I am trying to build a catch try to execute some javascript code. NO JQUERY I want to identify if a div id ('test') exists and if it doesn't don't execute the code. How would I do this? I know the structure of a try catch is
use try-catch as less as possible: just check whether or not the DOM element exists:
if (document.getElementById('test')!=null) {
// element (div) with id 'test' exists
else {
// it doesn't
I would make things simpler and use if instead of try-catch. try-catch is designed for exceptional situations, when you really don't know what to do throw an error. Throwing an error causes the whole code block to terminate it's execution.
I would do like this:
var divId = 'test';
if (document.getElementById(divId)) {
} else {
alert('does not exist');
There is no need to check document.getElementById() result on null (in all modern browsers null is returned when no element is found). In most JavaScript projects developers skip typing !== null since null is treated as false and DOM object is treated as true, so programmers avoid typing obvious things.
I'm trying to loop through an enmap, but it doesn't seem to be working. I got forEach() to work, however, I need to be able to break out of it, which doesn't work with forEach(). Here's what I currently have
for(var id in bot.myenmap.fetchEverything()) {
I have no other details as I can provide, as it doesn't error or log anything. If you know how to loop over it, any help would be appreciated, thanks.
If you got forEach() to work, you may want to check this answer: it explains how to "break" out of a forEach() loop.
You have to put the loop inside a try block, when you want to break the loop you can throw a custom exception: in the catch statement you'll make it ignore your custom exceptions, while throwing the ones that you didn't plan (like it normally would). Here's an example:
// This is to declare the custom exception:
var BreakException = {};
try {
bot.myenmap.forEach((element) => {
// This is like a normal forEach loop
// When you want to break it, just do this:
throw BreakException;
} catch (e) {
// If it's a BreakException it will ignore it and not givce errors
if (e !== BreakException) throw e;
Code adapted from the answer mentioned above.
Please take a look at this JavaScript code example demonstrating try-catch code. Its purpose is to be a simple example to a try-catch code, to learn the concept.
let age = prompt(`Please enter your age, `));
let err1 = `Error: Make sure field isn't empty and only a number is given`;
let err2 = `Error: Age out of range`;
try (
if (age == "" || isNaN(age)) {
throw err1;
} else if (age < 0 || age > 120) {
throw err2;
catch (error) {
if (error == err1) {
console.log('Age was either empty or non solely numerical.');
} else if (error == err2) {
console.log('A solely numerical age was given, but it was beyond range.');
From the example I can assume that the main reason for using try-catch codes is to better organize the code (especially, better organizing the outcome of each error), even though we could achieve its exact results without try and catch, and in a more imperative code (the outcome of each error would be defined in row for example, instead later in a catch block).
Is better organization of the code (especially, custom error handling) the main reason to combine these two blocks in our codes?
The main advantage of using a try{} catch(exception){} is that you're able to shift control to the catch(exception){} in the event that an exception is thrown, which allows you to continue processing, as opposed to your script failing miserably. In short, you're catching the exception.
In other words, the main reason is to catch an exception, and then decide what action you'd like to take. Is it possible that you can you approach the problem in a different way and complete the task without failing? If so, that's where catch(exception){ // do something different } comes into play. In a manner of speaking, it offers you a second chance :-)
The main reason for try catch is to stop errors from crashing your programm. In this example if the user gives an age thats not a number and you try to process it later on in your code might crash or not work as intended.
Could anybody suggest how can I test if a particular line of JavaScript code is supported by Browser or not. If not how can I handle it? As I am learning JavaScript it would be a great help to know.
This would seem to be the perfect time to use try/catch:
try {
// your JavaScript here
catch (error) {
console.log("There was an error: " + error);
console.log("...but nothing broke");
Or, alternatively, assuming it's a method of an Object you're testing for (for example querySelectorAll()):
if ('querySelectorAll' in document) {
console.log("We support 'document.querySelectorAll()'");
in operator.
You can either: 1) Assume that the code works, and handle the cases where it doesn't:
// ...
// an error occurred
Or 2) check if the function it relies on exists, and then use it:
// The function is present in the global scope
// Not available, try alternatives?
This may be a bad question, but I've noticed that as I'm writing coding along using mootools When I've got some code that goes through callbacks, bindings and generally isn't just a straight forward function call, if there's an error it doesn't get picked up by either Firebug or Chrome's console it just silently fails, and I'm forced to track down the error using trys and such that don't give you handy information like the line of code that's failing. It's like writing code for IE6 all you have to go on is some opaque message like 'can not read 'x' of undefined.'
I realize that the question isn't specific enough to ask 'how do I avoid this' but does anyone else run into this problem and if so how do you work around it? I'm also a little confused how an error could be picked up by a try/catch block, but not the javascript console.
OK, I've come up with something that reproduces the error
say you've got a function
function foo(){
var x = value.blah;
if I call that function like foo() I rightly get an reference error in my console. If, however, I call it like
I get no error in the console, but if I change foo to be
function foo(){
var x = value.blah;
} catch(e){console.log(e)}
the console will log e but of course without the handle 'line: whatever' information.
I have considerable experience fiddling with errors in JavaScript. I've mostly used Chrome for building my understanding but most of it applies to Firefox and Internet Explorer as well.
I can immediately debunk your assumption about silent JavaScript errors. They don't exist, Errors always show. There might be a bug in Firefox or the Chrome's webdev, but the errors are there.
The most common way for errors not to show up is because you're catching them yourself. Perhaps prematurely.
I've figured out what I think is the best strategy for catching errors:
1. Always throw things that are Errors or inherited from Errors.
Ex: not: throw "Precondition failed" but throw new Error("Precondition failed").
This is because Errors are weird in JavaScript (I have no other word for it). If you want a stacktrace (and heaven's yes you want a stacktrace) you'll need to throw an Error (and not a string).
2. Don't use window.onerror Not much to say here. It's useless. You have no control over what get's flung to this function. It might be your code, it might be a broken plugin that a visitor uses. Also, no stacktrace.
3. Have one (global) error handler / when to catch errors
JavaScript is event driven. This has some unexpected consequences. Observe the following code:
try {
setTimeout(function () {
throw new Error("nope! :D");
}, 1);
} catch (e) {
You will not see this error. (Firebug / console will catch it though)
This is because the inner function runs in it's own event and the try-catch statement no longer applies to it. The correct way is:
try {
setTimeout(function () {
try {
throw new Error("nope! :D");
} catch (e) {
console.log("Hell yea!", e);
}, 1);
} catch (e) {
Or just make a function that wraps a function in a try-catch:
function wrap(wrap_dat_func) {
return function () {
try {
wrap_dat_func.apply(wrap_dat_func, arguments);
} catch (e) {
// send to error handler
Use like:
setTimeout(wrap(function () {
// etc
}), 1);
So basically whenever you generate a new event, wrap the callback in your global try catch function. So wrap call to setTimeout, setInterval all DOM related events like onclick onload ondocumentready, also AJAX calls onreadystatechanged.
How to get proper stacktraces (over events!) is another long winded explanation.
I'm writing quite a bit of code in Prototype.js which returns null if a DOM-id wasn't found.
If someId doesn't exist, a method will be called on null, which halts the entire program, in effect disabling all JS effects after the error. I could just check for null before executing such a statement, but this is getting tiring.
I would like to catch an exception but I'm not sure which one its is. MDC lists the following ECMA Script error types, but on first glance none of them seem to be what I want:
* Error
* EvalError
* RangeError
* ReferenceError
* SyntaxError
* TypeError
* URIError
* DOMException
* EventException
* RangeException
Also, do browsers have a unified way of dealing with a method call on null?
I don't believe there's unity to be found. Chrome throws a TypeError, but IE throws an Error, so you would probably have to catch everything and make severe assumptions. Better to check for null first.
var element = $('someId');
if (element) {
// whatever else...
If element.show() is the only thing you need it for, then it can obviously be written a lot shorter, but in most cases that would be appropriate.
The correct way to handle this is to check for null before doing something with an object. There are several shorthand ways to do this, the shortest is (as Alex K) wrote
$("someId") && $("someId").show();
but this seems to me to be harder to read.
To answer your question directly you can do
try { $('someId').show(); } catch (e) {}
but this seems amateurish. You should program explicitly because later on someone else won't know why you wrote that odd code. The first example is slightly opaque but at least contains the null test first, and doesn't hide errors in the show() method.
Incidentally, if you were using JQuery instead of Prototype, this code would work without error even if there is no object with id 'someId':
That's because the $() function in JQuery returns a collection which may be empty but is never null.
If your going to chain .show() on $("someId") then check its result first.
if ($("someId"))
$("someId") && $("someId").show();
if (someVar = $("someId"))
If for some reason you really need to identify them you could wrap $() and throw a custom exception:
function NullReferenceException(id) {this.id = id}
function $my(id) {
var el = $(id);
if (!el)
throw new NullReferenceException(id);
return el
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof NullReferenceException)
alert(e.id + " doesn't exist");
Just ignore which exception it is...
//handle it here