Disable average values on highchart line graph - javascript

I have a line chart that has months as the x-axis and displayed the values on mouse over.
There are a lot of months so when zoomed out fully the chart only has every third month with an average value of the months around that point.
Is it possible to change this so that it will display the exact value of the month displayed rather than an average as it is currently displayed different values when zoomed in to zoomed out.
You can see an example of this on http://www.highcharts.com/ on the USD to EUR chart where 2nd May 2011 displays different values depending on zoom level.

You need to disable datagrouping


google charts ChartRangeFilter learn range start,end values before setting

I'm using google charts and specifically chartrangefilter Here You can move your range freely to any date. BUT when I move my date before year 100 it messed up.
Below you can see that my range is from year 108 to year 667
When I move starting value of the range to smaller than year 100, it magically jumps to 1993. WHY IS THAT?
I want to prevent this. So is there a way to know which value will it will set when I moved my range?
Evidence to the google charts messes up when it goes to the left of year 100. I moved my range to the left of 100 slightly.

ChartJS X-Axis Time Scale Do Not Display Each Element

In graphs with a lot of datapoints the amount of ticks on the X-axis becomes so overwhelming that it's impossible to read. Is there a way to instruct ChartJS to not render each label element on the X-Axis but for instance only the first of each month?
I have tried using a category type instead of time and only filling in the labels for the first of the month but then there is also no label for when you hover over a certain datapoint which makes it impossible to determine what day it is, making it unfit for my requirements.

Google Chart: Overlapping bars - bring latest to front

Here's picture of my bar chart using google charts and the corresponding values on the right side. X-Axis is a Date Axis
As you can see in the table, there are two values for 16th Jan, 2017 (100 & 60). They're overlapping and though 60 is the latest reading (considering time), it is not showing in the graph. It is behind 100. How can I bring the latest reading to the front. Is there any setting in google chart that does this? Any help is appreciated.
My requirement was that I only needed to bring the latest value to the front.
My value list was sorted in descending order by time. So I reversed the list and problem solved.
this.myValueList = this.myValueList.reverse();
If there are two overlapping bars, google charts bring to front the later one by position in the array

Replace x axis of highstock dynamic updated chart

I am working on highstock charts for the first time.
The link http://www.highcharts.com/stock/demo/dynamic-update gives me the solution I need.
But I would like to replace the x - axis values (currently date time) with some other values like length measurements. I would also like to change the date time shown in mouse hover in the above chart with the length measurement values.
Could anyone help me find a way out as I don't see any other dynamic chart as far, specific to my requirement.
Thanks in advance.

Highcharts diamond plot avoid overlap

I am using Highcharts library to plot some diamond marker. The plot is between 2015 to 2019 month wise. As here y vaue is not available so I am using fixed point to plot the diamonds on yaxis. But this creates one problem sometimes when diamonds are closer because of nearby dates then it overlaps to each other. Now I want a solution to decide when the diamond marker should go to next level. I mean if there are 3 dates closer so the diamonds should split to three levels so that it shouldn't overlap each other. I have converted date values of xAxis in days.
Can you please suggest how to decide the level based on the days value so that I can avoid overlap.
http://jsfiddle.net/swpsw2fp/Jsfiddle code
http://i.stack.imgur.com/xcNzS.png/Example Image

