question above.
The repository that shows different scenarios how to use resources packed with webpack is named example-webpack-dynamic-resources. It contains 3 modules:
inline: a solution, but not useful in my context (many resource files)
file: a solution by using the plugin webpack-require-from
public-path: no solution yet, shows how I would like to use __webpack?public_path__.
I think I have read any resource about webpack and publicPath and __webpack_public_path__, but I don't get it to work. I try to dynamically change the path to static resources, but it fails.
Here is my context:
I build a Javascript library that will be used on web pages (HTML, CSS, Javascript).
It provides a lot (>100) static resources to small image files, combined > 500 KB. Only a fraction of it will be used by the user looking at the web site.
Therefore I would like to pack the CSS into the bundle, but keep the image resources in a directory located on the server somewhere. The default path to it will be /img.
As long as I use the same structure (which means, images only under ROOT/img/**, everything is ok.
But the users of the library should be able to configure the path to the image resources on their will.
You will find all relevant files in my example repository example-webpack-dynamic-resources in the module public-path-resources.
webpack.js: Use file-loader for images, which are referenced in CSS files. CSS will be inlined by style-loader and css-loader.
src/public-path.js: Define the global variable with a default (no environment variable).
src/index.js: require first public-path, then the logic.
examples/exam1-root/index.html: Tries to use the assets in the sub directory lib, sets the value therefore to __webpack_public_path__ = '/lib/. Not working.
examples/exam2-different-dirs/index.html: Moves the library to a different dir (not relevant), but uses the originally defined directory pgnv-assets for the assets. Working.
examples/exam3-non-standard-dirs/index.html: Try to use instead my-assets as directory for the assets. Not working.
How could the __webpack_public_path__ defined at runtime in the index.html file?

Cache control with webpack and node express

My workflow is as follows:
1) I build my front-end usingwebpack with all the cool [chunkhash] to make sure my generated files have different names when there are changes and therefore busting the cache and finish with something like:
2) I then have a node express server to serve the above pages and an API, short version:
var express = require('express');
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../client'))); // Where the wekback files are located after the build
So great, my JS and CSS have unique names for each versions, but the problem is that index.html gets cached and so the browser doesn't notice the new JS/CSS files. I don't think changing the name of index.html and having node filter the requests to redirect to newIndex.html is a great solution.
Question: Anything wrong in my workflow? How do I not cache index.html or let the browser know there is a new version of my files?

How do I make text files accessible to the server on Meteor

I'm surprised I can't google my answer here... it seems no one else is having the issue.
When you run the meteor service the js, html, etc. is packaged in the .meteor/local/build folder, but it appears to exclude stuff that isn't js or html. I have a folder called "magicsets" and one called "magicimgs" and neither are in the /local/build folder. This is obviously why, when i attempt to use fs to readfile, it fails to find the file "magicsets/M14.json"
I tried putting the magicsets folder into a folder named "private", but that didn't accomplish anything.
How do I make files accessible locally to my server via FS and how do I make files accessible publically to my server via raw urls?
I'm sure I'm missing something very simple, because there are lots of more complicated questions and answers on SO, yet there is no answer for this. Thanks.
Meteor 0.6.5 which was released yesterday has a new feature which helps loads with this.
Make a directory called /private which you can access with the new Assets.getText or Assets.getBinary functions.
The stuff in the /private directory will then be bundled up into a directory called assets in /program/server/assets and it will not be accessible to the web & you wouldn't need to worry about using fs either. You could just use Assets.getText instead
To make a publicly accessible file put it in /public. So if you had a.jpg at /public/a.jpg it would be accessible at
If you want text files to be available to the webserver i.e. the server that defaults to port 3000, create a folder called public in the root of the project/app directory. drop your folder and files there. You would then be able to access them as http://localhost:3000/magicsets/M14.json
update: it looks like can override the bundler, but it does require changing some of the core code there's no .meteorignore file yet. check this SO answer out:
To serve a directory of files publicly independent of what Meteor is doing, you can use the following approach. I do this, for example, when I need to link an entire (Javascript) git repo into my Meteor app so I can work on a checked out version of the library.
The following works for 0.6.5. It basically servers up a checked out folder of OpenLayers in /lib:
connect = Npm.require('connect')
RoutePolicy.declare('/lib', 'network')
.use('/lib', connect.static("/home/mao/projects/openlayers/lib"))
For more information, see

Export static HTML+CSS+JS from Rails

When creating static apps I often start a new Rails app. This makes quite some things easier, like compilation (Coffeescript, SCSS), minimization (JS, CSS) and browser limitations (the page is being served from localhost:3000 so external sources can be loaded etc.).
At the end I want to export the app so I can put it online. Then I just need the HTML+CSS+JS. One can go and pluck the files out manually, but there probably is an easier way for this.
So: is there a tool that stores the compiled, minimized HTML+CSS+JS files from a Rails app?
If you just want to basically copy the website as it will be rendered by rails (and there is no need for server side code execution), you could just mirror the rails-website using
wget --page-requisites --convert-links http://URL-to-Start
However, this will only download those files that are referenced from the entry URL, so you might need to run it on all sub-URLs individually.
Source: Download a working local copy of a webpage
Agree with Screenmutt. I've tried a couple of the ones mentioned but have had most success with:
Does pretty much everything you are asking for and let's you export to static HTML.
gem install middleman
create project:
middleman init my_new_project (or even better with template --template=html5)
run in local server for live edits:
bundle exec middleman
dump static code:
bundle exec middleman build
Perhaps you can 'scrape' the HTML from the localhost serving it?
There seem to be some tools for downloading sites in general... You can probably limit them to download resources from localhost:3000 only.
UPDATE: Here's another tutorial that might help Use Rails 3.1 for Static Sites
This is not a common usage. You might be able to extract all the static pages by manually caching everything.
I would recommend taking a look at some alternatives.
I'm sorry that this isn't a good answer, but to be honest... You are using Rails for something that it was never intended to do. There are much better ways of making static sites.
Also, a static site is not an "app". :)
All you have to do is switch to Rails production mode locally so that assets are combined and minified. Then all you have to do is view source for the HTML, CSS, and JS. This should only take a few seconds.
So the steps are
config.assets.compress = true in development.rb
view the app locally
view source, copy and paste into an index.html file
click on compressed CSS and JS form source and save those relative to your index.html making sure they link correctly
You can use Wget (as it's already mentioned). I would go with:
wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites --no-parent
Yo can also use Httrack.
Be sure when you set Httrack you exclude all external websites with scripts so you don't download f.e. Google Analytics js files or Adsense or Facebook scripts. In Httrack, you exclude it in Preferences with:
-** -** -**
After you are done you still need to rewrite all links because they will point at .../some-page/index.html You need .../some-page/. This solves Dynamic to Static Script.
You shouldn't serve them from rails or do anything that binds your static files to being served from rails. You may one day decide to serve your app from a CDN.
One big tip would be to look at using AMD (async module definition), which would allow you to specify your JS file dependencies. Then you can use require.js and r.js(a tool that crawl and compile your dependencies in you precompile step). That would work for your JS.
For CSS, you could use sass or less. You'd include 1 file at the end of the day on your page, but the compilation process would involve merging your CSS files together. Once again this can be done at the pre-compile step.
There are gems out there that show take your assets and pass them over to something like S3, this answer and others like it would help: Is there a way to asset pipeline assets to s3 when pushing to heroku? ; however, that isn't necessary when you are first starting.
I did it with a Rake task that would fetch each of the Rails routes one at a time. It needed a bit of jiggery pokery to handle the fact that you might have conflicting routes - e.g. wget would fetch /objects as a file called "objects" but then when you want to fetch /objects/4 it would overwrite that file with a folder called "objects" with a nested file called "4". So I move each downloaded page to "index.html" inside a directory with the same name.
Here's my code, which I out in lib/tasks/export.rake:
def adjust_paths(path)
text =
new_contents = text.gsub(/("|\.\.\/)(assets|packs)\//, "\\1../\\2/")
new_contents = new_contents.gsub("http://localhost:3020", "")
File.write(path, new_contents)
namespace :static do
desc 'Generate static site in ./out/ directory'
task :export => [
] do
out_prefix = "dist"
paths = do |route|
end.uniq.reject { |p| p.starts_with?("/rails") || p == "/cable" || p == "/assets" }
paths = { |p| p.sub("(.:format)", "") }
paths.sort_by(&:length).each do |path|
if path.include?(":id")
# You'll have to use your own method for deciding which ids to use
ids = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
ids = [""]
ids.each do |id|
id_path = path.sub(":id", id)
`wget -P #{out_prefix} -nH -p -k http://localhost:3020#{id_path}`
if id_path != "/"
file_path = "#{out_prefix}#{id_path}", "#{file_path}.tmp", force: true)
result ="#{file_path}.tmp", "#{file_path}/index.html", force: true)
puts "Moving #{id_path} to #{id_path}/index.html: #{result}"
# Will then need to relativise all of the asset paths, since we've moved it
# stop the server when we're done
desc 'Start a Rails server in the static Rails.env on port 3020'
task :start_rails_server do
`RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=1,RAILS_ENV=static rails s -p 3020 -d`
desc 'Stop Rails server'
task :stop_rails_server do
`cat tmp/pids/ | xargs -I {} kill {}`
Then you can just do bundle exec rake static:export

3rd Party Script Caching in Rails 3.1

I have a script 3rd party websites are using: /assets/script.js. For obvious reasons, I can't ask them to change the link every time I deploy to point to the latest fingerprinted version of the script. I got a few caching issues where users still see old versions of /script.js. Are there any ways to make the cache go away directly for script.js instead of script-9dc5afea3571ba2a883a72b0da0bb623.js?
More Information: Rails on Passenger + Nginx. Looking for ways to serve the script.js file instead if the finger-printed file and invalidate the cache on every deployment.
I thought about adding ETags based on the deployment git revision, but have no idea how to do this. Nginx has no built in ETags support. There are unsupported old third party modules that do this. I can use add_header Etag="something" for this, but how do I add the git version there.
Any other ideas and options?
If you have a script with a name that is part of your public interface then you need to start versioning this script explicitly, and keeping old versions around for older clients.
e.g. /assets/script.1.0.js, /assets/script.1.1.js etc
The key part is that you need to be keeping the old ones around, and the code doesn't change without the name changing explicitly. The Rails asset pipeline can't do this for you, since there's usually only the very latest version of the script kept current.
As with all public interfaces, you will need to spend more time on managing this process than you would for an internal-only script.
I recommend using an ETag.
Add an ETag header to your response
Set the ETag header to a different, unique string for each version of your script.
This will make sure browsers get a new version of the script whenever you deploy a new version .
nginx is able to generate etags in the latest version:
I've also seen the configuration below here:
location /static {
alias /opt/static/blog/;
access_log off;
etags on;
etag_hash on;
etag_hash_method md5;
expires 1d;
add_header Pragma "public";
add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";
Following up on the ETag suggestion, you might find this gem useful: bust_rails_etags. It allows you to set a key on each deployment which is used in the generation of ETags, that way, your ETags will change (and so the cached script will be invalidated) every time your app is deployed. The author uses the example of Heroku release numbers as a key that changes on each deploy.
What I'm using for updating assets is:
Increment config.assets.version in config/application.rb like
#Version of your assets, change this if you want to expire all your assets
config.assets.version = '1.1'
bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets
App restart, empty webserver cache if any
If you are using Capistrano, you could write a task that copies the script from Public/assets to another directory within Public (i.e. Public/scripts) after your assets are precompiled.
Well you can remove the fingerprint of the file :
asset_path('script.js', :digest => false)
hope it helps
Or you can use this gem if you want :
But : The Rails asset pipeline now compiles asset files both with and without digests.
So after you generate your assets usually you got script.js?xxxxx and script.js into your public/assets folder.
You want a non fingerprinted asset url for third party websites.
For example: assets/public_api.js
There have been plugins or gems that excluded specified assets from fingerprinting. However rails has changed the pre-compilation process in a way that also creates non-fingerprinted files. Therefore this isn't a problem. More info here.
How to make sure your clients are loading the latest deployed script, when the asset is not fingerprinted?
I would suggest the solution youTube uses to expose their API. Basically all your assets/public_api.js does, it injects another script tag into the dom. That injected one loads the actual API code. Now your assets/public_api.js becomes assets/public_api.js.erb and looks something like this:
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = "<%=asset_path('/assets/javascripts/acctual_api')%>";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
Please note how tag.src is set to the current fingerprinted path to /assets/javascripts/acctual_api. This way your users will always get the latest compiled acctual_api script.
How to update the ETAG for the assets/public_api.js?
I suppose you use Capistrano or similar recipe based deployment solution. Maybe you could add a deployment step that updates the server config file before its restarted. It should just update:
add_header Etag="update_me_on_deploy"
Please note that you should still use versioned (assets/public_api.0.js) public scripts even with this approach.

